# Copyright 2012-2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2013 Antoine "hashar" Musso # Copyright 2013 Wikimedia Foundation Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import extras import json import logging import os import pickle from six.moves import queue as Queue import re import sys import threading import time import yaml import layoutvalidator import model from model import Pipeline, Project, ChangeQueue from model import ChangeishFilter, NullChange from zuul import change_matcher, exceptions from zuul import version as zuul_version statsd = extras.try_import('statsd.statsd') def deep_format(obj, paramdict): """Apply the paramdict via str.format() to all string objects found within the supplied obj. Lists and dicts are traversed recursively. Borrowed from Jenkins Job Builder project""" if isinstance(obj, str): ret = obj.format(**paramdict) elif isinstance(obj, list): ret = [] for item in obj: ret.append(deep_format(item, paramdict)) elif isinstance(obj, dict): ret = {} for item in obj: exp_item = item.format(**paramdict) ret[exp_item] = deep_format(obj[item], paramdict) else: ret = obj return ret class ManagementEvent(object): """An event that should be processed within the main queue run loop""" def __init__(self): self._wait_event = threading.Event() self._exception = None self._traceback = None def exception(self, e, tb): self._exception = e self._traceback = tb self._wait_event.set() def done(self): self._wait_event.set() def wait(self, timeout=None): self._wait_event.wait(timeout) if self._exception: raise self._exception, None, self._traceback return self._wait_event.is_set() class ReconfigureEvent(ManagementEvent): """Reconfigure the scheduler. The layout will be (re-)loaded from the path specified in the configuration. :arg ConfigParser config: the new configuration """ def __init__(self, config): super(ReconfigureEvent, self).__init__() self.config = config class PromoteEvent(ManagementEvent): """Promote one or more changes to the head of the queue. :arg str pipeline_name: the name of the pipeline :arg list change_ids: a list of strings of change ids in the form 1234,1 """ def __init__(self, pipeline_name, change_ids): super(PromoteEvent, self).__init__() self.pipeline_name = pipeline_name self.change_ids = change_ids class EnqueueEvent(ManagementEvent): """Enqueue a change into a pipeline :arg TriggerEvent trigger_event: a TriggerEvent describing the trigger, pipeline, and change to enqueue """ def __init__(self, trigger_event): super(EnqueueEvent, self).__init__() self.trigger_event = trigger_event class ResultEvent(object): """An event that needs to modify the pipeline state due to a result from an external system.""" pass class BuildStartedEvent(ResultEvent): """A build has started. :arg Build build: The build which has started. """ def __init__(self, build): self.build = build class BuildCompletedEvent(ResultEvent): """A build has completed :arg Build build: The build which has completed. """ def __init__(self, build): self.build = build class MergeCompletedEvent(ResultEvent): """A remote merge operation has completed :arg BuildSet build_set: The build_set which is ready. :arg str zuul_url: The URL of the Zuul Merger. :arg bool merged: Whether the merge succeeded (changes with refs). :arg bool updated: Whether the repo was updated (changes without refs). :arg str commit: The SHA of the merged commit (changes with refs). """ def __init__(self, build_set, zuul_url, merged, updated, commit): self.build_set = build_set self.zuul_url = zuul_url self.merged = merged self.updated = updated self.commit = commit def toList(item): if not item: return [] if isinstance(item, list): return item return [item] class Scheduler(threading.Thread): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.Scheduler") def __init__(self, config): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.wake_event = threading.Event() self.layout_lock = threading.Lock() self.run_handler_lock = threading.Lock() self._pause = False self._exit = False self._stopped = False self.launcher = None self.merger = None self.connections = dict() # Despite triggers being part of the pipeline, there is one trigger set # per scheduler. The pipeline handles the trigger filters but since # the events are handled by the scheduler itself it needs to handle # the loading of the triggers. # self.triggers['connection_name'] = triggerObject self.triggers = dict() self.config = config self.trigger_event_queue = Queue.Queue() self.result_event_queue = Queue.Queue() self.management_event_queue = Queue.Queue() self.layout = model.Layout() self.zuul_version = zuul_version.version_info.release_string() self.last_reconfigured = None # A set of reporter configuration keys to action mapping self._reporter_actions = { 'start': 'start_actions', 'success': 'success_actions', 'failure': 'failure_actions', 'merge-failure': 'merge_failure_actions', 'disabled': 'disabled_actions', } def stop(self): self._stopped = True self._unloadDrivers() self.stopConnections() self.wake_event.set() def testConfig(self, config_path, connections): # Take the list of set up connections directly here rather than with # registerConnections as we don't want to do the onLoad event yet. return self._parseConfig(config_path, connections) def _parseSkipIf(self, config_job): cm = change_matcher skip_matchers = [] for config_skip in config_job.get('skip-if', []): nested_matchers = [] project_regex = config_skip.get('project') if project_regex: nested_matchers.append(cm.ProjectMatcher(project_regex)) branch_regex = config_skip.get('branch') if branch_regex: nested_matchers.append(cm.BranchMatcher(branch_regex)) file_regexes = toList(config_skip.get('all-files-match-any')) if file_regexes: file_matchers = [cm.FileMatcher(x) for x in file_regexes] all_files_matcher = cm.MatchAllFiles(file_matchers) nested_matchers.append(all_files_matcher) # All patterns need to match a given skip-if predicate skip_matchers.append(cm.MatchAll(nested_matchers)) if skip_matchers: # Any skip-if predicate can be matched to trigger a skip return cm.MatchAny(skip_matchers) def registerConnections(self, connections): self.connections = connections for connection_name, connection in self.connections.items(): connection.registerScheduler(self) connection.onLoad() def stopConnections(self): for connection_name, connection in self.connections.items(): connection.onStop() def _unloadDrivers(self): for trigger in self.triggers.values(): trigger.stop() self.triggers = {} for pipeline in self.layout.pipelines.values(): pipeline.source.stop() for action in self._reporter_actions.values(): for reporter in pipeline.__getattribute__(action): reporter.stop() def _getDriver(self, dtype, connection_name, driver_config={}): # Instantiate a driver such as a trigger, source or reporter # TODO(jhesketh): Make this list dynamic or use entrypoints etc. # Stevedore was not a good fit here due to the nature of triggers. # Specifically we don't want to load a trigger per a pipeline as one # trigger can listen to a stream (from gerrit, for example) and the # scheduler decides which eventfilter to use. As such we want to load # trigger+connection pairs uniquely. drivers = { 'source': { 'gerrit': 'zuul.source.gerrit:GerritSource', }, 'trigger': { 'gerrit': 'zuul.trigger.gerrit:GerritTrigger', 'timer': 'zuul.trigger.timer:TimerTrigger', 'zuul': 'zuul.trigger.zuultrigger:ZuulTrigger', }, 'reporter': { 'gerrit': 'zuul.reporter.gerrit:GerritReporter', 'smtp': 'zuul.reporter.smtp:SMTPReporter', }, } # TODO(jhesketh): Check the connection_name exists if connection_name in self.connections.keys(): driver_name = self.connections[connection_name].driver_name connection = self.connections[connection_name] else: # In some cases a driver may not be related to a connection. For # example, the 'timer' or 'zuul' triggers. driver_name = connection_name connection = None driver = drivers[dtype][driver_name].split(':') driver_instance = getattr( __import__(driver[0], fromlist=['']), driver[1])( driver_config, self, connection ) if connection: connection.registerUse(dtype, driver_instance) return driver_instance def _getSourceDriver(self, connection_name): return self._getDriver('source', connection_name) def _getReporterDriver(self, connection_name, driver_config={}): return self._getDriver('reporter', connection_name, driver_config) def _getTriggerDriver(self, connection_name, driver_config={}): return self._getDriver('trigger', connection_name, driver_config) def _parseConfig(self, config_path, connections): layout = model.Layout() project_templates = {} if config_path: config_path = os.path.expanduser(config_path) if not os.path.exists(config_path): raise Exception("Unable to read layout config file at %s" % config_path) with open(config_path) as config_file: data = yaml.load(config_file) validator = layoutvalidator.LayoutValidator() validator.validate(data, connections) config_env = {} for include in data.get('includes', []): if 'python-file' in include: fn = include['python-file'] if not os.path.isabs(fn): base = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(config_path)) fn = os.path.join(base, fn) fn = os.path.expanduser(fn) execfile(fn, config_env) for conf_pipeline in data.get('pipelines', []): pipeline = Pipeline(conf_pipeline['name']) pipeline.description = conf_pipeline.get('description') # TODO(jeblair): remove backwards compatibility: pipeline.source = self._getSourceDriver( conf_pipeline.get('source', 'gerrit')) precedence = model.PRECEDENCE_MAP[conf_pipeline.get('precedence')] pipeline.precedence = precedence pipeline.failure_message = conf_pipeline.get('failure-message', "Build failed.") pipeline.merge_failure_message = conf_pipeline.get( 'merge-failure-message', "Merge Failed.\n\nThis change or one " "of its cross-repo dependencies was unable to be " "automatically merged with the current state of its " "repository. Please rebase the change and upload a new " "patchset.") pipeline.success_message = conf_pipeline.get('success-message', "Build succeeded.") pipeline.footer_message = conf_pipeline.get('footer-message', "") pipeline.dequeue_on_new_patchset = conf_pipeline.get( 'dequeue-on-new-patchset', True) pipeline.ignore_dependencies = conf_pipeline.get( 'ignore-dependencies', False) for conf_key, action in self._reporter_actions.items(): reporter_set = [] if conf_pipeline.get(conf_key): for reporter_name, params \ in conf_pipeline.get(conf_key).items(): reporter = self._getReporterDriver(reporter_name, params) reporter.setAction(conf_key) reporter_set.append(reporter) setattr(pipeline, action, reporter_set) # If merge-failure actions aren't explicit, use the failure actions if not pipeline.merge_failure_actions: pipeline.merge_failure_actions = pipeline.failure_actions pipeline.disable_at = conf_pipeline.get( 'disable-after-consecutive-failures', None) pipeline.window = conf_pipeline.get('window', 20) pipeline.window_floor = conf_pipeline.get('window-floor', 3) pipeline.window_increase_type = conf_pipeline.get( 'window-increase-type', 'linear') pipeline.window_increase_factor = conf_pipeline.get( 'window-increase-factor', 1) pipeline.window_decrease_type = conf_pipeline.get( 'window-decrease-type', 'exponential') pipeline.window_decrease_factor = conf_pipeline.get( 'window-decrease-factor', 2) manager = globals()[conf_pipeline['manager']](self, pipeline) pipeline.setManager(manager) layout.pipelines[conf_pipeline['name']] = pipeline if 'require' in conf_pipeline or 'reject' in conf_pipeline: require = conf_pipeline.get('require', {}) reject = conf_pipeline.get('reject', {}) f = ChangeishFilter( open=require.get('open'), current_patchset=require.get('current-patchset'), statuses=toList(require.get('status')), required_approvals=toList(require.get('approval')), reject_approvals=toList(reject.get('approval')) ) manager.changeish_filters.append(f) for trigger_name, trigger_config\ in conf_pipeline.get('trigger').items(): if trigger_name not in self.triggers.keys(): self.triggers[trigger_name] = \ self._getTriggerDriver(trigger_name, trigger_config) for trigger_name, trigger in self.triggers.items(): if trigger_name in conf_pipeline['trigger']: manager.event_filters += trigger.getEventFilters( conf_pipeline['trigger'][trigger_name]) for project_template in data.get('project-templates', []): # Make sure the template only contains valid pipelines tpl = dict( (pipe_name, project_template.get(pipe_name)) for pipe_name in layout.pipelines.keys() if pipe_name in project_template ) project_templates[project_template.get('name')] = tpl for config_job in data.get('jobs', []): job = layout.getJob(config_job['name']) # Be careful to only set attributes explicitly present on # this job, to avoid squashing attributes set by a meta-job. m = config_job.get('queue-name', None) if m: job.queue_name = m m = config_job.get('failure-message', None) if m: job.failure_message = m m = config_job.get('success-message', None) if m: job.success_message = m m = config_job.get('failure-pattern', None) if m: job.failure_pattern = m m = config_job.get('success-pattern', None) if m: job.success_pattern = m m = config_job.get('hold-following-changes', False) if m: job.hold_following_changes = True m = config_job.get('voting', None) if m is not None: job.voting = m fname = config_job.get('parameter-function', None) if fname: func = config_env.get(fname, None) if not func: raise Exception("Unable to find function %s" % fname) job.parameter_function = func branches = toList(config_job.get('branch')) if branches: job._branches = branches job.branches = [re.compile(x) for x in branches] files = toList(config_job.get('files')) if files: job._files = files job.files = [re.compile(x) for x in files] skip_if_matcher = self._parseSkipIf(config_job) if skip_if_matcher: job.skip_if_matcher = skip_if_matcher swift = toList(config_job.get('swift')) if swift: for s in swift: job.swift[s['name']] = s def add_jobs(job_tree, config_jobs): for job in config_jobs: if isinstance(job, list): for x in job: add_jobs(job_tree, x) if isinstance(job, dict): for parent, children in job.items(): parent_tree = job_tree.addJob(layout.getJob(parent)) add_jobs(parent_tree, children) if isinstance(job, str): job_tree.addJob(layout.getJob(job)) for config_project in data.get('projects', []): project = Project(config_project['name']) shortname = config_project['name'].split('/')[-1] # This is reversed due to the prepend operation below, so # the ultimate order is templates (in order) followed by # statically defined jobs. for requested_template in reversed( config_project.get('template', [])): # Fetch the template from 'project-templates' tpl = project_templates.get( requested_template.get('name')) # Expand it with the project context requested_template['name'] = shortname expanded = deep_format(tpl, requested_template) # Finally merge the expansion with whatever has been # already defined for this project. Prepend our new # jobs to existing ones (which may have been # statically defined or defined by other templates). for pipeline in layout.pipelines.values(): if pipeline.name in expanded: config_project.update( {pipeline.name: expanded[pipeline.name] + config_project.get(pipeline.name, [])}) layout.projects[config_project['name']] = project mode = config_project.get('merge-mode', 'merge-resolve') project.merge_mode = model.MERGER_MAP[mode] for pipeline in layout.pipelines.values(): if pipeline.name in config_project: job_tree = pipeline.addProject(project) config_jobs = config_project[pipeline.name] add_jobs(job_tree, config_jobs) # All jobs should be defined at this point, get rid of # metajobs so that getJob isn't doing anything weird. layout.metajobs = [] for pipeline in layout.pipelines.values(): pipeline.manager._postConfig(layout) return layout def setLauncher(self, launcher): self.launcher = launcher def setMerger(self, merger): self.merger = merger def getProject(self, name, create_foreign=False): self.layout_lock.acquire() p = None try: p = self.layout.projects.get(name) if p is None and create_foreign: self.log.info("Registering foreign project: %s" % name) p = Project(name, foreign=True) self.layout.projects[name] = p finally: self.layout_lock.release() return p def addEvent(self, event): self.log.debug("Adding trigger event: %s" % event) try: if statsd: statsd.incr('gerrit.event.%s' % event.type) except: self.log.exception("Exception reporting event stats") self.trigger_event_queue.put(event) self.wake_event.set() self.log.debug("Done adding trigger event: %s" % event) def onBuildStarted(self, build): self.log.debug("Adding start event for build: %s" % build) build.start_time = time.time() event = BuildStartedEvent(build) self.result_event_queue.put(event) self.wake_event.set() self.log.debug("Done adding start event for build: %s" % build) def onBuildCompleted(self, build, result): self.log.debug("Adding complete event for build: %s result: %s" % ( build, result)) build.end_time = time.time() # Note, as soon as the result is set, other threads may act # upon this, even though the event hasn't been fully # processed. Ensure that any other data from the event (eg, # timing) is recorded before setting the result. build.result = result try: if statsd and build.pipeline: jobname = build.job.name.replace('.', '_') key = 'zuul.pipeline.%s.all_jobs' % build.pipeline.name statsd.incr(key) for label in build.node_labels: # Jenkins includes the node name in its list of labels, so # we filter it out here, since that is not statistically # interesting. if label == build.node_name: continue dt = int((build.start_time - build.launch_time) * 1000) key = 'zuul.pipeline.%s.label.%s.wait_time' % ( build.pipeline.name, label) statsd.timing(key, dt) key = 'zuul.pipeline.%s.job.%s.%s' % (build.pipeline.name, jobname, build.result) if build.result in ['SUCCESS', 'FAILURE'] and build.start_time: dt = int((build.end_time - build.start_time) * 1000) statsd.timing(key, dt) statsd.incr(key) key = 'zuul.pipeline.%s.job.%s.wait_time' % ( build.pipeline.name, jobname) dt = int((build.start_time - build.launch_time) * 1000) statsd.timing(key, dt) except: self.log.exception("Exception reporting runtime stats") event = BuildCompletedEvent(build) self.result_event_queue.put(event) self.wake_event.set() self.log.debug("Done adding complete event for build: %s" % build) def onMergeCompleted(self, build_set, zuul_url, merged, updated, commit): self.log.debug("Adding merge complete event for build set: %s" % build_set) event = MergeCompletedEvent(build_set, zuul_url, merged, updated, commit) self.result_event_queue.put(event) self.wake_event.set() def reconfigure(self, config): self.log.debug("Prepare to reconfigure") event = ReconfigureEvent(config) self.management_event_queue.put(event) self.wake_event.set() self.log.debug("Waiting for reconfiguration") event.wait() self.log.debug("Reconfiguration complete") self.last_reconfigured = int(time.time()) def promote(self, pipeline_name, change_ids): event = PromoteEvent(pipeline_name, change_ids) self.management_event_queue.put(event) self.wake_event.set() self.log.debug("Waiting for promotion") event.wait() self.log.debug("Promotion complete") def enqueue(self, trigger_event): event = EnqueueEvent(trigger_event) self.management_event_queue.put(event) self.wake_event.set() self.log.debug("Waiting for enqueue") event.wait() self.log.debug("Enqueue complete") def exit(self): self.log.debug("Prepare to exit") self._pause = True self._exit = True self.wake_event.set() self.log.debug("Waiting for exit") def _get_queue_pickle_file(self): if self.config.has_option('zuul', 'state_dir'): state_dir = os.path.expanduser(self.config.get('zuul', 'state_dir')) else: state_dir = '/var/lib/zuul' return os.path.join(state_dir, 'queue.pickle') def _save_queue(self): pickle_file = self._get_queue_pickle_file() events = [] while not self.trigger_event_queue.empty(): events.append(self.trigger_event_queue.get()) self.log.debug("Queue length is %s" % len(events)) if events: self.log.debug("Saving queue") pickle.dump(events, open(pickle_file, 'wb')) def _load_queue(self): pickle_file = self._get_queue_pickle_file() if os.path.exists(pickle_file): self.log.debug("Loading queue") events = pickle.load(open(pickle_file, 'rb')) self.log.debug("Queue length is %s" % len(events)) for event in events: self.trigger_event_queue.put(event) else: self.log.debug("No queue file found") def _delete_queue(self): pickle_file = self._get_queue_pickle_file() if os.path.exists(pickle_file): self.log.debug("Deleting saved queue") os.unlink(pickle_file) def resume(self): try: self._load_queue() except: self.log.exception("Unable to load queue") try: self._delete_queue() except: self.log.exception("Unable to delete saved queue") self.log.debug("Resuming queue processing") self.wake_event.set() def _doPauseEvent(self): if self._exit: self.log.debug("Exiting") self._save_queue() os._exit(0) def _doReconfigureEvent(self, event): # This is called in the scheduler loop after another thread submits # a request self.layout_lock.acquire() self.config = event.config try: self.log.debug("Performing reconfiguration") self._unloadDrivers() layout = self._parseConfig( self.config.get('zuul', 'layout_config'), self.connections) for name, new_pipeline in layout.pipelines.items(): old_pipeline = self.layout.pipelines.get(name) if not old_pipeline: if self.layout.pipelines: # Don't emit this warning on startup self.log.warning("No old pipeline matching %s found " "when reconfiguring" % name) continue self.log.debug("Re-enqueueing changes for pipeline %s" % name) items_to_remove = [] builds_to_cancel = [] last_head = None for shared_queue in old_pipeline.queues: for item in shared_queue.queue: if not item.item_ahead: last_head = item item.item_ahead = None item.items_behind = [] item.pipeline = None item.queue = None project_name = item.change.project.name item.change.project = layout.projects.get(project_name) if not item.change.project: self.log.debug("Project %s not defined, " "re-instantiating as foreign" % project_name) project = Project(project_name, foreign=True) layout.projects[project_name] = project item.change.project = project item_jobs = new_pipeline.getJobs(item) for build in item.current_build_set.getBuilds(): job = layout.jobs.get(build.job.name) if job and job in item_jobs: build.job = job else: item.removeBuild(build) builds_to_cancel.append(build) if not new_pipeline.manager.reEnqueueItem(item, last_head): items_to_remove.append(item) for item in items_to_remove: for build in item.current_build_set.getBuilds(): builds_to_cancel.append(build) for build in builds_to_cancel: self.log.warning( "Canceling build %s during reconfiguration" % (build,)) try: self.launcher.cancel(build) except Exception: self.log.exception( "Exception while canceling build %s " "for change %s" % (build, item.change)) self.layout = layout self.maintainTriggerCache() for trigger in self.triggers.values(): trigger.postConfig() for pipeline in self.layout.pipelines.values(): pipeline.source.postConfig() for action in self._reporter_actions.values(): for reporter in pipeline.__getattribute__(action): reporter.postConfig() if statsd: try: for pipeline in self.layout.pipelines.values(): items = len(pipeline.getAllItems()) # stats.gauges.zuul.pipeline.NAME.current_changes key = 'zuul.pipeline.%s' % pipeline.name statsd.gauge(key + '.current_changes', items) except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception reporting initial " "pipeline stats:") finally: self.layout_lock.release() def _doPromoteEvent(self, event): pipeline = self.layout.pipelines[event.pipeline_name] change_ids = [c.split(',') for c in event.change_ids] items_to_enqueue = [] change_queue = None for shared_queue in pipeline.queues: if change_queue: break for item in shared_queue.queue: if (item.change.number == change_ids[0][0] and item.change.patchset == change_ids[0][1]): change_queue = shared_queue break if not change_queue: raise Exception("Unable to find shared change queue for %s" % event.change_ids[0]) for number, patchset in change_ids: found = False for item in change_queue.queue: if (item.change.number == number and item.change.patchset == patchset): found = True items_to_enqueue.append(item) break if not found: raise Exception("Unable to find %s,%s in queue %s" % (number, patchset, change_queue)) for item in change_queue.queue[:]: if item not in items_to_enqueue: items_to_enqueue.append(item) pipeline.manager.cancelJobs(item) pipeline.manager.dequeueItem(item) for item in items_to_enqueue: pipeline.manager.addChange( item.change, enqueue_time=item.enqueue_time, quiet=True, ignore_requirements=True) def _doEnqueueEvent(self, event): project = self.layout.projects.get(event.project_name) pipeline = self.layout.pipelines[event.forced_pipeline] change = pipeline.source.getChange(event, project) self.log.debug("Event %s for change %s was directly assigned " "to pipeline %s" % (event, change, self)) self.log.info("Adding %s, %s to %s" % (project, change, pipeline)) pipeline.manager.addChange(change, ignore_requirements=True) def _areAllBuildsComplete(self): self.log.debug("Checking if all builds are complete") waiting = False if self.merger.areMergesOutstanding(): waiting = True for pipeline in self.layout.pipelines.values(): for item in pipeline.getAllItems(): for build in item.current_build_set.getBuilds(): if build.result is None: self.log.debug("%s waiting on %s" % (pipeline.manager, build)) waiting = True if not waiting: self.log.debug("All builds are complete") return True self.log.debug("All builds are not complete") return False def run(self): if statsd: self.log.debug("Statsd enabled") else: self.log.debug("Statsd disabled because python statsd " "package not found") while True: self.log.debug("Run handler sleeping") self.wake_event.wait() self.wake_event.clear() if self._stopped: self.log.debug("Run handler stopping") return self.log.debug("Run handler awake") self.run_handler_lock.acquire() try: while not self.management_event_queue.empty(): self.process_management_queue() # Give result events priority -- they let us stop builds, # whereas trigger evensts cause us to launch builds. while not self.result_event_queue.empty(): self.process_result_queue() if not self._pause: while not self.trigger_event_queue.empty(): self.process_event_queue() if self._pause and self._areAllBuildsComplete(): self._doPauseEvent() for pipeline in self.layout.pipelines.values(): while pipeline.manager.processQueue(): pass except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception in run handler:") # There may still be more events to process self.wake_event.set() finally: self.run_handler_lock.release() def maintainTriggerCache(self): relevant = set() for pipeline in self.layout.pipelines.values(): self.log.debug("Start maintain trigger cache for: %s" % pipeline) for item in pipeline.getAllItems(): relevant.add(item.change) relevant.update(item.change.getRelatedChanges()) pipeline.source.maintainCache(relevant) self.log.debug("End maintain trigger cache for: %s" % pipeline) self.log.debug("Trigger cache size: %s" % len(relevant)) def process_event_queue(self): self.log.debug("Fetching trigger event") event = self.trigger_event_queue.get() self.log.debug("Processing trigger event %s" % event) try: project = self.layout.projects.get(event.project_name) for pipeline in self.layout.pipelines.values(): # Get the change even if the project is unknown to us for the # use of updating the cache if there is another change # depending on this foreign one. try: change = pipeline.source.getChange(event, project) except exceptions.ChangeNotFound as e: self.log.debug("Unable to get change %s from source %s. " "(most likely looking for a change from " "another connection trigger)", e.change, pipeline.source) continue if not project or project.foreign: self.log.debug("Project %s not found" % event.project_name) continue if event.type == 'patchset-created': pipeline.manager.removeOldVersionsOfChange(change) elif event.type == 'change-abandoned': pipeline.manager.removeAbandonedChange(change) if pipeline.manager.eventMatches(event, change): self.log.info("Adding %s, %s to %s" % (project, change, pipeline)) pipeline.manager.addChange(change) finally: self.trigger_event_queue.task_done() def process_management_queue(self): self.log.debug("Fetching management event") event = self.management_event_queue.get() self.log.debug("Processing management event %s" % event) try: if isinstance(event, ReconfigureEvent): self._doReconfigureEvent(event) elif isinstance(event, PromoteEvent): self._doPromoteEvent(event) elif isinstance(event, EnqueueEvent): self._doEnqueueEvent(event.trigger_event) else: self.log.error("Unable to handle event %s" % event) event.done() except Exception as e: event.exception(e, sys.exc_info()[2]) self.management_event_queue.task_done() def process_result_queue(self): self.log.debug("Fetching result event") event = self.result_event_queue.get() self.log.debug("Processing result event %s" % event) try: if isinstance(event, BuildStartedEvent): self._doBuildStartedEvent(event) elif isinstance(event, BuildCompletedEvent): self._doBuildCompletedEvent(event) elif isinstance(event, MergeCompletedEvent): self._doMergeCompletedEvent(event) else: self.log.error("Unable to handle event %s" % event) finally: self.result_event_queue.task_done() def _doBuildStartedEvent(self, event): build = event.build if build.build_set is not build.build_set.item.current_build_set: self.log.warning("Build %s is not in the current build set" % (build,)) return pipeline = build.build_set.item.pipeline if not pipeline: self.log.warning("Build %s is not associated with a pipeline" % (build,)) return pipeline.manager.onBuildStarted(event.build) def _doBuildCompletedEvent(self, event): build = event.build if build.build_set is not build.build_set.item.current_build_set: self.log.warning("Build %s is not in the current build set" % (build,)) return pipeline = build.build_set.item.pipeline if not pipeline: self.log.warning("Build %s is not associated with a pipeline" % (build,)) return pipeline.manager.onBuildCompleted(event.build) def _doMergeCompletedEvent(self, event): build_set = event.build_set if build_set is not build_set.item.current_build_set: self.log.warning("Build set %s is not current" % (build_set,)) return pipeline = build_set.item.pipeline if not pipeline: self.log.warning("Build set %s is not associated with a pipeline" % (build_set,)) return pipeline.manager.onMergeCompleted(event) def formatStatusJSON(self): data = {} data['zuul_version'] = self.zuul_version if self._pause: ret = '

Queue only mode: preparing to ' if self._exit: ret += 'exit' ret += ', queue length: %s' % self.trigger_event_queue.qsize() ret += '

' data['message'] = ret data['trigger_event_queue'] = {} data['trigger_event_queue']['length'] = \ self.trigger_event_queue.qsize() data['result_event_queue'] = {} data['result_event_queue']['length'] = \ self.result_event_queue.qsize() if self.last_reconfigured: data['last_reconfigured'] = self.last_reconfigured * 1000 pipelines = [] data['pipelines'] = pipelines for pipeline in self.layout.pipelines.values(): pipelines.append(pipeline.formatStatusJSON()) return json.dumps(data) class BasePipelineManager(object): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.BasePipelineManager") def __init__(self, sched, pipeline): self.sched = sched self.pipeline = pipeline self.event_filters = [] self.changeish_filters = [] def __str__(self): return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.pipeline.name) def _postConfig(self, layout): self.log.info("Configured Pipeline Manager %s" % self.pipeline.name) self.log.info(" Source: %s" % self.pipeline.source) self.log.info(" Requirements:") for f in self.changeish_filters: self.log.info(" %s" % f) self.log.info(" Events:") for e in self.event_filters: self.log.info(" %s" % e) self.log.info(" Projects:") def log_jobs(tree, indent=0): istr = ' ' + ' ' * indent if tree.job: efilters = '' for b in tree.job._branches: efilters += str(b) for f in tree.job._files: efilters += str(f) if tree.job.skip_if_matcher: efilters += str(tree.job.skip_if_matcher) if efilters: efilters = ' ' + efilters hold = '' if tree.job.hold_following_changes: hold = ' [hold]' voting = '' if not tree.job.voting: voting = ' [nonvoting]' self.log.info("%s%s%s%s%s" % (istr, repr(tree.job), efilters, hold, voting)) for x in tree.job_trees: log_jobs(x, indent + 2) for p in layout.projects.values(): tree = self.pipeline.getJobTree(p) if tree: self.log.info(" %s" % p) log_jobs(tree) self.log.info(" On start:") self.log.info(" %s" % self.pipeline.start_actions) self.log.info(" On success:") self.log.info(" %s" % self.pipeline.success_actions) self.log.info(" On failure:") self.log.info(" %s" % self.pipeline.failure_actions) self.log.info(" On merge-failure:") self.log.info(" %s" % self.pipeline.merge_failure_actions) self.log.info(" When disabled:") self.log.info(" %s" % self.pipeline.disabled_actions) def getSubmitAllowNeeds(self): # Get a list of code review labels that are allowed to be # "needed" in the submit records for a change, with respect # to this queue. In other words, the list of review labels # this queue itself is likely to set before submitting. allow_needs = set() for action_reporter in self.pipeline.success_actions: allow_needs.update(action_reporter.getSubmitAllowNeeds()) return allow_needs def eventMatches(self, event, change): if event.forced_pipeline: if event.forced_pipeline == self.pipeline.name: self.log.debug("Event %s for change %s was directly assigned " "to pipeline %s" % (event, change, self)) return True else: return False for ef in self.event_filters: if ef.matches(event, change): self.log.debug("Event %s for change %s matched %s " "in pipeline %s" % (event, change, ef, self)) return True return False def isChangeAlreadyInPipeline(self, change): # Checks live items in the pipeline for item in self.pipeline.getAllItems(): if item.live and change.equals(item.change): return True return False def isChangeAlreadyInQueue(self, change, change_queue): # Checks any item in the specified change queue for item in change_queue.queue: if change.equals(item.change): return True return False def reportStart(self, item): if not self.pipeline._disabled: try: self.log.info("Reporting start, action %s item %s" % (self.pipeline.start_actions, item)) ret = self.sendReport(self.pipeline.start_actions, self.pipeline.source, item) if ret: self.log.error("Reporting item start %s received: %s" % (item, ret)) except: self.log.exception("Exception while reporting start:") def sendReport(self, action_reporters, source, item, message=None): """Sends the built message off to configured reporters. Takes the action_reporters, item, message and extra options and sends them to the pluggable reporters. """ report_errors = [] if len(action_reporters) > 0: for reporter in action_reporters: ret = reporter.report(source, self.pipeline, item) if ret: report_errors.append(ret) if len(report_errors) == 0: return return report_errors def isChangeReadyToBeEnqueued(self, change): return True def enqueueChangesAhead(self, change, quiet, ignore_requirements, change_queue): return True def enqueueChangesBehind(self, change, quiet, ignore_requirements, change_queue): return True def checkForChangesNeededBy(self, change, change_queue): return True def getFailingDependentItems(self, item): return None def getDependentItems(self, item): orig_item = item items = [] while item.item_ahead: items.append(item.item_ahead) item = item.item_ahead self.log.info("Change %s depends on changes %s" % (orig_item.change, [x.change for x in items])) return items def getItemForChange(self, change): for item in self.pipeline.getAllItems(): if item.change.equals(change): return item return None def findOldVersionOfChangeAlreadyInQueue(self, change): for item in self.pipeline.getAllItems(): if not item.live: continue if change.isUpdateOf(item.change): return item return None def removeOldVersionsOfChange(self, change): if not self.pipeline.dequeue_on_new_patchset: return old_item = self.findOldVersionOfChangeAlreadyInQueue(change) if old_item: self.log.debug("Change %s is a new version of %s, removing %s" % (change, old_item.change, old_item)) self.removeItem(old_item) def removeAbandonedChange(self, change): self.log.debug("Change %s abandoned, removing." % change) for item in self.pipeline.getAllItems(): if not item.live: continue if item.change.equals(change): self.removeItem(item) def reEnqueueItem(self, item, last_head): with self.getChangeQueue(item.change, last_head.queue) as change_queue: if change_queue: self.log.debug("Re-enqueing change %s in queue %s" % (item.change, change_queue)) change_queue.enqueueItem(item) # Re-set build results in case any new jobs have been # added to the tree. for build in item.current_build_set.getBuilds(): if build.result: self.pipeline.setResult(item, build) # Similarly, reset the item state. if item.current_build_set.unable_to_merge: self.pipeline.setUnableToMerge(item) if item.dequeued_needing_change: self.pipeline.setDequeuedNeedingChange(item) self.reportStats(item) return True else: self.log.error("Unable to find change queue for project %s" % item.change.project) return False def addChange(self, change, quiet=False, enqueue_time=None, ignore_requirements=False, live=True, change_queue=None): self.log.debug("Considering adding change %s" % change) # If we are adding a live change, check if it's a live item # anywhere in the pipeline. Otherwise, we will perform the # duplicate check below on the specific change_queue. if live and self.isChangeAlreadyInPipeline(change): self.log.debug("Change %s is already in pipeline, " "ignoring" % change) return True if not self.isChangeReadyToBeEnqueued(change): self.log.debug("Change %s is not ready to be enqueued, ignoring" % change) return False if not ignore_requirements: for f in self.changeish_filters: if not f.matches(change): self.log.debug("Change %s does not match pipeline " "requirement %s" % (change, f)) return False with self.getChangeQueue(change, change_queue) as change_queue: if not change_queue: self.log.debug("Unable to find change queue for " "change %s in project %s" % (change, change.project)) return False if not self.enqueueChangesAhead(change, quiet, ignore_requirements, change_queue): self.log.debug("Failed to enqueue changes " "ahead of %s" % change) return False if self.isChangeAlreadyInQueue(change, change_queue): self.log.debug("Change %s is already in queue, " "ignoring" % change) return True self.log.debug("Adding change %s to queue %s" % (change, change_queue)) item = change_queue.enqueueChange(change) if enqueue_time: item.enqueue_time = enqueue_time item.live = live self.reportStats(item) if not quiet: if len(self.pipeline.start_actions) > 0: self.reportStart(item) self.enqueueChangesBehind(change, quiet, ignore_requirements, change_queue) for trigger in self.sched.triggers.values(): trigger.onChangeEnqueued(item.change, self.pipeline) return True def dequeueItem(self, item): self.log.debug("Removing change %s from queue" % item.change) item.queue.dequeueItem(item) def removeItem(self, item): # Remove an item from the queue, probably because it has been # superseded by another change. self.log.debug("Canceling builds behind change: %s " "because it is being removed." % item.change) self.cancelJobs(item) self.dequeueItem(item) self.reportStats(item) def _makeMergerItem(self, item): # Create a dictionary with all info about the item needed by # the merger. number = None patchset = None oldrev = None newrev = None if hasattr(item.change, 'number'): number = item.change.number patchset = item.change.patchset elif hasattr(item.change, 'newrev'): oldrev = item.change.oldrev newrev = item.change.newrev connection_name = self.pipeline.source.connection.connection_name return dict(project=item.change.project.name, url=self.pipeline.source.getGitUrl( item.change.project), connection_name=connection_name, merge_mode=item.change.project.merge_mode, refspec=item.change.refspec, branch=item.change.branch, ref=item.current_build_set.ref, number=number, patchset=patchset, oldrev=oldrev, newrev=newrev, ) def prepareRef(self, item): # Returns True if the ref is ready, false otherwise build_set = item.current_build_set if build_set.merge_state == build_set.COMPLETE: return True if build_set.merge_state == build_set.PENDING: return False build_set.merge_state = build_set.PENDING ref = build_set.ref if hasattr(item.change, 'refspec') and not ref: self.log.debug("Preparing ref for: %s" % item.change) item.current_build_set.setConfiguration() dependent_items = self.getDependentItems(item) dependent_items.reverse() all_items = dependent_items + [item] merger_items = map(self._makeMergerItem, all_items) self.sched.merger.mergeChanges(merger_items, item.current_build_set, self.pipeline.precedence) else: self.log.debug("Preparing update repo for: %s" % item.change) url = self.pipeline.source.getGitUrl(item.change.project) self.sched.merger.updateRepo(item.change.project.name, url, build_set, self.pipeline.precedence) return False def _launchJobs(self, item, jobs): self.log.debug("Launching jobs for change %s" % item.change) dependent_items = self.getDependentItems(item) for job in jobs: self.log.debug("Found job %s for change %s" % (job, item.change)) try: build = self.sched.launcher.launch(job, item, self.pipeline, dependent_items) self.log.debug("Adding build %s of job %s to item %s" % (build, job, item)) item.addBuild(build) except: self.log.exception("Exception while launching job %s " "for change %s:" % (job, item.change)) def launchJobs(self, item): jobs = self.pipeline.findJobsToRun(item) if jobs: self._launchJobs(item, jobs) def cancelJobs(self, item, prime=True): self.log.debug("Cancel jobs for change %s" % item.change) canceled = False old_build_set = item.current_build_set if prime and item.current_build_set.ref: item.resetAllBuilds() for build in old_build_set.getBuilds(): try: self.sched.launcher.cancel(build) except: self.log.exception("Exception while canceling build %s " "for change %s" % (build, item.change)) build.result = 'CANCELED' canceled = True self.updateBuildDescriptions(old_build_set) for item_behind in item.items_behind: self.log.debug("Canceling jobs for change %s, behind change %s" % (item_behind.change, item.change)) if self.cancelJobs(item_behind, prime=prime): canceled = True return canceled def _processOneItem(self, item, nnfi): changed = False item_ahead = item.item_ahead if item_ahead and (not item_ahead.live): item_ahead = None change_queue = item.queue failing_reasons = [] # Reasons this item is failing if self.checkForChangesNeededBy(item.change, change_queue) is not True: # It's not okay to enqueue this change, we should remove it. self.log.info("Dequeuing change %s because " "it can no longer merge" % item.change) self.cancelJobs(item) self.dequeueItem(item) self.pipeline.setDequeuedNeedingChange(item) if item.live: try: self.reportItem(item) except exceptions.MergeFailure: pass return (True, nnfi) dep_items = self.getFailingDependentItems(item) actionable = change_queue.isActionable(item) item.active = actionable ready = False if dep_items: failing_reasons.append('a needed change is failing') self.cancelJobs(item, prime=False) else: item_ahead_merged = False if (item_ahead and item_ahead.change.is_merged): item_ahead_merged = True if (item_ahead != nnfi and not item_ahead_merged): # Our current base is different than what we expected, # and it's not because our current base merged. Something # ahead must have failed. self.log.info("Resetting builds for change %s because the " "item ahead, %s, is not the nearest non-failing " "item, %s" % (item.change, item_ahead, nnfi)) change_queue.moveItem(item, nnfi) changed = True self.cancelJobs(item) if actionable: ready = self.prepareRef(item) if item.current_build_set.unable_to_merge: failing_reasons.append("it has a merge conflict") ready = False if actionable and ready and self.launchJobs(item): changed = True if self.pipeline.didAnyJobFail(item): failing_reasons.append("at least one job failed") if (not item.live) and (not item.items_behind): failing_reasons.append("is a non-live item with no items behind") self.dequeueItem(item) changed = True if ((not item_ahead) and self.pipeline.areAllJobsComplete(item) and item.live): try: self.reportItem(item) except exceptions.MergeFailure: failing_reasons.append("it did not merge") for item_behind in item.items_behind: self.log.info("Resetting builds for change %s because the " "item ahead, %s, failed to merge" % (item_behind.change, item)) self.cancelJobs(item_behind) self.dequeueItem(item) changed = True elif not failing_reasons and item.live: nnfi = item item.current_build_set.failing_reasons = failing_reasons if failing_reasons: self.log.debug("%s is a failing item because %s" % (item, failing_reasons)) return (changed, nnfi) def processQueue(self): # Do whatever needs to be done for each change in the queue self.log.debug("Starting queue processor: %s" % self.pipeline.name) changed = False for queue in self.pipeline.queues: queue_changed = False nnfi = None # Nearest non-failing item for item in queue.queue[:]: item_changed, nnfi = self._processOneItem( item, nnfi) if item_changed: queue_changed = True self.reportStats(item) if queue_changed: changed = True status = '' for item in queue.queue: status += item.formatStatus() if status: self.log.debug("Queue %s status is now:\n %s" % (queue.name, status)) self.log.debug("Finished queue processor: %s (changed: %s)" % (self.pipeline.name, changed)) return changed def updateBuildDescriptions(self, build_set): for build in build_set.getBuilds(): try: desc = self.formatDescription(build) self.sched.launcher.setBuildDescription(build, desc) except: # Log the failure and let loop continue self.log.error("Failed to update description for build %s" % (build)) if build_set.previous_build_set: for build in build_set.previous_build_set.getBuilds(): try: desc = self.formatDescription(build) self.sched.launcher.setBuildDescription(build, desc) except: # Log the failure and let loop continue self.log.error("Failed to update description for " "build %s in previous build set" % (build)) def onBuildStarted(self, build): self.log.debug("Build %s started" % build) return True def onBuildCompleted(self, build): self.log.debug("Build %s completed" % build) item = build.build_set.item self.pipeline.setResult(item, build) self.log.debug("Item %s status is now:\n %s" % (item, item.formatStatus())) return True def onMergeCompleted(self, event): build_set = event.build_set item = build_set.item build_set.merge_state = build_set.COMPLETE build_set.zuul_url = event.zuul_url if event.merged: build_set.commit = event.commit elif event.updated: if not isinstance(item, NullChange): build_set.commit = item.change.newrev if not build_set.commit: self.log.info("Unable to merge change %s" % item.change) self.pipeline.setUnableToMerge(item) def reportItem(self, item): if not item.reported: # _reportItem() returns True if it failed to report. item.reported = not self._reportItem(item) if self.changes_merge: succeeded = self.pipeline.didAllJobsSucceed(item) merged = item.reported if merged: merged = self.pipeline.source.isMerged(item.change, item.change.branch) self.log.info("Reported change %s status: all-succeeded: %s, " "merged: %s" % (item.change, succeeded, merged)) change_queue = item.queue if not (succeeded and merged): self.log.debug("Reported change %s failed tests or failed " "to merge" % (item.change)) change_queue.decreaseWindowSize() self.log.debug("%s window size decreased to %s" % (change_queue, change_queue.window)) raise exceptions.MergeFailure( "Change %s failed to merge" % item.change) else: change_queue.increaseWindowSize() self.log.debug("%s window size increased to %s" % (change_queue, change_queue.window)) for trigger in self.sched.triggers.values(): trigger.onChangeMerged(item.change, self.pipeline.source) def _reportItem(self, item): self.log.debug("Reporting change %s" % item.change) ret = True # Means error as returned by trigger.report if not self.pipeline.getJobs(item): # We don't send empty reports with +1, # and the same for -1's (merge failures or transient errors) # as they cannot be followed by +1's self.log.debug("No jobs for change %s" % item.change) actions = [] elif self.pipeline.didAllJobsSucceed(item): self.log.debug("success %s" % (self.pipeline.success_actions)) actions = self.pipeline.success_actions item.setReportedResult('SUCCESS') self.pipeline._consecutive_failures = 0 elif not self.pipeline.didMergerSucceed(item): actions = self.pipeline.merge_failure_actions item.setReportedResult('MERGER_FAILURE') else: actions = self.pipeline.failure_actions item.setReportedResult('FAILURE') self.pipeline._consecutive_failures += 1 if self.pipeline._disabled: actions = self.pipeline.disabled_actions # Check here if we should disable so that we only use the disabled # reporters /after/ the last disable_at failure is still reported as # normal. if (self.pipeline.disable_at and not self.pipeline._disabled and self.pipeline._consecutive_failures >= self.pipeline.disable_at): self.pipeline._disabled = True if actions: try: self.log.info("Reporting item %s, actions: %s" % (item, actions)) ret = self.sendReport(actions, self.pipeline.source, item) if ret: self.log.error("Reporting item %s received: %s" % (item, ret)) except: self.log.exception("Exception while reporting:") item.setReportedResult('ERROR') self.updateBuildDescriptions(item.current_build_set) return ret def formatDescription(self, build): concurrent_changes = '' concurrent_builds = '' other_builds = '' for change in build.build_set.other_changes: concurrent_changes += '
  • \ {change.number},{change.patchset}
  • '.format( change=change) change = build.build_set.item.change for build in build.build_set.getBuilds(): if build.url: concurrent_builds += """\
  • {build.job.name} #{build.number}: {build.result}
  • """.format(build=build) else: concurrent_builds += """\
  • {build.job.name}: {build.result}
  • """.format(build=build) if build.build_set.previous_build_set: other_build = build.build_set.previous_build_set.getBuild( build.job.name) if other_build: other_builds += """\
  • Preceded by: {build.job.name} #{build.number}
  • """.format(build=other_build) if build.build_set.next_build_set: other_build = build.build_set.next_build_set.getBuild( build.job.name) if other_build: other_builds += """\
  • Succeeded by: {build.job.name} #{build.number}
  • """.format(build=other_build) result = build.build_set.result if hasattr(change, 'number'): ret = """\

    Triggered by change: {change.number},{change.patchset}
    Branch: {change.branch}
    Pipeline: {self.pipeline.name}

    """ elif hasattr(change, 'ref'): ret = """\

    Triggered by reference: {change.ref}
    Old revision: {change.oldrev}
    New revision: {change.newrev}
    Pipeline: {self.pipeline.name}

    """ else: ret = "" if concurrent_changes: ret += """\

    Other changes tested concurrently with this change:

    """ if concurrent_builds: ret += """\

    All builds for this change set:

    """ if other_builds: ret += """\

    Other build sets for this change:

    """ if result: ret += """\

    Reported result: {result}

    """ ret = ret.format(**locals()) return ret def reportStats(self, item): if not statsd: return try: # Update the gauge on enqueue and dequeue, but timers only # when dequeing. if item.dequeue_time: dt = int((item.dequeue_time - item.enqueue_time) * 1000) else: dt = None items = len(self.pipeline.getAllItems()) # stats.timers.zuul.pipeline.NAME.resident_time # stats_counts.zuul.pipeline.NAME.total_changes # stats.gauges.zuul.pipeline.NAME.current_changes key = 'zuul.pipeline.%s' % self.pipeline.name statsd.gauge(key + '.current_changes', items) if dt: statsd.timing(key + '.resident_time', dt) statsd.incr(key + '.total_changes') # stats.timers.zuul.pipeline.NAME.ORG.PROJECT.resident_time # stats_counts.zuul.pipeline.NAME.ORG.PROJECT.total_changes project_name = item.change.project.name.replace('/', '.') key += '.%s' % project_name if dt: statsd.timing(key + '.resident_time', dt) statsd.incr(key + '.total_changes') except: self.log.exception("Exception reporting pipeline stats") class DynamicChangeQueueContextManager(object): def __init__(self, change_queue): self.change_queue = change_queue def __enter__(self): return self.change_queue def __exit__(self, etype, value, tb): if self.change_queue and not self.change_queue.queue: self.change_queue.pipeline.removeQueue(self.change_queue.queue) class IndependentPipelineManager(BasePipelineManager): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.IndependentPipelineManager") changes_merge = False def _postConfig(self, layout): super(IndependentPipelineManager, self)._postConfig(layout) def getChangeQueue(self, change, existing=None): # creates a new change queue for every change if existing: return DynamicChangeQueueContextManager(existing) if change.project not in self.pipeline.getProjects(): self.pipeline.addProject(change.project) change_queue = ChangeQueue(self.pipeline) change_queue.addProject(change.project) self.pipeline.addQueue(change_queue) self.log.debug("Dynamically created queue %s", change_queue) return DynamicChangeQueueContextManager(change_queue) def enqueueChangesAhead(self, change, quiet, ignore_requirements, change_queue): ret = self.checkForChangesNeededBy(change, change_queue) if ret in [True, False]: return ret self.log.debug(" Changes %s must be merged ahead of %s" % (ret, change)) for needed_change in ret: # This differs from the dependent pipeline by enqueuing # changes ahead as "not live", that is, not intended to # have jobs run. Also, pipeline requirements are always # ignored (which is safe because the changes are not # live). r = self.addChange(needed_change, quiet=True, ignore_requirements=True, live=False, change_queue=change_queue) if not r: return False return True def checkForChangesNeededBy(self, change, change_queue): if self.pipeline.ignore_dependencies: return True self.log.debug("Checking for changes needed by %s:" % change) # Return true if okay to proceed enqueing this change, # false if the change should not be enqueued. if not hasattr(change, 'needs_changes'): self.log.debug(" Changeish does not support dependencies") return True if not change.needs_changes: self.log.debug(" No changes needed") return True changes_needed = [] for needed_change in change.needs_changes: self.log.debug(" Change %s needs change %s:" % ( change, needed_change)) if needed_change.is_merged: self.log.debug(" Needed change is merged") continue if self.isChangeAlreadyInQueue(needed_change, change_queue): self.log.debug(" Needed change is already ahead in the queue") continue self.log.debug(" Change %s is needed" % needed_change) if needed_change not in changes_needed: changes_needed.append(needed_change) continue # This differs from the dependent pipeline check in not # verifying that the dependent change is mergable. if changes_needed: return changes_needed return True def dequeueItem(self, item): super(IndependentPipelineManager, self).dequeueItem(item) # An independent pipeline manager dynamically removes empty # queues if not item.queue.queue: self.pipeline.removeQueue(item.queue) class StaticChangeQueueContextManager(object): def __init__(self, change_queue): self.change_queue = change_queue def __enter__(self): return self.change_queue def __exit__(self, etype, value, tb): pass class DependentPipelineManager(BasePipelineManager): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.DependentPipelineManager") changes_merge = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DependentPipelineManager, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _postConfig(self, layout): super(DependentPipelineManager, self)._postConfig(layout) self.buildChangeQueues() def buildChangeQueues(self): self.log.debug("Building shared change queues") change_queues = [] for project in self.pipeline.getProjects(): change_queue = ChangeQueue( self.pipeline, window=self.pipeline.window, window_floor=self.pipeline.window_floor, window_increase_type=self.pipeline.window_increase_type, window_increase_factor=self.pipeline.window_increase_factor, window_decrease_type=self.pipeline.window_decrease_type, window_decrease_factor=self.pipeline.window_decrease_factor) change_queue.addProject(project) change_queues.append(change_queue) self.log.debug("Created queue: %s" % change_queue) # Iterate over all queues trying to combine them, and keep doing # so until they can not be combined further. last_change_queues = change_queues while True: new_change_queues = self.combineChangeQueues(last_change_queues) if len(last_change_queues) == len(new_change_queues): break last_change_queues = new_change_queues self.log.info(" Shared change queues:") for queue in new_change_queues: self.pipeline.addQueue(queue) self.log.info(" %s containing %s" % ( queue, queue.generated_name)) def combineChangeQueues(self, change_queues): self.log.debug("Combining shared queues") new_change_queues = [] for a in change_queues: merged_a = False for b in new_change_queues: if not a.getJobs().isdisjoint(b.getJobs()): self.log.debug("Merging queue %s into %s" % (a, b)) b.mergeChangeQueue(a) merged_a = True break # this breaks out of 'for b' and continues 'for a' if not merged_a: self.log.debug("Keeping queue %s" % (a)) new_change_queues.append(a) return new_change_queues def getChangeQueue(self, change, existing=None): if existing: return StaticChangeQueueContextManager(existing) return StaticChangeQueueContextManager( self.pipeline.getQueue(change.project)) def isChangeReadyToBeEnqueued(self, change): if not self.pipeline.source.canMerge(change, self.getSubmitAllowNeeds()): self.log.debug("Change %s can not merge, ignoring" % change) return False return True def enqueueChangesBehind(self, change, quiet, ignore_requirements, change_queue): to_enqueue = [] self.log.debug("Checking for changes needing %s:" % change) if not hasattr(change, 'needed_by_changes'): self.log.debug(" Changeish does not support dependencies") return for other_change in change.needed_by_changes: with self.getChangeQueue(other_change) as other_change_queue: if other_change_queue != change_queue: self.log.debug(" Change %s in project %s can not be " "enqueued in the target queue %s" % (other_change, other_change.project, change_queue)) continue if self.pipeline.source.canMerge(other_change, self.getSubmitAllowNeeds()): self.log.debug(" Change %s needs %s and is ready to merge" % (other_change, change)) to_enqueue.append(other_change) if not to_enqueue: self.log.debug(" No changes need %s" % change) for other_change in to_enqueue: self.addChange(other_change, quiet=quiet, ignore_requirements=ignore_requirements, change_queue=change_queue) def enqueueChangesAhead(self, change, quiet, ignore_requirements, change_queue): ret = self.checkForChangesNeededBy(change, change_queue) if ret in [True, False]: return ret self.log.debug(" Changes %s must be merged ahead of %s" % (ret, change)) for needed_change in ret: r = self.addChange(needed_change, quiet=quiet, ignore_requirements=ignore_requirements, change_queue=change_queue) if not r: return False return True def checkForChangesNeededBy(self, change, change_queue): self.log.debug("Checking for changes needed by %s:" % change) # Return true if okay to proceed enqueing this change, # false if the change should not be enqueued. if not hasattr(change, 'needs_changes'): self.log.debug(" Changeish does not support dependencies") return True if not change.needs_changes: self.log.debug(" No changes needed") return True changes_needed = [] # Ignore supplied change_queue with self.getChangeQueue(change) as change_queue: for needed_change in change.needs_changes: self.log.debug(" Change %s needs change %s:" % ( change, needed_change)) if needed_change.is_merged: self.log.debug(" Needed change is merged") continue with self.getChangeQueue(needed_change) as needed_change_queue: if needed_change_queue != change_queue: self.log.debug(" Change %s in project %s does not " "share a change queue with %s " "in project %s" % (needed_change, needed_change.project, change, change.project)) return False if not needed_change.is_current_patchset: self.log.debug(" Needed change is not the " "current patchset") return False if self.isChangeAlreadyInQueue(needed_change, change_queue): self.log.debug(" Needed change is already ahead " "in the queue") continue if self.pipeline.source.canMerge(needed_change, self.getSubmitAllowNeeds()): self.log.debug(" Change %s is needed" % needed_change) if needed_change not in changes_needed: changes_needed.append(needed_change) continue # The needed change can't be merged. self.log.debug(" Change %s is needed but can not be merged" % needed_change) return False if changes_needed: return changes_needed return True def getFailingDependentItems(self, item): if not hasattr(item.change, 'needs_changes'): return None if not item.change.needs_changes: return None failing_items = set() for needed_change in item.change.needs_changes: needed_item = self.getItemForChange(needed_change) if not needed_item: continue if needed_item.current_build_set.failing_reasons: failing_items.add(needed_item) if failing_items: return failing_items return None