Ian Wienand c5c9f7d862 Retire Fedora 31 for 32
We have Fedora 32 nodes now, retire the Fedora 31 testing and replace
with 32.

Docker isn't supported on Fedora 32.  There's a problem with cgroups
v2 and you can read all about it at [1].  Drop the install test.

Haskell upstream has dropped F32 from the COPR repo as it is now
packaged; a new package with the correct dependencies has been pushed
but isn't available yet (see the inline github issue), so workaround
the missing package.

[1] https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/955

Change-Id: I025613bee8c0a8513afa90331431d2c18b616464
2020-09-17 17:54:59 +10:00

34 lines
863 B

- name: Make sure the role is run on Fedora
msg: "This role supports Fedora only"
when: "ansible_distribution != 'Fedora'"
- name: Check stack version
command: stack --version
failed_when: false
register: _stack_version
- block:
# This package is somehow missing from the requirements of the
# published packaged copr repo. See
# https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/5388
- name: Preinstall gmp-devel
name: gmp-devel
state: present
become: true
- name: Install stack
name: stack
state: present
become: true
- name: Upgrade stack
command: stack upgrade
become: true
- name: Setup stack LTS
command: "stack {% if lts_version %}--resolver {{ lts_version }}{% endif %} setup"
when: _stack_version.rc != 0