- bumps ansible-lint to 5.0 - updates our custom rules to make them compatible with 5.0 - replace custom module mocking with native ansible-lint ones - remove custom call of ansible-playbook --syntax-check as now this is done by ansible-lint - assured molecule vars are hosted under a vars/ folder in order to avoid confusing linter detection. - replaced custom rule for loop var names in role as now this this an optional core feature of the linter (see config) - replaced custom rule no-same-owner with opt-in one (see config) Change-Id: I233fae8c9036d295968a97ee80e07fde8846c633
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93 lines
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- name: Set tox log path for multiple nodes
log_path: "{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}/tox"
when: groups['all'] | length > 1
- name: Set tox log path for single node
log_path: "{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/tox"
when: log_path is not defined
- name: Ensure local tox dir
path: "{{ log_path }}"
state: directory
mode: 0755
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Ensure zuul-output tox dir
path: "{{ zuul_output_dir }}/logs/tox"
state: directory
mode: 0755
when: zuul_use_fetch_output
- name: Set envlist fact
envlist: "{{ tox_envlist.split(',') }}"
when: tox_envlist is defined and tox_envlist != 'ALL' and tox_envlist
# tox version <= 3.13.2 throws an exception if
# tox -l is run and envlist is not set so set
# failed_when: false for any version below that
- name: Get tox version
command: "{{ tox_executable }} --version"
register: tox_version_output
- name: Find all default environments
command: "{{ tox_executable }} -l"
failed_when: "{{ tox_default_environments is failed and tox_version_output.stdout | regex_search('\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+') is version('3.13.2', '>') }}"
chdir: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}"
register: tox_default_environments
when: tox_envlist is not defined or
not tox_envlist
- name: Set envlist fact
envlist: "{{ tox_default_environments.stdout_lines }}"
when: tox_default_environments.stdout_lines is defined
- name: Find all default environments
command: "{{ tox_executable }} -a"
chdir: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}"
register: tox_all_environments
- (tox_envlist is defined and tox_envlist == 'ALL') or
(envlist is defined and not envlist)
- name: Set envlist fact
envlist: "{{ tox_all_environments.stdout_lines }}"
when: tox_all_environments.stdout_lines is defined
- name: Copy tox logs # noqa risky-file-permissions
dest: "{{ zuul_output_dir }}/logs/tox/"
src: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}/.tox/{{ zj_testenv }}/log/"
remote_src: true
loop: "{{ envlist }}"
loop_var: zj_testenv
# some tox runs may not create a virtualenv and thus have
# no ./tox/env directory
failed_when: false
when: zuul_use_fetch_output
- name: Collect tox logs
dest: "{{ log_path }}"
mode: pull
src: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}/.tox/{{ zj_testenv }}/log/"
verify_host: true
owner: no
group: no
loop: "{{ envlist }}"
loop_var: zj_testenv
# some tox runs may not create a virtualenv and thus have
# no ./tox/env directory
failed_when: false
when: not zuul_use_fetch_output