# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import functools import logging import socket import threading import zuul.rpcclient from zuul.lib import commandsocket from zuul.lib import streamer_utils COMMANDS = ['stop'] class RequestHandler(streamer_utils.BaseFingerRequestHandler): ''' Class implementing the logic for handling a single finger request. ''' log = logging.getLogger("zuul.fingergw") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.rpc = kwargs.pop('rpc') super(RequestHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _fingerClient(self, server, port, build_uuid): ''' Open a finger connection and return all streaming results. :param server: The remote server. :param port: The remote port. :param build_uuid: The build UUID to stream. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported. ''' with socket.create_connection((server, port), timeout=10) as s: # timeout only on the connection, let recv() wait forever s.settimeout(None) msg = "%s\n" % build_uuid # Must have a trailing newline! s.sendall(msg.encode('utf-8')) while True: data = s.recv(1024) if data: self.request.sendall(data) else: break def handle(self): ''' This method is called by the socketserver framework to handle an incoming request. ''' server = None port = None try: build_uuid = self.getCommand() port_location = self.rpc.get_job_log_stream_address(build_uuid) if not port_location: msg = 'Invalid build UUID %s' % build_uuid self.request.sendall(msg.encode('utf-8')) return server = port_location['server'] port = port_location['port'] self._fingerClient(server, port, build_uuid) except BrokenPipeError: # Client disconnect return except Exception: self.log.exception( 'Finger request handling exception (%s:%s):', server, port) msg = 'Internal streaming error' self.request.sendall(msg.encode('utf-8')) return class FingerGateway(object): ''' Class implementing the finger multiplexing/gateway logic. For each incoming finger request, a new thread is started that will be responsible for finding which Zuul executor is executing the requested build (by asking Gearman), forwarding the request to that executor, and streaming the results back to our client. ''' log = logging.getLogger("zuul.fingergw") def __init__(self, gearman, address, user, command_socket, pid_file): ''' Initialize the finger gateway. :param tuple gearman: Gearman connection information. This should include the server, port, SSL key, SSL cert, and SSL CA. :param tuple address: The address and port to bind to for our gateway. :param str user: The user to which we should drop privileges after binding to our address. :param str command_socket: Path to the daemon command socket. :param str pid_file: Path to the daemon PID file. ''' self.gear_server = gearman[0] self.gear_port = gearman[1] self.gear_ssl_key = gearman[2] self.gear_ssl_cert = gearman[3] self.gear_ssl_ca = gearman[4] self.address = address self.user = user self.pid_file = pid_file self.rpc = None self.server = None self.server_thread = None self.command_thread = None self.command_running = False self.command_socket = command_socket self.command_map = dict( stop=self.stop, ) def _runCommand(self): while self.command_running: try: command = self.command_socket.get().decode('utf8') if command != '_stop': self.command_map[command]() else: return except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception while processing command") def _run(self): try: self.server.serve_forever() except Exception: self.log.exception('Abnormal termination:') raise def start(self): self.rpc = zuul.rpcclient.RPCClient( self.gear_server, self.gear_port, self.gear_ssl_key, self.gear_ssl_cert, self.gear_ssl_ca, client_id='Zuul Finger Gateway') self.server = streamer_utils.CustomThreadingTCPServer( self.address, functools.partial(RequestHandler, rpc=self.rpc), user=self.user, pid_file=self.pid_file) # Start the command processor after the server and privilege drop if self.command_socket: self.log.debug("Starting command processor") self.command_socket = commandsocket.CommandSocket( self.command_socket) self.command_socket.start() self.command_running = True self.command_thread = threading.Thread( target=self._runCommand, name='command') self.command_thread.daemon = True self.command_thread.start() # The socketserver shutdown() call will hang unless the call # to server_forever() happens in another thread. So let's do that. self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run) self.server_thread.daemon = True self.server_thread.start() self.log.info("Finger gateway is started") def stop(self): if self.server: try: self.server.shutdown() self.server.server_close() self.server = None except Exception: self.log.exception("Error stopping TCP server:") if self.rpc: try: self.rpc.shutdown() self.rpc = None except Exception: self.log.exception("Error stopping RCP client:") if self.command_socket: self.command_running = False try: self.command_socket.stop() except Exception: self.log.exception("Error stopping command socket:") self.log.info("Finger gateway is stopped") def wait(self): ''' Wait on the gateway to shutdown. ''' self.server_thread.join()