Upload logs to Google Cloud Storage Before using this role, create at least one bucket and set up appropriate access controls or lifecycle events. This role will not automatically create buckets (though it will configure CORS policies). This role requires the ``google-cloud-storage`` Python package to be installed in the Ansible environment on the Zuul executor. It uses Google Cloud Application Default Credentials. **Role Variables** .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_site_upload_logs :default: true Controls when logs are uploaded. true, the default, means always upload logs. false means never upload logs. 'failure' means to only upload logs when the job has failed. .. note:: Intended to be set by admins via site-variables. .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_log_partition :default: false If set to true, then the first component of the log path will be removed from the object name and added to the bucket name, so that logs for different changes are distributed across a large number of buckets. .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_log_container This role *will not* create buckets which do not already exist. If partitioning is not enabled, this is the name of the bucket which will be used. If partitioning is enabled, then this will be used as the prefix for the bucket name which will be separated from the partition name by an underscore. For example, "logs_42" would be the bucket name for partition 42. Note that you will want to set this to a value that uniquely identifies your Zuul installation. .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_log_path :default: Generated by the role `set-zuul-log-path-fact` Prepend this path to the object names when uploading. .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_log_create_indexes :default: true Whether to create `index.html` files with directory indexes. If set to false, Swift containers can be marked with a `Web-Listings=true` property to activate Swift's own directory indexing. .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_log_path_shard_build :default: false This var is consumed by set-zuul-log-path-fact which upload-logs-gcs calls into. If you set this you will get log paths prefixed with the first three characters of the build uuid. This will improve log file sharding. More details can be found at :zuul:rolevar:`set-zuul-log-path-fact.zuul_log_path_shard_build`.