Because buildset registries may be used by jobs that finish before other jobs are finished using the buildset registry we must be careful not to expose the registry credentials in the jobs that finish sooner. Otherwise logs for the earlier job runs could potentially be used to poison the registry for later jobs. This is likely currently incomplete. Other Zuulians should look over it carefully to ensure we're covering all the bases here. The cases I've identified so far are: * Setting facts that include passwords * Reading and writing to files that include passwords (as content may be logged) * Calling modules with passwords passed as arguments (the module invocation is logged) I've also set no_log on zuul_return that passes up credentials because while the logging for zuul_return is minimal today, I don't want to count on it remaining that way. We also use the yet to be merged secret_data attribute on zuul_return to ensure that zuul_return itself does not expose anything unwanted. Finally it would be great if others could check over the use of buildset_registry variables to make sure there aren't any that got missed. One thing I'm not sure of is whether or not when conditionals get logged and if we need to be careful about their use too. Temporarily remove some buildset-regitry jobs which are in a catch-22. Change-Id: I2dea683e27f00b99a7766bf830981bf91b925265
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# Run the intermediate registry on this host, and also build an image
# and place it in the registry to simulate an artifact from a previous
# build which has been passed to this one (so that we can test pulling
# from the intermediate registry in the correct order).
- hosts: intermediate-registry
name: Set up the intermediate registry and add a build
- name: Include intermediate registry vars
include_vars: vars/intermediate-registry-auth.yaml
- name: Include previous build vars
include_vars: vars/previous-build.yaml
- name: Run the intermediate registry
name: run-test-intermediate-registry
- name: Install the intermediate registry cert
name: ensure-registry-cert
registry_host: localhost
registry_port: 5000
registry_cert: "{{ intermediate_registry_tls_cert }}"
- name: Set up user credentials for the intermediate registry
name: intermediate-registry-user-config
- name: "Build a container image for the previous build"
name: "build-{{ (container_command == 'docker') | ternary('docker', 'container') }}-image"
- context: test-playbooks/registry/docker
repository: "{{ previous_build_repository }}"
container_images: "{{ docker_images }}"
- name: Tag the previous build
command: "{{ container_command }} tag {{ previous_build_repository }}:latest localhost:5000/{{ previous_build_repository }}:{{ previous_build_uuid }}_latest"
- name: Push the previous build to the intermediate registry
command: "{{ container_command }} push localhost:5000/{{ previous_build_repository }}:{{ previous_build_uuid }}_latest"
# This is also essentially pre-configuration for the real test of the
# roles. This sets up a fake executor (since we can't run the
# necessary commands untrusted on the real one).
- hosts: executor
name: Set up a simulated executor
- name: Include intermediate registry vars
include_vars: vars/intermediate-registry-auth.yaml
- name: Create simulated zuul work directory
become: true
state: directory
path: "{{ zuul.executor.work_root }}"
owner: "{{ ansible_user }}"
group: "{{ ansible_user }}"
- name: Install the intermediate registry cert
name: ensure-registry-cert
registry_host: "{{ intermediate_registry.host }}"
registry_port: "{{ intermediate_registry.port }}"
registry_cert: "{{ intermediate_registry_tls_cert }}"
- name: Make /etc/docker directory zuul-owned
become: true
state: directory
path: "/etc/docker"
owner: "{{ ansible_user }}"
group: "{{ ansible_user }}"
recurse: true
- name: Configure /etc/hosts for intermediate registry
become: true
path: /etc/hosts
state: present
regex: "^{{ hostvars['intermediate-registry'].nodepool.private_ipv4 }}\t{{ intermediate_registry.host }}$"
line: "{{ hostvars['intermediate-registry'].nodepool.private_ipv4 }}\t{{ intermediate_registry.host }}"
insertafter: EOF
# This begins the simulation of what we would expect to happen in a
# normal job.
- hosts: builder
name: Test the buildset registry roles
- run-buildset-registry
- use-buildset-registry
- hosts: executor
name: Test pulling from the intermediate registry
- name: Include intermediate registry vars
include_vars: vars/intermediate-registry-auth.yaml
- name: Include previous build vars
include_vars: vars/previous-build.yaml
- name: Run pull-from-intermediate-registry role
name: pull-from-intermediate-registry
zuul_artifacts: "{{ previous_build_zuul.artifacts }}"
# This simulates a build actually using the previous build.
- hosts: builder
name: Test that the previous build is available
- name: Include intermediate registry vars
include_vars: vars/intermediate-registry-auth.yaml
- name: Include previous build vars
include_vars: vars/previous-build.yaml
- name: Pull the previous build from buildset registry to the builder host
command: "{{ container_command }} pull {{ previous_build_repository }}:latest"
- name: "Show local container images for debugging"
command: "{{ container_command }} image ls"
- name: Verify previously built image is in buildset registry
command: "{{ container_command }} image inspect {{ previous_build_repository }}:latest"
# Back to straightforward use of the roles under test.
- hosts: builder
name: Test building a container image
- name: Create fake sibling projects
command: >-
mkdir -p src/opendev.org/project/fake-sibling &&
mkdir -p src/openstack.org/project/fake-sibling &&
touch src/opendev.org/project/fake-sibling/file &&
touch src/openstack.org/project/fake-sibling/file
warn: false
- name: Build docker image
name: "build-{{ (container_command == 'docker') | ternary('docker', 'container') }}-image"
- context: test-playbooks/registry/docker-siblings
repository: downstream/image
- opendev.org/project/fake-sibling
- openstack.org/project/fake-sibling
target: first
- context: test-playbooks/registry/docker-siblings
repository: downstream/image2
target: second
- opendev.org/project/fake-sibling
- openstack.org/project/fake-sibling
- context: test-playbooks/registry/docker-siblings
repository: downstream/image
target: first
- opendev.org/project/fake-sibling
- openstack.org/project/fake-sibling
arch: ['linux/amd64', 'linux/arm64']
- context: test-playbooks/registry/docker-siblings
repository: downstream/image2
target: second
- opendev.org/project/fake-sibling
- openstack.org/project/fake-sibling
arch: ['linux/amd64', 'linux/arm64']
docker_images: "{{ multiarch | ternary(_arch_docker_images, _normal_docker_images) }}"
container_images: "{{ docker_images }}"
- hosts: executor
name: Test pushing to the intermediate registry
- name: Include intermediate registry vars
include_vars: vars/intermediate-registry-auth.yaml
- name: Run push-to-intermediate-registry role
name: push-to-intermediate-registry
- context: playbooks/registry/docker
repository: downstream/image
- context: playbooks/registry/docker
repository: downstream/image
arch: ['linux/amd64', 'linux/arm64']
docker_images: "{{ multiarch | ternary(_arch_docker_images, _normal_docker_images) }}"
container_images: "{{ docker_images }}"
# And finally an external verification step.
- hosts: executor
name: Test that the newly built image was pushed to the intermediate registry
- name: Include intermediate registry vars
include_vars: vars/intermediate-registry-auth.yaml
- name: Fetch intermediate registry catalog
url: "https://{{ intermediate_registry.host }}:{{ intermediate_registry.port }}/v2/_catalog"
validate_certs: false
user: "{{ intermediate_registry.username }}"
password: "{{ intermediate_registry.password }}"
register: catalog
- name: Verify newly built image is in intermediate registry catalog
that: "'downstream/image' in catalog.json.repositories"