# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from contextlib import contextmanager import copy import os import logging import six import yaml import pprint import voluptuous as vs from zuul import model import zuul.manager.dependent import zuul.manager.independent from zuul import change_matcher # Several forms accept either a single item or a list, this makes # specifying that in the schema easy (and explicit). def to_list(x): return vs.Any([x], x) def as_list(item): if not item: return [] if isinstance(item, list): return item return [item] class ConfigurationSyntaxError(Exception): pass @contextmanager def configuration_exceptions(stanza, conf): try: yield except vs.Invalid as e: conf = copy.deepcopy(conf) context = conf.pop('_source_context') m = """ Zuul encountered a syntax error while parsing its configuration in the repo {repo} on branch {branch}. The error was: {error} The offending content was a {stanza} stanza with the content: {content} """ m = m.format(repo=context.project.name, branch=context.branch, error=str(e), stanza=stanza, content=pprint.pformat(conf)) raise ConfigurationSyntaxError(m) class ZuulSafeLoader(yaml.SafeLoader): def __init__(self, stream, context): super(ZuulSafeLoader, self).__init__(stream) self.name = str(context) def safe_load_yaml(stream, context): loader = ZuulSafeLoader(stream, context) try: return loader.get_single_data() except yaml.YAMLError as e: m = """ Zuul encountered a syntax error while parsing its configuration in the repo {repo} on branch {branch}. The error was: {error} """ m = m.format(repo=context.project.name, branch=context.branch, error=str(e)) raise ConfigurationSyntaxError(m) finally: loader.dispose() class NodeSetParser(object): @staticmethod def getSchema(): node = {vs.Required('name'): str, vs.Required('image'): str, } nodeset = {vs.Required('name'): str, vs.Required('nodes'): [node], '_source_context': model.SourceContext, } return vs.Schema(nodeset) @staticmethod def fromYaml(layout, conf): with configuration_exceptions('nodeset', conf): NodeSetParser.getSchema()(conf) ns = model.NodeSet(conf['name']) for conf_node in as_list(conf['nodes']): node = model.Node(conf_node['name'], conf_node['image']) ns.addNode(node) return ns class JobParser(object): @staticmethod def getSchema(): swift_tmpurl = {vs.Required('name'): str, 'container': str, 'expiry': int, 'max_file_size': int, 'max-file-size': int, 'max_file_count': int, 'max-file-count': int, 'logserver_prefix': str, 'logserver-prefix': str, } auth = {'secrets': to_list(str), 'inherit': bool, 'swift-tmpurl': to_list(swift_tmpurl), } node = {vs.Required('name'): str, vs.Required('image'): str, } zuul_role = {vs.Required('zuul'): str, 'name': str} galaxy_role = {vs.Required('galaxy'): str, 'name': str} role = vs.Any(zuul_role, galaxy_role) job = {vs.Required('name'): str, 'parent': str, 'queue-name': str, 'failure-message': str, 'success-message': str, 'failure-url': str, 'success-url': str, 'hold-following-changes': bool, 'voting': bool, 'mutex': str, 'tags': to_list(str), 'branches': to_list(str), 'files': to_list(str), 'auth': to_list(auth), 'irrelevant-files': to_list(str), 'nodes': vs.Any([node], str), 'timeout': int, 'attempts': int, 'pre-run': to_list(str), 'post-run': to_list(str), 'run': str, '_source_context': model.SourceContext, 'roles': to_list(role), 'repos': to_list(str), 'vars': dict, } return vs.Schema(job) simple_attributes = [ 'timeout', 'workspace', 'voting', 'hold-following-changes', 'mutex', 'attempts', 'failure-message', 'success-message', 'failure-url', 'success-url', ] @staticmethod def fromYaml(tenant, layout, conf): with configuration_exceptions('job', conf): JobParser.getSchema()(conf) # NB: The default detection system in the Job class requires # that we always assign values directly rather than modifying # them (e.g., "job.run = ..." rather than # "job.run.append(...)"). job = model.Job(conf['name']) job.source_context = conf.get('_source_context') if 'auth' in conf: job.auth = conf.get('auth') if 'parent' in conf: parent = layout.getJob(conf['parent']) job.inheritFrom(parent) for pre_run_name in as_list(conf.get('pre-run')): full_pre_run_name = os.path.join('playbooks', pre_run_name) pre_run = model.PlaybookContext(job.source_context, full_pre_run_name) job.pre_run = job.pre_run + (pre_run,) for post_run_name in as_list(conf.get('post-run')): full_post_run_name = os.path.join('playbooks', post_run_name) post_run = model.PlaybookContext(job.source_context, full_post_run_name) job.post_run = (post_run,) + job.post_run if 'run' in conf: run_name = os.path.join('playbooks', conf['run']) run = model.PlaybookContext(job.source_context, run_name) job.run = (run,) else: run_name = os.path.join('playbooks', job.name) run = model.PlaybookContext(job.source_context, run_name) job.implied_run = (run,) + job.implied_run for k in JobParser.simple_attributes: a = k.replace('-', '_') if k in conf: setattr(job, a, conf[k]) if 'nodes' in conf: conf_nodes = conf['nodes'] if isinstance(conf_nodes, six.string_types): # This references an existing named nodeset in the layout. ns = layout.nodesets[conf_nodes] else: ns = model.NodeSet() for conf_node in conf_nodes: node = model.Node(conf_node['name'], conf_node['image']) ns.addNode(node) job.nodeset = ns if 'repos' in conf: # Accumulate repos in a set so that job inheritance # is additive. job.repos = job.repos.union(set(conf.get('repos', []))) tags = conf.get('tags') if tags: # Tags are merged via a union rather than a # destructive copy because they are intended to # accumulate onto any previously applied tags. job.tags = job.tags.union(set(tags)) roles = [] for role in conf.get('roles', []): if 'zuul' in role: r = JobParser._makeZuulRole(tenant, job, role) if r: roles.append(r) job.roles = job.roles.union(set(roles)) variables = conf.get('vars', None) if variables: job.updateVariables(variables) # If the definition for this job came from a project repo, # implicitly apply a branch matcher for the branch it was on. if (not job.source_context.trusted): branches = [job.source_context.branch] elif 'branches' in conf: branches = as_list(conf['branches']) else: branches = None if branches: matchers = [] for branch in branches: matchers.append(change_matcher.BranchMatcher(branch)) job.branch_matcher = change_matcher.MatchAny(matchers) if 'files' in conf: matchers = [] for fn in as_list(conf['files']): matchers.append(change_matcher.FileMatcher(fn)) job.file_matcher = change_matcher.MatchAny(matchers) if 'irrelevant-files' in conf: matchers = [] for fn in as_list(conf['irrelevant-files']): matchers.append(change_matcher.FileMatcher(fn)) job.irrelevant_file_matcher = change_matcher.MatchAllFiles( matchers) return job @staticmethod def _makeZuulRole(tenant, job, role): name = role['zuul'].split('/')[-1] # TODOv3(jeblair): this limits roles to the same # source; we should remove that limitation. source = job.source_context.project.connection_name (trusted, project) = tenant.getRepo(source, role['zuul']) if project is None: return None return model.ZuulRole(role.get('name', name), source, project.name, trusted) class ProjectTemplateParser(object): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.ProjectTemplateParser") @staticmethod def getSchema(layout): project_template = { vs.Required('name'): str, 'merge-mode': vs.Any( 'merge', 'merge-resolve', 'cherry-pick'), '_source_context': model.SourceContext, } for p in layout.pipelines.values(): project_template[p.name] = {'queue': str, 'jobs': [vs.Any(str, dict)]} return vs.Schema(project_template) @staticmethod def fromYaml(tenant, layout, conf): with configuration_exceptions('project or project-template', conf): ProjectTemplateParser.getSchema(layout)(conf) # Make a copy since we modify this later via pop conf = copy.deepcopy(conf) project_template = model.ProjectConfig(conf['name']) source_context = conf['_source_context'] for pipeline in layout.pipelines.values(): conf_pipeline = conf.get(pipeline.name) if not conf_pipeline: continue project_pipeline = model.ProjectPipelineConfig() project_template.pipelines[pipeline.name] = project_pipeline project_pipeline.queue_name = conf_pipeline.get('queue') project_pipeline.job_tree = ProjectTemplateParser._parseJobTree( tenant, layout, conf_pipeline.get('jobs', []), source_context) return project_template @staticmethod def _parseJobTree(tenant, layout, conf, source_context, tree=None): if not tree: tree = model.JobTree(None) for conf_job in conf: if isinstance(conf_job, six.string_types): job = model.Job(conf_job) tree.addJob(job) elif isinstance(conf_job, dict): # A dictionary in a job tree may override params, or # be the root of a sub job tree, or both. jobname, attrs = conf_job.items()[0] jobs = attrs.pop('jobs', None) if attrs: # We are overriding params, so make a new job def attrs['name'] = jobname attrs['_source_context'] = source_context subtree = tree.addJob(JobParser.fromYaml( tenant, layout, attrs)) else: # Not overriding, so add a blank job job = model.Job(jobname) subtree = tree.addJob(job) if jobs: # This is the root of a sub tree ProjectTemplateParser._parseJobTree( tenant, layout, jobs, source_context, subtree) else: raise Exception("Job must be a string or dictionary") return tree class ProjectParser(object): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.ProjectParser") @staticmethod def getSchema(layout): project = { vs.Required('name'): str, 'templates': [str], 'merge-mode': vs.Any('merge', 'merge-resolve', 'cherry-pick'), '_source_context': model.SourceContext, } for p in layout.pipelines.values(): project[p.name] = {'queue': str, 'jobs': [vs.Any(str, dict)]} return vs.Schema(project) @staticmethod def fromYaml(tenant, layout, conf_list): for conf in conf_list: with configuration_exceptions('project', conf): ProjectParser.getSchema(layout)(conf) project = model.ProjectConfig(conf_list[0]['name']) configs = [] for conf in conf_list: # Make a copy since we modify this later via pop conf = copy.deepcopy(conf) conf_templates = conf.pop('templates', []) # The way we construct a project definition is by parsing the # definition as a template, then applying all of the # templates, including the newly parsed one, in order. project_template = ProjectTemplateParser.fromYaml( tenant, layout, conf) configs.extend([layout.project_templates[name] for name in conf_templates]) configs.append(project_template) mode = conf.get('merge-mode') if mode and project.merge_mode is None: # Set the merge mode to the first one that we find and # ignore subsequent settings. project.merge_mode = model.MERGER_MAP[mode] if project.merge_mode is None: # If merge mode was not specified in any project stanza, # set it to the default. project.merge_mode = model.MERGER_MAP['merge-resolve'] for pipeline in layout.pipelines.values(): project_pipeline = model.ProjectPipelineConfig() project_pipeline.job_tree = model.JobTree(None) queue_name = None # For every template, iterate over the job tree and replace or # create the jobs in the final definition as needed. pipeline_defined = False for template in configs: if pipeline.name in template.pipelines: ProjectParser.log.debug( "Applying template %s to pipeline %s" % (template.name, pipeline.name)) pipeline_defined = True template_pipeline = template.pipelines[pipeline.name] project_pipeline.job_tree.inheritFrom( template_pipeline.job_tree) if template_pipeline.queue_name: queue_name = template_pipeline.queue_name if queue_name: project_pipeline.queue_name = queue_name if pipeline_defined: project.pipelines[pipeline.name] = project_pipeline return project class PipelineParser(object): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.PipelineParser") # A set of reporter configuration keys to action mapping reporter_actions = { 'start': 'start_actions', 'success': 'success_actions', 'failure': 'failure_actions', 'merge-failure': 'merge_failure_actions', 'disabled': 'disabled_actions', } @staticmethod def getDriverSchema(dtype, connections): methods = { 'trigger': 'getTriggerSchema', 'reporter': 'getReporterSchema', } schema = {} # Add the configured connections as available layout options for connection_name, connection in connections.connections.items(): method = getattr(connection.driver, methods[dtype], None) if method: schema[connection_name] = to_list(method()) return schema @staticmethod def getSchema(layout, connections): manager = vs.Any('independent', 'dependent') precedence = vs.Any('normal', 'low', 'high') approval = vs.Schema({'username': str, 'email-filter': str, 'email': str, 'older-than': str, 'newer-than': str, }, extra=True) require = {'approval': to_list(approval), 'open': bool, 'current-patchset': bool, 'status': to_list(str)} reject = {'approval': to_list(approval)} window = vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=0)) window_floor = vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=1)) window_type = vs.Any('linear', 'exponential') window_factor = vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=1)) pipeline = {vs.Required('name'): str, vs.Required('manager'): manager, 'source': str, 'precedence': precedence, 'description': str, 'require': require, 'reject': reject, 'success-message': str, 'failure-message': str, 'merge-failure-message': str, 'footer-message': str, 'dequeue-on-new-patchset': bool, 'ignore-dependencies': bool, 'disable-after-consecutive-failures': vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=1)), 'window': window, 'window-floor': window_floor, 'window-increase-type': window_type, 'window-increase-factor': window_factor, 'window-decrease-type': window_type, 'window-decrease-factor': window_factor, '_source_context': model.SourceContext, } pipeline['trigger'] = vs.Required( PipelineParser.getDriverSchema('trigger', connections)) for action in ['start', 'success', 'failure', 'merge-failure', 'disabled']: pipeline[action] = PipelineParser.getDriverSchema('reporter', connections) return vs.Schema(pipeline) @staticmethod def fromYaml(layout, connections, scheduler, conf): with configuration_exceptions('pipeline', conf): PipelineParser.getSchema(layout, connections)(conf) pipeline = model.Pipeline(conf['name'], layout) pipeline.description = conf.get('description') pipeline.source = connections.getSource(conf['source']) precedence = model.PRECEDENCE_MAP[conf.get('precedence')] pipeline.precedence = precedence pipeline.failure_message = conf.get('failure-message', "Build failed.") pipeline.merge_failure_message = conf.get( 'merge-failure-message', "Merge Failed.\n\nThis change or one " "of its cross-repo dependencies was unable to be " "automatically merged with the current state of its " "repository. Please rebase the change and upload a new " "patchset.") pipeline.success_message = conf.get('success-message', "Build succeeded.") pipeline.footer_message = conf.get('footer-message', "") pipeline.start_message = conf.get('start-message', "Starting {pipeline.name} jobs.") pipeline.dequeue_on_new_patchset = conf.get( 'dequeue-on-new-patchset', True) pipeline.ignore_dependencies = conf.get( 'ignore-dependencies', False) for conf_key, action in PipelineParser.reporter_actions.items(): reporter_set = [] if conf.get(conf_key): for reporter_name, params \ in conf.get(conf_key).items(): reporter = connections.getReporter(reporter_name, params) reporter.setAction(conf_key) reporter_set.append(reporter) setattr(pipeline, action, reporter_set) # If merge-failure actions aren't explicit, use the failure actions if not pipeline.merge_failure_actions: pipeline.merge_failure_actions = pipeline.failure_actions pipeline.disable_at = conf.get( 'disable-after-consecutive-failures', None) pipeline.window = conf.get('window', 20) pipeline.window_floor = conf.get('window-floor', 3) pipeline.window_increase_type = conf.get( 'window-increase-type', 'linear') pipeline.window_increase_factor = conf.get( 'window-increase-factor', 1) pipeline.window_decrease_type = conf.get( 'window-decrease-type', 'exponential') pipeline.window_decrease_factor = conf.get( 'window-decrease-factor', 2) manager_name = conf['manager'] if manager_name == 'dependent': manager = zuul.manager.dependent.DependentPipelineManager( scheduler, pipeline) elif manager_name == 'independent': manager = zuul.manager.independent.IndependentPipelineManager( scheduler, pipeline) pipeline.setManager(manager) layout.pipelines[conf['name']] = pipeline if 'require' in conf or 'reject' in conf: require = conf.get('require', {}) reject = conf.get('reject', {}) f = model.ChangeishFilter( open=require.get('open'), current_patchset=require.get('current-patchset'), statuses=as_list(require.get('status')), required_approvals=as_list(require.get('approval')), reject_approvals=as_list(reject.get('approval')) ) manager.changeish_filters.append(f) for trigger_name, trigger_config in conf.get('trigger').items(): trigger = connections.getTrigger(trigger_name, trigger_config) pipeline.triggers.append(trigger) manager.event_filters += trigger.getEventFilters( conf['trigger'][trigger_name]) return pipeline class TenantParser(object): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.TenantParser") tenant_source = vs.Schema({'config-repos': [str], 'project-repos': [str]}) @staticmethod def validateTenantSources(connections): def v(value, path=[]): if isinstance(value, dict): for k, val in value.items(): connections.getSource(k) TenantParser.validateTenantSource(val, path + [k]) else: raise vs.Invalid("Invalid tenant source", path) return v @staticmethod def validateTenantSource(value, path=[]): TenantParser.tenant_source(value) @staticmethod def getSchema(connections=None): tenant = {vs.Required('name'): str, 'source': TenantParser.validateTenantSources(connections)} return vs.Schema(tenant) @staticmethod def fromYaml(base, connections, scheduler, merger, conf, cached): TenantParser.getSchema(connections)(conf) tenant = model.Tenant(conf['name']) tenant.unparsed_config = conf unparsed_config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig() tenant.config_repos, tenant.project_repos = \ TenantParser._loadTenantConfigRepos(connections, conf) for source, repo in tenant.config_repos: tenant.addConfigRepo(source, repo) for source, repo in tenant.project_repos: tenant.addProjectRepo(source, repo) tenant.config_repos_config, tenant.project_repos_config = \ TenantParser._loadTenantInRepoLayouts(merger, connections, tenant.config_repos, tenant.project_repos, cached) unparsed_config.extend(tenant.config_repos_config) unparsed_config.extend(tenant.project_repos_config) tenant.layout = TenantParser._parseLayout(base, tenant, unparsed_config, scheduler, connections) tenant.layout.tenant = tenant return tenant @staticmethod def _loadTenantConfigRepos(connections, conf_tenant): config_repos = [] project_repos = [] for source_name, conf_source in conf_tenant.get('source', {}).items(): source = connections.getSource(source_name) for conf_repo in conf_source.get('config-repos', []): project = source.getProject(conf_repo) config_repos.append((source, project)) for conf_repo in conf_source.get('project-repos', []): project = source.getProject(conf_repo) project_repos.append((source, project)) return config_repos, project_repos @staticmethod def _loadTenantInRepoLayouts(merger, connections, config_repos, project_repos, cached): config_repos_config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig() project_repos_config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig() jobs = [] for (source, project) in config_repos: # If we have cached data (this is a reconfiguration) use it. if cached and project.unparsed_config: TenantParser.log.info( "Loading previously parsed configuration from %s" % (project,)) config_repos_config.extend(project.unparsed_config) continue # Otherwise, prepare an empty unparsed config object to # hold cached data later. project.unparsed_config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig() # Get main config files. These files are permitted the # full range of configuration. url = source.getGitUrl(project) job = merger.getFiles(project.name, url, 'master', files=['zuul.yaml', '.zuul.yaml']) job.source_context = model.SourceContext(project, 'master', '', True) jobs.append(job) for (source, project) in project_repos: # If we have cached data (this is a reconfiguration) use it. if cached and project.unparsed_config: TenantParser.log.info( "Loading previously parsed configuration from %s" % (project,)) project_repos_config.extend(project.unparsed_config) continue # Otherwise, prepare an empty unparsed config object to # hold cached data later. project.unparsed_config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig() # Get in-project-repo config files which have a restricted # set of options. url = source.getGitUrl(project) # For each branch in the repo, get the zuul.yaml for that # branch. Remember the branch and then implicitly add a # branch selector to each job there. This makes the # in-repo configuration apply only to that branch. for branch in source.getProjectBranches(project): project.unparsed_branch_config[branch] = \ model.UnparsedTenantConfig() job = merger.getFiles(project.name, url, branch, files=['.zuul.yaml']) job.source_context = model.SourceContext( project, branch, '', False) jobs.append(job) for job in jobs: # Note: this is an ordered list -- we wait for cat jobs to # complete in the order they were launched which is the # same order they were defined in the main config file. # This is important for correct inheritance. TenantParser.log.debug("Waiting for cat job %s" % (job,)) job.wait() loaded = False for fn in ['zuul.yaml', '.zuul.yaml']: if job.files.get(fn): # Don't load from more than one file in a repo-branch if loaded: TenantParser.log.warning( "Multiple configuration files in %s" % (job.source_context,)) continue loaded = True job.source_context.path = fn TenantParser.log.info( "Loading configuration from %s" % (job.source_context,)) project = job.source_context.project branch = job.source_context.branch if job.source_context.trusted: incdata = TenantParser._parseConfigRepoLayout( job.files[fn], job.source_context) config_repos_config.extend(incdata) else: incdata = TenantParser._parseProjectRepoLayout( job.files[fn], job.source_context) project_repos_config.extend(incdata) project.unparsed_config.extend(incdata) if branch in project.unparsed_branch_config: project.unparsed_branch_config[branch].extend(incdata) return config_repos_config, project_repos_config @staticmethod def _parseConfigRepoLayout(data, source_context): # This is the top-level configuration for a tenant. config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig() config.extend(safe_load_yaml(data, source_context), source_context) return config @staticmethod def _parseProjectRepoLayout(data, source_context): # TODOv3(jeblair): this should implement some rules to protect # aspects of the config that should not be changed in-repo config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig() config.extend(safe_load_yaml(data, source_context), source_context) return config @staticmethod def _parseLayout(base, tenant, data, scheduler, connections): layout = model.Layout() for config_pipeline in data.pipelines: layout.addPipeline(PipelineParser.fromYaml(layout, connections, scheduler, config_pipeline)) for config_nodeset in data.nodesets: layout.addNodeSet(NodeSetParser.fromYaml(layout, config_nodeset)) for config_job in data.jobs: layout.addJob(JobParser.fromYaml(tenant, layout, config_job)) for config_template in data.project_templates: layout.addProjectTemplate(ProjectTemplateParser.fromYaml( tenant, layout, config_template)) for config_project in data.projects.values(): layout.addProjectConfig(ProjectParser.fromYaml( tenant, layout, config_project)) for pipeline in layout.pipelines.values(): pipeline.manager._postConfig(layout) return layout class ConfigLoader(object): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.ConfigLoader") def expandConfigPath(self, config_path): if config_path: config_path = os.path.expanduser(config_path) if not os.path.exists(config_path): raise Exception("Unable to read tenant config file at %s" % config_path) return config_path def loadConfig(self, config_path, scheduler, merger, connections): abide = model.Abide() config_path = self.expandConfigPath(config_path) with open(config_path) as config_file: self.log.info("Loading configuration from %s" % (config_path,)) data = yaml.safe_load(config_file) config = model.UnparsedAbideConfig() config.extend(data) base = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(config_path)) for conf_tenant in config.tenants: # When performing a full reload, do not use cached data. tenant = TenantParser.fromYaml(base, connections, scheduler, merger, conf_tenant, cached=False) abide.tenants[tenant.name] = tenant return abide def reloadTenant(self, config_path, scheduler, merger, connections, abide, tenant): new_abide = model.Abide() new_abide.tenants = abide.tenants.copy() config_path = self.expandConfigPath(config_path) base = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(config_path)) # When reloading a tenant only, use cached data if available. new_tenant = TenantParser.fromYaml(base, connections, scheduler, merger, tenant.unparsed_config, cached=True) new_abide.tenants[tenant.name] = new_tenant return new_abide def _loadDynamicProjectData(self, config, source, project, files, config_repo): for branch in source.getProjectBranches(project): data = None if config_repo: fn = 'zuul.yaml' data = files.getFile(project.name, branch, fn) if not data: fn = '.zuul.yaml' data = files.getFile(project.name, branch, fn) if data: source_context = model.SourceContext(project, branch, fn, config_repo) if config_repo: incdata = TenantParser._parseConfigRepoLayout( data, source_context) else: incdata = TenantParser._parseProjectRepoLayout( data, source_context) else: incdata = project.unparsed_branch_config.get(branch) if not incdata: continue config.extend(incdata) def createDynamicLayout(self, tenant, files, include_config_repos=False): if include_config_repos: config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig() for source, project in tenant.config_repos: self._loadDynamicProjectData(config, source, project, files, True) else: config = tenant.config_repos_config.copy() for source, project in tenant.project_repos: self._loadDynamicProjectData(config, source, project, files, False) layout = model.Layout() # NOTE: the actual pipeline objects (complete with queues and # enqueued items) are copied by reference here. This allows # our shadow dynamic configuration to continue to interact # with all the other changes, each of which may have their own # version of reality. We do not support creating, updating, # or deleting pipelines in dynamic layout changes. layout.pipelines = tenant.layout.pipelines for config_job in config.jobs: layout.addJob(JobParser.fromYaml(tenant, layout, config_job)) for config_template in config.project_templates: layout.addProjectTemplate(ProjectTemplateParser.fromYaml( tenant, layout, config_template)) for config_project in config.projects.values(): layout.addProjectConfig(ProjectParser.fromYaml( tenant, layout, config_project)) return layout