// Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain // a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. // The App is the parent component of every pages. Each page content is // rendered by the Route object according to the current location. import React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { matchPath, withRouter } from 'react-router' import { Link, Redirect, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import { Icon, Masthead, Notification, NotificationDrawer, } from 'patternfly-react' import logo from './images/logo.png' import { routes } from './routes' import { fetchConfigErrorsAction } from './actions/configErrors' import { setTenantAction } from './actions/tenant' class App extends React.Component { static propTypes = { configErrors: PropTypes.array, info: PropTypes.object, tenant: PropTypes.object, location: PropTypes.object, history: PropTypes.object, dispatch: PropTypes.func } state = { menuCollapsed: true, showErrors: false } onNavToggleClick = () => { this.setState({ menuCollapsed: !this.state.menuCollapsed }) } onNavClick = () => { this.setState({ menuCollapsed: true }) } constructor() { super() this.menu = routes() } renderMenu() { const { location } = this.props const activeItem = this.menu.find( item => location.pathname === item.to ) return ( ) } renderContent = () => { const { tenant } = this.props const allRoutes = [] this.menu // Do not include '/tenants' route in white-label setup .filter(item => (tenant.whiteLabel && !item.globalRoute) || !tenant.whiteLabel) .forEach((item, index) => { allRoutes.push( ) }) return ( {allRoutes} ) } componentDidUpdate() { // This method is called when info property is updated const { tenant, info } = this.props if (info.capabilities) { let tenantName, whiteLabel if (info.tenant) { // White label whiteLabel = true tenantName = info.tenant } else if (!info.tenant) { // Multi tenant, look for tenant name in url whiteLabel = false const match = matchPath( this.props.location.pathname, {path: '/t/:tenant'}) if (match) { tenantName = match.params.tenant } else { tenantName = '' } } // Set tenant only if it changed to prevent DidUpdate loop if (typeof tenant.name === 'undefined' || tenant.name !== tenantName) { const tenantAction = setTenantAction(tenantName, whiteLabel) this.props.dispatch(tenantAction) if (tenantName) { this.props.dispatch(fetchConfigErrorsAction(tenantAction.tenant)) } } } } renderConfigErrors = (configErrors) => { const { history } = this.props const errors = [] configErrors.forEach((item, idx) => { let error = item.error let cookie = error.indexOf('The error was:') if (cookie !== -1) { error = error.slice(cookie + 18).split('\n')[0] } let ctxPath = item.source_context.path if (item.source_context.branch !== 'master') { ctxPath += ' (' + item.source_context.branch + ')' } errors.push( { history.push(this.props.tenant.linkPrefix + '/config-errors') this.setState({showErrors: false}) }} > {error} ) }) return ( Config Errors {errors.map(item => (item))} ) } render() { const { menuCollapsed, showErrors } = this.state const { tenant, configErrors } = this.props if (typeof tenant.name === 'undefined') { return (


) } return (
{tenant.name && this.renderMenu()}
    { configErrors.length > 0 && { e.preventDefault() this.setState({showErrors: !this.state.showErrors})}} /> }
  • Documentation
  • {tenant.name && (
  • Tenant {tenant.name}
  • )}
{showErrors && this.renderConfigErrors(configErrors)}
{!menuCollapsed && (
{tenant.name && this.renderMenu()}
) } } // This connect the info state from the store to the info property of the App. export default withRouter(connect( state => ({ configErrors: state.configErrors, info: state.info, tenant: state.tenant }) )(App))