Add some documentation on functional testing tools

Change-Id: I4c694ba8da0ece7d8e94921edc8ff7b46242f705
This commit is contained in:
James E. Blair 2016-08-05 14:27:34 -07:00
parent 48d9a22ded
commit e7b99a0baa
2 changed files with 147 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -85,3 +85,34 @@ Other Global Objects
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.RepoFiles
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.Worker
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.TriggerEvent
Zuul provides an extensive framework for performing functional testing
on the system from end-to-end with major external components replaced
by fakes for ease of use and speed.
Test classes that subclass :py:class:`~tests.base.ZuulTestCase` have
access to a number of attributes useful for manipulating or inspecting
the environment being simulated in the test:
.. autoclass:: tests.base.ZuulTestCase
.. autoclass:: tests.base.FakeGerritConnection
.. autoclass:: tests.base.FakeGearmanServer
.. autoclass:: tests.base.RecordingLaunchServer
.. autoclass:: tests.base.FakeBuild
.. autoclass:: tests.base.BuildHistory

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@ -386,6 +386,13 @@ class FakeChange(object):
class FakeGerritConnection(zuul.connection.gerrit.GerritConnection):
"""A Fake Gerrit connection for use in tests.
This subclasses
:py:class:`~zuul.connection.gerrit.GerritConnection` to add the
ability for tests to add changes to the fake Gerrit it represents.
log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test.FakeGerritConnection")
def __init__(self, connection_name, connection_config,
@ -402,6 +409,7 @@ class FakeGerritConnection(zuul.connection.gerrit.GerritConnection):
def addFakeChange(self, project, branch, subject, status='NEW',
"""Add a change to the fake Gerrit."""
self.change_number += 1
c = FakeChange(self, self.change_number, project, branch, subject,
@ -552,6 +560,7 @@ class FakeBuild(object):
self.changes = self.parameters['ZUUL_CHANGE_IDS']
def release(self):
"""Release this build."""
self.waiting = False
@ -559,6 +568,12 @@ class FakeBuild(object):
def isWaiting(self):
"""Return whether this build is being held.
:returns: Whether the build is being held.
:rtype: bool
if self.waiting:
ret = True
@ -613,13 +628,23 @@ class FakeBuild(object):
return result
def hasChanges(self, *commits):
def hasChanges(self, *changes):
"""Return whether this build has certain changes in its git repos.
:arg FakeChange changes: One or more changes (varargs) that
are expected to be present (in order) in the git repository of
the active project.
:returns: Whether the build has the indicated changes.
:rtype: bool
project = self.parameters['ZUUL_PROJECT']
path = os.path.join(self.jobdir.git_root, project)
repo = git.Repo(path)
ref = self.parameters['ZUUL_REF']
repo_messages = [c.message.strip() for c in repo.iter_commits(ref)]
commit_messages = ['%s-1' % commit.subject for commit in commits]
commit_messages = ['%s-1' % change.subject for change in changes]
self.log.debug("Checking if build %s has changes; commit_messages %s;"
" repo_messages %s" % (self, commit_messages,
@ -632,6 +657,16 @@ class FakeBuild(object):
class RecordingLaunchServer(zuul.launcher.server.LaunchServer):
"""An Ansible launcher to be used in tests.
:ivar bool hold_jobs_in_build: If true, when jobs are launched
they will report that they have started but then pause until
released before reporting completion. This attribute may be
changed at any time and will take effect for subsequently
launched builds, but previously held builds will still need to
be explicitly released.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self._run_ansible = kw.pop('_run_ansible', False)
super(RecordingLaunchServer, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
@ -645,6 +680,12 @@ class RecordingLaunchServer(zuul.launcher.server.LaunchServer):
self.job_builds = {}
def addFailTest(self, name, change):
"""Instruct the launcher to report matching builds as failures.
:arg str name: The name of the job to fail.
:arg change: TODO: document
l = self.fail_tests.get(name, [])
self.fail_tests[name] = l
@ -657,6 +698,13 @@ class RecordingLaunchServer(zuul.launcher.server.LaunchServer):
return False
def release(self, regex=None):
"""Release a held build.
:arg str regex: A regular expression which, if supplied, will
cause only builds with matching names to be released. If
not supplied, all builds will be released.
builds = self.running_builds[:]
self.log.debug("Releasing build %s (%s)" % (regex,
@ -705,6 +753,17 @@ class RecordingLaunchServer(zuul.launcher.server.LaunchServer):
class FakeGearmanServer(gear.Server):
"""A Gearman server for use in tests.
:ivar bool hold_jobs_in_queue: If true, submitted jobs will be
added to the queue but will not be distributed to workers
until released. This attribute may be changed at any time and
will take effect for subsequently enqueued jobs, but
previously held jobs will still need to be explicitly
def __init__(self):
self.hold_jobs_in_queue = False
super(FakeGearmanServer, self).__init__(0)
@ -729,6 +788,12 @@ class FakeGearmanServer(gear.Server):
return None
def release(self, regex=None):
"""Release a held job.
:arg str regex: A regular expression which, if supplied, will
cause only jobs with matching names to be released. If
not supplied, all jobs will be released.
released = False
qlen = (len(self.high_queue) + len(self.normal_queue) +
@ -846,6 +911,52 @@ class BaseTestCase(testtools.TestCase):
class ZuulTestCase(BaseTestCase):
"""A test case with a functioning Zuul.
The following class variables are used during test setup and can
be overidden by subclasses but are effectively read-only once a
test method starts running:
:cvar str config_file: This points to the main zuul config file
within the fixtures directory. Subclasses may override this
to obtain a different behavior.
:cvar str tenant_config_file: This is the tenant config file
(which specifies from what git repos the configuration should
be loaded). It defaults to the value specified in
`config_file` but can be overidden by subclasses to obtain a
different tenant/project layout while using the standard main
The following are instance variables that are useful within test
:ivar FakeGerritConnection fake_<connection>:
A :py:class:`~tests.base.FakeGerritConnection` will be
instantiated for each connection present in the config file
and stored here. For instance, `fake_gerrit` will hold the
FakeGerritConnection object for a connection named `gerrit`.
:ivar FakeGearmanServer gearman_server: An instance of
:py:class:`~tests.base.FakeGearmanServer` which is the Gearman
server that all of the Zuul components in this test use to
communicate with each other.
:ivar RecordingLaunchServer launch_server: An instance of
:py:class:`~tests.base.RecordingLaunchServer` which is the
Ansible launch server used to run jobs for this test.
:ivar list builds: A list of :py:class:`~tests.base.FakeBuild` objects
representing currently running builds. They are appended to
the list in the order they are launched, and removed from this
list upon completion.
:ivar list history: A list of :py:class:`~tests.base.BuildHistory`
objects representing completed builds. They are appended to
the list in the order they complete.
config_file = 'zuul.conf'
run_ansible = False
@ -898,8 +1009,6 @@ class ZuulTestCase(BaseTestCase):
self.statsd = FakeStatsd()
# note, use rather than localhost to avoid getting ipv6
# see:
@ -1044,7 +1153,9 @@ class ZuulTestCase(BaseTestCase):
'_legacy_smtp', dict(self.config.items('smtp')))
def setup_config(self):
"""Per test config object. Override to set different config."""
# This creates the per-test configuration object. It can be
# overriden by subclasses, but should not need to be since it
# obeys the config_file and tenant_config_file attributes.
self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(), self.config_file))
if hasattr(self, 'tenant_config_file'):
@ -1075,10 +1186,6 @@ class ZuulTestCase(BaseTestCase):
self.addCommitToRepo(project, 'add content from fixture',
files, branch='master', tag='init')
def setup_repos(self):
"""Subclasses can override to manipulate repos before tests"""
def assertFinalState(self):
# Make sure that git.Repo objects have been garbage collected.
repos = []