FIPS needs to be enabled before test-setup is run, as enabling FIPS requires the node to be rebooted, test-setup needs to run and setup the environment after the reboot. Change-Id: I6fecb9c6e917d1a36b2b82c1b02098eed4323ac7
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# Jobs listed in general-jobs.rst.
- job:
name: dco-license
description: |
A job to validate all new commits have been signed using --signoff.
run: playbooks/dco-license/run.yaml
- job:
name: unittests
abstract: true
description: |
Perform setup common to all unit test jobs.
This performs basic host and general project setup tasks common
to all types of unit test jobs.
pre-run: playbooks/unittests/pre.yaml
post-run: playbooks/unittests/post.yaml
- job:
name: unittests-fips
abstract: true
description: |
Enable fips and Perform setup common to all unit test jobs.
This performs basic host and general project setup tasks common
to all types of unit test jobs related to fips.
- playbooks/enable-fips/pre.yaml
- playbooks/unittests/pre.yaml
post-run: playbooks/unittests/post.yaml
- job:
name: multinode
abstract: true
description: |
Do additional setup needed for multi-node jobs such as setting up
overlay networks and setting up known-hosts and ssh keys
pre-run: playbooks/multinode/pre.yaml
- job:
name: multinode-fips
abstract: true
description: |
Enable fips and do the setup needed for multi-node jobs such as setting
up overlay networks and setting up known-hosts and ssh keys
- playbooks/enable-fips/pre.yaml
- playbooks/multinode/pre.yaml
- job:
name: run-test-command
parent: unittests
description: |
Run simple command as test.
To use this, set the ``test_command`` variable to a single command or
a list of commands. For complex list of commands, it is recommended to
use a single command that runs a proper script.
.. zuul:jobvar:: zuul_work_dir
:default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }}
Path to operate in.
run: playbooks/run-test-command/run.yaml
- job:
name: upload-git-mirror
description: |
Mirrors a tested project repository to a remote git server.
.. zuul:jobvar:: git_mirror_credentials
:type: dict
This is expected to be a Zuul Secret with these keys:
.. zuul:jobvar:: user
SSH user for the remote git repository
.. zuul:jobvar:: host
SSH host for the remote git repository
.. zuul:jobvar:: ssh_key
Literal private key contents.
Should start with something like ``-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----``.
.. zuul:jobvar:: host_key
SSH host key of the remote git server.
Can be obtained with ``ssh-keyscan -H <host>``.
.. zuul:jobvar:: git_mirror_repository
Path of the remote git repository
run: playbooks/upload-git-mirror/run.yaml
- job:
name: validate-zone-db
description: |
Validate zone.db files in project.
Responds to these variables:
.. zuul:jobvar:: zone_files
:default: {{ ansible_user_dir }}/{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}
Search for zone.db files recursively in this directory.
Format should be domain.xyz/zone.db, where the parent
directory is named for the zone described.
.. zuul:jobvar:: zone_db_list
:default: []
Override the default searching above with explicit
domain/path references (see validate-zone-db role)
run: playbooks/validate-zone-db/run.yaml
- job:
name: dhall-diff
description: |
Ensure that generated configuration files are idempotent.
This job runs a render command and check that no files are
.. zuul:jobvar:: dhall_render_command
:default: make
The command that render the configuration files.
.. zuul:jobvar:: dhall_version
:default: 1.31.1
The dhall version.
pre-run: playbooks/dhall/prepare.yaml
run: playbooks/dhall/diff.yaml
- job:
name: shake-build
description: |
Run the shake build system command.
This job produces a shake.html report.
.. zuul:jobvar:: shake_target
The name of the target to build.
pre-run: playbooks/shake/pre.yaml
run: playbooks/shake/run.yaml