The role to distribute the build ssh key to a user uses the "copy" module in combination with become_user. When the target user is not root, this does not work because the ansible user is not root either and "copy" is not compatible with pipelining: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/become.html#becoming-an-unprivileged-user To solve the issue run the copy as root and set the owner of the target file. Use the "user" module to resolve "~" to the target user home directory. Change-Id: Ic66eb2b14bc55a412dfa73aa0722cd59887a4e83
Copy a build-local SSH key to a defined user on all hosts
This role is intended to be run on the Zuul Executor. It copies a generated build specific ssh key to a user and adds it to the authorized_keys file of every host in the inventory.
Role Variables