Makes use of newer feature which produces failures only when current commit is adding new violations, exiting ones being considered as already known. To prove it works, it also removes the E208 from warn, making it an error. Still, the final linting result is a success because these violations were already present before current commit. Change-Id: Ia858f2a3e71d9634e9d90e890d82714105e8f8c9
14 lines
408 B
14 lines
408 B
- test-playbooks/ # TODO(ssbarnea): remove skip in follow-up
parseable: true
quiet: false
- '106' # Role name does not match ``^[a-z][a-z0-9_]+$`` pattern
- '204' # Lines should be no longer than 160 chars
- '301' # Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
- '701' # No 'galaxy_info' found
- ./.rules/
use_default_rules: true
verbosity: 1