
51 lines
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# On a static node, this saves us having to re-import the key
# constantly
- name: Check for existing key
command: |
gpg --list-keys {{ zj_encrypt_file.key_id }}
register: _key_exists
# A found key returns 0, a missing key returns 2
failed_when: _key_exists.rc != 0 and _key_exists.rc != 2
# If the key may expire, we need to always import it because we can't
# be sure if the key hasn't changed to have a new expiration date.
# GPG outputs this in a string:
# [expires: YYYY-DD-MM] or [expired: YYYY-DD-MM]
- name: Check for expiry string
_key_has_expiry: "{{ _key_exists.stdout | regex_search(regexp) }}"
regexp: '\[expire[sd]: '
- name: Install key
when: _key_exists.rc != 0 or _key_has_expiry != ''
- name: Create temporary keyfile
state: file
register: _keyfile
- name: Copy keyfile material # noqa risky-file-permissions
content: '{{ zj_encrypt_file.gpg_asc }}'
dest: '{{ _keyfile.path }}'
- name: Import key
command: |
gpg --import {{ _keyfile.path }}
# Strip all whitespace and take the second line of output, which
# is the fingerprint, then import this at "I trust fully" level.
# This was a pain to figure out as gpg really wants to communicate
# with a tty if you do something obvious like "gpg --edit-key <id>
# ...". And what is menu option number "5" is actually "6" in the
# ownertrust db!
- name: Trust key
shell: |
echo $(gpg --fingerprint {{ zj_encrypt_file.key_id }} | sed -n "s/ //g;2 p"):6: | gpg --import-ownertrust
- name: Remove temporary keyfile
path: '{{ _keyfile.path }}'
state: absent