# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # So we can name this module "jenkins" and still load the "jenkins" # system module from __future__ import absolute_import import json import logging import pprint import threading import time import urllib # for extending jenkins lib import urllib2 # for extending jenkins lib import urlparse from uuid import uuid4 import jenkins from paste import httpserver from webob import Request from zuul.model import Build # The amount of time we tolerate a change in build status without # receiving a notification JENKINS_GRACE_TIME = 60 class JenkinsCallback(threading.Thread): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.JenkinsCallback") def __init__(self, jenkins): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.jenkins = jenkins def run(self): httpserver.serve(self.app, host='', port='8001') def app(self, environ, start_response): request = Request(environ) start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'text/html')]) if request.path == '/jenkins_endpoint': self.jenkins_endpoint(request) return ['Zuul good.'] elif request.path == '/status': try: ret = self.jenkins.sched.formatStatusHTML() except: self.log.exception("Exception formatting status:") raise return [ret] else: return ['Zuul good.'] def jenkins_endpoint(self, request): data = json.loads(request.body) if data: self.log.debug("Received data from Jenkins: \n%s" % (pprint.pformat(data))) build = data.get('build') if build: phase = build.get('phase') status = build.get('status') url = build.get('full_url') number = build.get('number') params = build.get('parameters') if params: uuid = params.get('UUID') if (status and url and uuid and phase and phase == 'COMPLETED'): self.jenkins.onBuildCompleted(uuid, status, url, number) if (phase and phase == 'STARTED'): self.jenkins.onBuildStarted(uuid, url, number) class JenkinsCleanup(threading.Thread): """ A thread that checks to see if outstanding builds have completed without reporting back. """ log = logging.getLogger("zuul.JenkinsCleanup") def __init__(self, jenkins): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.jenkins = jenkins self.wake_event = threading.Event() self._stopped = False def stop(self): self._stopped = True self.wake_event.set() def run(self): while True: self.wake_event.wait(180) if self._stopped: return try: self.jenkins.lookForLostBuilds() except: self.log.exception("Exception checking builds:") STOP_BUILD = 'job/%(name)s/%(number)s/stop' CANCEL_QUEUE = 'queue/item/%(number)s/cancelQueue' BUILD_INFO = 'job/%(name)s/%(number)s/api/json?depth=0' BUILD_DESCRIPTION = 'job/%(name)s/%(number)s/submitDescription' class ExtendedJenkins(jenkins.Jenkins): def jenkins_open(self, req): ''' Utility routine for opening an HTTP request to a Jenkins server. ''' try: if self.auth: req.add_header('Authorization', self.auth) return urllib2.urlopen(req).read() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: print e.msg print e.fp.read() raise def stop_build(self, name, number): ''' Stop a running Jenkins build. @param name: Name of Jenkins job @type name: str @param number: Jenkins build number for the job @type number: int ''' request = urllib2.Request(self.server + STOP_BUILD % locals()) self.jenkins_open(request) def cancel_queue(self, number): ''' Cancel a queued build. @param number: Jenkins queue number for the build @type number: int ''' # Jenkins returns a 302 from this URL, unless Referer is not set, # then you get a 404. request = urllib2.Request(self.server + CANCEL_QUEUE % locals(), headers={'Referer': self.server}) self.jenkins_open(request) def get_build_info(self, name, number): ''' Get information for a build. @param name: Name of Jenkins job @type name: str @param number: Jenkins build number for the job @type number: int @return: dictionary ''' request = urllib2.Request(self.server + BUILD_INFO % locals()) return json.loads(self.jenkins_open(request)) def set_build_description(self, name, number, description): ''' Get information for a build. @param name: Name of Jenkins job @type name: str @param number: Jenkins build number for the job @type number: int @param description: Bulid description to set @type description: str ''' params = urllib.urlencode({'description': description}) request = urllib2.Request(self.server + BUILD_DESCRIPTION % locals(), params) self.jenkins_open(request) class Jenkins(object): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.Jenkins") launch_retry_timeout = 5 def __init__(self, config, sched): self.sched = sched self.builds = {} server = config.get('jenkins', 'server') user = config.get('jenkins', 'user') apikey = config.get('jenkins', 'apikey') self.jenkins = ExtendedJenkins(server, user, apikey) self.callback_thread = JenkinsCallback(self) self.callback_thread.start() self.cleanup_thread = JenkinsCleanup(self) self.cleanup_thread.start() def stop(self): self.cleanup_thread.stop() self.cleanup_thread.join() #TODO: remove dependent_changes def launch(self, job, change, pipeline, dependent_changes=[]): self.log.info("Launch job %s for change %s with dependent changes %s" % (job, change, dependent_changes)) dependent_changes = dependent_changes[:] dependent_changes.reverse() uuid = str(uuid4().hex) params = dict(UUID=uuid, GERRIT_PROJECT=change.project.name, ZUUL_PROJECT=change.project.name) params['ZUUL_PIPELINE'] = pipeline.name if hasattr(change, 'refspec'): changes_str = '^'.join( ['%s:%s:%s' % (c.project.name, c.branch, c.refspec) for c in dependent_changes + [change]]) params['GERRIT_BRANCH'] = change.branch params['ZUUL_BRANCH'] = change.branch params['GERRIT_CHANGES'] = changes_str params['ZUUL_CHANGES'] = changes_str params['ZUUL_REF'] = 'refs/zuul/%s/%s' % (change.branch, change.current_build_set.ref) zuul_changes = ' '.join(['%s,%s' % (c.number, c.patchset) for c in dependent_changes + [change]]) params['ZUUL_CHANGE_IDS'] = zuul_changes params['ZUUL_CHANGE'] = str(change.number) params['ZUUL_PATCHSET'] = str(change.patchset) if hasattr(change, 'ref'): params['GERRIT_REFNAME'] = change.ref params['ZUUL_REFNAME'] = change.ref params['GERRIT_OLDREV'] = change.oldrev params['ZUUL_OLDREV'] = change.oldrev params['GERRIT_NEWREV'] = change.newrev params['ZUUL_NEWREV'] = change.newrev params['ZUUL_SHORT_NEWREV'] = change.newrev[:7] if callable(job.parameter_function): job.parameter_function(change, params) self.log.debug("Custom parameter function used for job %s, " "change: %s, params: %s" % (job, change, params)) build = Build(job, uuid) # We can get the started notification on another thread before # this is done so we add the build even before we trigger the # job on Jenkins. self.builds[uuid] = build # Sometimes Jenkins may erroneously respond with a 404. Handle # that by retrying for 30 seconds. launched = False errored = False for count in range(6): try: self.jenkins.build_job(job.name, parameters=params) launched = True break except: errored = True self.log.exception("Exception launching build %s for " "job %s for change %s (will retry):" % (build, job, change)) time.sleep(self.launch_retry_timeout) if errored: if launched: self.log.error("Finally able to launch %s" % build) else: self.log.error("Unable to launch %s, even after retrying, " "declaring lost" % build) # To keep the queue moving, declare this as a lost build # so that the change will get dropped. t = threading.Thread(target=self.declareBuildLost, args=(build,)) t.start() return build def declareBuildLost(self, build): # Call this from a new thread to invoke onBuildCompleted from # a thread that has the queue lock. self.onBuildCompleted(build.uuid, 'LOST', None, None) def findBuildInQueue(self, build): for item in self.jenkins.get_queue_info(): if 'actions' not in item: continue for action in item['actions']: if 'parameters' not in action: continue parameters = action['parameters'] for param in parameters: if (param['name'] == 'UUID' and build.uuid == param['value']): return item return False def cancel(self, build): self.log.info("Cancel build %s for job %s" % (build, build.job)) if build.number: self.log.debug("Build %s has already started" % build) self.jenkins.stop_build(build.job.name, build.number) self.log.debug("Canceled running build %s" % build) return else: self.log.debug("Build %s has not started yet" % build) self.log.debug("Looking for build %s in queue" % build) item = self.findBuildInQueue(build) if item: self.log.debug("Found queue item %s for build %s" % (item['id'], build)) try: self.jenkins.cancel_queue(item['id']) self.log.debug("Canceled queue item %s for build %s" % (item['id'], build)) return except: self.log.exception("Exception canceling queue item %s " "for build %s" % (item['id'], build)) self.log.debug("Still unable to find build %s to cancel" % build) if build.number: self.log.debug("Build %s has just started" % build) self.jenkins.stop_build(build.job.name, build.number) self.log.debug("Canceled just running build %s" % build) else: self.log.error("Build %s has not started but " "was not found in queue" % build) def getBestBuildURL(self, url): try: test_url = urlparse.urljoin(url, 'testReport') self.jenkins.jenkins_open(urllib2.Request(test_url)) return test_url except: pass try: console_url = urlparse.urljoin(url, 'consoleFull') self.jenkins.jenkins_open(urllib2.Request(console_url)) return console_url except: pass return url def setBuildDescription(self, build, description): if not build.number: return try: self.jenkins.set_build_description(build.job.name, build.number, description) except: self.log.exception("Exception setting build description for %s" % build) def onBuildCompleted(self, uuid, status, url, number): self.log.info("Build %s #%s complete, status %s" % (uuid, number, status)) build = self.builds.get(uuid) if build: self.log.debug("Found build %s" % build) del self.builds[uuid] if url: build.base_url = url url = self.getBestBuildURL(url) build.url = url build.result = status build.number = number self.sched.onBuildCompleted(build) else: self.log.error("Unable to find build %s" % uuid) def onBuildStarted(self, uuid, url, number): self.log.info("Build %s #%s started, url: %s" % (uuid, number, url)) build = self.builds.get(uuid) if build: self.log.debug("Found build %s" % build) build.url = url build.number = number self.sched.onBuildStarted(build) else: self.log.error("Unable to find build %s" % uuid) def lookForLostBuilds(self): self.log.debug("Looking for lost builds") lostbuilds = [] for build in self.builds.values(): if build.result: # The build has finished, it will be removed continue if build.number: # The build has started; see if it has finished try: info = self.jenkins.get_build_info(build.job.name, build.number) if hasattr(build, '_jenkins_missing_build_info'): del build._jenkins_missing_build_info except: self.log.exception("Exception getting info for %s" % build) # We can't look it up in jenkins. That could be transient. # If it keeps up, assume it's permanent. if hasattr(build, '_jenkins_missing_build_info'): missing_time = build._jenkins_missing_build_info if time.time() - missing_time > JENKINS_GRACE_TIME: self.log.debug("Lost build %s because " "it has started but " "the build URL is not working" % build) lostbuilds.append(build) else: build._jenkins_missing_build_info = time.time() continue if not info: self.log.debug("Lost build %s because " "it started but " "info can not be retreived" % build) lostbuilds.append(build) continue if info['building']: # It has not finished. continue if info['duration'] == 0: # Possible jenkins bug -- not building, but no duration self.log.debug("Possible jenkins bug with build %s: " "not building, but no duration is set " "Build info %s:" % (build, pprint.pformat(info))) continue finish_time = (info['timestamp'] + info['duration']) / 1000 if time.time() - finish_time > JENKINS_GRACE_TIME: self.log.debug("Lost build %s because " "it finished more than 5 minutes ago. " "Build info %s:" % (build, pprint.pformat(info))) lostbuilds.append(build) continue # Give it more time else: # The build has not started if time.time() - build.launch_time < JENKINS_GRACE_TIME: # It just started, give it a bit continue info = self.findBuildInQueue(build) if info: # It's in the queue. All good. continue if build.number: # We just got notified it started continue # It may have just started. If we keep ending up here, # assume the worst. if hasattr(build, '_jenkins_missing_from_queue'): missing_time = build._jenkins_missing_from_queue if time.time() - missing_time > JENKINS_GRACE_TIME: self.log.debug("Lost build %s because " "it has not started and " "is not in the queue" % build) lostbuilds.append(build) continue else: build._jenkins_missing_from_queue = time.time() for build in lostbuilds: self.log.error("Declaring %s lost" % build) self.onBuildCompleted(build.uuid, 'LOST', None, None)