Add subway map to status page

Uses a table method similar to OpenStack's page. The code for
calculating the subway map tree is from

Added a sample JSON file that represents the dependency tree in
a very bad state.  All the images are grey because it's a bit old
and doesn't match the current JSON output in some areas, but it
does exercise quite a bit of the tree code.

Co-Authored-By: James E. Blair <>
Change-Id: I635ed101e5b1b168caa111ee61237cf1734813a1
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Hesketh 2014-04-01 12:52:43 +11:00
parent 63365e95b6
commit 5caf4f634a
10 changed files with 208 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
change_list: function(jobs) {
var $list = $('<ul />')
.addClass('list-group zuul-patchset-body');
$.each(jobs, function (i, job) {
var $item = $('<li />')
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@
change_panel: function (change) {
var $header = $('<div />')
.addClass('panel-heading patchset-header')
.addClass('panel-heading zuul-patchset-header')
var panel_id = ?',', '_')
@ -372,10 +372,111 @@
return $panel;
change_status_icon: function(change) {
var icon_name = 'green.png';
var icon_title = 'Succeeding';
if ( !== true) {
// Grey icon
icon_name = 'grey.png';
icon_title = 'Waiting until closer to head of queue to' +
' start jobs';
else if (change.failing_reasons &&
change.failing_reasons.length > 0) {
var reason = change.failing_reasons.join(', ');
icon_title = 'Failing because ' + reason;
if (reason.match(/merge conflict/)) {
// Black icon
icon_name = 'black.png';
else {
// Red icon
icon_name = 'red.png';
var $icon = $('<img />')
.attr('src', 'images/' + icon_name)
.attr('title', icon_title)
.css('margin-top', '-6px');
return $icon;
change_with_status_tree: function(change, change_queue) {
var $change_row = $('<tr />');
for (var i = 0; i < change_queue._tree_columns; i++) {
var $tree_cell = $('<td />')
.css('height', '100%')
.css('padding', '0 0 10px 0')
.css('margin', '0')
.css('width', '16px')
.css('min-width', '16px')
.css('overflow', 'hidden')
.css('vertical-align', 'top');
if (i < change._tree.length && change._tree[i] !== null) {
.css('background-repeat', 'repeat-y');
if (i === change._tree_index) {
if (change._tree_branches.indexOf(i) !== -1) {
var $image = $('<img />')
.css('vertical-align', 'baseline');
if (change._tree_branches.indexOf(i) ===
change._tree_branches.length - 1) {
// Angle line
$image.attr('src', 'images/line-angle.png');
else {
// T line
$image.attr('src', 'images/line-t.png');
var change_width = 360 - 16*change_queue._tree_columns;
var $change_column = $('<td />')
.css('width', change_width + 'px')
var $change_table = $('<table />')
.css('-moz-box-sizing', 'content-box')
.css('box-sizing', 'content-box')
return $change_table;
pipeline: function (pipeline) {
var count = zuul.create_tree(pipeline);
var $html = $('<div />')
.addClass('zuul-pipeline col-md-4')
.append($('<h3 />').text(;
$('<h3 />')
.css('vertical-align', 'middle')
$('<span />')
.addClass('badge pull-right')
.css('vertical-align', 'middle')
.css('margin-top', '0.5em')
if (typeof pipeline.description === 'string') {
@ -386,11 +487,11 @@
function (queueNum, changeQueue) {
$.each(changeQueue.heads, function (headNum, changes) {
function (queue_i, change_queue) {
$.each(change_queue.heads, function (head_i, changes) {
if (pipeline.change_queues.length > 1 &&
headNum === 0) {
var name =;
head_i === 0) {
var name =;
var short_name = name;
if (short_name.length > 32) {
short_name = short_name.substr(0, 32) + '...';
@ -405,10 +506,13 @@
$.each(changes, function (changeNum, change) {
var $panel = zuul.format.change_panel(change);
$.each(changes, function (change_i, change) {
var $change_box =
change, change_queue);
@ -510,7 +614,7 @@
// Toggle showing/hiding the patchset when the header is clicked
// Grab the patchset panel
var $panel = $('.zuul-change');
var $body = $panel.children(':not(.patchset-header)');
var $body = $panel.children('.zuul-patchset-body');
var collapsed_index = zuul.collapsed_exceptions.indexOf(
@ -524,15 +628,18 @@
display_patchset: function($panel, animate) {
display_patchset: function($change_box, animate) {
// Determine if to show or hide the patchset and/or the results
// when loaded
// See if we should hide the body/results
var $body = $panel.children(':not(.patchset-header)');
var $panel = $change_box.find('.zuul-change');
var panel_change = $panel.attr('id');
var $body = $panel.children('.zuul-patchset-body');
var expand_by_default = $('#expand_by_default').prop('checked');
var collapsed_index = zuul.collapsed_exceptions.indexOf(
var collapsed_index = zuul.collapsed_exceptions.indexOf(panel_change);
if (expand_by_default && collapsed_index === -1 ||
!expand_by_default && collapsed_index !== -1) {
// Expand by default, or is an exception
@ -545,9 +652,11 @@
// Check if we should hide the whole panel
var panel_project = $panel.find('.change_project').text()
var panel_pipeline = $panel.parents('.zuul-pipeline')
var panel_change = $panel.attr('id');
var panel_pipeline = $change_box.parents('.zuul-pipeline')
if (current_filter !== '') {
var show_panel = false;
var filter = current_filter.trim().split(/[\s,]+/);
@ -562,14 +671,14 @@
if (show_panel === true) {
else {
else {
@ -584,9 +693,9 @@
$('.zuul-change').each(function(index, obj) {
var $panel = $(obj);
zuul.display_patchset($panel, 200);
$('.zuul-change-box').each(function(index, obj) {
var $change_box = $(obj);
zuul.display_patchset($change_box, 200);
return false;
@ -595,11 +704,73 @@
// Handle toggling expand by default
zuul.collapsed_exceptions = [];
$('.zuul-change').each(function(index, obj) {
var $panel = $(obj);
zuul.display_patchset($panel, 200);
$('.zuul-change-box').each(function(index, obj) {
var $change_box = $(obj);
zuul.display_patchset($change_box, 200);
create_tree: function(pipeline) {
var count = 0;
var pipeline_max_tree_columns = 1;
$.each(pipeline.change_queues, function(change_queue_i,
change_queue) {
var tree = [];
var max_tree_columns = 1;
var changes = [];
var last_tree_length = 0;
$.each(change_queue.heads, function(head_i, head) {
$.each(head, function(change_i, change) {
changes[] = change;
change._tree_position = change_i;
$.each(change_queue.heads, function(head_i, head) {
$.each(head, function(change_i, change) {
count += 1;
var idx = tree.indexOf(;
if (idx > -1) {
change._tree_index = idx;
// remove...
tree[idx] = null;
while (tree[tree.length - 1] === null) {
} else {
change._tree_index = 0;
change._tree_branches = [];
change._tree = [];
if (typeof(change.items_behind) === 'undefined') {
change.items_behind = [];
change.items_behind.sort(function(a, b) {
return (changes[b]._tree_position -
$.each(change.items_behind, function(i, id) {
if (tree.length>last_tree_length &&
last_tree_length > 0) {
tree.length - 1);
if (tree.length > max_tree_columns) {
max_tree_columns = tree.length;
if (tree.length > pipeline_max_tree_columns) {
pipeline_max_tree_columns = tree.length;
change._tree = tree.slice(0); // make a copy
last_tree_length = tree.length;
change_queue._tree_columns = max_tree_columns;
pipeline._tree_columns = pipeline_max_tree_columns;
return count;
current_filter = read_cookie('zuul_filter_string', current_filter);

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 355 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 409 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 364 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 281 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 216 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 192 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 409 B

View File

@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ under the License.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css">
.zuul-change {
margin-bottom: 10px;
.zuul-change-id {
float: right;
@ -54,6 +58,10 @@ under the License.
cursor: progress;
.zuul-change-cell {
padding-left: 5px;
.zuul-change-job {
padding: 5px 10px;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long