
44 lines
1.5 KiB

- name: Check if tox is accesible # noqa 305
environment: "{{ tox_environment }}"
shell: |
set -eux
tox --version
{{ ansible_python.executable }} -m tox --version
register: result
failed_when: result.rc != 0 and 'not found' not in result.stderr
changed_when: false
# installing tox with --user will create tox script inside ~/.local/bin but
# this folder is *not* included PATH in all distros. While most modern ones
# adopted it, there is no guarantee.
- name: Ensure tox is installed # noqa 305
shell: |
set -eu
# {# for systems that do not have ~/.local/bin in PATH yet #}
# if [[ ":$PATH:" != *":${HOME}/.local/bin:"* ]] && [ -d "${HOME}/.local/bin" ]; then
# export PATH=${HOME}/.local/bin:$PATH
# fi
{% if result is failed or tox_upgrade %}
{{ ansible_python.executable }} -m pip install --user --upgrade '{{ tox_condition }}'
{% else %}
{{ ansible_python.executable }} -m pip install --user '{{ tox_condition }}'
{% endif %}
{{ ansible_python.executable }} -m tox --version
executable: /bin/bash
# We want to be sure that if someone calls 'tox' without having `~/.local/bin`
# in PATH, they still get a *working* copy of it.
- name: Ensure a system tox is also available
become: true
environment: "{{ tox_environment }}"
shell: |
set -eu
type tox >/dev/null || {
{# -s is key here to prevent it from finding tox from userdir #}
{{ ansible_python.executable }} -s -m pip install '{{ tox_condition }}'
tox --version
executable: /bin/bash