Skopeo hardcoded the docker api version for image manipulation to version 1.22 of the api until very recently. Docker 25 sets 1.24 as a minimum version by default introducing an incompatibility between the tools. It isn't straightforward to install an updated skopeo everywhere we need it (due to golang requirements). As a workaround we override the min version to 1.22 when installing the docker daemon. This should work until Docker 26 is released and removed the override option. Note we also pin microk8s from latest/stable (which is currently 1.29/stable) to 1.28/stable to workaround https://github.com/canonical/microk8s/issues/4361. This is necessary to get the CI jobs for docker/registry/k8s testing working in order to land this fixup. Change-Id: I377ac84d532749eba578c4b32eb2ed6a5ce7a0c9
An ansible role to install kubernetes.
Role Variables