# Copyright 2012-2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2013 Antoine "hashar" Musso # Copyright 2013 Wikimedia Foundation Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import logging import socket import sys import threading import time import traceback import uuid from contextlib import suppress from collections import defaultdict from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler from apscheduler.triggers.interval import IntervalTrigger from kazoo.exceptions import NotEmptyError from zuul import configloader, exceptions from zuul import version as zuul_version from zuul import rpclistener from zuul.lib import commandsocket from zuul.lib.ansible import AnsibleManager from zuul.lib.config import get_default from zuul.lib.gear_utils import getGearmanFunctions from zuul.lib.keystorage import KeyStorage from zuul.lib.logutil import get_annotated_logger from zuul.lib.queue import NamedQueue from zuul.lib.times import Times from zuul.lib.statsd import get_statsd, normalize_statsd_name import zuul.lib.queue import zuul.lib.repl from zuul import nodepool from zuul.executor.client import ExecutorClient from zuul.merger.client import MergeClient from zuul.model import ( Abide, Build, BuildCompletedEvent, BuildPausedEvent, BuildStartedEvent, BuildStatusEvent, Change, ChangeManagementEvent, DequeueEvent, EnqueueEvent, FilesChangesCompletedEvent, HoldRequest, Job, MergeCompletedEvent, NodesProvisionedEvent, PromoteEvent, ReconfigureEvent, TenantReconfigureEvent, UnparsedAbideConfig, SystemAttributes, STATE_FAILED, ) from zuul.zk import ZooKeeperClient from zuul.zk.cleanup import ( SemaphoreCleanupLock, BuildRequestCleanupLock, ConnectionCleanupLock, GeneralCleanupLock, MergeRequestCleanupLock, NodeRequestCleanupLock, ) from zuul.zk.components import ( BaseComponent, ComponentRegistry, SchedulerComponent ) from zuul.zk.config_cache import SystemConfigCache, UnparsedConfigCache from zuul.zk.event_queues import ( EventWatcher, TenantManagementEventQueue, TenantTriggerEventQueue, PipelineManagementEventQueue, PipelineResultEventQueue, PipelineTriggerEventQueue, TENANT_ROOT, ) from zuul.zk.exceptions import LockException from zuul.zk.layout import LayoutState, LayoutStateStore from zuul.zk.locks import ( tenant_read_lock, tenant_write_lock, pipeline_lock, management_queue_lock, trigger_queue_lock, ) from zuul.zk.system import ZuulSystem COMMANDS = ['full-reconfigure', 'smart-reconfigure', 'stop', 'repl', 'norepl'] class Scheduler(threading.Thread): """The engine of Zuul. The Scheduler is responsible for receiving events and dispatching them to appropriate components (including pipeline managers, mergers and executors). It runs a single threaded main loop which processes events received one at a time and takes action as appropriate. Other parts of Zuul may run in their own thread, but synchronization is performed within the scheduler to reduce or eliminate the need for locking in most circumstances. The main daemon will have one instance of the Scheduler class running which will persist for the life of the process. The Scheduler instance is supplied to other Zuul components so that they can submit events or otherwise communicate with other components. """ log = logging.getLogger("zuul.Scheduler") _stats_interval = 30 _semaphore_cleanup_interval = IntervalTrigger(minutes=60, jitter=60) _general_cleanup_interval = IntervalTrigger(minutes=60, jitter=60) _build_request_cleanup_interval = IntervalTrigger(seconds=60, jitter=5) _merge_request_cleanup_interval = IntervalTrigger(seconds=60, jitter=5) _connection_cleanup_interval = IntervalTrigger(minutes=5, jitter=10) _merger_client_class = MergeClient _executor_client_class = ExecutorClient def __init__(self, config, connections, app, testonly=False): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.hostname = socket.getfqdn() self.wake_event = threading.Event() self.layout_lock = threading.Lock() self.run_handler_lock = threading.Lock() self.command_map = { 'stop': self.stop, 'full-reconfigure': self.fullReconfigureCommandHandler, 'smart-reconfigure': self.smartReconfigureCommandHandler, 'repl': self.start_repl, 'norepl': self.stop_repl, } self._stopped = False self._zuul_app = app self.connections = connections self.sql = self.connections.getSqlReporter(None) self.statsd = get_statsd(config) self.times = Times(self.sql, self.statsd) self.rpc = rpclistener.RPCListener(config, self) self.rpc_slow = rpclistener.RPCListenerSlow(config, self) self.repl = None self.stats_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.runStats) self.stats_thread.daemon = True self.stop_event = threading.Event() self.apsched = BackgroundScheduler() # TODO(jeblair): fix this # Despite triggers being part of the pipeline, there is one trigger set # per scheduler. The pipeline handles the trigger filters but since # the events are handled by the scheduler itself it needs to handle # the loading of the triggers. # self.triggers['connection_name'] = triggerObject self.triggers = dict() self.config = config self.zk_client = ZooKeeperClient.fromConfig(self.config) self.zk_client.connect() self.system = ZuulSystem(self.zk_client) self.component_info = SchedulerComponent(self.zk_client, self.hostname) self.component_info.register() self.component_registry = ComponentRegistry(self.zk_client) self.system_config_cache = SystemConfigCache(self.zk_client, self.wake_event.set) self.unparsed_config_cache = UnparsedConfigCache(self.zk_client) # TODO (swestphahl): Remove after we've refactored reconfigurations # to be performed on the tenant level. self.reconfigure_event_queue = NamedQueue("ReconfigureEventQueue") self.event_watcher = EventWatcher( self.zk_client, self.wake_event.set ) self.management_events = TenantManagementEventQueue.createRegistry( self.zk_client) self.pipeline_management_events = ( PipelineManagementEventQueue.createRegistry( self.zk_client ) ) self.trigger_events = TenantTriggerEventQueue.createRegistry( self.zk_client, self.connections ) self.pipeline_trigger_events = ( PipelineTriggerEventQueue.createRegistry( self.zk_client, self.connections ) ) self.pipeline_result_events = PipelineResultEventQueue.createRegistry( self.zk_client ) self.general_cleanup_lock = GeneralCleanupLock(self.zk_client) self.semaphore_cleanup_lock = SemaphoreCleanupLock(self.zk_client) self.build_request_cleanup_lock = BuildRequestCleanupLock( self.zk_client) self.merge_request_cleanup_lock = MergeRequestCleanupLock( self.zk_client) self.connection_cleanup_lock = ConnectionCleanupLock(self.zk_client) self.node_request_cleanup_lock = NodeRequestCleanupLock(self.zk_client) self.abide = Abide() self.unparsed_abide = UnparsedAbideConfig() self.tenant_layout_state = LayoutStateStore(self.zk_client, self.wake_event.set) self.local_layout_state = {} command_socket = get_default( self.config, 'scheduler', 'command_socket', '/var/lib/zuul/scheduler.socket') self.command_socket = commandsocket.CommandSocket(command_socket) if zuul_version.is_release is False: self.zuul_version = "%s %s" % (zuul_version.release_string, zuul_version.git_version) else: self.zuul_version = zuul_version.release_string self.last_reconfigured = None self.globals = SystemAttributes.fromConfig(self.config) self.ansible_manager = AnsibleManager( default_version=self.globals.default_ansible_version) if not testonly: self.executor = self._executor_client_class(self.config, self) self.merger = self._merger_client_class(self.config, self) self.nodepool = nodepool.Nodepool( self.zk_client, self.system.system_id, self.statsd, scheduler=True) def start(self): super(Scheduler, self).start() self.keystore = KeyStorage( self.zk_client, password=self._get_key_store_password()) self._command_running = True self.log.debug("Starting command processor") self.command_socket.start() self.command_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.runCommand, name='command') self.command_thread.daemon = True self.command_thread.start() self.rpc.start() self.rpc_slow.start() self.stats_thread.start() self.apsched.start() self.times.start() # Start an anonymous thread to perform initial cleanup, then # schedule later cleanup tasks. t = threading.Thread(target=self.startCleanup, name='cleanup start') t.daemon = True t.start() self.component_info.state = self.component_info.RUNNING def stop(self): self._stopped = True self.component_info.state = self.component_info.STOPPED self.times.stop() self.nodepool.stop() self.stop_event.set() self.stopConnections() self.wake_event.set() self.stats_thread.join() self.apsched.shutdown() self.rpc.stop() self.rpc.join() self.rpc_slow.stop() self.rpc_slow.join() self.stop_repl() self._command_running = False self.command_socket.stop() self.command_thread.join() self.times.join() self.join() self.zk_client.disconnect() def runCommand(self): while self._command_running: try: command = self.command_socket.get().decode('utf8') if command != '_stop': self.command_map[command]() except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception while processing command") def stopConnections(self): self.connections.stop() def runStats(self): while not self.stop_event.wait(self._stats_interval): try: self._runStats() except Exception: self.log.exception("Error in periodic stats:") def _runStats(self): if not self.statsd: return executor_stats_default = { "online": 0, "accepting": 0, "queued": 0, "running": 0 } # Calculate the executor and merger stats executors_online = 0 executors_accepting = 0 executors_unzoned_online = 0 executors_unzoned_accepting = 0 # zone -> accepting|online zoned_executor_stats = {} zoned_executor_stats.setdefault(None, executor_stats_default.copy()) mergers_online = 0 for executor_component in self.component_registry.all("executor"): if executor_component.allow_unzoned or not executor_component.zone: if executor_component.state == BaseComponent.RUNNING: executors_unzoned_online += 1 if executor_component.accepting_work: executors_unzoned_accepting += 1 else: zone_stats = zoned_executor_stats.setdefault( executor_component.zone, executor_stats_default.copy()) if executor_component.state == BaseComponent.RUNNING: zone_stats["online"] += 1 if executor_component.accepting_work: zone_stats["accepting"] += 1 # An executor with merger capabilities does also count as merger if executor_component.process_merge_jobs: mergers_online += 1 # TODO(corvus): Remove for 5.0: executors_online += 1 if executor_component.accepting_work: executors_accepting += 1 for merger_component in self.component_registry.all("merger"): if merger_component.state == BaseComponent.RUNNING: mergers_online += 1 # Get all builds so we can filter by state and zone for build_request in self.executor.executor_api.inState(): zone = build_request.zone zone_stats = zoned_executor_stats.setdefault( executor_component.zone, executor_stats_default.copy()) if build_request.state == build_request.REQUESTED: zone_stats['queued'] += 1 if build_request.state in ( build_request.RUNNING, build_request.PAUSED): zone_stats['running'] += 1 # Publish the executor stats self.statsd.gauge('zuul.executors.unzoned.accepting', executors_unzoned_accepting) self.statsd.gauge('zuul.executors.unzoned.online', executors_unzoned_online) self.statsd.gauge('zuul.executors.unzoned.jobs_running', zoned_executor_stats[None]['running']) self.statsd.gauge('zuul.executors.unzoned.jobs_queued', zoned_executor_stats[None]['queued']) # TODO(corvus): Remove for 5.0: self.statsd.gauge('zuul.executors.jobs_running', zoned_executor_stats[None]['running']) self.statsd.gauge('zuul.executors.jobs_queued', zoned_executor_stats[None]['queued']) for zone, stats in zoned_executor_stats.items(): if zone is None: continue self.statsd.gauge( f'zuul.executors.zone.{normalize_statsd_name(zone)}.accepting', stats["accepting"], ) self.statsd.gauge( f'zuul.executors.zone.{normalize_statsd_name(zone)}.online', stats["online"], ) self.statsd.gauge( 'zuul.executors.zone.' f'{normalize_statsd_name(zone)}.jobs_running', stats['running']) self.statsd.gauge( 'zuul.executors.zone.' f'{normalize_statsd_name(zone)}.jobs_queued', stats['queued']) # TODO(corvus): Remove for 5.0: self.statsd.gauge('zuul.executors.accepting', executors_accepting) self.statsd.gauge('zuul.executors.online', executors_online) # Publish the merger stats self.statsd.gauge('zuul.mergers.online', mergers_online) functions = getGearmanFunctions(self.rpc.gearworker.gearman) functions.update(getGearmanFunctions(self.rpc_slow.gearworker.gearman)) merge_queue = 0 merge_running = 0 for (name, (queued, running, registered)) in functions.items(): if name == 'merger:merge': mergers_online = registered if name.startswith('merger:'): merge_queue += queued - running merge_running += running self.statsd.gauge('zuul.mergers.jobs_running', merge_running) self.statsd.gauge('zuul.mergers.jobs_queued', merge_queue) self.statsd.gauge('zuul.scheduler.eventqueues.management', self.reconfigure_event_queue.qsize()) base = 'zuul.scheduler.eventqueues.connection' for connection in self.connections.connections.values(): queue = connection.getEventQueue() if queue is not None: self.statsd.gauge(f'{base}.{connection.connection_name}', len(queue)) for tenant in self.abide.tenants.values(): self.statsd.gauge(f"zuul.tenant.{tenant.name}.management_events", len(self.management_events[tenant.name])) self.statsd.gauge(f"zuul.tenant.{tenant.name}.trigger_events", len(self.trigger_events[tenant.name])) trigger_event_queues = self.pipeline_trigger_events[tenant.name] result_event_queues = self.pipeline_result_events[tenant.name] management_event_queues = ( self.pipeline_management_events[tenant.name] ) for pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.values(): base = f"zuul.tenant.{tenant.name}.pipeline.{pipeline.name}" self.statsd.gauge(f"{base}.trigger_events", len(trigger_event_queues[pipeline.name])) self.statsd.gauge(f"{base}.result_events", len(result_event_queues[pipeline.name])) self.statsd.gauge(f"{base}.management_events", len(management_event_queues[pipeline.name])) self.nodepool.emitStatsTotals(self.abide) def startCleanup(self): # Run the first cleanup immediately after the first # reconfiguration. while not self.stop_event.wait(0): if not self.last_reconfigured: time.sleep(0.1) continue try: self._runSemaphoreCleanup() except Exception: self.log.exception("Error in semaphore cleanup:") try: self._runBuildRequestCleanup() except Exception: self.log.exception("Error in build request cleanup:") try: self._runNodeRequestCleanup() except Exception: self.log.exception("Error in node request cleanup:") self.apsched.add_job(self._runSemaphoreCleanup, trigger=self._semaphore_cleanup_interval) self.apsched.add_job(self._runBuildRequestCleanup, trigger=self._build_request_cleanup_interval) self.apsched.add_job(self._runMergeRequestCleanup, trigger=self._merge_request_cleanup_interval) self.apsched.add_job(self._runConnectionCleanup, trigger=self._connection_cleanup_interval) self.apsched.add_job(self._runGeneralCleanup, trigger=self._general_cleanup_interval) return def _runSemaphoreCleanup(self): # Get the layout lock to make sure the abide doesn't change # under us. with self.layout_lock: if self.semaphore_cleanup_lock.acquire(blocking=False): try: self.log.debug("Starting semaphore cleanup") for tenant in self.abide.tenants.values(): try: tenant.semaphore_handler.cleanupLeaks() except Exception: self.log.exception("Error in semaphore cleanup:") finally: self.semaphore_cleanup_lock.release() def _runNodeRequestCleanup(self): # Get the layout lock to make sure the abide doesn't change # under us. with self.layout_lock: if self.node_request_cleanup_lock.acquire(blocking=False): try: self.log.debug("Starting node request cleanup") try: self._cleanupNodeRequests() except Exception: self.log.exception("Error in node request cleanup:") finally: self.node_request_cleanup_lock.release() def _cleanupNodeRequests(self): # Get all the requests in ZK that belong to us zk_requests = set() for req_id in self.nodepool.zk_nodepool.getNodeRequests(): req = self.nodepool.zk_nodepool.getNodeRequest(req_id, cached=True) if req.requestor == self.system.system_id: zk_requests.add(req_id) # Get all the current node requests in the queues outstanding_requests = set() for tenant in self.abide.tenants.values(): for pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.values(): for item in pipeline.getAllItems(): for req_id in ( item.current_build_set.node_requests.values()): outstanding_requests.add(req_id) leaked_requests = zk_requests - outstanding_requests for req_id in leaked_requests: try: self.log.warning("Deleting leaked node request: %s", req_id) self.nodepool.zk_nodepool.deleteNodeRequest(req_id) except Exception: self.log.exception("Error deleting leaked node request: %s", req_id) def _runGeneralCleanup(self): self.log.debug("Starting general cleanup") if self.general_cleanup_lock.acquire(blocking=False): try: self._runConfigCacheCleanup() self._runExecutorApiCleanup() self._runMergerApiCleanup() self.maintainConnectionCache() except Exception: self.log.exception("Error in general cleanup:") finally: self.general_cleanup_lock.release() # This has its own locking self._runNodeRequestCleanup() self.log.debug("Finished general cleanup") def _runConfigCacheCleanup(self): with self.layout_lock: try: self.log.debug("Starting config cache cleanup") cached_projects = set( self.unparsed_config_cache.listCachedProjects()) active_projects = set( self.abide.unparsed_project_branch_cache.keys()) unused_projects = cached_projects - active_projects for project_cname in unused_projects: self.unparsed_config_cache.clearCache(project_cname) self.log.debug("Finished config cache cleanup") except Exception: self.log.exception("Error in config cache cleanup:") def _runExecutorApiCleanup(self): try: self.executor.executor_api.cleanup() except Exception: self.log.exception("Error in executor API cleanup:") def _runMergerApiCleanup(self): try: self.merger.merger_api.cleanup() except Exception: self.log.exception("Error in merger API cleanup:") def _runBuildRequestCleanup(self): # If someone else is running the cleanup, skip it. if self.build_request_cleanup_lock.acquire(blocking=False): try: self.log.debug("Starting build request cleanup") self.executor.cleanupLostBuildRequests() finally: self.log.debug("Finished build request cleanup") self.build_request_cleanup_lock.release() def _runMergeRequestCleanup(self): # If someone else is running the cleanup, skip it. if self.merge_request_cleanup_lock.acquire(blocking=False): try: self.log.debug("Starting merge request cleanup") self.merger.cleanupLostMergeRequests() finally: self.log.debug("Finished merge request cleanup") self.merge_request_cleanup_lock.release() def _runConnectionCleanup(self): if self.connection_cleanup_lock.acquire(blocking=False): try: for connection in self.connections.connections.values(): self.log.debug("Cleaning up connection cache for: %s", connection) connection.cleanupCache() finally: self.connection_cleanup_lock.release() def addTriggerEvent(self, driver_name, event): event.arrived_at_scheduler_timestamp = time.time() for tenant in self.abide.tenants.values(): trusted, project = tenant.getProject(event.canonical_project_name) if project is None: continue self.trigger_events[tenant.name].put(driver_name, event) def addChangeManagementEvent(self, event): tenant_name = event.tenant_name pipeline_name = event.pipeline_name tenant = self.abide.tenants.get(tenant_name) if tenant is None: raise ValueError(f'Unknown tenant {event.tenant_name}') pipeline = tenant.layout.pipelines.get(pipeline_name) if pipeline is None: raise ValueError(f'Unknown pipeline {event.pipeline_name}') self.pipeline_management_events[tenant_name][pipeline_name].put( event, needs_result=False ) def _reportBuildStats(self, build): # Note, as soon as the result is set, other threads may act # upon this, even though the event hasn't been fully # processed. This could result in race conditions when e.g. skipping # child jobs via zuul_return. Therefore we must delay setting the # result to the main event loop. try: if self.statsd and build.pipeline: tenant = build.pipeline.tenant jobname = build.job.name.replace('.', '_').replace('/', '_') hostname = (build.build_set.item.change.project. canonical_hostname.replace('.', '_')) projectname = (build.build_set.item.change.project.name. replace('.', '_').replace('/', '_')) branchname = (getattr(build.build_set.item.change, 'branch', ''). replace('.', '_').replace('/', '_')) basekey = 'zuul.tenant.%s' % tenant.name pipekey = '%s.pipeline.%s' % (basekey, build.pipeline.name) # zuul.tenant..pipeline..all_jobs key = '%s.all_jobs' % pipekey self.statsd.incr(key) jobkey = '%s.project.%s.%s.%s.job.%s' % ( pipekey, hostname, projectname, branchname, jobname) # zuul.tenant..pipeline..project. # ...job.. key = '%s.%s' % ( jobkey, 'RETRY' if build.result is None else build.result ) if build.result in ['SUCCESS', 'FAILURE'] and build.start_time: dt = int((build.end_time - build.start_time) * 1000) self.statsd.timing(key, dt) self.statsd.incr(key) # zuul.tenant..pipeline..project. # ...job..wait_time if build.start_time: key = '%s.wait_time' % jobkey dt = int((build.start_time - build.execute_time) * 1000) self.statsd.timing(key, dt) except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception reporting runtime stats") def reconfigureTenant(self, tenant, project, event): self.log.debug("Submitting tenant reconfiguration event for " "%s due to event %s in project %s", tenant.name, event, project) branch = event.branch if event is not None else None event = TenantReconfigureEvent( tenant.name, project.canonical_name, branch ) self.management_events[tenant.name].put(event, needs_result=False) def fullReconfigureCommandHandler(self): self._zuul_app.fullReconfigure() def smartReconfigureCommandHandler(self): self._zuul_app.smartReconfigure() def start_repl(self): if self.repl: return self.repl = zuul.lib.repl.REPLServer(self) self.repl.start() def stop_repl(self): if not self.repl: return self.repl.stop() self.repl = None def prime(self, config): self.log.info("Priming scheduler config") start = time.monotonic() if self.system_config_cache.is_valid: self.log.info("Using system config from Zookeeper") self.updateSystemConfig() else: self.log.info("Creating initial system config") self.primeSystemConfig() loader = configloader.ConfigLoader( self.connections, self, self.merger, self.keystore) new_tenants = (set(self.unparsed_abide.tenants) - self.abide.tenants.keys()) with self.layout_lock: for tenant_name in new_tenants: layout_state = self.tenant_layout_state.get(tenant_name) # In case we don't have a cached layout state we need to # acquire the write lock since we load a new tenant. if layout_state is None: tlock = tenant_write_lock(self.zk_client, tenant_name) else: tlock = tenant_read_lock(self.zk_client, tenant_name) # Consider all caches valid (min. ltime -1) min_ltimes = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: -1)) with tlock: tenant = loader.loadTenant( self.abide, tenant_name, self.ansible_manager, self.unparsed_abide, min_ltimes=min_ltimes) # Refresh the layout state now that we are holding the lock # and we can be sure it won't be changed concurrently. layout_state = self.tenant_layout_state.get(tenant_name) if layout_state is None: # Reconfigure only tenants w/o an existing layout state self._reconfigureTenant(tenant) else: self.local_layout_state[tenant_name] = layout_state self.connections.reconfigureDrivers(tenant) # TODO(corvus): Consider removing this implicit reconfigure # event with v5. Currently the expectation is that if you # stop a scheduler, change the tenant config, and start it, # the new tenant config should take effect. If we change that # expectation with multiple schedulers, we can remove this. event = ReconfigureEvent(smart=True) event.zuul_event_ltime = self.zk_client.getCurrentLtime() self._doReconfigureEvent(event) # TODO(corvus): This isn't quite accurate; we don't really # know when the last reconfiguration took place. But we # need to set some value here in order for the cleanup # start thread to know that it can proceed. We should # store the last reconfiguration times in ZK and use them # here. self.last_reconfigured = int(time.time()) duration = round(time.monotonic() - start, 3) self.log.info("Config priming complete (duration: %s seconds)", duration) self.wake_event.set() def reconfigure(self, config, smart=False): self.log.debug("Submitting reconfiguration event") event = ReconfigureEvent(smart=smart) event.zuul_event_ltime = self.zk_client.getCurrentLtime() event.ack_ref = threading.Event() self.reconfigure_event_queue.put(event) self.wake_event.set() self.log.debug("Waiting for reconfiguration") event.ack_ref.wait() self.log.debug("Reconfiguration complete") self.last_reconfigured = int(time.time()) # TODOv3(jeblair): reconfigure time should be per-tenant def autohold(self, tenant_name, project_name, job_name, ref_filter, reason, count, node_hold_expiration): key = (tenant_name, project_name, job_name, ref_filter) self.log.debug("Autohold requested for %s", key) request = HoldRequest() request.tenant = tenant_name request.project = project_name request.job = job_name request.ref_filter = ref_filter request.reason = reason request.max_count = count # Set node_hold_expiration to default if no value is supplied if node_hold_expiration is None: node_hold_expiration = self.globals.default_hold_expiration # Reset node_hold_expiration to max if it exceeds the max elif self.globals.max_hold_expiration and ( node_hold_expiration == 0 or node_hold_expiration > self.globals.max_hold_expiration): node_hold_expiration = self.globals.max_hold_expiration request.node_expiration = node_hold_expiration # No need to lock it since we are creating a new one. self.nodepool.zk_nodepool.storeHoldRequest(request) def autohold_list(self): ''' Return current hold requests as a list of dicts. ''' data = [] for request_id in self.nodepool.zk_nodepool.getHoldRequests(): request = self.nodepool.zk_nodepool.getHoldRequest(request_id) if not request: continue data.append(request.toDict()) return data def autohold_info(self, hold_request_id): ''' Get autohold request details. :param str hold_request_id: The unique ID of the request to delete. ''' try: hold_request = self.nodepool.zk_nodepool.getHoldRequest( hold_request_id) except Exception: self.log.exception( "Error retrieving autohold ID %s:", hold_request_id) return {} if hold_request is None: return {} return hold_request.toDict() def autohold_delete(self, hold_request_id): ''' Delete an autohold request. :param str hold_request_id: The unique ID of the request to delete. ''' hold_request = None try: hold_request = self.nodepool.zk_nodepool.getHoldRequest( hold_request_id) except Exception: self.log.exception( "Error retrieving autohold ID %s:", hold_request_id) if not hold_request: self.log.info("Ignored request to remove invalid autohold ID %s", hold_request_id) return self.log.debug("Removing autohold %s", hold_request) try: self.nodepool.zk_nodepool.deleteHoldRequest(hold_request) except Exception: self.log.exception( "Error removing autohold request %s:", hold_request) def promote(self, tenant_name, pipeline_name, change_ids): event = PromoteEvent(tenant_name, pipeline_name, change_ids) result = self.management_events[tenant_name].put(event) self.log.debug("Waiting for promotion") result.wait() self.log.debug("Promotion complete") def dequeue(self, tenant_name, pipeline_name, project_name, change, ref): # We need to do some pre-processing here to get the correct # form of the project hostname and name based on un-known # inputs. tenant = self.abide.tenants.get(tenant_name) if tenant is None: raise ValueError(f'Unknown tenant {tenant_name}') (trusted, project) = tenant.getProject(project_name) if project is None: raise ValueError(f'Unknown project {project_name}') event = DequeueEvent(tenant_name, pipeline_name, project.canonical_hostname, project.name, change, ref) result = self.management_events[tenant_name].put(event) self.log.debug("Waiting for dequeue") result.wait() self.log.debug("Dequeue complete") def enqueue(self, tenant_name, pipeline_name, project_name, change, ref, oldrev, newrev): # We need to do some pre-processing here to get the correct # form of the project hostname and name based on un-known # inputs. tenant = self.abide.tenants.get(tenant_name) if tenant is None: raise ValueError(f'Unknown tenant {tenant_name}') (trusted, project) = tenant.getProject(project_name) if project is None: raise ValueError(f'Unknown project {project_name}') event = EnqueueEvent(tenant_name, pipeline_name, project.canonical_hostname, project.name, change, ref, oldrev, newrev) result = self.management_events[tenant_name].put(event) self.log.debug("Waiting for enqueue") result.wait() self.log.debug("Enqueue complete") def _get_key_store_password(self): try: return self.config["keystore"]["password"] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("No key store password configured!") def updateTenantLayout(self, tenant_name): self.log.debug("Updating layout of tenant %s", tenant_name) if self.unparsed_abide.ltime < self.system_config_cache.ltime: self.updateSystemConfig() # Consider all caches valid (min. ltime -1) min_ltimes = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: -1)) loader = configloader.ConfigLoader( self.connections, self, self.merger, self.keystore) with self.layout_lock: self.log.debug("Updating local layout of tenant %s ", tenant_name) tenant = loader.loadTenant(self.abide, tenant_name, self.ansible_manager, self.unparsed_abide, min_ltimes=min_ltimes) if tenant is not None: layout_state = self.tenant_layout_state[tenant.name] self.local_layout_state[tenant_name] = layout_state self.connections.reconfigureDrivers(tenant) else: with suppress(KeyError): del self.local_layout_state[tenant_name] def _checkTenantSourceConf(self, config): tenant_config = None script = False if self.config.has_option( 'scheduler', 'tenant_config'): tenant_config = self.config.get( 'scheduler', 'tenant_config') if self.config.has_option( 'scheduler', 'tenant_config_script'): if tenant_config: raise Exception( "tenant_config and tenant_config_script options " "are exclusive.") tenant_config = self.config.get( 'scheduler', 'tenant_config_script') script = True if not tenant_config: raise Exception( "tenant_config or tenant_config_script option " "is missing from the configuration.") return tenant_config, script def validateTenants(self, config, tenants_to_validate): self.config = config with self.layout_lock: self.log.info("Config validation beginning") start = time.monotonic() loader = configloader.ConfigLoader( self.connections, self, self.merger, self.keystore) tenant_config, script = self._checkTenantSourceConf(self.config) unparsed_abide = loader.readConfig(tenant_config, from_script=script) available_tenants = list(unparsed_abide.tenants) tenants_to_load = tenants_to_validate or available_tenants if not set(tenants_to_load).issubset(available_tenants): invalid = tenants_to_load.difference(available_tenants) raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid tenant(s) found: {invalid}") # Use a temporary config cache for the validation validate_root = f"/zuul/validate/{uuid.uuid4().hex}" self.unparsed_config_cache = UnparsedConfigCache(self.zk_client, validate_root) try: abide = Abide() loader.loadAdminRules(abide, unparsed_abide) loader.loadTPCs(abide, unparsed_abide) for tenant_name in tenants_to_load: loader.loadTenant(abide, tenant_name, self.ansible_manager, unparsed_abide, min_ltimes=None) finally: self.zk_client.client.delete(validate_root, recursive=True) loading_errors = [] for tenant in abide.tenants.values(): for error in tenant.layout.loading_errors: loading_errors.append(repr(error)) if loading_errors: summary = '\n\n\n'.join(loading_errors) raise configloader.ConfigurationSyntaxError( f"Configuration errors: {summary}") duration = round(time.monotonic() - start, 3) self.log.info("Config validation complete (duration: %s seconds)", duration) def _doReconfigureEvent(self, event): # This is called in the scheduler loop after another thread submits # a request reconfigured_tenants = [] with self.layout_lock: self.log.info("Reconfiguration beginning (smart=%s)", event.smart) start = time.monotonic() # Update runtime related system attributes from config self.config = self._zuul_app.config self.globals = SystemAttributes.fromConfig(self.config) self.ansible_manager = AnsibleManager( default_version=self.globals.default_ansible_version) loader = configloader.ConfigLoader( self.connections, self, self.merger, self.keystore) tenant_config, script = self._checkTenantSourceConf(self.config) old_unparsed_abide = self.unparsed_abide self.unparsed_abide = loader.readConfig( tenant_config, from_script=script) # Cache system config in Zookeeper self.system_config_cache.set(self.unparsed_abide, self.globals) # We need to handle new and deleted tenants, so we need to process # all tenants currently known and the new ones. tenant_names = {t for t in self.abide.tenants} tenant_names.update(self.unparsed_abide.tenants.keys()) # Remove TPCs of deleted tenants deleted_tenants = tenant_names.difference( self.unparsed_abide.tenants.keys()) for tenant_name in deleted_tenants: self.abide.clearTPCs(tenant_name) loader.loadTPCs(self.abide, self.unparsed_abide) loader.loadAdminRules(self.abide, self.unparsed_abide) for tenant_name in tenant_names: if event.smart: old_tenant = old_unparsed_abide.tenants.get(tenant_name) new_tenant = self.unparsed_abide.tenants.get(tenant_name) if old_tenant == new_tenant: continue old_tenant = self.abide.tenants.get(tenant_name) if event.smart: # Consider caches always valid min_ltimes = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict(lambda: -1)) else: # Consider caches valid if the cache ltime >= event ltime min_ltimes = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict(lambda: event.zuul_event_ltime)) with tenant_write_lock(self.zk_client, tenant_name): tenant = loader.loadTenant(self.abide, tenant_name, self.ansible_manager, self.unparsed_abide, min_ltimes=min_ltimes) reconfigured_tenants.append(tenant_name) if tenant is not None: self._reconfigureTenant(tenant, old_tenant) else: self._reconfigureDeleteTenant(old_tenant) duration = round(time.monotonic() - start, 3) self.log.info("Reconfiguration complete (smart: %s, " "duration: %s seconds)", event.smart, duration) if event.smart: self.log.info("Reconfigured tenants: %s", reconfigured_tenants) def _doTenantReconfigureEvent(self, event): # This is called in the scheduler loop after another thread submits # a request if self.unparsed_abide.ltime < self.system_config_cache.ltime: self.updateSystemConfig() with self.layout_lock: self.log.info("Tenant reconfiguration beginning for %s due to " "projects %s", event.tenant_name, event.project_branches) start = time.monotonic() # Consider all caches valid (min. ltime -1) except for the # changed project-branches. min_ltimes = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: -1)) for project_name, branch_name in event.project_branches: if branch_name is None: min_ltimes[project_name] = defaultdict( lambda: event.zuul_event_ltime) else: min_ltimes[project_name][ branch_name ] = event.zuul_event_ltime loader = configloader.ConfigLoader( self.connections, self, self.merger, self.keystore) old_tenant = self.abide.tenants.get(event.tenant_name) loader.loadTPCs(self.abide, self.unparsed_abide, [event.tenant_name]) with tenant_write_lock(self.zk_client, event.tenant_name): loader.loadTenant(self.abide, event.tenant_name, self.ansible_manager, self.unparsed_abide, min_ltimes=min_ltimes) tenant = self.abide.tenants[event.tenant_name] self._reconfigureTenant(tenant, old_tenant) duration = round(time.monotonic() - start, 3) self.log.info("Tenant reconfiguration complete for %s (duration: %s " "seconds)", event.tenant_name, duration) def _reenqueueGetProject(self, tenant, item): project = item.change.project # Attempt to get the same project as the one passed in. If # the project is now found on a different connection, return # the new version of the project. If it is no longer # available (due to a connection being removed), return None. (trusted, new_project) = tenant.getProject(project.canonical_name) if new_project: return new_project if item.live: return None # If this is a non-live item we may be looking at a # "foreign" project, ie, one which is not defined in the # config but is constructed ad-hoc to satisfy a # cross-repo-dependency. Find the corresponding live item # and use its source. child = item while child and not child.live: # This assumes that the queue does not branch behind this # item, which is currently true for non-live items; if # that changes, this traversal will need to be more # complex. if child.items_behind: child = child.items_behind[0] else: child = None if child is item: return None if child and child.live: (child_trusted, child_project) = tenant.getProject( child.change.project.canonical_name) if child_project: source = child_project.source new_project = source.getProject(project.name) return new_project return None def _reenqueueTenant(self, old_tenant, tenant): for name, new_pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.items(): old_pipeline = old_tenant.layout.pipelines.get(name) if not old_pipeline: self.log.warning("No old pipeline matching %s found " "when reconfiguring" % name) continue self.log.debug("Re-enqueueing changes for pipeline %s" % name) # TODO(jeblair): This supports an undocument and # unanticipated hack to create a static window. If we # really want to support this, maybe we should have a # 'static' type? But it may be in use in the wild, so we # should allow this at least until there's an upgrade # path. if (new_pipeline.window and new_pipeline.window_increase_type == 'exponential' and new_pipeline.window_decrease_type == 'exponential' and new_pipeline.window_increase_factor == 1 and new_pipeline.window_decrease_factor == 1): static_window = True else: static_window = False if old_pipeline.window and (not static_window): new_pipeline.window = max(old_pipeline.window, new_pipeline.window_floor) items_to_remove = [] builds_to_cancel = [] requests_to_cancel = [] for shared_queue in old_pipeline.queues: last_head = None # Attempt to keep window sizes from shrinking where possible project, branch = shared_queue.project_branches[0] new_queue = new_pipeline.getQueue(project, branch) if new_queue and shared_queue.window and (not static_window): new_queue.window = max(shared_queue.window, new_queue.window_floor) for item in shared_queue.queue: # If the old item ahead made it in, re-enqueue # this one behind it. new_project = self._reenqueueGetProject( tenant, item) if item.item_ahead in items_to_remove: old_item_ahead = None item_ahead_valid = False else: old_item_ahead = item.item_ahead item_ahead_valid = True item.item_ahead = None item.items_behind = [] reenqueued = False if new_project: item.change.project = new_project item.pipeline = None item.queue = None if not old_item_ahead or not last_head: last_head = item try: reenqueued = new_pipeline.manager.reEnqueueItem( item, last_head, old_item_ahead, item_ahead_valid=item_ahead_valid) except Exception: self.log.exception( "Exception while re-enqueing item %s", item) if reenqueued: for build in item.current_build_set.getBuilds(): new_job = item.getJob(build.job.name) if new_job: build.job = new_job else: item.removeBuild(build) builds_to_cancel.append(build) for request_job, request in \ item.current_build_set.node_requests.items(): new_job = item.getJob(request_job) if not new_job: requests_to_cancel.append( (item.current_build_set, request)) else: items_to_remove.append(item) for item in items_to_remove: self.log.info( "Removing item %s during reconfiguration" % (item,)) for build in item.current_build_set.getBuilds(): builds_to_cancel.append(build) for request_job, request in \ item.current_build_set.node_requests.items(): requests_to_cancel.append( ( item.current_build_set, request, item.getJob(request_job), ) ) try: self.sql.reportBuildsetEnd( item.current_build_set, 'dequeue', final=False, result='DEQUEUED') except Exception: self.log.exception( "Error reporting buildset completion to DB:") for build in builds_to_cancel: self.log.info( "Canceling build %s during reconfiguration" % (build,)) self.cancelJob(build.build_set, build.job, build=build) for build_set, request, request_job in requests_to_cancel: self.log.info( "Canceling node request %s during reconfiguration", request) self.cancelJob(build_set, request_job) for name, old_pipeline in old_tenant.layout.pipelines.items(): new_pipeline = tenant.layout.pipelines.get(name) if not new_pipeline: self._reconfigureDeletePipeline(old_pipeline) def _reconfigureTenant(self, tenant, old_tenant=None): # This is called from _doReconfigureEvent while holding the # layout lock if old_tenant: self._reenqueueTenant(old_tenant, tenant) self.connections.reconfigureDrivers(tenant) # TODOv3(jeblair): remove postconfig calls? for pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.values(): for trigger in pipeline.triggers: trigger.postConfig(pipeline) for reporter in pipeline.actions: reporter.postConfig() layout_state = LayoutState( tenant_name=tenant.name, hostname=self.hostname, last_reconfigured=int(time.time()), ) # We need to update the local layout state before the remote state, # to avoid race conditions in the layout changed callback. self.local_layout_state[tenant.name] = layout_state self.tenant_layout_state[tenant.name] = layout_state if self.statsd: try: for pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.values(): items = len([x for x in pipeline.getAllItems() if x.live]) # stats.gauges.zuul.tenant..pipeline. # .current_changes key = 'zuul.tenant.%s.pipeline.%s' % ( tenant.name, pipeline.name) self.statsd.gauge(key + '.current_changes', items) except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception reporting initial " "pipeline stats:") def _reconfigureDeleteTenant(self, tenant): # Called when a tenant is deleted during reconfiguration self.log.info("Removing tenant %s during reconfiguration" % (tenant,)) for pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.values(): self._reconfigureDeletePipeline(pipeline) # Delete the tenant root path for this tenant in ZooKeeper to remove # all tenant specific event queues try: self.zk_client.client.delete(f"{TENANT_ROOT}/{tenant.name}", recursive=True) except NotEmptyError: # In case a build result has been submitted during the # reconfiguration, this cleanup will fail. We handle this in a # periodic cleanup job. pass def _reconfigureDeletePipeline(self, pipeline): self.log.info("Removing pipeline %s during reconfiguration" % (pipeline,)) for shared_queue in pipeline.queues: builds_to_cancel = [] requests_to_cancel = [] for item in shared_queue.queue: item.item_ahead = None item.items_behind = [] self.log.info( "Removing item %s during reconfiguration" % (item,)) for build in item.current_build_set.getBuilds(): builds_to_cancel.append(build) for request_job, request in \ item.current_build_set.node_requests.items(): requests_to_cancel.append( ( item.current_build_set, request, item.getJob(request_job), ) ) try: self.sql.reportBuildsetEnd( item.current_build_set, 'dequeue', final=False, result='DEQUEUED') except Exception: self.log.exception( "Error reporting buildset completion to DB:") for build in builds_to_cancel: self.log.info( "Canceling build %s during reconfiguration" % (build,)) self.cancelJob(build.build_set, build.job, build=build, force=True) for build_set, request, request_job in requests_to_cancel: self.log.info( "Canceling node request %s during reconfiguration", request) self.cancelJob(build_set, request_job, force=True) def _doPromoteEvent(self, event): tenant = self.abide.tenants.get(event.tenant_name) pipeline = tenant.layout.pipelines[event.pipeline_name] change_ids = [c.split(',') for c in event.change_ids] items_to_enqueue = [] change_queue = None for shared_queue in pipeline.queues: if change_queue: break for item in shared_queue.queue: if (item.change.number == change_ids[0][0] and item.change.patchset == change_ids[0][1]): change_queue = shared_queue break if not change_queue: raise Exception("Unable to find shared change queue for %s" % event.change_ids[0]) for number, patchset in change_ids: found = False for item in change_queue.queue: if (item.change.number == number and item.change.patchset == patchset): found = True items_to_enqueue.append(item) break if not found: raise Exception("Unable to find %s,%s in queue %s" % (number, patchset, change_queue)) for item in change_queue.queue[:]: if item not in items_to_enqueue: items_to_enqueue.append(item) pipeline.manager.cancelJobs(item) pipeline.manager.dequeueItem(item) for item in items_to_enqueue: pipeline.manager.addChange( item.change, event, enqueue_time=item.enqueue_time, quiet=True, ignore_requirements=True) def _doDequeueEvent(self, event): tenant = self.abide.tenants.get(event.tenant_name) if tenant is None: raise ValueError('Unknown tenant %s' % event.tenant_name) pipeline = tenant.layout.pipelines.get(event.pipeline_name) if pipeline is None: raise ValueError('Unknown pipeline %s' % event.pipeline_name) canonical_name = event.project_hostname + '/' + event.project_name (trusted, project) = tenant.getProject(canonical_name) if project is None: raise ValueError('Unknown project %s' % event.project_name) change = project.source.getChange(event) if change.project.name != project.name: if event.change: item = 'Change %s' % event.change else: item = 'Ref %s' % event.ref raise Exception('%s does not belong to project "%s"' % (item, project.name)) for shared_queue in pipeline.queues: for item in shared_queue.queue: if item.change.project != change.project: continue if (isinstance(item.change, Change) and item.change.number == change.number and item.change.patchset == change.patchset) or\ (item.change.ref == change.ref): pipeline.manager.removeItem(item) return raise Exception("Unable to find shared change queue for %s:%s" % (event.project_name, event.change or event.ref)) def _doEnqueueEvent(self, event): tenant = self.abide.tenants.get(event.tenant_name) if tenant is None: raise ValueError(f'Unknown tenant {event.tenant_name}') pipeline = tenant.layout.pipelines.get(event.pipeline_name) if pipeline is None: raise ValueError(f'Unknown pipeline {event.pipeline_name}') canonical_name = event.project_hostname + '/' + event.project_name (trusted, project) = tenant.getProject(canonical_name) if project is None: raise ValueError(f'Unknown project {event.project_name}') try: change = project.source.getChange(event, refresh=True) except Exception as exc: raise ValueError('Unknown change') from exc if change.project.name != project.name: raise Exception( f'Change {change} does not belong to project "{project.name}"') self.log.debug("Event %s for change %s was directly assigned " "to pipeline %s", event, change, self) pipeline.manager.addChange(change, event, ignore_requirements=True) def _areAllBuildsComplete(self): self.log.debug("Checking if all builds are complete") waiting = False for tenant in self.abide.tenants.values(): for pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.values(): for item in pipeline.getAllItems(): for build in item.current_build_set.getBuilds(): if build.result is None: self.log.debug("%s waiting on %s" % (pipeline.manager, build)) waiting = True if not waiting: self.log.debug("All builds are complete") return True return False def run(self): if self.statsd: self.log.debug("Statsd enabled") else: self.log.debug("Statsd not configured") while True: self.log.debug("Run handler sleeping") self.wake_event.wait() self.wake_event.clear() if self._stopped: self.log.debug("Run handler stopping") return self.log.debug("Run handler awake") self.run_handler_lock.acquire() try: if not self._stopped: self.process_reconfigure_queue() if self.unparsed_abide.ltime < self.system_config_cache.ltime: self.updateSystemConfig() for tenant_name in self.unparsed_abide.tenants: if self._stopped: break tenant = self.abide.tenants.get(tenant_name) if not tenant: continue # This will also forward events for the pipelines # (e.g. enqueue or dequeue events) to the matching # pipeline event queues that are processed afterwards. self.process_tenant_management_queue(tenant) if self._stopped: break try: with tenant_read_lock( self.zk_client, tenant_name, blocking=False ): if (self.tenant_layout_state[tenant_name] > self.local_layout_state[tenant_name]): self.log.debug( "Local layout of tenant %s not up to date", tenant.name) self.updateTenantLayout(tenant_name) # Get tenant again, as it might have been updated # by a tenant reconfig or layout change. tenant = self.abide.tenants[tenant_name] if not self._stopped: # This will forward trigger events to pipeline # event queues that are processed below. self.process_tenant_trigger_queue(tenant) self.process_pipelines(tenant) except LockException: self.log.debug("Skipping locked tenant %s", tenant.name) if (self.tenant_layout_state[tenant_name] > self.local_layout_state[tenant_name]): # Let's keep looping until we've updated to the # latest tenant layout. self.wake_event.set() except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception in run handler:") # There may still be more events to process self.wake_event.set() finally: self.run_handler_lock.release() def primeSystemConfig(self): with self.layout_lock: loader = configloader.ConfigLoader( self.connections, self, self.merger, self.keystore) tenant_config, script = self._checkTenantSourceConf(self.config) self.unparsed_abide = loader.readConfig( tenant_config, from_script=script) self.system_config_cache.set(self.unparsed_abide, self.globals) loader.loadTPCs(self.abide, self.unparsed_abide) loader.loadAdminRules(self.abide, self.unparsed_abide) def updateSystemConfig(self): with self.layout_lock: self.unparsed_abide, self.globals = self.system_config_cache.get() self.ansible_manager = AnsibleManager( default_version=self.globals.default_ansible_version) loader = configloader.ConfigLoader( self.connections, self, self.merger, self.keystore) loader.loadTPCs(self.abide, self.unparsed_abide) loader.loadAdminRules(self.abide, self.unparsed_abide) def process_pipelines(self, tenant): for pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.values(): if self._stopped: return try: with pipeline_lock( self.zk_client, tenant.name, pipeline.name, blocking=False ): self._process_pipeline(tenant, pipeline) except LockException: self.log.debug("Skipping locked pipeline %s in tenant %s", pipeline.name, tenant.name) def _process_pipeline(self, tenant, pipeline): self.process_pipeline_management_queue(tenant, pipeline) # Give result events priority -- they let us stop builds, whereas # trigger events cause us to execute builds. self.process_pipeline_result_queue(tenant, pipeline) self.process_pipeline_trigger_queue(tenant, pipeline) try: while not self._stopped and pipeline.manager.processQueue(): pass except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception in pipeline processing:") pipeline.state = pipeline.STATE_ERROR # Continue processing other pipelines+tenants else: pipeline.state = pipeline.STATE_NORMAL def maintainConnectionCache(self): relevant = set() self.log.debug("Starting connection cache maintenance") with self.layout_lock: for tenant in self.abide.tenants.values(): for pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.values(): self.log.debug("Gather relevant cache items for: %s %s", tenant.name, pipeline.name) for item in pipeline.getAllItems(): relevant.add(item.change.cache_stat.key) relevant.update( item.change.getRelatedChanges(self)) # We'll only remove changes older than `max_age` from the cache, as # it may take a while for an event that was processed by a connection # (which updated/populated the cache) to end up in a pipeline. for connection in self.connections.connections.values(): connection.maintainCache(relevant, max_age=7200) # 2h self.log.debug("Finished connection cache maintenance for: %s", connection) self.log.debug("Finished connection cache maintenance") def process_tenant_trigger_queue(self, tenant): try: with trigger_queue_lock( self.zk_client, tenant.name, blocking=False ): for event in self.trigger_events[tenant.name]: log = get_annotated_logger(self.log, event.zuul_event_id) log.debug("Forwarding trigger event %s", event) try: self._forward_trigger_event(event, tenant) except Exception: log.exception("Unable to forward event %s " "to tenant %s", event, tenant.name) finally: self.trigger_events[tenant.name].ack(event) self.trigger_events[tenant.name].cleanup() except LockException: self.log.debug("Skipping locked trigger event queue in tenant %s", tenant.name) def _forward_trigger_event(self, event, tenant): log = get_annotated_logger(self.log, event.zuul_event_id) trusted, project = tenant.getProject(event.canonical_project_name) if project is None: return try: change = project.source.getChange(event) except exceptions.ChangeNotFound as e: log.debug("Unable to get change %s from source %s", e.change, project.source) return reconfigure_tenant = False if ((event.branch_updated and hasattr(change, 'files') and change.updatesConfig(tenant)) or (event.branch_deleted and self.abide.hasUnparsedBranchCache(project.canonical_name, event.branch))): reconfigure_tenant = True # The branch_created attribute is also true when a tag is # created. Since we load config only from branches only trigger # a tenant reconfiguration if the branch is set as well. if event.branch_created and event.branch: reconfigure_tenant = True # If the driver knows the branch but we don't have a config, we # also need to reconfigure. This happens if a GitHub branch # was just configured as protected without a push in between. if (event.branch in project.source.getProjectBranches( project, tenant) and not self.abide.hasUnparsedBranchCache( project.canonical_name, event.branch)): reconfigure_tenant = True # If the branch is unprotected and unprotected branches # are excluded from the tenant for that project skip reconfig. if (reconfigure_tenant and not event.branch_protected and tenant.getExcludeUnprotectedBranches(project)): reconfigure_tenant = False if reconfigure_tenant: # The change that just landed updates the config # or a branch was just created or deleted. Clear # out cached data for this project and perform a # reconfiguration. self.reconfigureTenant(tenant, change.project, event) for pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.values(): if ( pipeline.manager.eventMatches(event, change) or pipeline.manager.isAnyVersionOfChangeInPipeline(change) ): self.pipeline_trigger_events[tenant.name][ pipeline.name ].put(event.driver_name, event) def process_pipeline_trigger_queue(self, tenant, pipeline): for event in self.pipeline_trigger_events[tenant.name][pipeline.name]: if self._stopped: return log = get_annotated_logger(self.log, event.zuul_event_id) log.debug("Processing trigger event %s", event) try: self._process_trigger_event(tenant, pipeline, event) finally: self.pipeline_trigger_events[tenant.name][ pipeline.name ].ack(event) self.pipeline_trigger_events[tenant.name][pipeline.name].cleanup() def _process_trigger_event(self, tenant, pipeline, event): log = get_annotated_logger( self.log, event.zuul_event_id ) trusted, project = tenant.getProject(event.canonical_project_name) if project is None: return try: change = project.source.getChange(event) except exceptions.ChangeNotFound as e: log.debug("Unable to get change %s from source %s", e.change, project.source) return if event.isPatchsetCreated(): pipeline.manager.removeOldVersionsOfChange(change, event) elif event.isChangeAbandoned(): pipeline.manager.removeAbandonedChange(change, event) # Let the pipeline update any dependencies that may need # refreshing if this change has updated. if event.isPatchsetCreated() or event.isMessageChanged(): pipeline.manager.refreshDeps(change, event) if pipeline.manager.eventMatches(event, change): pipeline.manager.addChange(change, event) def process_tenant_management_queue(self, tenant): try: with management_queue_lock( self.zk_client, tenant.name, blocking=False ): self._process_tenant_management_queue(tenant) except LockException: self.log.debug("Skipping locked management event queue" " in tenant %s", tenant.name) def _process_tenant_management_queue(self, tenant): for event in self.management_events[tenant.name]: event_forwarded = False try: if isinstance(event, TenantReconfigureEvent): self._doTenantReconfigureEvent(event) elif isinstance(event, (PromoteEvent, ChangeManagementEvent)): event_forwarded = self._forward_management_event(event) else: self.log.error("Unable to handle event %s", event) finally: if event_forwarded: self.management_events[tenant.name].ackWithoutResult( event) else: self.management_events[tenant.name].ack(event) self.management_events[tenant.name].cleanup() def _forward_management_event(self, event): event_forwarded = False try: tenant = self.abide.tenants.get(event.tenant_name) if tenant is None: raise ValueError(f'Unknown tenant {event.tenant_name}') pipeline = tenant.layout.pipelines.get(event.pipeline_name) if pipeline is None: raise ValueError(f'Unknown pipeline {event.pipeline_name}') self.pipeline_management_events[tenant.name][ pipeline.name ].put(event) event_forwarded = True except Exception: event.exception( "".join( traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) ) ) return event_forwarded def process_reconfigure_queue(self): while not self.reconfigure_event_queue.empty() and not self._stopped: self.log.debug("Fetching reconfiguration event") event = self.reconfigure_event_queue.get() try: if isinstance(event, ReconfigureEvent): self._doReconfigureEvent(event) else: self.log.error("Unable to handle event %s", event) finally: if event.ack_ref: event.ack_ref.set() self.reconfigure_event_queue.task_done() def process_pipeline_management_queue(self, tenant, pipeline): for event in self.pipeline_management_events[tenant.name][ pipeline.name ]: if self._stopped: return log = get_annotated_logger(self.log, event.zuul_event_id) log.debug("Processing management event %s", event) try: self._process_management_event(event) finally: self.pipeline_management_events[tenant.name][ pipeline.name ].ack(event) self.pipeline_management_events[tenant.name][pipeline.name].cleanup() def _process_management_event(self, event): try: if isinstance(event, PromoteEvent): self._doPromoteEvent(event) elif isinstance(event, DequeueEvent): self._doDequeueEvent(event) elif isinstance(event, EnqueueEvent): self._doEnqueueEvent(event) else: self.log.error("Unable to handle event %s" % event) except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception in management event:") event.exception( "".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) ) def process_pipeline_result_queue(self, tenant, pipeline): for event in self.pipeline_result_events[tenant.name][pipeline.name]: if self._stopped: return log = get_annotated_logger( self.log, event=getattr(event, "zuul_event_id", None), build=getattr(event, "build_uuid", None), ) log.debug("Processing result event %s", event) try: self._process_result_event(event, pipeline) finally: self.pipeline_result_events[tenant.name][ pipeline.name ].ack(event) self.pipeline_result_events[tenant.name][pipeline.name].cleanup() def _process_result_event(self, event, pipeline): if isinstance(event, BuildStartedEvent): self._doBuildStartedEvent(event, pipeline) elif isinstance(event, BuildStatusEvent): self._doBuildStatusEvent(event, pipeline) elif isinstance(event, BuildPausedEvent): self._doBuildPausedEvent(event, pipeline) elif isinstance(event, BuildCompletedEvent): self._doBuildCompletedEvent(event, pipeline) elif isinstance(event, MergeCompletedEvent): self._doMergeCompletedEvent(event, pipeline) elif isinstance(event, FilesChangesCompletedEvent): self._doFilesChangesCompletedEvent(event, pipeline) elif isinstance(event, NodesProvisionedEvent): self._doNodesProvisionedEvent(event, pipeline) else: self.log.error("Unable to handle event %s", event) def _getBuildSetFromPipeline(self, event, pipeline): log = get_annotated_logger( self.log, event=getattr(event, "zuul_event_id", None), build=getattr(event, "build_uuid", None), ) if not pipeline: log.warning( "Build set %s is not associated with a pipeline", event.build_set_uuid, ) return for item in pipeline.getAllItems(): # If the provided buildset UUID doesn't match any current one, # we assume that it's not current anymore. if item.current_build_set.uuid == event.build_set_uuid: return item.current_build_set log.warning("Build set %s is not current", event.build_set_uuid) def _getBuildFromPipeline(self, event, pipeline): log = get_annotated_logger( self.log, event.zuul_event_id, build=event.build_uuid) build_set = self._getBuildSetFromPipeline(event, pipeline) if not build_set: return build = build_set.getBuild(event.job_name) # Verify that the build uuid matches the one of the result if not build: log.debug( "Build %s could not be found in the current buildset", event.build_uuid) return # Verify that the build UUIDs match since we looked up the build by # its job name. In case of a retried build, we might already have a new # build in the buildset. # TODO (felix): Not sure if that reasoning is correct, but I think it # shouldn't harm to have such an additional safeguard. if not build.uuid == event.build_uuid: log.debug( "Build UUID %s doesn't match the current build's UUID %s", event.build_uuid, build.uuid) return return build def _doBuildStartedEvent(self, event, pipeline): build = self._getBuildFromPipeline(event, pipeline) if not build: return build.start_time = event.data["start_time"] # Update information about worker if event.data: # Noop builds don't provide any event data build.worker.updateFromData(event.data) log = get_annotated_logger( self.log, build.zuul_event_id, build=build.uuid) try: change = build.build_set.item.change estimate = self.times.getEstimatedTime( pipeline.tenant.name, change.project.name, getattr(change, 'branch', None), build.job.name) if not estimate: estimate = 0.0 build.estimated_time = estimate except Exception: log.exception("Exception estimating build time:") pipeline.manager.onBuildStarted(build) def _doBuildStatusEvent(self, event, pipeline): build = self._getBuildFromPipeline(event, pipeline) if not build: return # Allow URL to be updated build.url = event.data.get('url', build.url) def _doBuildPausedEvent(self, event, pipeline): build = self._getBuildFromPipeline(event, pipeline) if not build: return # Setting paused is deferred to event processing stage to avoid a race # with child job skipping. build.paused = True build.result_data = event.data.get("data", {}) build.secret_result_data = event.data.get("secret_data", {}) pipeline.manager.onBuildPaused(build) def _doBuildCompletedEvent(self, event, pipeline): log = get_annotated_logger( self.log, event.zuul_event_id, build=event.build_uuid) build = self._getBuildFromPipeline(event, pipeline) if not build: self.log.error( "Unable to find build %s. Creating a fake build to clean up " "build resources.", event.build_uuid) # Create a fake build with a minimal set of attributes that # allows reporting the build via SQL and cleaning up build # resources. build = Build( Job(event.job_name), None, event.build_uuid, zuul_event_id=event.zuul_event_id, ) # Set the build_request_ref on the fake build to make the # cleanup work. build.build_request_ref = event.build_request_ref # TODO (felix): Do we have to fully evaluate the build # result (see the if/else block with different results # further down) or is it sufficient to just use the result # as-is from the executor since the build is anyways # outdated. In case the build result is None it won't be # changed to RETRY. build.result = event.data.get("result") self._cleanupCompletedBuild(build) try: self.sql.reportBuildEnd( build, tenant=pipeline.tenant.name, final=(not build.retry)) except Exception: log.exception("Error reporting build completion to DB:") # Make sure we don't forward this outdated build result with # an incomplete (fake) build object to the pipeline manager. return event_result = event.data result = event_result.get("result") result_data = event_result.get("data", {}) secret_result_data = event_result.get("secret_data", {}) warnings = event_result.get("warnings", []) log.info("Build complete, result %s, warnings %s", result, warnings) build.error_detail = event_result.get("error_detail") if result is None: build.retry = True if result == "ABORTED": # Always retry if the executor just went away build.retry = True if result == "MERGER_FAILURE": # The build result MERGER_FAILURE is a bit misleading here # because when we got here we know that there are no merge # conflicts. Instead this is most likely caused by some # infrastructure failure. This can be anything like connection # issue, drive corruption, full disk, corrupted git cache, etc. # This may or may not be a recoverable failure so we should # retry here respecting the max retries. But to be able to # distinguish from RETRY_LIMIT which normally indicates pre # playbook failures we keep the build result after the max # attempts. if ( build.build_set.getTries(build.job.name) < build.job.attempts ): build.retry = True if build.retry: result = "RETRY" # If the build was canceled, we did actively cancel the job so # don't overwrite the result and don't retry. if build.canceled: result = build.result or "CANCELED" build.retry = False build.end_time = event_result["end_time"] build.result_data = result_data build.secret_result_data = secret_result_data build.build_set.warning_messages.extend(warnings) build.held = event_result.get("held") build.result = result self._reportBuildStats(build) self._cleanupCompletedBuild(build) try: self.sql.reportBuildEnd( build, tenant=pipeline.tenant.name, final=(not build.retry)) except Exception: log.exception("Error reporting build completion to DB:") pipeline.manager.onBuildCompleted(build) def _cleanupCompletedBuild(self, build): # TODO (felix): Returning the nodes doesn't work in case the buildset # is not current anymore. Does it harm to not do anything in here in # this case? if build.build_set: # In case the build didn't show up on any executor, the node # request does still exist, so we have to make sure it is # removed from ZK. request_id = build.build_set.getJobNodeRequestID(build.job.name) if request_id: self.nodepool.deleteNodeRequest( request_id, event_id=build.zuul_event_id) # The build is completed and the nodes were already returned # by the executor. For consistency, also remove the node # request from the build set. build.build_set.removeJobNodeRequestID(build.job.name) # The test suite expects the build to be removed from the # internal dict after it's added to the report queue. self.executor.removeBuild(build) def _doMergeCompletedEvent(self, event, pipeline): build_set = self._getBuildSetFromPipeline(event, pipeline) if not build_set: return pipeline.manager.onMergeCompleted(event, build_set) def _doFilesChangesCompletedEvent(self, event, pipeline): build_set = self._getBuildSetFromPipeline(event, pipeline) if not build_set: return pipeline.manager.onFilesChangesCompleted(event, build_set) def _doNodesProvisionedEvent(self, event, pipeline): request = self.nodepool.zk_nodepool.getNodeRequest(event.request_id) if not request: self.log.warning("Unable to find request %s while processing" "nodes provisioned event %s", request, event) return # Look up the buildset to access the local node request object build_set = self._getBuildSetFromPipeline(event, pipeline) if not build_set: self.log.warning("Build set not found while processing" "nodes provisioned event %s", event) return log = get_annotated_logger(self.log, request.event_id) job = build_set.item.getJob(request.job_name) if job is None: log.warning("Item %s does not contain job %s " "for node request %s", build_set.item, request.job_name, request) build_set.removeJobNodeRequestID(request.job_name) return # If the request failed, we must directly delete it as the nodes will # never be accepted. if request.state == STATE_FAILED: self.nodepool.deleteNodeRequest(request.id, event_id=event.request_id) nodeset = self.nodepool.getNodeSet(request, job.nodeset) if build_set.getJobNodeSetInfo(request.job_name) is None: pipeline.manager.onNodesProvisioned(request, nodeset, build_set) else: self.log.warning("Duplicate nodes provisioned event: %s", event) def formatStatusJSON(self, tenant_name): # TODOv3(jeblair): use tenants data = {} data['zuul_version'] = self.zuul_version data['trigger_event_queue'] = {} data['trigger_event_queue']['length'] = len( self.trigger_events[tenant_name]) data['management_event_queue'] = {} data['management_event_queue']['length'] = len( self.management_events[tenant_name] ) + self.reconfigure_event_queue.qsize() data['connection_event_queues'] = {} for connection in self.connections.connections.values(): queue = connection.getEventQueue() if queue is not None: data['connection_event_queues'][connection.connection_name] = { 'length': len(queue), } layout_state = self.tenant_layout_state.get(tenant_name) if layout_state: data['last_reconfigured'] = layout_state.last_reconfigured * 1000 pipelines = [] data['pipelines'] = pipelines tenant = self.abide.tenants.get(tenant_name) if not tenant: if tenant_name not in self.unparsed_abide.tenants: return json.dumps({ "message": "Unknown tenant", "code": 404 }) self.log.warning("Tenant %s isn't loaded" % tenant_name) return json.dumps({ "message": "Tenant %s isn't ready" % tenant_name, "code": 204 }) trigger_event_queues = self.pipeline_trigger_events[tenant_name] result_event_queues = self.pipeline_result_events[tenant_name] management_event_queues = self.pipeline_management_events[tenant_name] for pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.values(): status = pipeline.formatStatusJSON(self.globals.websocket_url) status['trigger_events'] = len( trigger_event_queues[pipeline.name]) status['result_events'] = len( result_event_queues[pipeline.name]) status['management_events'] = len( management_event_queues[pipeline.name]) pipelines.append(status) return json.dumps(data) def cancelJob(self, buildset, job, build=None, final=False, force=False): """Cancel a running build Set final to true to create a fake build result even if the job has not run. TODO: explain this better. Set force to true to forcibly release build resources without waiting for a result from the executor. Use this when removing pipelines. """ item = buildset.item log = get_annotated_logger(self.log, item.event) job_name = job.name try: # Cancel node request if needed req_id = buildset.getJobNodeRequestID(job_name) if req_id: req = self.nodepool.zk_nodepool.getNodeRequest(req_id) if req: self.nodepool.cancelRequest(req) buildset.removeJobNodeRequestID(job_name) # Cancel build if needed build = build or buildset.getBuild(job_name) if build: try: self.executor.cancel(build) except Exception: log.exception( "Exception while canceling build %s for change %s", build, item.change) # In the unlikely case that a build is removed and # later added back, make sure we clear out the nodeset # so it gets requested again. try: buildset.removeJobNodeSetInfo(job_name) except Exception: log.exception( "Exception while removing nodeset from build %s " "for change %s", build, build.build_set.item.change) if build.result is None: build.result = 'CANCELED' if force: # Directly delete the build rather than putting a # CANCELED event in the result event queue since # the result event queue won't be processed # anymore once the pipeline is removed. self.executor.removeBuild(build) try: self.sql.reportBuildEnd( build, build.build_set.item.pipeline.tenant.name, final=False) except Exception: self.log.exception( "Error reporting build completion to DB:") else: if final: # If final is set make sure that the job is not resurrected # later by re-requesting nodes. fakebuild = Build(job, item.current_build_set, None) fakebuild.result = 'CANCELED' buildset.addBuild(fakebuild) finally: # Release the semaphore in any case tenant = buildset.item.pipeline.tenant tenant.semaphore_handler.release(item, job)