We occasionally see the this task fail for the first element in the zuul.projects list with a MODULE FAILURE and a return code of -13 (SIGPIPE) [1]. So far we couldn't identify the root cause, so try to mitigate this issue by retrying on failure. This solution is similar to the one used for the "Synchronize repos" task[2]. There is a bug report in Ansible that fits Since it's only the first element in the loop that is failing while subsequent elements are successful, we currently have two assumptions: 1. As the task before is using a `delegate_to: localhost' [3], there might be a problem with Ansible when switching the connection from localhost to the remote host (node). 2. Since the task before is using the same SSH connection [4] that is used by Ansible to push the git repository, there might be some "leftovers" on the connection that make the next task fail. 3. There is also a bug report in Ansible [5] which might be causing that error. [1]: { "ansible_loop_var": "zj_project", "changed": false, "failed": true, "module_stderr": "", "module_stdout": "", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error", "rc": -13, "zj_project": {...} } [2]:3b3495e255/roles/mirror-workspace-git-repos/tasks/main.yaml (L32)
[3]:3b3495e255/roles/mirror-workspace-git-repos/tasks/main.yaml (L25)
[4]:3b3495e255/roles/mirror-workspace-git-repos/tasks/main.yaml (L16)
[5]: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/81777 Change-Id: I0c4cb87bb076b9b40c9c446dbe5db437daff5897
Mirror the local git repos to remote nodes
This role is deprecated. Use :zuulprepare-workspace-git
This role uses git operations (unlike :zuulprepare-workspace
which uses
rsync) to mirror the local prepared git repos to the remote nodes. This
may be useful if the remote node already has a copy of some or all of
the git repos.
Role Variables