# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import abc from collections import OrderedDict import copy import json import logging import os import re2 import struct import time from uuid import uuid4 import urllib.parse import textwrap import types import itertools import jsonpath_rw from zuul import change_matcher from zuul.lib.config import get_default from zuul.lib.artifacts import get_artifacts_from_result_data from zuul.lib.logutil import get_annotated_logger from zuul.lib.capabilities import capabilities_registry MERGER_MERGE = 1 # "git merge" MERGER_MERGE_RESOLVE = 2 # "git merge -s resolve" MERGER_CHERRY_PICK = 3 # "git cherry-pick" MERGER_SQUASH_MERGE = 4 # "git merge --squash" MERGER_MAP = { 'merge': MERGER_MERGE, 'merge-resolve': MERGER_MERGE_RESOLVE, 'cherry-pick': MERGER_CHERRY_PICK, 'squash-merge': MERGER_SQUASH_MERGE, } PRECEDENCE_NORMAL = 0 PRECEDENCE_LOW = 1 PRECEDENCE_HIGH = 2 PRECEDENCE_MAP = { None: PRECEDENCE_NORMAL, 'low': PRECEDENCE_LOW, 'normal': PRECEDENCE_NORMAL, 'high': PRECEDENCE_HIGH, } PRIORITY_MAP = { PRECEDENCE_NORMAL: 200, PRECEDENCE_LOW: 300, PRECEDENCE_HIGH: 100, } # Request states STATE_REQUESTED = 'requested' STATE_FULFILLED = 'fulfilled' STATE_FAILED = 'failed' REQUEST_STATES = set([STATE_REQUESTED, STATE_FULFILLED, STATE_FAILED]) # Node states STATE_BUILDING = 'building' STATE_TESTING = 'testing' STATE_READY = 'ready' STATE_IN_USE = 'in-use' STATE_USED = 'used' STATE_HOLD = 'hold' STATE_DELETING = 'deleting' NODE_STATES = set([STATE_BUILDING, STATE_TESTING, STATE_READY, STATE_IN_USE, STATE_USED, STATE_HOLD, STATE_DELETING]) class ConfigurationErrorKey(object): """A class which attempts to uniquely identify configuration errors based on their file location. It's not perfect, but it's usually sufficient to determine whether we should show an error to a user. """ def __init__(self, context, mark, error_text): self.context = context self.mark = mark self.error_text = error_text elements = [] if context: elements.extend([ context.project.canonical_name, context.branch, context.path, ]) else: elements.extend([None, None, None]) if mark: elements.extend([ mark.line, mark.snippet, ]) else: elements.extend([None, None]) elements.append(error_text) self._hash = hash('|'.join([str(x) for x in elements])) def __hash__(self): return self._hash def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ConfigurationErrorKey): return False return (self.context == other.context and self.mark.line == other.mark.line and self.mark.snippet == other.mark.snippet and self.error_text == other.error_text) class ConfigurationError(object): """A configuration error""" def __init__(self, context, mark, error, short_error=None): self.error = str(error) self.short_error = short_error self.key = ConfigurationErrorKey(context, mark, self.error) class LoadingErrors(object): """A configuration errors accumalator attached to a layout object """ def __init__(self): self.errors = [] self.error_keys = set() def addError(self, context, mark, error, short_error=None): e = ConfigurationError(context, mark, error, short_error) self.errors.append(e) self.error_keys.add(e.key) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.errors[index] def __len__(self): return len(self.errors) class NoMatchingParentError(Exception): """A job referenced a parent, but that parent had no variants which matched the current change.""" pass class TemplateNotFoundError(Exception): """A project referenced a template that does not exist.""" pass class RequirementsError(Exception): """A job's requirements were not met.""" pass class Attributes(object): """A class to hold attributes for string formatting.""" def __init__(self, **kw): setattr(self, '__dict__', kw) class Freezable(object): """A mix-in class so that an object can be made immutable""" def __init__(self): super(Freezable, self).__setattr__('_frozen', False) def freeze(self): """Make this object immutable""" def _freezelist(l): for i, v in enumerate(l): if isinstance(v, Freezable): if not v._frozen: v.freeze() elif isinstance(v, dict): l[i] = _freezedict(v) elif isinstance(v, list): l[i] = _freezelist(v) return tuple(l) def _freezedict(d): for k, v in list(d.items()): if isinstance(v, Freezable): if not v._frozen: v.freeze() elif isinstance(v, dict): d[k] = _freezedict(v) elif isinstance(v, list): d[k] = _freezelist(v) return types.MappingProxyType(d) _freezedict(self.__dict__) # Ignore return value from freezedict because __dict__ can't # be a mappingproxy. self._frozen = True def __setattr__(self, name, value): if self._frozen: raise Exception("Unable to modify frozen object %s" % (repr(self),)) super(Freezable, self).__setattr__(name, value) class ConfigObject(Freezable): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.source_context = None self.start_mark = None class Pipeline(object): """A configuration that ties together triggers, reporters and managers Trigger A description of which events should be processed Manager Responsible for enqueing and dequeing Changes Reporter Communicates success and failure results somewhere """ STATE_NORMAL = 'normal' STATE_ERROR = 'error' def __init__(self, name, tenant): self.name = name # Note that pipelines are not portable across tenants (new # pipeline objects must be made when a tenant is # reconfigured). A pipeline requires a tenant in order to # reach the currently active layout for that tenant. self.tenant = tenant self.source_context = None self.start_mark = None self.description = None self.failure_message = None self.merge_failure_message = None self.success_message = None self.footer_message = None self.enqueue_message = None self.start_message = None self.dequeue_message = None self.post_review = False self.dequeue_on_new_patchset = True self.ignore_dependencies = False self.manager = None self.queues = [] self.relative_priority_queues = {} self.precedence = PRECEDENCE_NORMAL self.triggers = [] self.enqueue_actions = [] self.start_actions = [] self.success_actions = [] self.failure_actions = [] self.merge_failure_actions = [] self.no_jobs_actions = [] self.disabled_actions = [] self.dequeue_actions = [] self.disable_at = None self._consecutive_failures = 0 self._disabled = False self.window = None self.window_floor = None self.window_increase_type = None self.window_increase_factor = None self.window_decrease_type = None self.window_decrease_factor = None self.state = self.STATE_NORMAL @property def actions(self): return ( self.enqueue_actions + self.start_actions + self.success_actions + self.failure_actions + self.merge_failure_actions + self.no_jobs_actions + self.disabled_actions + self.dequeue_actions ) def __repr__(self): return '' % self.name def getSafeAttributes(self): return Attributes(name=self.name) def validateReferences(self, layout): # Verify that references to other objects in the layout are # valid. for pipeline in self.supercedes: if not layout.pipelines.get(pipeline): raise Exception( 'The pipeline "{this}" supercedes an unknown pipeline ' '{other}.'.format( this=self.name, other=pipeline)) def setManager(self, manager): self.manager = manager def addQueue(self, queue): self.queues.append(queue) def getQueue(self, project): for queue in self.queues: if project in queue.projects: return queue return None def getRelativePriorityQueue(self, project): for queue in self.relative_priority_queues.values(): if project in queue: return queue return [project] def removeQueue(self, queue): if queue in self.queues: self.queues.remove(queue) def getChangesInQueue(self): changes = [] for shared_queue in self.queues: changes.extend([x.change for x in shared_queue.queue]) return changes def getAllItems(self): items = [] for shared_queue in self.queues: items.extend(shared_queue.queue) return items def formatStatusJSON(self, websocket_url=None): j_pipeline = dict(name=self.name, description=self.description, state=self.state) j_queues = [] j_pipeline['change_queues'] = j_queues for queue in self.queues: j_queue = dict(name=queue.name) j_queues.append(j_queue) j_queue['heads'] = [] j_queue['window'] = queue.window j_changes = [] for e in queue.queue: if not e.item_ahead: if j_changes: j_queue['heads'].append(j_changes) j_changes = [] j_changes.append(e.formatJSON(websocket_url)) if (len(j_changes) > 1 and (j_changes[-2]['remaining_time'] is not None) and (j_changes[-1]['remaining_time'] is not None)): j_changes[-1]['remaining_time'] = max( j_changes[-2]['remaining_time'], j_changes[-1]['remaining_time']) if j_changes: j_queue['heads'].append(j_changes) return j_pipeline class ChangeQueue(object): """A ChangeQueue contains Changes to be processed for related projects. A Pipeline with a DependentPipelineManager has multiple parallel ChangeQueues shared by different projects. For instance, there may a ChangeQueue shared by interrelated projects foo and bar, and a second queue for independent project baz. A Pipeline with an IndependentPipelineManager puts every Change into its own ChangeQueue. The ChangeQueue Window is inspired by TCP windows and controlls how many Changes in a given ChangeQueue will be considered active and ready to be processed. If a Change succeeds, the Window is increased by `window_increase_factor`. If a Change fails, the Window is decreased by `window_decrease_factor`. A ChangeQueue may be a dynamically created queue, which may be removed from a DependentPipelineManager once empty. """ def __init__(self, pipeline, window=0, window_floor=1, window_increase_type='linear', window_increase_factor=1, window_decrease_type='exponential', window_decrease_factor=2, name=None, dynamic=False): self.pipeline = pipeline if name: self.name = name else: self.name = '' self.projects = [] self._jobs = set() self.queue = [] self.window = window self.window_floor = window_floor self.window_increase_type = window_increase_type self.window_increase_factor = window_increase_factor self.window_decrease_type = window_decrease_type self.window_decrease_factor = window_decrease_factor self.dynamic = dynamic def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.pipeline.name, self.name) def getJobs(self): return self._jobs def addProject(self, project): if project not in self.projects: self.projects.append(project) if not self.name: self.name = project.name def enqueueChange(self, change, event): item = QueueItem(self, change, event) self.enqueueItem(item) item.enqueue_time = time.time() return item def enqueueItem(self, item): item.pipeline = self.pipeline item.queue = self if self.queue: item.item_ahead = self.queue[-1] item.item_ahead.items_behind.append(item) self.queue.append(item) def dequeueItem(self, item): if item in self.queue: self.queue.remove(item) if item.item_ahead: item.item_ahead.items_behind.remove(item) for item_behind in item.items_behind: if item.item_ahead: item.item_ahead.items_behind.append(item_behind) item_behind.item_ahead = item.item_ahead item.item_ahead = None item.items_behind = [] item.dequeue_time = time.time() def moveItem(self, item, item_ahead): if item.item_ahead == item_ahead: return False # Remove from current location if item.item_ahead: item.item_ahead.items_behind.remove(item) for item_behind in item.items_behind: if item.item_ahead: item.item_ahead.items_behind.append(item_behind) item_behind.item_ahead = item.item_ahead # Add to new location item.item_ahead = item_ahead item.items_behind = [] if item.item_ahead: item.item_ahead.items_behind.append(item) return True def isActionable(self, item): if self.window: return item in self.queue[:self.window] else: return True def increaseWindowSize(self): if self.window: if self.window_increase_type == 'linear': self.window += self.window_increase_factor elif self.window_increase_type == 'exponential': self.window *= self.window_increase_factor def decreaseWindowSize(self): if self.window: if self.window_decrease_type == 'linear': self.window = max( self.window_floor, self.window - self.window_decrease_factor) elif self.window_decrease_type == 'exponential': self.window = max( self.window_floor, int(self.window / self.window_decrease_factor)) class Project(object): """A Project represents a git repository such as openstack/nova.""" # NOTE: Projects should only be instantiated via a Source object # so that they are associated with and cached by their Connection. # This makes a Project instance a unique identifier for a given # project from a given source. def __init__(self, name, source, foreign=False): self.name = name self.source = source self.connection_name = source.connection.connection_name self.canonical_hostname = source.canonical_hostname self.canonical_name = source.canonical_hostname + '/' + name # foreign projects are those referenced in dependencies # of layout projects, this should matter # when deciding whether to enqueue their changes # TODOv3 (jeblair): re-add support for foreign projects if needed self.foreign = foreign def __str__(self): return self.name def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.name) def getSafeAttributes(self): return Attributes(name=self.name) def toDict(self): d = {} d['name'] = self.name d['connection_name'] = self.connection_name d['canonical_name'] = self.canonical_name return d class Node(ConfigObject): """A single node for use by a job. This may represent a request for a node, or an actual node provided by Nodepool. """ def __init__(self, name, label): super(Node, self).__init__() self.name = name self.label = label self.id = None self.lock = None self.hold_job = None self.comment = None # Attributes from Nodepool self._state = 'unknown' self.state_time = time.time() self.host_id = None self.interface_ip = None self.public_ipv4 = None self.private_ipv4 = None self.public_ipv6 = None self.connection_port = 22 self.connection_type = None self._keys = [] self.az = None self.provider = None self.region = None self.username = None self.hold_expiration = None self.resources = None @property def state(self): return self._state @state.setter def state(self, value): if value not in NODE_STATES: raise TypeError("'%s' is not a valid state" % value) self._state = value self.state_time = time.time() def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.id, self.name, self.label) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Node): return False return (self.name == other.name and self.label == other.label and self.id == other.id) def toDict(self, internal_attributes=False): d = {} d['state'] = self.state d['hold_job'] = self.hold_job d['comment'] = self.comment for k in self._keys: d[k] = getattr(self, k) if internal_attributes: # These attributes are only useful for the rpc serialization d['name'] = self.name[0] d['aliases'] = self.name[1:] d['label'] = self.label return d def updateFromDict(self, data): self._state = data['state'] keys = [] for k, v in data.items(): if k == 'state': continue keys.append(k) setattr(self, k, v) self._keys = keys class Group(ConfigObject): """A logical group of nodes for use by a job. A Group is a named set of node names that will be provided to jobs in the inventory to describe logical units where some subset of tasks run. """ def __init__(self, name, nodes): super(Group, self).__init__() self.name = name self.nodes = nodes def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.name, str(self.nodes)) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Group): return False return (self.name == other.name and self.nodes == other.nodes) def toDict(self): return { 'name': self.name, 'nodes': self.nodes } class NodeSet(ConfigObject): """A set of nodes. In configuration, NodeSets are attributes of Jobs indicating that a Job requires nodes matching this description. They may appear as top-level configuration objects and be named, or they may appears anonymously in in-line job definitions. """ def __init__(self, name=None): super(NodeSet, self).__init__() self.name = name or '' self.nodes = OrderedDict() self.groups = OrderedDict() def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, NodeSet): return False return (self.name == other.name and self.nodes == other.nodes) def toDict(self): d = {} d['name'] = self.name d['nodes'] = [] for node in self.nodes.values(): d['nodes'].append(node.toDict(internal_attributes=True)) d['groups'] = [] for group in self.groups.values(): d['groups'].append(group.toDict()) return d def copy(self): n = NodeSet(self.name) for name, node in self.nodes.items(): n.addNode(Node(node.name, node.label)) for name, group in self.groups.items(): n.addGroup(Group(group.name, group.nodes[:])) return n def addNode(self, node): for name in node.name: if name in self.nodes: raise Exception("Duplicate node in %s" % (self,)) self.nodes[tuple(node.name)] = node def getNodes(self): return list(self.nodes.values()) def addGroup(self, group): if group.name in self.groups: raise Exception("Duplicate group in %s" % (self,)) self.groups[group.name] = group def getGroups(self): return list(self.groups.values()) def __repr__(self): if self.name: name = self.name + ' ' else: name = '' return '' % (name, list(self.nodes.values())) def __len__(self): return len(self.nodes) class NodeRequest(object): """A request for a set of nodes.""" def __init__(self, requestor, build_set, job, nodeset, relative_priority, event=None): self.requestor = requestor self.build_set = build_set self.job = job self.nodeset = nodeset self._state = STATE_REQUESTED self.requested_time = time.time() self.state_time = time.time() self.created_time = None self.stat = None self.uid = uuid4().hex self.relative_priority = relative_priority self.provider = self._getPausedParentProvider() self.id = None self._zk_data = {} # Data that we read back from ZK if event is not None: self.event_id = event.zuul_event_id else: self.event_id = None # Zuul internal flags (not stored in ZK so they are not # overwritten). self.failed = False self.canceled = False def _getPausedParent(self): if self.build_set: job_graph = self.build_set.item.job_graph if job_graph: for parent in job_graph.getParentJobsRecursively( self.job.name): build = self.build_set.getBuild(parent.name) if build.paused: return build return None def _getPausedParentProvider(self): build = self._getPausedParent() if build: nodeset = self.build_set.getJobNodeSet(build.job.name) if nodeset and nodeset.nodes: return list(nodeset.nodes.values())[0].provider return None @property def priority(self): precedence_adjustment = 0 if self.build_set: precedence = self.build_set.item.pipeline.precedence if self._getPausedParent(): precedence_adjustment = -1 else: precedence = PRECEDENCE_NORMAL initial_precedence = PRIORITY_MAP[precedence] return max(0, initial_precedence + precedence_adjustment) @property def fulfilled(self): return (self._state == STATE_FULFILLED) and not self.failed @property def state(self): return self._state @state.setter def state(self, value): if value not in REQUEST_STATES: raise TypeError("'%s' is not a valid state" % value) self._state = value self.state_time = time.time() def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.id, self.nodeset) def toDict(self): # Start with any previously read data d = self._zk_data.copy() nodes = [n.label for n in self.nodeset.getNodes()] # These are immutable once set d.setdefault('node_types', nodes) d.setdefault('requestor', self.requestor) d.setdefault('created_time', self.created_time) d.setdefault('provider', self.provider) # We might change these d['state'] = self.state d['state_time'] = self.state_time d['relative_priority'] = self.relative_priority d['event_id'] = self.event_id return d def updateFromDict(self, data): self._zk_data = data self._state = data['state'] self.state_time = data['state_time'] self.relative_priority = data.get('relative_priority', 0) class Secret(ConfigObject): """A collection of private data. In configuration, Secrets are collections of private data in key-value pair format. They are defined as top-level configuration objects and then referenced by Jobs. """ def __init__(self, name, source_context): super(Secret, self).__init__() self.name = name self.source_context = source_context # The secret data may or may not be encrypted. This attribute # is named 'secret_data' to make it easy to search for and # spot where it is directly used. self.secret_data = {} def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Secret): return False return (self.name == other.name and self.source_context == other.source_context and self.secret_data == other.secret_data) def areDataEqual(self, other): return (self.secret_data == other.secret_data) def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.name,) def _decrypt(self, private_key, secret_data): # recursive function to decrypt data if hasattr(secret_data, 'decrypt'): return secret_data.decrypt(private_key) if isinstance(secret_data, (dict, types.MappingProxyType)): decrypted_secret_data = {} for k, v in secret_data.items(): decrypted_secret_data[k] = self._decrypt(private_key, v) return decrypted_secret_data if isinstance(secret_data, (list, tuple)): decrypted_secret_data = [] for v in secret_data: decrypted_secret_data.append(self._decrypt(private_key, v)) return decrypted_secret_data return secret_data def decrypt(self, private_key): """Return a copy of this secret with any encrypted data decrypted. Note that the original remains encrypted.""" r = Secret(self.name, self.source_context) r.secret_data = self._decrypt(private_key, self.secret_data) return r class SecretUse(ConfigObject): """A use of a secret in a Job""" def __init__(self, name, alias): super(SecretUse, self).__init__() self.name = name self.alias = alias self.pass_to_parent = False class ProjectContext(ConfigObject): def __init__(self, project): super().__init__() self.project = project self.branch = None self.path = None def __str__(self): return self.project.name def toDict(self): return dict( project=self.project.name, ) class SourceContext(ConfigObject): """A reference to the branch of a project in configuration. Jobs and playbooks reference this to keep track of where they originate.""" def __init__(self, project, branch, path, trusted): super(SourceContext, self).__init__() self.project = project self.branch = branch self.path = path self.trusted = trusted self.implied_branch_matchers = None self.implied_branches = None def __str__(self): return '%s/%s@%s' % (self.project, self.path, self.branch) def __repr__(self): return '' % (str(self), self.trusted) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self.copy() def copy(self): return self.__class__(self.project, self.branch, self.path, self.trusted) def isSameProject(self, other): if not isinstance(other, SourceContext): return False return (self.project == other.project and self.trusted == other.trusted) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, SourceContext): return False return (self.project == other.project and self.branch == other.branch and self.path == other.path and self.trusted == other.trusted) def toDict(self): return dict( project=self.project.name, branch=self.branch, path=self.path, ) class PlaybookContext(ConfigObject): """A reference to a playbook in the context of a project. Jobs refer to objects of this class for their main, pre, and post playbooks so that we can keep track of which repos and security contexts are needed in order to run them. We also keep a list of roles so that playbooks only run with the roles which were defined at the point the playbook was defined. """ def __init__(self, source_context, path, roles, secrets): super(PlaybookContext, self).__init__() self.source_context = source_context self.path = path self.roles = roles self.secrets = secrets self.decrypted_secrets = () def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.source_context, self.path) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, PlaybookContext): return False return (self.source_context == other.source_context and self.path == other.path and self.roles == other.roles and self.secrets == other.secrets) def copy(self): r = PlaybookContext(self.source_context, self.path, self.roles, self.secrets) return r def validateReferences(self, layout): # Verify that references to other objects in the layout are # valid. for secret_use in self.secrets: secret = layout.secrets.get(secret_use.name) if secret is None: raise Exception( 'The secret "{name}" was not found.'.format( name=secret_use.name)) if secret_use.alias == 'zuul' or secret_use.alias == 'nodepool': raise Exception('Secrets named "zuul" or "nodepool" ' 'are not allowed.') if not secret.source_context.isSameProject(self.source_context): raise Exception( "Unable to use secret {name}. Secrets must be " "defined in the same project in which they " "are used".format( name=secret_use.name)) # Decrypt a copy of the secret to verify it can be done secret.decrypt(self.source_context.project.private_secrets_key) def freezeSecrets(self, layout): secrets = [] for secret_use in self.secrets: secret = layout.secrets.get(secret_use.name) decrypted_secret = secret.decrypt( self.source_context.project.private_secrets_key) decrypted_secret.name = secret_use.alias secrets.append(decrypted_secret) self.decrypted_secrets = tuple(secrets) def addSecrets(self, decrypted_secrets): current_names = set([s.name for s in self.decrypted_secrets]) new_secrets = [s for s in decrypted_secrets if s.name not in current_names] self.decrypted_secrets = self.decrypted_secrets + tuple(new_secrets) def toDict(self): # Render to a dict to use in passing json to the executor secrets = {} for secret in self.decrypted_secrets: secrets[secret.name] = secret.secret_data return dict( connection=self.source_context.project.connection_name, project=self.source_context.project.name, branch=self.source_context.branch, trusted=self.source_context.trusted, roles=[r.toDict() for r in self.roles], secrets=secrets, path=self.path) def toSchemaDict(self): # Render to a dict to use in REST api d = { 'path': self.path, 'roles': list(map(lambda x: x.toDict(), self.roles)), 'secrets': [{'name': secret.name, 'alias': secret.alias} for secret in self.secrets], } if self.source_context: d['source_context'] = self.source_context.toDict() else: d['source_context'] = None return d class Role(ConfigObject, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """A reference to an ansible role.""" def __init__(self, target_name): super(Role, self).__init__() self.target_name = target_name @abc.abstractmethod def __repr__(self): pass def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) @abc.abstractmethod def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Role): return False return (self.target_name == other.target_name) @abc.abstractmethod def toDict(self): # Render to a dict to use in passing json to the executor return dict(target_name=self.target_name) class ZuulRole(Role): """A reference to an ansible role in a Zuul project.""" def __init__(self, target_name, project_canonical_name, implicit=False): super(ZuulRole, self).__init__(target_name) self.project_canonical_name = project_canonical_name self.implicit = implicit def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.project_canonical_name, self.target_name) __hash__ = object.__hash__ def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ZuulRole): return False # Implicit is not consulted for equality so that we can handle # implicit to explicit conversions. return (super(ZuulRole, self).__eq__(other) and self.project_canonical_name == other.project_canonical_name) def toDict(self): # Render to a dict to use in passing json to the executor d = super(ZuulRole, self).toDict() d['type'] = 'zuul' d['project_canonical_name'] = self.project_canonical_name d['implicit'] = self.implicit return d class Job(ConfigObject): """A Job represents the defintion of actions to perform. A Job is an abstract configuration concept. It describes what, where, and under what circumstances something should be run (contrast this with Build which is a concrete single execution of a Job). NB: Do not modify attributes of this class, set them directly (e.g., "job.run = ..." rather than "job.run.append(...)"). """ BASE_JOB_MARKER = object() def __init__(self, name): super(Job, self).__init__() # These attributes may override even the final form of a job # in the context of a project-pipeline. They can not affect # the execution of the job, but only whether the job is run # and how it is reported. self.context_attributes = dict( voting=True, hold_following_changes=False, failure_message=None, success_message=None, failure_url=None, success_url=None, branch_matcher=None, _branches=(), file_matcher=None, _files=(), irrelevant_file_matcher=None, # skip-if _irrelevant_files=(), match_on_config_updates=True, tags=frozenset(), provides=frozenset(), requires=frozenset(), dependencies=frozenset(), ignore_allowed_projects=None, # internal, but inherited # in the usual manner ) # These attributes affect how the job is actually run and more # care must be taken when overriding them. If a job is # declared "final", these may not be overridden in a # project-pipeline. self.execution_attributes = dict( parent=None, timeout=None, post_timeout=None, variables={}, extra_variables={}, host_variables={}, group_variables={}, nodeset=NodeSet(), workspace=None, pre_run=(), post_run=(), cleanup_run=(), run=(), ansible_version=None, semaphore=None, attempts=3, final=False, abstract=False, protected=None, roles=(), required_projects={}, allowed_projects=None, override_branch=None, override_checkout=None, post_review=None, ) # These are generally internal attributes which are not # accessible via configuration. self.other_attributes = dict( name=None, source_context=None, start_mark=None, inheritance_path=(), parent_data=None, artifact_data=None, description=None, variant_description=None, protected_origin=None, secrets=(), # secrets aren't inheritable queued=False, ) self.inheritable_attributes = {} self.inheritable_attributes.update(self.context_attributes) self.inheritable_attributes.update(self.execution_attributes) self.attributes = {} self.attributes.update(self.inheritable_attributes) self.attributes.update(self.other_attributes) self.name = name def toDict(self, tenant): ''' Convert a Job object's attributes to a dictionary. ''' d = {} d['name'] = self.name d['branches'] = self._branches d['override_checkout'] = self.override_checkout d['files'] = self._files d['irrelevant_files'] = self._irrelevant_files d['variant_description'] = self.variant_description if self.source_context: d['source_context'] = self.source_context.toDict() else: d['source_context'] = None d['description'] = self.description d['required_projects'] = [] for project in self.required_projects.values(): d['required_projects'].append(project.toDict()) if self.semaphore: # For now just leave the semaphore name here until we really need # more information in zuul-web about this d['semaphore'] = self.semaphore.name else: d['semaphore'] = None d['variables'] = self.variables d['extra_variables'] = self.extra_variables d['host_variables'] = self.host_variables d['group_variables'] = self.group_variables d['final'] = self.final d['abstract'] = self.abstract d['protected'] = self.protected d['voting'] = self.voting d['timeout'] = self.timeout d['tags'] = list(self.tags) d['provides'] = list(self.provides) d['requires'] = list(self.requires) d['dependencies'] = list(map(lambda x: x.toDict(), self.dependencies)) d['attempts'] = self.attempts d['roles'] = list(map(lambda x: x.toDict(), self.roles)) d['run'] = list(map(lambda x: x.toSchemaDict(), self.run)) d['pre_run'] = list(map(lambda x: x.toSchemaDict(), self.pre_run)) d['post_run'] = list(map(lambda x: x.toSchemaDict(), self.post_run)) d['cleanup_run'] = list(map(lambda x: x.toSchemaDict(), self.cleanup_run)) d['post_review'] = self.post_review d['match_on_config_updates'] = self.match_on_config_updates if self.isBase(): d['parent'] = None elif self.parent: d['parent'] = self.parent else: d['parent'] = tenant.default_base_job if isinstance(self.nodeset, str): ns = tenant.layout.nodesets.get(self.nodeset) else: ns = self.nodeset if ns: d['nodeset'] = ns.toDict() if self.ansible_version: d['ansible_version'] = self.ansible_version else: d['ansible_version'] = None return d def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __eq__(self, other): # Compare the name and all inheritable attributes to determine # whether two jobs with the same name are identically # configured. Useful upon reconfiguration. if not isinstance(other, Job): return False if self.name != other.name: return False for k, v in self.attributes.items(): if getattr(self, k) != getattr(other, k): return False return True __hash__ = object.__hash__ def __str__(self): return self.name def __repr__(self): ln = 0 if self.start_mark: ln = self.start_mark.line + 1 return '' % ( self.name, self.branch_matcher, self.source_context, ln) def __getattr__(self, name): v = self.__dict__.get(name) if v is None: return self.attributes[name] return v def _get(self, name): return self.__dict__.get(name) def getSafeAttributes(self): return Attributes(name=self.name) def isBase(self): return self.parent is self.BASE_JOB_MARKER def setBase(self, layout): self.inheritance_path = self.inheritance_path + (repr(self),) if self._get('run') is not None: self.run = self.freezePlaybooks(self.run, layout) if self._get('pre_run') is not None: self.pre_run = self.freezePlaybooks(self.pre_run, layout) if self._get('post_run') is not None: self.post_run = self.freezePlaybooks(self.post_run, layout) if self._get('cleanup_run') is not None: self.cleanup_run = self.freezePlaybooks(self.cleanup_run, layout) def getNodeSet(self, layout): if isinstance(self.nodeset, str): # This references an existing named nodeset in the layout. ns = layout.nodesets.get(self.nodeset) if ns is None: raise Exception( 'The nodeset "{nodeset}" was not found.'.format( nodeset=self.nodeset)) return ns return self.nodeset def validateReferences(self, layout): # Verify that references to other objects in the layout are # valid. if not self.isBase() and self.parent: layout.getJob(self.parent) ns = self.getNodeSet(layout) if layout.tenant.max_nodes_per_job != -1 and \ len(ns) > layout.tenant.max_nodes_per_job: raise Exception( 'The job "{job}" exceeds tenant ' 'max-nodes-per-job {maxnodes}.'.format( job=self.name, maxnodes=layout.tenant.max_nodes_per_job)) for pb in self.pre_run + self.run + self.post_run + self.cleanup_run: pb.validateReferences(layout) def addRoles(self, roles): newroles = [] # Start with a copy of the existing roles, but if any of them # are implicit roles which are identified as explicit in the # new roles list, replace them with the explicit version. changed = False for existing_role in self.roles: if existing_role in roles: new_role = roles[roles.index(existing_role)] else: new_role = None if (new_role and isinstance(new_role, ZuulRole) and isinstance(existing_role, ZuulRole) and existing_role.implicit and not new_role.implicit): newroles.append(new_role) changed = True else: newroles.append(existing_role) # Now add the new roles. for role in reversed(roles): if role not in newroles: newroles.insert(0, role) changed = True if changed: self.roles = tuple(newroles) def getBranches(self): # Return the raw branch list that match this job return self._branches def setBranchMatcher(self, branches): # Set the branch matcher to match any of the supplied branches self._branches = branches matchers = [] for branch in branches: matchers.append(change_matcher.BranchMatcher(branch)) self.branch_matcher = change_matcher.MatchAny(matchers) def setFileMatcher(self, files): # Set the file matcher to match any of the change files self._files = files matchers = [] for fn in files: matchers.append(change_matcher.FileMatcher(fn)) self.file_matcher = change_matcher.MatchAnyFiles(matchers) def setIrrelevantFileMatcher(self, irrelevant_files): # Set the irrelevant file matcher to match any of the change files self._irrelevant_files = irrelevant_files matchers = [] for fn in irrelevant_files: matchers.append(change_matcher.FileMatcher(fn)) self.irrelevant_file_matcher = change_matcher.MatchAllFiles(matchers) def updateVariables(self, other_vars, other_extra_vars, other_host_vars, other_group_vars): if other_vars is not None: self.variables = Job._deepUpdate(self.variables, other_vars) if other_extra_vars is not None: self.extra_variables = Job._deepUpdate( self.extra_variables, other_extra_vars) if other_host_vars is not None: self.host_variables = Job._deepUpdate( self.host_variables, other_host_vars) if other_group_vars is not None: self.group_variables = Job._deepUpdate( self.group_variables, other_group_vars) def updateParentData(self, other_build): # Update variables, but give the current values priority (used # for job return data which is lower precedence than defined # job vars). other_vars = other_build.result_data v = self.parent_data or {} v = Job._deepUpdate(v, other_vars) # To avoid running afoul of checks that jobs don't set zuul # variables, remove them from parent data here. if 'zuul' in v: del v['zuul'] self.parent_data = v self.variables = Job._deepUpdate(self.parent_data, self.variables) artifact_data = self.artifact_data or [] artifacts = get_artifacts_from_result_data(other_vars) for a in artifacts: # Change here may be any ref type (tag, change, etc) ref = other_build.build_set.item.change a.update({'project': ref.project.name, 'job': other_build.job.name}) # Change is a Branch if hasattr(ref, 'branch'): a.update({'branch': ref.branch}) if hasattr(ref, 'number') and hasattr(ref, 'patchset'): a.update({'change': str(ref.number), 'patchset': ref.patchset}) # Otherwise we are ref type else: a.update({'ref': ref.ref, 'oldrev': ref.oldrev, 'newrev': ref.newrev}) if hasattr(ref, 'tag'): a.update({'tag': ref.tag}) if a not in artifact_data: artifact_data.append(a) if artifact_data: self.updateArtifactData(artifact_data) def updateArtifactData(self, artifact_data): self.artifact_data = artifact_data def updateProjectVariables(self, project_vars): # Merge project/template variables directly into the job # variables. Job variables override project variables. self.variables = Job._deepUpdate(project_vars, self.variables) def updateProjects(self, other_projects): required_projects = self.required_projects.copy() required_projects.update(other_projects) self.required_projects = required_projects @staticmethod def _deepUpdate(a, b): # Merge nested dictionaries if possible, otherwise, overwrite # the value in 'a' with the value in 'b'. ret = {} for k, av in a.items(): if k not in b: ret[k] = av for k, bv in b.items(): av = a.get(k) if (isinstance(av, (dict, types.MappingProxyType)) and isinstance(bv, (dict, types.MappingProxyType))): ret[k] = Job._deepUpdate(av, bv) else: ret[k] = bv return ret def copy(self): job = Job(self.name) for k in self.attributes: v = self._get(k) if v is not None: # If this is a config object, it's frozen, so it's # safe to shallow copy. setattr(job, k, v) return job def freezePlaybooks(self, pblist, layout): """Take a list of playbooks, and return a copy of it updated with this job's roles. """ ret = [] for old_pb in pblist: pb = old_pb.copy() pb.roles = self.roles pb.freezeSecrets(layout) ret.append(pb) return tuple(ret) def applyVariant(self, other, layout): """Copy the attributes which have been set on the other job to this job.""" if not isinstance(other, Job): raise Exception("Job unable to inherit from %s" % (other,)) for k in self.execution_attributes: if (other._get(k) is not None and k not in set(['final', 'abstract', 'protected'])): if self.final: raise Exception("Unable to modify final job %s attribute " "%s=%s with variant %s" % ( repr(self), k, other._get(k), repr(other))) if self.protected_origin: # this is a protected job, check origin of job definition this_origin = self.protected_origin other_origin = other.source_context.project.canonical_name if this_origin != other_origin: raise Exception("Job %s which is defined in %s is " "protected and cannot be inherited " "from other projects." % (repr(self), this_origin)) if k not in set(['pre_run', 'run', 'post_run', 'cleanup_run', 'roles', 'variables', 'extra_variables', 'host_variables', 'group_variables', 'required_projects', 'allowed_projects']): setattr(self, k, other._get(k)) # Don't set final above so that we don't trip an error halfway # through assignment. if other.final != self.attributes['final']: self.final = other.final # Abstract may not be reset by a variant, it may only be # cleared by inheriting. if other.name != self.name: self.abstract = other.abstract elif other.abstract: self.abstract = True # Protected may only be set to true if other.protected is not None: # don't allow to reset protected flag if not other.protected and self.protected_origin: raise Exception("Unable to reset protected attribute of job" " %s by job %s" % ( repr(self), repr(other))) if not self.protected_origin: self.protected_origin = \ other.source_context.project.canonical_name # We must update roles before any playbook contexts if other._get('roles') is not None: self.addRoles(other.roles) # Freeze the nodeset self.nodeset = self.getNodeSet(layout) # Pass secrets to parents secrets_for_parents = [s for s in other.secrets if s.pass_to_parent] if secrets_for_parents: decrypted_secrets = [] for secret_use in secrets_for_parents: secret = layout.secrets.get(secret_use.name) if secret is None: raise Exception("Secret %s not found" % (secret_use.name,)) decrypted_secret = secret.decrypt( other.source_context.project.private_secrets_key) decrypted_secret.name = secret_use.alias decrypted_secrets.append(decrypted_secret) # Add the secrets to any existing playbooks. If any of # them are in an untrusted project, then we've just given # a secret to a playbook which can run in dynamic config, # therefore it's no longer safe to run this job # pre-review. The only way pass-to-parent can work with # pre-review pipeline is if all playbooks are in the # trusted context. for pb in itertools.chain( self.pre_run, self.run, self.post_run, self.cleanup_run): pb.addSecrets(decrypted_secrets) if not pb.source_context.trusted: self.post_review = True if other._get('run') is not None: other_run = self.freezePlaybooks(other.run, layout) self.run = other_run if other._get('pre_run') is not None: other_pre_run = self.freezePlaybooks(other.pre_run, layout) self.pre_run = self.pre_run + other_pre_run if other._get('post_run') is not None: other_post_run = self.freezePlaybooks(other.post_run, layout) self.post_run = other_post_run + self.post_run if other._get('cleanup_run') is not None: other_cleanup_run = self.freezePlaybooks(other.cleanup_run, layout) self.cleanup_run = other_cleanup_run + self.cleanup_run self.updateVariables(other.variables, other.extra_variables, other.host_variables, other.group_variables) if other._get('required_projects') is not None: self.updateProjects(other.required_projects) if (other._get('allowed_projects') is not None and self._get('allowed_projects') is not None): self.allowed_projects = frozenset( self.allowed_projects.intersection( other.allowed_projects)) elif other._get('allowed_projects') is not None: self.allowed_projects = other.allowed_projects for k in self.context_attributes: if (other._get(k) is not None and k not in set(['tags', 'requires', 'provides'])): setattr(self, k, other._get(k)) for k in ('tags', 'requires', 'provides'): if other._get(k) is not None: setattr(self, k, getattr(self, k).union(other._get(k))) self.inheritance_path = self.inheritance_path + (repr(other),) def changeMatchesBranch(self, change, override_branch=None): if override_branch is None: branch_change = change else: # If an override branch is supplied, create a very basic # change (a Ref) and set its branch to the override # branch. branch_change = Ref(change.project) branch_change.ref = override_branch if self.branch_matcher and not self.branch_matcher.matches( branch_change): return False return True def changeMatchesFiles(self, change): if self.file_matcher and not self.file_matcher.matches(change): return False # NB: This is a negative match. if (self.irrelevant_file_matcher and self.irrelevant_file_matcher.matches(change)): return False return True class JobProject(ConfigObject): """ A reference to a project from a job. """ def __init__(self, project_name, override_branch=None, override_checkout=None): super(JobProject, self).__init__() self.project_name = project_name self.override_branch = override_branch self.override_checkout = override_checkout def toDict(self): d = dict() d['project_name'] = self.project_name d['override_branch'] = self.override_branch d['override_checkout'] = self.override_checkout return d class JobSemaphore(ConfigObject): """ A reference to a semaphore from a job. """ def __init__(self, semaphore_name, resources_first=False): super().__init__() self.name = semaphore_name self.resources_first = resources_first def toDict(self): d = dict() d['name'] = self.name d['resources_first'] = self.resources_first return d class JobList(ConfigObject): """ A list of jobs in a project's pipeline. """ def __init__(self): super(JobList, self).__init__() self.jobs = OrderedDict() # job.name -> [job, ...] def addJob(self, job): if job.name in self.jobs: self.jobs[job.name].append(job) else: self.jobs[job.name] = [job] def inheritFrom(self, other): for jobname, jobs in other.jobs.items(): joblist = self.jobs.setdefault(jobname, []) for job in jobs: if job not in joblist: joblist.append(job) class JobDependency(ConfigObject): """ A reference to another job in the project-pipeline-config. """ def __init__(self, name, soft=False): super(JobDependency, self).__init__() self.name = name self.soft = soft def toDict(self): return {'name': self.name, 'soft': self.soft} class JobGraph(object): """ A JobGraph represents the dependency graph between Job.""" def __init__(self): self.jobs = OrderedDict() # job_name -> Job # dependent_job_name -> dict(parent_job_name -> soft) self._dependencies = {} def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.jobs) def addJob(self, job): # A graph must be created after the job list is frozen, # therefore we should only get one job with the same name. if job.name in self.jobs: raise Exception("Job %s already added" % (job.name,)) self.jobs[job.name] = job # Append the dependency information self._dependencies.setdefault(job.name, {}) try: for dependency in job.dependencies: # Make sure a circular dependency is never created ancestor_jobs = self._getParentJobNamesRecursively( dependency.name, soft=True) ancestor_jobs.add(dependency.name) if any((job.name == anc_job) for anc_job in ancestor_jobs): raise Exception("Dependency cycle detected in job %s" % (job.name,)) self._dependencies[job.name][dependency.name] = \ dependency.soft except Exception: del self.jobs[job.name] del self._dependencies[job.name] raise def getJobs(self): return list(self.jobs.values()) # Report in the order of layout cfg def getDirectDependentJobs(self, parent_job, skip_soft=False): ret = set() for dependent_name, parents in self._dependencies.items(): part = parent_job in parents \ and (not skip_soft or not parents[parent_job]) if part: ret.add(dependent_name) return ret def getDependentJobsRecursively(self, parent_job, skip_soft=False): all_dependent_jobs = set() jobs_to_iterate = set([parent_job]) while len(jobs_to_iterate) > 0: current_job = jobs_to_iterate.pop() current_dependent_jobs = self.getDirectDependentJobs(current_job, skip_soft) new_dependent_jobs = current_dependent_jobs - all_dependent_jobs jobs_to_iterate |= new_dependent_jobs all_dependent_jobs |= new_dependent_jobs return [self.jobs[name] for name in all_dependent_jobs] def getParentJobsRecursively(self, dependent_job, layout=None, skip_soft=False): return [self.jobs[name] for name in self._getParentJobNamesRecursively(dependent_job, layout=layout, skip_soft=skip_soft)] def _getParentJobNamesRecursively(self, dependent_job, soft=False, layout=None, skip_soft=False): all_parent_jobs = set() jobs_to_iterate = set([(dependent_job, False)]) while len(jobs_to_iterate) > 0: (current_job, current_soft) = jobs_to_iterate.pop() current_parent_jobs = self._dependencies.get(current_job) if skip_soft: hard_parent_jobs = \ {d: s for d, s in current_parent_jobs.items() if not s} current_parent_jobs = hard_parent_jobs if current_parent_jobs is None: if soft or current_soft: if layout: # If the caller supplied a layout, verify that # the job exists to provide a helpful error # message. Called for exception side effect: layout.getJob(current_job) current_parent_jobs = {} else: raise Exception("Job %s depends on %s which was not run." % (dependent_job, current_job)) elif dependent_job != current_job: all_parent_jobs.add(current_job) new_parent_jobs = set(current_parent_jobs.keys()) - all_parent_jobs for j in new_parent_jobs: jobs_to_iterate.add((j, current_parent_jobs[j])) return all_parent_jobs class Build(object): """A Build is an instance of a single execution of a Job. While a Job describes what to run, a Build describes an actual execution of that Job. Each build is associated with exactly one Job (related builds are grouped together in a BuildSet). """ def __init__(self, job, uuid, zuul_event_id=None): self.job = job self.uuid = uuid self.url = None self.result = None self.result_data = {} self.error_detail = None self.build_set = None self.execute_time = time.time() self.start_time = None self.end_time = None self.estimated_time = None self.canceled = False self.paused = False self.retry = False self.parameters = {} self.worker = Worker() self.node_labels = [] self.node_name = None self.nodeset = None self.zuul_event_id = zuul_event_id def __repr__(self): return ('' % (self.uuid, self.job.name, self.job.voting, self.worker)) @property def failed(self): if self.result and self.result not in ['SUCCESS', 'SKIPPED']: return True return False @property def pipeline(self): return self.build_set.item.pipeline def getSafeAttributes(self): return Attributes(uuid=self.uuid, result=self.result, error_detail=self.error_detail, result_data=self.result_data) class Worker(object): """Information about the specific worker executing a Build.""" def __init__(self): self.name = "Unknown" self.hostname = None self.log_port = None def updateFromData(self, data): """Update worker information if contained in the WORK_DATA response.""" self.name = data.get('worker_name', self.name) self.hostname = data.get('worker_hostname', self.hostname) self.log_port = data.get('worker_log_port', self.log_port) def __repr__(self): return '' % self.name class RepoFiles(object): """RepoFiles holds config-file content for per-project job config. When Zuul asks a merger to prepare a future multiple-repo state and collect Zuul configuration files so that we can dynamically load our configuration, this class provides cached access to that data for use by the Change which updated the config files and any changes that follow it in a ChangeQueue. It is attached to a BuildSet since the content of Zuul configuration files can change with each new BuildSet. """ def __init__(self): self.connections = {} def __repr__(self): return '' % self.connections def setFiles(self, items): self.hostnames = {} for item in items: connection = self.connections.setdefault( item['connection'], {}) project = connection.setdefault(item['project'], {}) branch = project.setdefault(item['branch'], {}) branch.update(item['files']) def getFile(self, connection_name, project_name, branch, fn): host = self.connections.get(connection_name, {}) return host.get(project_name, {}).get(branch, {}).get(fn) class BuildSet(object): """A collection of Builds for one specific potential future repository state. When Zuul executes Builds for a change, it creates a Build to represent each execution of each job and a BuildSet to keep track of all the Builds running for that Change. When Zuul re-executes Builds for a Change with a different configuration, all of the running Builds in the BuildSet for that change are aborted, and a new BuildSet is created to hold the Builds for the Jobs being run with the new configuration. A BuildSet also holds the UUID used to produce the Zuul Ref that builders check out. """ # Merge states: NEW = 1 PENDING = 2 COMPLETE = 3 states_map = { 1: 'NEW', 2: 'PENDING', 3: 'COMPLETE', } def __init__(self, item): self.item = item self.builds = {} self.result = None self.uuid = None self.commit = None self.dependent_changes = None self.merger_items = None self.unable_to_merge = False self.config_errors = [] # list of ConfigurationErrors self.failing_reasons = [] self.debug_messages = [] self.warning_messages = [] self.merge_state = self.NEW self.nodesets = {} # job -> nodeset self.node_requests = {} # job -> reqs self.files = RepoFiles() self.repo_state = {} self.tries = {} if item.change.files is not None: self.files_state = self.COMPLETE else: self.files_state = self.NEW @property def ref(self): # NOTE(jamielennox): The concept of buildset ref is to be removed and a # buildset UUID identifier available instead. Currently the ref is # checked to see if the BuildSet has been configured. return 'Z' + self.uuid if self.uuid else None def __repr__(self): return '' % ( self.item, len(self.builds), self.getStateName(self.merge_state)) def setConfiguration(self): # The change isn't enqueued until after it's created # so we don't know what the other changes ahead will be # until jobs start. if not self.uuid: self.uuid = uuid4().hex if self.dependent_changes is None: items = [self.item] next_item = self.item.item_ahead while next_item: items.append(next_item) next_item = next_item.item_ahead items.reverse() self.dependent_changes = [i.change.toDict() for i in items] self.merger_items = [i.makeMergerItem() for i in items] def getStateName(self, state_num): return self.states_map.get( state_num, 'UNKNOWN (%s)' % state_num) def addBuild(self, build): self.builds[build.job.name] = build if build.job.name not in self.tries: self.tries[build.job.name] = 1 build.build_set = self def removeBuild(self, build): if build.job.name not in self.builds: return self.tries[build.job.name] += 1 del self.builds[build.job.name] def getBuild(self, job_name): return self.builds.get(job_name) def getBuilds(self): keys = list(self.builds.keys()) keys.sort() return [self.builds.get(x) for x in keys] def getJobNodeSet(self, job_name: str) -> NodeSet: # Return None if not provisioned; empty NodeSet if no nodes # required return self.nodesets.get(job_name) def removeJobNodeSet(self, job_name: str): if job_name not in self.nodesets: raise Exception("No job nodeset for %s" % (job_name)) del self.nodesets[job_name] def setJobNodeRequest(self, job_name: str, req: NodeRequest): if job_name in self.node_requests: raise Exception("Prior node request for %s" % (job_name)) self.node_requests[job_name] = req def getJobNodeRequest(self, job_name: str) -> NodeRequest: return self.node_requests.get(job_name) def removeJobNodeRequest(self, job_name: str): if job_name in self.node_requests: del self.node_requests[job_name] def jobNodeRequestComplete(self, job_name: str, nodeset: NodeSet): if job_name in self.nodesets: raise Exception("Prior node request for %s" % (job_name)) self.nodesets[job_name] = nodeset del self.node_requests[job_name] def getTries(self, job_name): return self.tries.get(job_name, 0) def getMergeMode(self): # We may be called before this build set has a shadow layout # (ie, we are called to perform the merge to create that # layout). It's possible that the change we are merging will # update the merge-mode for the project, but there's not much # we can do about that here. Instead, do the best we can by # using the nearest shadow layout to determine the merge mode, # or if that fails, the current live layout, or if that fails, # use the default: merge-resolve. item = self.item layout = None while item: layout = item.layout if layout: break item = item.item_ahead if not layout: layout = self.item.pipeline.tenant.layout if layout: project = self.item.change.project project_metadata = layout.getProjectMetadata( project.canonical_name) if project_metadata: return project_metadata.merge_mode return MERGER_MERGE_RESOLVE def getSafeAttributes(self): return Attributes(uuid=self.uuid) class QueueItem(object): """Represents the position of a Change in a ChangeQueue. All Changes are enqueued into ChangeQueue in a QueueItem. The QueueItem holds the current `BuildSet` as well as all previous `BuildSets` that were produced for this `QueueItem`. """ def __init__(self, queue, change, event): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.QueueItem") self.log = get_annotated_logger(log, event) self.pipeline = queue.pipeline self.queue = queue self.change = change # a ref self.dequeued_needing_change = False self.current_build_set = BuildSet(self) self.item_ahead = None self.items_behind = [] self.enqueue_time = None self.report_time = None self.dequeue_time = None self.reported = False self.reported_enqueue = False self.reported_start = False self.quiet = False self.active = False # Whether an item is within an active window self.live = True # Whether an item is intended to be processed at all self.layout = None self.project_pipeline_config = None self.job_graph = None self._old_job_graph = None # Cached job graph of previous layout self._cached_sql_results = {} self.event = event # The trigger event that lead to this queue item def annotateLogger(self, logger): """Return an annotated logger with the trigger event""" return get_annotated_logger(logger, self.event) def __repr__(self): if self.pipeline: pipeline = self.pipeline.name else: pipeline = None return '' % ( id(self), self.change, pipeline) def resetAllBuilds(self): self.current_build_set = BuildSet(self) self.layout = None self.project_pipeline_config = None self.job_graph = None self._old_job_graph = None def addBuild(self, build): self.current_build_set.addBuild(build) def removeBuild(self, build): self.current_build_set.removeBuild(build) def setReportedResult(self, result): self.report_time = time.time() self.current_build_set.result = result def debug(self, msg, indent=0): if (not self.project_pipeline_config or not self.project_pipeline_config.debug): return if indent: indent = ' ' * indent else: indent = '' self.current_build_set.debug_messages.append(indent + msg) def warning(self, msg): self.current_build_set.warning_messages.append(msg) self.log.info(msg) def freezeJobGraph(self, skip_file_matcher=False): """Find or create actual matching jobs for this item's change and store the resulting job tree.""" ppc = self.layout.getProjectPipelineConfig(self) try: # Conditionally set self.ppc so that the debug method can # consult it as we resolve the jobs. self.project_pipeline_config = ppc if ppc: for msg in ppc.debug_messages: self.debug(msg) job_graph = self.layout.createJobGraph( self, ppc, skip_file_matcher) for job in job_graph.getJobs(): # Ensure that each jobs's dependencies are fully # accessible. This will raise an exception if not. job_graph.getParentJobsRecursively(job.name, self.layout) self.job_graph = job_graph except Exception: self.project_pipeline_config = None self.job_graph = None self._old_job_graph = None raise def hasJobGraph(self): """Returns True if the item has a job graph.""" return self.job_graph is not None def getJobs(self): if not self.live or not self.job_graph: return [] return self.job_graph.getJobs() def getJob(self, name): if not self.job_graph: return None return self.job_graph.jobs.get(name) @property def items_ahead(self): item_ahead = self.item_ahead while item_ahead: yield item_ahead item_ahead = item_ahead.item_ahead def getNonLiveItemsAhead(self): items = [item for item in self.items_ahead if not item.live] return reversed(items) def haveAllJobsStarted(self): if not self.hasJobGraph(): return False for job in self.getJobs(): build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name) if not build or not build.start_time: return False return True def areAllJobsComplete(self): if (self.current_build_set.config_errors or self.current_build_set.unable_to_merge): return True if not self.hasJobGraph(): return False for job in self.getJobs(): build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name) if not build or not build.result: return False return True def didAllJobsSucceed(self): """Check if all jobs have completed with status SUCCESS. Return True if all voting jobs have completed with status SUCCESS. Non-voting jobs are ignored. Skipped jobs are ignored, but skipping all jobs returns a failure. Incomplete builds are considered a failure, hence this is unlikely to be useful unless all builds are complete. """ if not self.hasJobGraph(): return False all_jobs_skipped = True for job in self.getJobs(): build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name) if build: # If the build ran, record whether or not it was skipped # and return False if the build was voting and has an # unsuccessful return value if build.result != 'SKIPPED': all_jobs_skipped = False if job.voting and build.result not in ['SUCCESS', 'SKIPPED']: return False elif job.voting: # If the build failed to run and was voting that is an # unsuccessful build. But we don't count against it if not # voting. return False # NOTE(pabelanger): We shouldn't be able to skip all jobs. if all_jobs_skipped: return False return True def hasAnyJobFailed(self): """Check if any jobs have finished with a non-success result. Return True if any job in the job graph has returned with a status not equal to SUCCESS or SKIPPED, else return False. Non-voting and in-flight jobs are ignored. """ if not self.hasJobGraph(): return False for job in self.getJobs(): if not job.voting: continue build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name) if (build and build.result and build.result not in ['SUCCESS', 'SKIPPED']): return True return False def didMergerFail(self): return self.current_build_set.unable_to_merge def getConfigErrors(self): return self.current_build_set.config_errors def wasDequeuedNeedingChange(self): return self.dequeued_needing_change def includesConfigUpdates(self): includes_trusted = False includes_untrusted = False tenant = self.pipeline.tenant item = self while item: if item.change.updatesConfig(tenant): (trusted, project) = tenant.getProject( item.change.project.canonical_name) if trusted: includes_trusted = True else: includes_untrusted = True if includes_trusted and includes_untrusted: # We're done early return (includes_trusted, includes_untrusted) item = item.item_ahead return (includes_trusted, includes_untrusted) def isHoldingFollowingChanges(self): if not self.live: return False if not self.hasJobGraph(): return False for job in self.getJobs(): if not job.hold_following_changes: continue build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name) if not build: return True if build.result != 'SUCCESS': return True if not self.item_ahead: return False return self.item_ahead.isHoldingFollowingChanges() def _getRequirementsResultFromSQL(self, job): # This either returns data or raises an exception requirements = job.requires self.log.debug("Checking DB for requirements") requirements_tuple = tuple(sorted(requirements)) if requirements_tuple not in self._cached_sql_results: sql_driver = self.pipeline.manager.sched.connections.drivers['sql'] conn = sql_driver.tenant_connections.get(self.pipeline.tenant.name) if conn: builds = conn.getBuilds( tenant=self.pipeline.tenant.name, project=self.change.project.name, pipeline=self.pipeline.name, change=self.change.number, branch=self.change.branch, patchset=self.change.patchset, provides=requirements_tuple) else: builds = [] # Just look at the most recent buildset. # TODO: query for a buildset instead of filtering. builds = [b for b in builds if b.buildset.uuid == builds[0].buildset.uuid] self._cached_sql_results[requirements_tuple] = builds builds = self._cached_sql_results[requirements_tuple] data = [] if not builds: self.log.debug("No artifacts matching requirements found in DB") return data for build in builds: if build.result != 'SUCCESS': provides = [x.name for x in build.provides] requirement = list(requirements.intersection(set(provides))) raise RequirementsError( 'Job %s requires artifact(s) %s provided by build %s ' '(triggered by change %s on project %s), but that build ' 'failed with result "%s"' % ( job.name, ', '.join(requirement), build.uuid, build.buildset.change, build.buildset.project, build.result)) else: for a in build.artifacts: artifact = {'name': a.name, 'url': a.url, 'project': build.buildset.project, 'change': str(build.buildset.change), 'patchset': build.buildset.patchset, 'job': build.job_name} if a.meta: artifact['metadata'] = json.loads(a.meta) data.append(artifact) self.log.debug("Found artifacts in DB: %s", repr(data)) return data def providesRequirements(self, job, data, recurse=True): # Mutates data and returns true/false if requirements # satisfied. requirements = job.requires if not requirements: return True if not self.live: self.log.debug("Checking whether non-live item %s provides %s", self, requirements) # Look for this item in other queues in the pipeline. item = None found = False for item in self.pipeline.getAllItems(): if item.live and item.change == self.change: found = True break if found: if not item.providesRequirements(job, data, recurse=False): return False else: # Look for this item in the SQL DB. data += self._getRequirementsResultFromSQL(job) if self.hasJobGraph(): for _job in self.getJobs(): if _job.provides.intersection(requirements): build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(_job.name) if not build: return False if build.result and build.result != 'SUCCESS': return False if not build.result and not build.paused: return False artifacts = get_artifacts_from_result_data( build.result_data, logger=self.log) for a in artifacts: a.update({'project': self.change.project.name, 'change': self.change.number, 'patchset': self.change.patchset, 'job': build.job.name}) self.log.debug("Found live artifacts: %s", repr(artifacts)) data += artifacts if not self.item_ahead: return True if not recurse: return True return self.item_ahead.providesRequirements(job, data) def jobRequirementsReady(self, job): if not self.item_ahead: return True try: data = [] ret = self.item_ahead.providesRequirements(job, data) data.reverse() job.updateArtifactData(data) except RequirementsError as e: self.warning(str(e)) fakebuild = Build(job, None) fakebuild.result = 'FAILURE' self.addBuild(fakebuild) self.setResult(fakebuild) ret = True return ret def findJobsToRun(self, semaphore_handler): torun = [] if not self.live: return [] if not self.job_graph: return [] if self.item_ahead: # Only run jobs if any 'hold' jobs on the change ahead # have completed successfully. if self.item_ahead.isHoldingFollowingChanges(): return [] failed_job_names = set() # Jobs that run and failed ignored_job_names = set() # Jobs that were skipped or canceled unexecuted_job_names = set() # Jobs that were not started yet jobs_not_started = set() for job in self.job_graph.getJobs(): build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name) if build: if build.result == 'SUCCESS' or build.paused: pass elif build.result == 'SKIPPED': ignored_job_names.add(job.name) else: # elif build.result in ('FAILURE', 'CANCELED', ...): failed_job_names.add(job.name) else: unexecuted_job_names.add(job.name) jobs_not_started.add(job) # Attempt to run jobs in the order they appear in # configuration. for job in self.job_graph.getJobs(): if job not in jobs_not_started: continue if not self.jobRequirementsReady(job): continue all_parent_jobs_successful = True parent_builds_with_data = {} for parent_job in self.job_graph.getParentJobsRecursively( job.name): if parent_job.name in unexecuted_job_names \ or parent_job.name in failed_job_names: all_parent_jobs_successful = False break parent_build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(parent_job.name) if parent_build.result_data: parent_builds_with_data[parent_job.name] = parent_build for parent_job in self.job_graph.getParentJobsRecursively( job.name, skip_soft=True): if parent_job.name in ignored_job_names: all_parent_jobs_successful = False break if all_parent_jobs_successful: # Iterate in reverse order over all jobs of the graph (which is # in sorted config order) and apply parent data of the jobs we # already found. if len(parent_builds_with_data) > 0: for parent_job in reversed(self.job_graph.getJobs()): parent_build = parent_builds_with_data.get( parent_job.name) if parent_build: job.updateParentData(parent_build) nodeset = self.current_build_set.getJobNodeSet(job.name) if nodeset is None: # The nodes for this job are not ready, skip # it for now. continue if semaphore_handler.acquire(self, job, False): # If this job needs a semaphore, either acquire it or # make sure that we have it before running the job. torun.append(job) return torun def findJobsToRequest(self, semaphore_handler): build_set = self.current_build_set toreq = [] if not self.live: return [] if not self.job_graph: return [] if self.item_ahead: if self.item_ahead.isHoldingFollowingChanges(): return [] failed_job_names = set() # Jobs that run and failed ignored_job_names = set() # Jobs that were skipped or canceled unexecuted_job_names = set() # Jobs that were not started yet jobs_not_requested = set() for job in self.job_graph.getJobs(): build = build_set.getBuild(job.name) if build and (build.result == 'SUCCESS' or build.paused): pass elif build and build.result == 'SKIPPED': ignored_job_names.add(job.name) elif build and build.result in ('FAILURE', 'CANCELED'): failed_job_names.add(job.name) else: unexecuted_job_names.add(job.name) nodeset = build_set.getJobNodeSet(job.name) if nodeset is None: req = build_set.getJobNodeRequest(job.name) if req is None: jobs_not_requested.add(job) else: # This may have been reset due to a reconfig; # since we know there is a queued request for # it, set it here. job.queued = True # Attempt to request nodes for jobs in the order jobs appear # in configuration. for job in self.job_graph.getJobs(): if job not in jobs_not_requested: continue if not self.jobRequirementsReady(job): continue all_parent_jobs_successful = True for parent_job in self.job_graph.getParentJobsRecursively( job.name): if parent_job.name in unexecuted_job_names \ or parent_job.name in failed_job_names: all_parent_jobs_successful = False break for parent_job in self.job_graph.getParentJobsRecursively( job.name, skip_soft=True): if parent_job.name in ignored_job_names: all_parent_jobs_successful = False break if all_parent_jobs_successful: if semaphore_handler.acquire(self, job, True): # If this job needs a semaphore, either acquire it or # make sure that we have it before requesting the nodes. toreq.append(job) job.queued = True return toreq def setResult(self, build): if build.retry: self.removeBuild(build) return skipped = [] # NOTE(pabelanger): Check successful/paused jobs to see if # zuul_return includes zuul.child_jobs. build_result = build.result_data.get('zuul', {}) if ((build.result == 'SUCCESS' or build.paused) and 'child_jobs' in build_result): zuul_return = build_result.get('child_jobs', []) dependent_jobs = self.job_graph.getDirectDependentJobs( build.job.name) if not zuul_return: # If zuul.child_jobs exists and is empty, the user # wants to skip all child jobs. to_skip = self.job_graph.getDependentJobsRecursively( build.job.name, skip_soft=True) skipped += to_skip else: # The user supplied a list of jobs to run. intersect_jobs = dependent_jobs.intersection(zuul_return) for skip in (dependent_jobs - intersect_jobs): s = self.job_graph.jobs.get(skip) skipped.append(s) to_skip = self.job_graph.getDependentJobsRecursively( skip, skip_soft=True) skipped += to_skip elif build.result != 'SUCCESS' and not build.paused: to_skip = self.job_graph.getDependentJobsRecursively( build.job.name) skipped += to_skip for job in skipped: child_build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name) if not child_build: fakebuild = Build(job, None) fakebuild.result = 'SKIPPED' self.addBuild(fakebuild) def setNodeRequestFailure(self, job): fakebuild = Build(job, None) fakebuild.start_time = time.time() fakebuild.end_time = time.time() self.addBuild(fakebuild) fakebuild.result = 'NODE_FAILURE' self.setResult(fakebuild) def setDequeuedNeedingChange(self): self.dequeued_needing_change = True self._setAllJobsSkipped() def setUnableToMerge(self): self.current_build_set.unable_to_merge = True self._setAllJobsSkipped() def setConfigError(self, error): err = ConfigurationError(None, None, error) self.setConfigErrors([err]) def setConfigErrors(self, errors): self.current_build_set.config_errors = errors self._setAllJobsSkipped() def _setAllJobsSkipped(self): for job in self.getJobs(): fakebuild = Build(job, None) fakebuild.result = 'SKIPPED' self.addBuild(fakebuild) def getNodePriority(self): return self.pipeline.manager.getNodePriority(self) def formatUrlPattern(self, url_pattern, job=None, build=None): url = None # Produce safe versions of objects which may be useful in # result formatting, but don't allow users to crawl through # the entire data structure where they might be able to access # secrets, etc. safe_change = self.change.getSafeAttributes() safe_pipeline = self.pipeline.getSafeAttributes() safe_tenant = self.pipeline.tenant.getSafeAttributes() safe_buildset = self.current_build_set.getSafeAttributes() safe_job = job.getSafeAttributes() if job else {} safe_build = build.getSafeAttributes() if build else {} try: url = url_pattern.format(change=safe_change, pipeline=safe_pipeline, tenant=safe_tenant, buildset=safe_buildset, job=safe_job, build=safe_build) except KeyError as e: self.log.error("Error while formatting url for job %s: unknown " "key %s in pattern %s" % (job, e.args[0], url_pattern)) except AttributeError as e: self.log.error("Error while formatting url for job %s: unknown " "attribute %s in pattern %s" % (job, e.args[0], url_pattern)) except Exception: self.log.exception("Error while formatting url for job %s with " "pattern %s:" % (job, url_pattern)) return url def formatJobResult(self, job): if (self.pipeline.tenant.report_build_page and self.pipeline.tenant.web_root): build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name) pattern = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.pipeline.tenant.web_root, 'build/{build.uuid}') url = self.formatUrlPattern(pattern, job, build) return (build.result, url) else: return self.formatProvisionalJobResult(job) def formatStatusUrl(self): # If we don't have a web root set, we can't format any url if not self.pipeline.tenant.web_root: # Apparently we have no website return None if self.current_build_set.result: # We have reported (or are reporting) and so we should # send the buildset page url pattern = urllib.parse.urljoin( self.pipeline.tenant.web_root, "buildset/{buildset.uuid}" ) return self.formatUrlPattern(pattern) # We haven't reported yet (or we don't have a database), so # the best we can do at the moment is send the status page # url. TODO: require a database, insert buildsets into it # when they are created, and remove this case. pattern = urllib.parse.urljoin( self.pipeline.tenant.web_root, "status/change/{change.number},{change.patchset}", ) return self.formatUrlPattern(pattern) def formatProvisionalJobResult(self, job): build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name) result = build.result pattern = None if result == 'SUCCESS': if job.success_message: result = job.success_message if job.success_url: pattern = job.success_url else: if job.failure_message: result = job.failure_message if job.failure_url: pattern = job.failure_url url = None # The final URL default_url = build.result_data.get('zuul', {}).get('log_url') if pattern: job_url = self.formatUrlPattern(pattern, job, build) else: job_url = None try: if job_url: u = urllib.parse.urlparse(job_url) if u.scheme: # The job success or failure url is absolute, so it's # our final url. url = job_url else: # We have a relative job url. Combine it with our # default url. if default_url: url = urllib.parse.urljoin(default_url, job_url) except Exception: self.log.exception("Error while parsing url for job %s:" % (job,)) if not url: url = default_url or build.url or job.name return (result, url) def formatJSON(self, websocket_url=None): ret = {} ret['active'] = self.active ret['live'] = self.live if hasattr(self.change, 'url') and self.change.url is not None: ret['url'] = self.change.url else: ret['url'] = None if hasattr(self.change, 'ref') and self.change.ref is not None: ret['ref'] = self.change.ref else: ret['ref'] = None ret['id'] = self.change._id() if self.item_ahead: ret['item_ahead'] = self.item_ahead.change._id() else: ret['item_ahead'] = None ret['items_behind'] = [i.change._id() for i in self.items_behind] ret['failing_reasons'] = self.current_build_set.failing_reasons ret['zuul_ref'] = self.current_build_set.ref if self.change.project: ret['project'] = self.change.project.name ret['project_canonical'] = self.change.project.canonical_name else: # For cross-project dependencies with the depends-on # project not known to zuul, the project is None # Set it to a static value ret['project'] = "Unknown Project" ret['project_canonical'] = "Unknown Project" ret['enqueue_time'] = int(self.enqueue_time * 1000) ret['jobs'] = [] if hasattr(self.change, 'owner'): ret['owner'] = self.change.owner else: ret['owner'] = None max_remaining = 0 for job in self.getJobs(): now = time.time() build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name) elapsed = None remaining = None result = None build_url = None finger_url = None report_url = None worker = None if build: result = build.result finger_url = build.url # TODO(tobiash): add support for custom web root urlformat = 'stream/{build.uuid}?' \ 'logfile=console.log' if websocket_url: urlformat += '&websocket_url={websocket_url}' build_url = urlformat.format( build=build, websocket_url=websocket_url) (unused, report_url) = self.formatProvisionalJobResult(job) if build.start_time: if build.end_time: elapsed = int((build.end_time - build.start_time) * 1000) remaining = 0 else: elapsed = int((now - build.start_time) * 1000) if build.estimated_time: remaining = max( int(build.estimated_time * 1000) - elapsed, 0) worker = { 'name': build.worker.name, 'hostname': build.worker.hostname, } if remaining and remaining > max_remaining: max_remaining = remaining ret['jobs'].append({ 'name': job.name, 'dependencies': [x.name for x in job.dependencies], 'elapsed_time': elapsed, 'remaining_time': remaining, 'url': build_url, 'finger_url': finger_url, 'report_url': report_url, 'result': result, 'voting': job.voting, 'uuid': build.uuid if build else None, 'execute_time': build.execute_time if build else None, 'start_time': build.start_time if build else None, 'end_time': build.end_time if build else None, 'estimated_time': build.estimated_time if build else None, 'pipeline': build.pipeline.name if build else None, 'canceled': build.canceled if build else None, 'paused': build.paused if build else None, 'retry': build.retry if build else None, 'tries': self.current_build_set.getTries(job.name), 'queued': job.queued, 'node_labels': build.node_labels if build else [], 'node_name': build.node_name if build else None, 'worker': worker, }) if self.haveAllJobsStarted(): ret['remaining_time'] = max_remaining else: ret['remaining_time'] = None return ret def formatStatus(self, indent=0, html=False): indent_str = ' ' * indent ret = '' if html and getattr(self.change, 'url', None) is not None: ret += '%sProject %s change %s\n' % ( indent_str, self.change.project.name, self.change.url, self.change._id()) else: ret += '%sProject %s change %s based on %s\n' % ( indent_str, self.change.project.name, self.change._id(), self.item_ahead) for job in self.getJobs(): build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name) if build: result = build.result else: result = None job_name = job.name if not job.voting: voting = ' (non-voting)' else: voting = '' if html: if build: url = build.url else: url = None if url is not None: job_name = '%s' % (url, job_name) ret += '%s %s: %s%s' % (indent_str, job_name, result, voting) ret += '\n' return ret def makeMergerItem(self): # Create a dictionary with all info about the item needed by # the merger. number = None patchset = None oldrev = None newrev = None branch = None if hasattr(self.change, 'number'): number = self.change.number patchset = self.change.patchset if hasattr(self.change, 'newrev'): oldrev = self.change.oldrev newrev = self.change.newrev if hasattr(self.change, 'branch'): branch = self.change.branch source = self.change.project.source connection_name = source.connection.connection_name project = self.change.project return dict(project=project.name, connection=connection_name, merge_mode=self.current_build_set.getMergeMode(), ref=self.change.ref, branch=branch, buildset_uuid=self.current_build_set.uuid, number=number, patchset=patchset, oldrev=oldrev, newrev=newrev, ) def updatesJobConfig(self, job): log = self.annotateLogger(self.log) layout_ahead = self.pipeline.tenant.layout if self.item_ahead and self.item_ahead.layout: layout_ahead = self.item_ahead.layout if layout_ahead and self.layout and self.layout is not layout_ahead: # This change updates the layout. Calculate the job as it # would be if the layout had not changed. if self._old_job_graph is None: try: ppc = layout_ahead.getProjectPipelineConfig(self) log.debug("Creating job graph for config change detection") self._old_job_graph = layout_ahead.createJobGraph( self, ppc, skip_file_matcher=True) log.debug("Done creating job graph for " "config change detection") except Exception: self.log.debug( "Error freezing job graph in job update check:", exc_info=True) # The config was broken before, we have no idea # which jobs have changed, so rather than run them # all, just rely on the file matchers as-is. return False old_job = self._old_job_graph.jobs.get(job.name) if old_job is None: log.debug("Found a newly created job") return True # A newly created job old_job_dict = old_job.toDict(self.pipeline.tenant) new_job_dict = job.toDict(self.pipeline.tenant) # Ignore changes to file matchers since they don't affect # the content of the job. for attr in ['files', 'irrelevant_files', 'source_context', 'description']: old_job_dict.pop(attr, None) new_job_dict.pop(attr, None) if (new_job_dict != old_job_dict): log.debug("Found an updated job") return True # This job's configuration has changed return False class Ref(object): """An existing state of a Project.""" def __init__(self, project): self.project = project self.ref = None self.oldrev = None self.newrev = None self.files = [] def _id(self): return self.newrev def __repr__(self): rep = None pname = None if self.project and self.project.name: pname = self.project.name if self.newrev == '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000': rep = '<%s 0x%x %s deletes %s from %s' % ( type(self).__name__, id(self), pname, self.ref, self.oldrev) elif self.oldrev == '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000': rep = '<%s 0x%x %s creates %s on %s>' % ( type(self).__name__, id(self), pname, self.ref, self.newrev) else: # Catch all rep = '<%s 0x%x %s %s updated %s..%s>' % ( type(self).__name__, id(self), pname, self.ref, self.oldrev, self.newrev) return rep def equals(self, other): if (self.project == other.project and self.ref == other.ref and self.newrev == other.newrev): return True return False def isUpdateOf(self, other): return False def getRelatedChanges(self): return set() def updatesConfig(self, tenant): tpc = tenant.project_configs.get(self.project.canonical_name) if tpc is None: return False if self.files is None: # If self.files is None we don't know if this change updates the # config so assume it does as this is a safe default if we don't # know. return True for fn in self.files: if fn == 'zuul.yaml': return True if fn == '.zuul.yaml': return True if fn.startswith("zuul.d/"): return True if fn.startswith(".zuul.d/"): return True for ef in tpc.extra_config_files: if fn.startswith(ef): return True for ed in tpc.extra_config_dirs: if fn.startswith(ed): return True return False def getSafeAttributes(self): return Attributes(project=self.project, ref=self.ref, oldrev=self.oldrev, newrev=self.newrev) def toDict(self): # Render to a dict to use in passing json to the executor d = dict() d['project'] = dict( name=self.project.name, short_name=self.project.name.split('/')[-1], canonical_hostname=self.project.canonical_hostname, canonical_name=self.project.canonical_name, src_dir=os.path.join('src', self.project.canonical_name), ) return d class Branch(Ref): """An existing branch state for a Project.""" def __init__(self, project): super(Branch, self).__init__(project) self.branch = None def toDict(self): # Render to a dict to use in passing json to the executor d = super(Branch, self).toDict() d['branch'] = self.branch return d class Tag(Ref): """An existing tag state for a Project.""" def __init__(self, project): super(Tag, self).__init__(project) self.tag = None self.containing_branches = [] class Change(Branch): """A proposed new state for a Project.""" def __init__(self, project): super(Change, self).__init__(project) self.number = None # The gitweb url for browsing the change self.url = None # URIs for this change which may appear in depends-on headers. # Note this omits the scheme; i.e., is hostname/path. self.uris = [] self.patchset = None # Changes that the source determined are needed due to the # git DAG: self.git_needs_changes = [] self.git_needed_by_changes = [] # Changes that the source determined are needed by backwards # compatible processing of Depends-On headers (Gerrit only): self.compat_needs_changes = [] self.compat_needed_by_changes = [] # Changes that the pipeline manager determined are needed due # to Depends-On headers (all drivers): self.commit_needs_changes = None self.refresh_deps = False self.is_current_patchset = True self.can_merge = False self.is_merged = False self.failed_to_merge = False self.open = None self.status = None self.owner = None # This may be the commit message, or it may be a cover message # in the case of a PR. Either way, it's the place where we # look for depends-on headers. self.message = None self.source_event = None def _id(self): return '%s,%s' % (self.number, self.patchset) def __repr__(self): pname = None if self.project and self.project.name: pname = self.project.name return '' % (id(self), pname, self._id()) def equals(self, other): if self.number == other.number and self.patchset == other.patchset: return True return False @property def needs_changes(self): return (self.git_needs_changes + self.compat_needs_changes + self.commit_needs_changes) @property def needed_by_changes(self): return (self.git_needed_by_changes + self.compat_needed_by_changes) def isUpdateOf(self, other): if (self.project == other.project and (hasattr(other, 'number') and self.number == other.number) and (hasattr(other, 'patchset') and self.patchset is not None and other.patchset is not None and int(self.patchset) > int(other.patchset))): return True return False def getRelatedChanges(self): related = set() for c in self.needs_changes: related.add(c) for c in self.needed_by_changes: related.add(c) related.update(c.getRelatedChanges()) return related def getSafeAttributes(self): return Attributes(project=self.project, number=self.number, patchset=self.patchset) def toDict(self): # Render to a dict to use in passing json to the executor d = super(Change, self).toDict() d['change'] = str(self.number) d['change_url'] = self.url d['patchset'] = str(self.patchset) return d class TriggerEvent(object): """Incoming event from an external system.""" def __init__(self): # TODO(jeblair): further reduce this list self.data = None # common self.type = None self.branch_updated = False self.branch_created = False self.branch_deleted = False self.branch_protected = True self.ref = None # For management events (eg: enqueue / promote) self.tenant_name = None self.project_hostname = None self.project_name = None self.trigger_name = None # Representation of the user account that performed the event. self.account = None # patchset-created, comment-added, etc. self.change_number = None self.change_url = None self.patch_number = None self.branch = None self.comment = None self.state = None # ref-updated self.oldrev = None self.newrev = None # For events that arrive with a destination pipeline (eg, from # an admin command, etc): self.forced_pipeline = None # For logging self.zuul_event_id = None self.timestamp = None @property def canonical_project_name(self): return self.project_hostname + '/' + self.project_name def isPatchsetCreated(self): return False def isChangeAbandoned(self): return False def _repr(self): flags = [str(self.type)] if self.project_name: flags.append(self.project_name) if self.ref: flags.append(self.ref) if self.branch_updated: flags.append('branch_updated') if self.branch_created: flags.append('branch_created') if self.branch_deleted: flags.append('branch_deleted') return ' '.join(flags) def __repr__(self): return '<%s 0x%x %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self._repr()) class FalseWithReason(object): """Event filter result""" def __init__(self, reason): self.reason = reason def __str__(self): return self.reason def __bool__(self): return False class BaseFilter(ConfigObject): """Base Class for filtering which Changes and Events to process.""" pass class EventFilter(BaseFilter): """Allows a Pipeline to only respond to certain events.""" def __init__(self, trigger): super(EventFilter, self).__init__() self.trigger = trigger def matches(self, event, ref): # TODO(jeblair): consider removing ref argument return True class RefFilter(BaseFilter): """Allows a Manager to only enqueue Changes that meet certain criteria.""" def __init__(self, connection_name): super(RefFilter, self).__init__() self.connection_name = connection_name def matches(self, change): return True class TenantProjectConfig(object): """A project in the context of a tenant. A Project is globally unique in the system, however, when used in a tenant, some metadata about the project local to the tenant is stored in a TenantProjectConfig. """ def __init__(self, project): self.project = project self.load_classes = set() self.shadow_projects = set() self.branches = [] # The tenant's default setting of exclude_unprotected_branches will # be overridden by this one if not None. self.exclude_unprotected_branches = None self.parsed_branch_config = {} # branch -> ParsedConfig # The list of paths to look for extra zuul config files self.extra_config_files = () # The list of paths to look for extra zuul config dirs self.extra_config_dirs = () # Load config from a different branch if this is a config project self.load_branch = None class ProjectPipelineConfig(ConfigObject): # Represents a project cofiguration in the context of a pipeline def __init__(self): super(ProjectPipelineConfig, self).__init__() self.job_list = JobList() self.queue_name = None self.debug = False self.debug_messages = [] self.fail_fast = None self.variables = {} def addDebug(self, msg): self.debug_messages.append(msg) def update(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ProjectPipelineConfig): raise Exception("Unable to update from %s" % (other,)) if self.queue_name is None: self.queue_name = other.queue_name if other.debug: self.debug = other.debug if self.fail_fast is None: self.fail_fast = other.fail_fast self.job_list.inheritFrom(other.job_list) def updateVariables(self, other): # We need to keep this separate to update() because we wish to # apply the project variables all the time, even if its jobs # only come from templates. self.variables = Job._deepUpdate(self.variables, other) def toDict(self): d = {} d['queue_name'] = self.queue_name return d class ProjectConfig(ConfigObject): # Represents a project configuration def __init__(self, name): super(ProjectConfig, self).__init__() self.name = name self.templates = [] # Pipeline name -> ProjectPipelineConfig self.pipelines = {} self.branch_matcher = None self.variables = {} # These represent the values from the config file, but should # not be used directly; instead, use the ProjectMetadata to # find the computed value from across all project config # stanzas. self.merge_mode = None self.default_branch = None def __repr__(self): return '' % ( self.name, self.source_context, self.branch_matcher) def copy(self): r = self.__class__(self.name) r.source_context = self.source_context r.start_mark = self.start_mark r.templates = self.templates r.pipelines = self.pipelines r.branch_matcher = self.branch_matcher r.variables = self.variables r.merge_mode = self.merge_mode r.default_branch = self.default_branch return r def setImpliedBranchMatchers(self, branches): if len(branches) == 0: self.branch_matcher = None elif len(branches) > 1: matchers = [change_matcher.ImpliedBranchMatcher(branch) for branch in branches] self.branch_matcher = change_matcher.MatchAny(matchers) else: self.branch_matcher = change_matcher.ImpliedBranchMatcher( branches[0]) def changeMatches(self, change): if self.branch_matcher and not self.branch_matcher.matches(change): return False return True def toDict(self): d = {} d['default_branch'] = self.default_branch if self.merge_mode: d['merge_mode'] = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] == self.merge_mode, MERGER_MAP.items()))[0][0] else: d['merge_mode'] = None d['templates'] = self.templates return d class ProjectMetadata(object): """Information about a Project A Layout holds one of these for each project it knows about. Information about the project which is synthesized from multiple ProjectConfig objects is stored here. """ def __init__(self): self.merge_mode = None self.default_branch = None class ConfigItemNotListError(Exception): def __init__(self): message = textwrap.dedent("""\ Configuration file is not a list. Each zuul.yaml configuration file must be a list of items, for example: - job: name: foo - project: name: bar Ensure that every item starts with "- " so that it is parsed as a YAML list. """) super(ConfigItemNotListError, self).__init__(message) class ConfigItemNotDictError(Exception): def __init__(self): message = textwrap.dedent("""\ Configuration item is not a dictionary. Each zuul.yaml configuration file must be a list of dictionaries, for example: - job: name: foo - project: name: bar Ensure that every item in the list is a dictionary with one key (in this example, 'job' and 'project'). """) super(ConfigItemNotDictError, self).__init__(message) class ConfigItemMultipleKeysError(Exception): def __init__(self): message = textwrap.dedent("""\ Configuration item has more than one key. Each zuul.yaml configuration file must be a list of dictionaries with a single key, for example: - job: name: foo - project: name: bar Ensure that every item in the list is a dictionary with only one key (in this example, 'job' and 'project'). This error may be caused by insufficient indentation of the keys under the configuration item ('name' in this example). """) super(ConfigItemMultipleKeysError, self).__init__(message) class ConfigItemUnknownError(Exception): def __init__(self): message = textwrap.dedent("""\ Configuration item not recognized. Each zuul.yaml configuration file must be a list of dictionaries, for example: - job: name: foo - project: name: bar The dictionary keys must match one of the configuration item types recognized by zuul (for example, 'job' or 'project'). """) super(ConfigItemUnknownError, self).__init__(message) class UnparsedAbideConfig(object): """A collection of yaml lists that has not yet been parsed into objects. An Abide is a collection of tenants and access rules to those tenants. """ def __init__(self): self.tenants = [] self.admin_rules = [] self.known_tenants = set() def extend(self, conf): if isinstance(conf, UnparsedAbideConfig): self.tenants.extend(conf.tenants) self.admin_rules.extend(conf.admin_rules) return if not isinstance(conf, list): raise ConfigItemNotListError() for item in conf: if not isinstance(item, dict): raise ConfigItemNotDictError() if len(item.keys()) > 1: raise ConfigItemMultipleKeysError() key, value = list(item.items())[0] if key == 'tenant': self.tenants.append(value) if 'name' in value: self.known_tenants.add(value['name']) elif key == 'admin-rule': self.admin_rules.append(value) else: raise ConfigItemUnknownError() class UnparsedConfig(object): """A collection of yaml lists that has not yet been parsed into objects.""" def __init__(self): self.pragmas = [] self.pipelines = [] self.jobs = [] self.project_templates = [] self.projects = [] self.nodesets = [] self.secrets = [] self.semaphores = [] # The list of files/dirs which this represents. self.files_examined = set() self.dirs_examined = set() def copy(self, trusted=None): # If trusted is not None, update the source context of each # object in the copy. r = UnparsedConfig() # Keep a cache of all the source contexts indexed by # project-branch-path so that we can share them across objects source_contexts = {} for attr in ['pragmas', 'pipelines', 'jobs', 'project_templates', 'projects', 'nodesets', 'secrets', 'semaphores']: # Make a deep copy of each of our attributes old_objlist = getattr(self, attr) new_objlist = copy.deepcopy(old_objlist) setattr(r, attr, new_objlist) for i, new_obj in enumerate(new_objlist): old_obj = old_objlist[i] key = (old_obj['_source_context'].project, old_obj['_source_context'].branch, old_obj['_source_context'].path) new_sc = source_contexts.get(key) if not new_sc: new_sc = new_obj['_source_context'] if trusted is not None: new_sc.trusted = trusted source_contexts[key] = new_sc else: new_obj['_source_context'] = new_sc return r def extend(self, conf): if isinstance(conf, UnparsedConfig): self.pragmas.extend(conf.pragmas) self.pipelines.extend(conf.pipelines) self.jobs.extend(conf.jobs) self.project_templates.extend(conf.project_templates) self.projects.extend(conf.projects) self.nodesets.extend(conf.nodesets) self.secrets.extend(conf.secrets) self.semaphores.extend(conf.semaphores) return if not isinstance(conf, list): raise ConfigItemNotListError() for item in conf: if not isinstance(item, dict): raise ConfigItemNotDictError() if len(item.keys()) > 1: raise ConfigItemMultipleKeysError() key, value = list(item.items())[0] if key == 'project': self.projects.append(value) elif key == 'job': self.jobs.append(value) elif key == 'project-template': self.project_templates.append(value) elif key == 'pipeline': self.pipelines.append(value) elif key == 'nodeset': self.nodesets.append(value) elif key == 'secret': self.secrets.append(value) elif key == 'semaphore': self.semaphores.append(value) elif key == 'pragma': self.pragmas.append(value) else: raise ConfigItemUnknownError() class ParsedConfig(object): """A collection of parsed config objects.""" def __init__(self): self.pragmas = [] self.pipelines = [] self.jobs = [] self.project_templates = [] self.projects = [] self.projects_by_regex = {} self.nodesets = [] self.secrets = [] self.semaphores = [] def copy(self): r = ParsedConfig() r.pragmas = self.pragmas[:] r.pipelines = self.pipelines[:] r.jobs = self.jobs[:] r.project_templates = self.project_templates[:] r.projects = self.projects[:] r.projects_by_regex = copy.copy(self.projects_by_regex) r.nodesets = self.nodesets[:] r.secrets = self.secrets[:] r.semaphores = self.semaphores[:] return r def extend(self, conf): if isinstance(conf, ParsedConfig): self.pragmas.extend(conf.pragmas) self.pipelines.extend(conf.pipelines) self.jobs.extend(conf.jobs) self.project_templates.extend(conf.project_templates) self.projects.extend(conf.projects) self.nodesets.extend(conf.nodesets) self.secrets.extend(conf.secrets) self.semaphores.extend(conf.semaphores) for regex, projects in conf.projects_by_regex.items(): self.projects_by_regex.setdefault(regex, []).extend(projects) return else: raise ConfigItemUnknownError() class Layout(object): """Holds all of the Pipelines.""" log = logging.getLogger("zuul.layout") def __init__(self, tenant): self.uuid = uuid4().hex self.tenant = tenant self.project_configs = {} self.project_templates = {} self.project_metadata = {} self.pipelines = OrderedDict() # This is a dictionary of name -> [jobs]. The first element # of the list is the first job added with that name. It is # the reference definition for a given job. Subsequent # elements are aspects of that job with different matchers # that override some attribute of the job. These aspects all # inherit from the reference definition. noop = Job('noop') noop.description = 'A job that will always succeed, no operation.' noop.parent = noop.BASE_JOB_MARKER noop.run = (PlaybookContext(None, 'noop.yaml', [], []),) self.jobs = {'noop': [noop]} self.nodesets = {} self.secrets = {} self.semaphores = {} self.loading_errors = LoadingErrors() def getJob(self, name): if name in self.jobs: return self.jobs[name][0] raise Exception("Job %s not defined" % (name,)) def hasJob(self, name): return name in self.jobs def getJobs(self, name): return self.jobs.get(name, []) def addJob(self, job): # We can have multiple variants of a job all with the same # name, but these variants must all be defined in the same repo. prior_jobs = [j for j in self.getJobs(job.name) if j.source_context.project != job.source_context.project] # Unless the repo is permitted to shadow another. If so, and # the job we are adding is from a repo that is permitted to # shadow the one with the older jobs, skip adding this job. job_project = job.source_context.project job_tpc = self.tenant.project_configs[job_project.canonical_name] skip_add = False for prior_job in prior_jobs[:]: prior_project = prior_job.source_context.project if prior_project in job_tpc.shadow_projects: prior_jobs.remove(prior_job) skip_add = True if prior_jobs: raise Exception("Job %s in %s is not permitted to shadow " "job %s in %s" % ( job, job.source_context.project, prior_jobs[0], prior_jobs[0].source_context.project)) if skip_add: return False if job.name in self.jobs: self.jobs[job.name].append(job) else: self.jobs[job.name] = [job] return True def addNodeSet(self, nodeset): # It's ok to have a duplicate nodeset definition, but only if # they are in different branches of the same repo, and have # the same values. other = self.nodesets.get(nodeset.name) if other is not None: if not nodeset.source_context.isSameProject(other.source_context): raise Exception("Nodeset %s already defined in project %s" % (nodeset.name, other.source_context.project)) if nodeset.source_context.branch == other.source_context.branch: raise Exception("Nodeset %s already defined" % (nodeset.name,)) if nodeset != other: raise Exception("Nodeset %s does not match existing definition" " in branch %s" % (nodeset.name, other.source_context.branch)) # Identical data in a different branch of the same project; # ignore the duplicate definition return self.nodesets[nodeset.name] = nodeset def addSecret(self, secret): # It's ok to have a duplicate secret definition, but only if # they are in different branches of the same repo, and have # the same values. other = self.secrets.get(secret.name) if other is not None: if not secret.source_context.isSameProject(other.source_context): raise Exception("Secret %s already defined in project %s" % (secret.name, other.source_context.project)) if secret.source_context.branch == other.source_context.branch: raise Exception("Secret %s already defined" % (secret.name,)) if not secret.areDataEqual(other): raise Exception("Secret %s does not match existing definition" " in branch %s" % (secret.name, other.source_context.branch)) # Identical data in a different branch of the same project; # ignore the duplicate definition return self.secrets[secret.name] = secret def addSemaphore(self, semaphore): # It's ok to have a duplicate semaphore definition, but only if # they are in different branches of the same repo, and have # the same values. other = self.semaphores.get(semaphore.name) if other is not None: if not semaphore.source_context.isSameProject( other.source_context): raise Exception("Semaphore %s already defined in project %s" % (semaphore.name, other.source_context.project)) if semaphore.source_context.branch == other.source_context.branch: raise Exception("Semaphore %s already defined" % (semaphore.name,)) if semaphore != other: raise Exception("Semaphore %s does not match existing" " definition in branch %s" % (semaphore.name, other.source_context.branch)) # Identical data in a different branch of the same project; # ignore the duplicate definition return self.semaphores[semaphore.name] = semaphore def addPipeline(self, pipeline): if pipeline.tenant is not self.tenant: raise Exception("Pipeline created for tenant %s " "may not be added to %s" % ( pipeline.tenant, self.tenant)) if pipeline.name in self.pipelines: raise Exception( "Pipeline %s is already defined" % pipeline.name) self.pipelines[pipeline.name] = pipeline def addProjectTemplate(self, project_template): template_list = self.project_templates.get(project_template.name) if template_list is not None: reference = template_list[0] if (reference.source_context.project != project_template.source_context.project): raise Exception("Project template %s is already defined" % (project_template.name,)) else: template_list = self.project_templates.setdefault( project_template.name, []) template_list.append(project_template) def getProjectTemplates(self, name): pt = self.project_templates.get(name, None) if pt is None: raise TemplateNotFoundError("Project template %s not found" % name) return pt def addProjectConfig(self, project_config): if project_config.name in self.project_configs: self.project_configs[project_config.name].append(project_config) else: self.project_configs[project_config.name] = [project_config] self.project_metadata[project_config.name] = ProjectMetadata() md = self.project_metadata[project_config.name] if md.merge_mode is None and project_config.merge_mode is not None: md.merge_mode = project_config.merge_mode if (md.default_branch is None and project_config.default_branch is not None): md.default_branch = project_config.default_branch def getProjectConfigs(self, name): return self.project_configs.get(name, []) def getAllProjectConfigs(self, name): # Get all the project configs (project and project-template # stanzas) for a project. try: ret = [] for pc in self.getProjectConfigs(name): ret.append(pc) for template_name in pc.templates: templates = self.getProjectTemplates(template_name) ret.extend(templates) return ret except TemplateNotFoundError as e: self.log.warning("%s for project %s" % (e, name)) return [] def getProjectMetadata(self, name): if name in self.project_metadata: return self.project_metadata[name] return None def getProjectPipelineConfig(self, item): log = item.annotateLogger(self.log) # Create a project-pipeline config for the given item, taking # its branch (if any) into consideration. If the project does # not participate in the pipeline at all (in this branch), # return None. # A pc for a project can appear only in a config-project # (unbranched, always applies), or in the project itself (it # should have an implied branch matcher and it must match the # item). ppc = ProjectPipelineConfig() project_in_pipeline = False for pc in self.getProjectConfigs(item.change.project.canonical_name): if not pc.changeMatches(item.change): msg = "Project %s did not match" % (pc,) ppc.addDebug(msg) log.debug("%s item %s", msg, item) continue msg = "Project %s matched" % (pc,) ppc.addDebug(msg) log.debug("%s item %s", msg, item) for template_name in pc.templates: templates = self.getProjectTemplates(template_name) for template in templates: template_ppc = template.pipelines.get(item.pipeline.name) if template_ppc: if not template.changeMatches(item.change): msg = "Project template %s did not match" % ( template,) ppc.addDebug(msg) log.debug("%s item %s", msg, item) continue msg = "Project template %s matched" % ( template,) ppc.addDebug(msg) log.debug("%s item %s", msg, item) project_in_pipeline = True ppc.update(template_ppc) ppc.updateVariables(template.variables) # Now merge in project variables (they will override # template variables; later job variables may override # these again) ppc.updateVariables(pc.variables) project_ppc = pc.pipelines.get(item.pipeline.name) if project_ppc: project_in_pipeline = True ppc.update(project_ppc) if project_in_pipeline: return ppc return None def _updateOverrideCheckouts(self, override_checkouts, job): # Update the values in an override_checkouts dict with those # in a job. Used in collectJobVariants. if job.override_checkout: override_checkouts[None] = job.override_checkout for req in job.required_projects.values(): if req.override_checkout: override_checkouts[req.project_name] = req.override_checkout def _collectJobVariants(self, item, jobname, change, path, jobs, stack, override_checkouts, indent): log = item.annotateLogger(self.log) matched = False local_override_checkouts = override_checkouts.copy() override_branch = None project = None for variant in self.getJobs(jobname): if project is None and variant.source_context: project = variant.source_context.project if override_checkouts.get(None) is not None: override_branch = override_checkouts.get(None) override_branch = override_checkouts.get( project.canonical_name, override_branch) branches = self.tenant.getProjectBranches(project) if override_branch not in branches: override_branch = None if not variant.changeMatchesBranch( change, override_branch=override_branch): log.debug("Variant %s did not match %s", repr(variant), change) item.debug("Variant {variant} did not match".format( variant=repr(variant)), indent=indent) continue else: log.debug("Variant %s matched %s", repr(variant), change) item.debug("Variant {variant} matched".format( variant=repr(variant)), indent=indent) if not variant.isBase(): parent = variant.parent if not jobs and parent is None: parent = self.tenant.default_base_job else: parent = None self._updateOverrideCheckouts(local_override_checkouts, variant) if parent and parent not in path: if parent in stack: raise Exception("Dependency cycle in jobs: %s" % stack) self.collectJobs(item, parent, change, path, jobs, stack + [jobname], local_override_checkouts) matched = True if variant not in jobs: jobs.append(variant) return matched def collectJobs(self, item, jobname, change, path=None, jobs=None, stack=None, override_checkouts=None): log = item.annotateLogger(self.log) # Stack is the recursion stack of job parent names. Each time # we go up a level, we add to stack, and it's popped as we # descend. if stack is None: stack = [] # Jobs is the list of jobs we've accumulated. if jobs is None: jobs = [] # Path is the list of job names we've examined. It # accumulates and never reduces. If more than one job has the # same parent, this will prevent us from adding it a second # time. if path is None: path = [] # Override_checkouts is a dictionary of canonical project # names -> branch names. It is not mutated, but instead new # copies are made and updated as we ascend the hierarchy, so # higher levels don't affect lower levels after we descend. # It's used to override the branch matchers for jobs. if override_checkouts is None: override_checkouts = {} path.append(jobname) matched = False indent = len(path) + 1 msg = "Collecting job variants for {jobname}".format(jobname=jobname) log.debug(msg) item.debug(msg, indent=indent) matched = self._collectJobVariants( item, jobname, change, path, jobs, stack, override_checkouts, indent) if not matched: log.debug("No matching parents for job %s and change %s", jobname, change) item.debug("No matching parents for {jobname}".format( jobname=repr(jobname)), indent=indent) raise NoMatchingParentError() return jobs def _createJobGraph(self, item, ppc, job_graph, skip_file_matcher): log = item.annotateLogger(self.log) job_list = ppc.job_list change = item.change pipeline = item.pipeline item.debug("Freezing job graph") for jobname in job_list.jobs: # This is the final job we are constructing frozen_job = None log.debug("Collecting jobs %s for %s", jobname, change) item.debug("Freezing job {jobname}".format( jobname=jobname), indent=1) # Create the initial list of override_checkouts, which are # used as we walk up the hierarchy to expand the set of # jobs which match. override_checkouts = {} for variant in job_list.jobs[jobname]: if variant.changeMatchesBranch(change): self._updateOverrideCheckouts(override_checkouts, variant) try: variants = self.collectJobs( item, jobname, change, override_checkouts=override_checkouts) except NoMatchingParentError: variants = None log.debug("Collected jobs %s for %s", jobname, change) if not variants: # A change must match at least one defined job variant # (that is to say that it must match more than just # the job that is defined in the tree). item.debug("No matching variants for {jobname}".format( jobname=jobname), indent=2) continue for variant in variants: if frozen_job is None: frozen_job = variant.copy() frozen_job.setBase(item.layout) else: frozen_job.applyVariant(variant, item.layout) frozen_job.name = variant.name frozen_job.name = jobname # Now merge variables set from this parent ppc # (i.e. project+templates) directly into the job vars frozen_job.updateProjectVariables(ppc.variables) # If the job does not specify an ansible version default to the # tenant default. if not frozen_job.ansible_version: frozen_job.ansible_version = \ item.layout.tenant.default_ansible_version log.debug("Froze job %s for %s", jobname, change) # Whether the change matches any of the project pipeline # variants matched = False for variant in job_list.jobs[jobname]: if variant.changeMatchesBranch(change): frozen_job.applyVariant(variant, item.layout) matched = True log.debug("Pipeline variant %s matched %s", repr(variant), change) item.debug("Pipeline variant {variant} matched".format( variant=repr(variant)), indent=2) else: log.debug("Pipeline variant %s did not match %s", repr(variant), change) item.debug("Pipeline variant {variant} did not match". format(variant=repr(variant)), indent=2) if not matched: # A change must match at least one project pipeline # job variant. item.debug("No matching pipeline variants for {jobname}". format(jobname=jobname), indent=2) continue updates_job_config = False if not skip_file_matcher and \ not frozen_job.changeMatchesFiles(change): matched_files = False if frozen_job.match_on_config_updates: updates_job_config = item.updatesJobConfig(frozen_job) else: matched_files = True if not matched_files: if updates_job_config: # Log the reason we're ignoring the file matcher log.debug("The configuration of job %s is " "changed by %s; ignoring file matcher", repr(frozen_job), change) item.debug("The configuration of job {jobname} is " "changed; ignoring file matcher". format(jobname=jobname), indent=2) else: log.debug("Job %s did not match files in %s", repr(frozen_job), change) item.debug("Job {jobname} did not match files". format(jobname=jobname), indent=2) continue if frozen_job.abstract: raise Exception("Job %s is abstract and may not be " "directly run" % (frozen_job.name,)) if (not frozen_job.ignore_allowed_projects and frozen_job.allowed_projects is not None and change.project.name not in frozen_job.allowed_projects): raise Exception("Project %s is not allowed to run job %s" % (change.project.name, frozen_job.name)) if ((not pipeline.post_review) and frozen_job.post_review): raise Exception("Pre-review pipeline %s does not allow " "post-review job %s" % ( pipeline.name, frozen_job.name)) if not frozen_job.run: raise Exception("Job %s does not specify a run playbook" % ( frozen_job.name,)) job_graph.addJob(frozen_job) def createJobGraph(self, item, ppc, skip_file_matcher=False): # NOTE(pabelanger): It is possible for a foreign project not to have a # configured pipeline, if so return an empty JobGraph. ret = JobGraph() if ppc: self._createJobGraph(item, ppc, ret, skip_file_matcher) return ret class Semaphore(ConfigObject): def __init__(self, name, max=1): super(Semaphore, self).__init__() self.name = name self.max = int(max) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Semaphore): return False return (self.name == other.name and self.max == other.max) class SemaphoreHandler(object): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.SemaphoreHandler") def __init__(self): self.semaphores = {} def acquire(self, item, job, request_resources): """ Aquires a semaphore for an item job combination. This gets called twice during the lifecycle of a job. The first call is before requesting build resources. The second call is before running the job. In which call we really acquire the semaphore is defined by the job. :param item: The item :param job: The job :param request_resources: True if we want to acquire for the request resources phase, False if we want to acquire for the run phase. """ if not job.semaphore: return True log = get_annotated_logger(self.log, item.event) if job.semaphore.resources_first and request_resources: # We're currently in the resource request phase and want to get the # resources before locking. So we don't need to do anything here. return True else: # As a safety net we want to acuire the semaphore at least in the # run phase so don't filter this here as re-acuiring the semaphore # is not a problem here if it has been already acquired before in # the resources phase. pass semaphore_key = job.semaphore.name m = self.semaphores.get(semaphore_key) if not m: # The semaphore is not held, acquire it self._acquire(semaphore_key, item, job.name, log) return True if (item, job.name) in m: # This item already holds the semaphore return True # semaphore is there, check max if len(m) < self._max_count(item, job.semaphore.name): self._acquire(semaphore_key, item, job.name, log) return True return False def release(self, item, job): if not job.semaphore: return log = get_annotated_logger(self.log, item.event) semaphore_key = job.semaphore.name m = self.semaphores.get(semaphore_key) if not m: # The semaphore is not held, nothing to do log.error("Semaphore can not be released for %s " "because the semaphore is not held", item) return if (item, job.name) in m: # This item is a holder of the semaphore self._release(semaphore_key, item, job.name, log) return log.error("Semaphore can not be released for %s " "which does not hold it", item) def _acquire(self, semaphore_key, item, job_name, log): log.debug("Semaphore acquire {semaphore}: job {job}, item {item}" .format(semaphore=semaphore_key, job=job_name, item=item)) if semaphore_key not in self.semaphores: self.semaphores[semaphore_key] = [] self.semaphores[semaphore_key].append((item, job_name)) def _release(self, semaphore_key, item, job_name, log): log.debug("Semaphore release {semaphore}: job {job}, item {item}" .format(semaphore=semaphore_key, job=job_name, item=item)) sem_item = (item, job_name) if sem_item in self.semaphores[semaphore_key]: self.semaphores[semaphore_key].remove(sem_item) # cleanup if there is no user of the semaphore anymore if len(self.semaphores[semaphore_key]) == 0: del self.semaphores[semaphore_key] @staticmethod def _max_count(item, semaphore_name): if not item.layout: # This should not occur as the layout of the item must already be # built when acquiring or releasing a semaphore for a job. raise Exception("Item {} has no layout".format(item)) # find the right semaphore default_semaphore = Semaphore(semaphore_name, 1) semaphores = item.layout.semaphores return semaphores.get(semaphore_name, default_semaphore).max class Tenant(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.max_nodes_per_job = 5 self.max_job_timeout = 10800 self.exclude_unprotected_branches = False self.default_base_job = None self.report_build_page = False self.layout = None # The unparsed configuration from the main zuul config for # this tenant. self.unparsed_config = None # The list of projects from which we will read full # configuration. self.config_projects = [] # The parsed config from those projects. self.config_projects_config = None # The list of projects from which we will read untrusted # in-repo configuration. self.untrusted_projects = [] # The parsed config from those projects. self.untrusted_projects_config = None self.semaphore_handler = SemaphoreHandler() # Metadata about projects for this tenant # canonical project name -> TenantProjectConfig self.project_configs = {} # A mapping of project names to projects. project_name -> # VALUE where VALUE is a further dictionary of # canonical_hostname -> Project. self.projects = {} self.canonical_hostnames = set() # The per tenant default ansible version self.default_ansible_version = None self.authorization_rules = [] def _addProject(self, tpc): """Add a project to the project index :arg TenantProjectConfig tpc: The TenantProjectConfig (with associated project) to add. """ project = tpc.project self.canonical_hostnames.add(project.canonical_hostname) hostname_dict = self.projects.setdefault(project.name, {}) if project.canonical_hostname in hostname_dict: raise Exception("Project %s is already in project index" % (project,)) hostname_dict[project.canonical_hostname] = project self.project_configs[project.canonical_name] = tpc def getProject(self, name): """Return a project given its name. :arg str name: The name of the project. It may be fully qualified (E.g., "git.example.com/subpath/project") or may contain only the project name name may be supplied (E.g., "subpath/project"). :returns: A tuple (trusted, project) or (None, None) if the project is not found or ambiguous. The "trusted" boolean indicates whether or not the project is trusted by this tenant. :rtype: (bool, Project) """ path = name.split('/', 1) if path[0] in self.canonical_hostnames: hostname = path[0] project_name = path[1] else: hostname = None project_name = name hostname_dict = self.projects.get(project_name) project = None if hostname_dict: if hostname: project = hostname_dict.get(hostname) else: values = list(hostname_dict.values()) if len(values) == 1: project = values[0] else: raise Exception("Project name '%s' is ambiguous, " "please fully qualify the project " "with a hostname" % (name,)) if project is None: return (None, None) if project in self.config_projects: return (True, project) if project in self.untrusted_projects: return (False, project) # This should never happen: raise Exception("Project %s is neither trusted nor untrusted" % (project,)) def getProjectsByRegex(self, regex): """Return all projects with a full match to either project name or canonical project name. :arg str regex: The regex to match :returns: A list of tuples (trusted, project) describing the found projects. Raises an exception if the same project name is found several times across multiple hostnames. """ matcher = re2.compile(regex) projects = [] result = [] for name, hostname_dict in self.projects.items(): if matcher.fullmatch(name): # validate that this match is unambiguous values = list(hostname_dict.values()) if len(values) > 1: raise Exception("Project name '%s' is ambiguous, " "please fully qualify the project " "with a hostname. Valid hostnames " "are %s." % (name, hostname_dict.keys())) projects.append(values[0]) else: # try to match canonical project names for project in hostname_dict.values(): if matcher.fullmatch(project.canonical_name): projects.append(project) for project in projects: if project in self.config_projects: result.append((True, project)) elif project in self.untrusted_projects: result.append((False, project)) else: raise Exception("Project %s is neither trusted nor untrusted" % (project,)) return result def getProjectBranches(self, project): """Return a project's branches (filtered by this tenant config) :arg Project project: The project object. :returns: A list of branch names. :rtype: [str] """ tpc = self.project_configs[project.canonical_name] return tpc.branches def getExcludeUnprotectedBranches(self, project): # Evaluate if unprotected branches should be excluded or not. The first # match wins. The order is project -> tenant (default is false). project_config = self.project_configs.get(project.canonical_name) if project_config.exclude_unprotected_branches is not None: exclude_unprotected = project_config.exclude_unprotected_branches else: exclude_unprotected = self.exclude_unprotected_branches return exclude_unprotected def addConfigProject(self, tpc): self.config_projects.append(tpc.project) self._addProject(tpc) def addUntrustedProject(self, tpc): self.untrusted_projects.append(tpc.project) self._addProject(tpc) def getSafeAttributes(self): return Attributes(name=self.name) class UnparsedBranchCache(object): """Cache information about a single branch""" def __init__(self): self.load_skipped = True self.extra_files_searched = set() self.extra_dirs_searched = set() self.files = {} def isValidFor(self, tpc): """Return True if this has valid cache results for the extra files/dirs in the tpc. """ if self.load_skipped: return False if (set(tpc.extra_config_files) <= self.extra_files_searched and set(tpc.extra_config_dirs) <= self.extra_dirs_searched): return True return False def setValidFor(self, tpc): self.load_skipped = False self.extra_files_searched |= set(tpc.extra_config_files) self.extra_dirs_searched |= set(tpc.extra_config_dirs) def put(self, path, config): self.files[path] = config def get(self, tpc): ret = UnparsedConfig() files_list = self.files.keys() fns1 = [] fns2 = [] fns3 = [] fns4 = [] for fn in files_list: if fn.startswith("zuul.d/"): fns1.append(fn) if fn.startswith(".zuul.d/"): fns2.append(fn) for ef in tpc.extra_config_files: if fn.startswith(ef): fns3.append(fn) for ed in tpc.extra_config_dirs: if fn.startswith(ed): fns4.append(fn) fns = (["zuul.yaml"] + sorted(fns1) + [".zuul.yaml"] + sorted(fns2) + fns3 + sorted(fns4)) for fn in fns: data = self.files.get(fn) if data is not None: ret.extend(data) return ret class Abide(object): def __init__(self): self.admin_rules = OrderedDict() self.tenants = OrderedDict() # project -> branch -> UnparsedBranchCache self.unparsed_project_branch_cache = {} def hasUnparsedBranchCache(self, canonical_project_name, branch): project_branch_cache = self.unparsed_project_branch_cache.setdefault( canonical_project_name, {}) cache = project_branch_cache.get(branch) if cache is None: return False return True def getUnparsedBranchCache(self, canonical_project_name, branch): project_branch_cache = self.unparsed_project_branch_cache.setdefault( canonical_project_name, {}) cache = project_branch_cache.get(branch) if cache is not None: return cache project_branch_cache[branch] = UnparsedBranchCache() return project_branch_cache[branch] def clearUnparsedBranchCache(self, canonical_project_name, branch=None): if canonical_project_name in self.unparsed_project_branch_cache: project_branch_cache = \ self.unparsed_project_branch_cache[canonical_project_name] if branch in project_branch_cache: del project_branch_cache[branch] if len(project_branch_cache) == 0 or branch is None: del self.unparsed_project_branch_cache[canonical_project_name] class JobTimeData(object): format = 'B10H10H10B' version = 0 def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.success_times = [0 for x in range(10)] self.failure_times = [0 for x in range(10)] self.results = [0 for x in range(10)] def load(self): if not os.path.exists(self.path): return with open(self.path, 'rb') as f: data = struct.unpack(self.format, f.read()) version = data[0] if version != self.version: raise Exception("Unkown data version") self.success_times = list(data[1:11]) self.failure_times = list(data[11:21]) self.results = list(data[21:32]) def save(self): tmpfile = self.path + '.tmp' data = [self.version] data.extend(self.success_times) data.extend(self.failure_times) data.extend(self.results) data = struct.pack(self.format, *data) with open(tmpfile, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) os.rename(tmpfile, self.path) def add(self, elapsed, result): elapsed = int(elapsed) if result == 'SUCCESS': self.success_times.append(elapsed) self.success_times.pop(0) result = 0 else: self.failure_times.append(elapsed) self.failure_times.pop(0) result = 1 self.results.append(result) self.results.pop(0) def getEstimatedTime(self): times = [x for x in self.success_times if x] if times: return float(sum(times)) / len(times) return 0.0 class TimeDataBase(object): def __init__(self, root): self.root = root def _getTD(self, build): if hasattr(build.build_set.item.change, 'branch'): branch = build.build_set.item.change.branch else: branch = '' dir_path = os.path.join( self.root, build.build_set.item.pipeline.tenant.name, build.build_set.item.change.project.canonical_name, branch) if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) path = os.path.join(dir_path, build.job.name) td = JobTimeData(path) td.load() return td def getEstimatedTime(self, name): return self._getTD(name).getEstimatedTime() def update(self, build, elapsed, result): td = self._getTD(build) td.add(elapsed, result) td.save() class Capabilities(object): """The set of capabilities this Zuul installation has. Some plugins add elements to the external API. In order to facilitate consumers knowing if functionality is available or not, keep track of distinct capability flags. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._capabilities = kwargs def __repr__(self): return '' % (id(self), self._renderFlags()) def _renderFlags(self): return " ".join(['{k}={v}'.format(k=k, v=repr(v)) for (k, v) in self._capabilities.items()]) def copy(self): return Capabilities(**self.toDict()) def toDict(self): return self._capabilities class WebInfo(object): """Information about the system needed by zuul-web /info.""" def __init__(self, websocket_url=None, capabilities=None, stats_url=None, stats_prefix=None, stats_type=None): _caps = capabilities if _caps is None: _caps = Capabilities(**capabilities_registry.capabilities) self.capabilities = _caps self.stats_prefix = stats_prefix self.stats_type = stats_type self.stats_url = stats_url self.tenant = None self.websocket_url = websocket_url def __repr__(self): return '' % ( id(self), str(self.capabilities)) def copy(self): return WebInfo( capabilities=self.capabilities.copy(), stats_prefix=self.stats_prefix, stats_type=self.stats_type, stats_url=self.stats_url, websocket_url=self.websocket_url) @staticmethod def fromConfig(config): return WebInfo( stats_prefix=get_default(config, 'statsd', 'prefix'), stats_type=get_default(config, 'web', 'stats_type', 'graphite'), stats_url=get_default(config, 'web', 'stats_url', None), websocket_url=get_default(config, 'web', 'websocket_url', None), ) def toDict(self): d = dict() d['capabilities'] = self.capabilities.toDict() d['websocket_url'] = self.websocket_url stats = dict() stats['prefix'] = self.stats_prefix stats['type'] = self.stats_type stats['url'] = self.stats_url d['stats'] = stats if self.tenant: d['tenant'] = self.tenant return d class HoldRequest(object): def __init__(self): self.lock = None self.stat = None self.id = None self.expired = None self.tenant = None self.project = None self.job = None self.ref_filter = None self.reason = None self.node_expiration = None # When max_count == current_count, hold request can no longer be used. self.max_count = 1 self.current_count = 0 # The hold request 'nodes' attribute is a list of dictionaries # (one list entry per hold request count) containing the build # ID (build) and a list of nodes (nodes) held for that build. # Example: # # hold_request.nodes = [ # { 'build': 'ca01...', 'nodes': ['00000001', '00000002'] }, # { 'build': 'fb72...', 'nodes': ['00000003', '00000004'] }, # ] self.nodes = [] def __str__(self): return "" \ % (self.id, self.tenant, self.project, self.job, self.ref_filter) @staticmethod def fromDict(data): ''' Return a new object from the given data dictionary. ''' obj = HoldRequest() obj.expired = data.get('expired') obj.tenant = data.get('tenant') obj.project = data.get('project') obj.job = data.get('job') obj.ref_filter = data.get('ref_filter') obj.max_count = data.get('max_count') obj.current_count = data.get('current_count') obj.reason = data.get('reason') obj.node_expiration = data.get('node_expiration') obj.nodes = data.get('nodes', []) return obj def toDict(self): ''' Return a dictionary representation of the object. ''' d = dict() d['id'] = self.id d['expired'] = self.expired d['tenant'] = self.tenant d['project'] = self.project d['job'] = self.job d['ref_filter'] = self.ref_filter d['max_count'] = self.max_count d['current_count'] = self.current_count d['reason'] = self.reason d['node_expiration'] = self.node_expiration d['nodes'] = self.nodes return d def updateFromDict(self, d): ''' Update current object with data from the given dictionary. ''' self.expired = d.get('expired') self.tenant = d.get('tenant') self.project = d.get('project') self.job = d.get('job') self.ref_filter = d.get('ref_filter') self.max_count = d.get('max_count', 1) self.current_count = d.get('current_count', 0) self.reason = d.get('reason') self.node_expiration = d.get('node_expiration') def serialize(self): ''' Return a representation of the object as a string. Used for storing the object data in ZooKeeper. ''' return json.dumps(self.toDict()).encode('utf8') # AuthZ models class AuthZRule(object): """The base class for authorization rules""" def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) class ClaimRule(AuthZRule): """This rule checks the value of a claim. The check tries to be smart by assessing the type of the tested value.""" def __init__(self, claim=None, value=None): super(ClaimRule, self).__init__() self.claim = claim or 'sub' self.value = value def templated(self, value, tenant=None): template_dict = {} if tenant is not None: template_dict['tenant'] = tenant.getSafeAttributes() return value.format(**template_dict) def _match_jsonpath(self, claims, tenant): matches = [match.value for match in jsonpath_rw.parse(self.claim).find(claims)] t_value = self.templated(self.value, tenant) if len(matches) == 1: match = matches[0] if isinstance(match, list): return t_value in match elif isinstance(match, str): return t_value == match else: # unsupported type - don't raise, but this should be notified return False else: # TODO we should differentiate no match and 2+ matches return False def _match_dict(self, claims, tenant): def _compare(value, claim): if isinstance(value, list): t_value = map(self.templated, value, [tenant] * len(value)) if isinstance(claim, list): # if the claim is empty, the value must be empty too: if claim == []: return t_value == [] else: return (set(claim) <= set(t_value)) else: return claim in value elif isinstance(value, dict): if not isinstance(claim, dict): return False elif value == {}: return claim == {} else: return all(_compare(value[x], claim.get(x, {})) for x in value.keys()) else: t_value = self.templated(value, tenant) return t_value == claim return _compare(self.value, claims.get(self.claim, {})) def __call__(self, claims, tenant=None): if isinstance(self.value, dict): return self._match_dict(claims, tenant) else: return self._match_jsonpath(claims, tenant) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ClaimRule): return False return (self.claim == other.claim and self.value == other.value) def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.claim, self.value) def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) class OrRule(AuthZRule): def __init__(self, subrules): super(OrRule, self).__init__() self.rules = set(subrules) def __call__(self, claims, tenant=None): return any(rule(claims, tenant) for rule in self.rules) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, OrRule): return False return self.rules == other.rules def __repr__(self): return '' % (' || '.join(repr(r) for r in self.rules)) def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) class AndRule(AuthZRule): def __init__(self, subrules): super(AndRule, self).__init__() self.rules = set(subrules) def __call__(self, claims, tenant=None): return all(rule(claims, tenant) for rule in self.rules) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, AndRule): return False return self.rules == other.rules def __repr__(self): return '' % (' && '.join(repr(r) for r in self.rules)) def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) class AuthZRuleTree(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name # initialize actions as unauthorized self.ruletree = None def __call__(self, claims, tenant=None): return self.ruletree(claims, tenant) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, AuthZRuleTree): return False return (self.name == other.name and self.ruletree == other.ruletree) def __repr__(self): return '' % self.ruletree