# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import socket import time from unittest import skip import zuul.zk import zuul.nodepool from zuul import model from tests.base import BaseTestCase class TestNodepoolIntegration(BaseTestCase): # Tests the Nodepool interface class using a *real* nodepool and # fake scheduler. def setUp(self): super(TestNodepoolIntegration, self).setUp() self.statsd = None self.zk = zuul.zk.ZooKeeper() self.addCleanup(self.zk.disconnect) self.zk.connect('localhost:2181') self.hostname = socket.gethostname() self.provisioned_requests = [] # This class implements the scheduler methods zuul.nodepool # needs, so we pass 'self' as the scheduler. self.nodepool = zuul.nodepool.Nodepool(self) def waitForRequests(self): # Wait until all requests are complete. while self.nodepool.requests: time.sleep(0.1) def onNodesProvisioned(self, request): # This is a scheduler method that the nodepool class calls # back when a request is provisioned. self.provisioned_requests.append(request) def test_node_request(self): # Test a simple node request nodeset = model.NodeSet() nodeset.addNode(model.Node(['controller'], 'fake-label')) job = model.Job('testjob') job.nodeset = nodeset request = self.nodepool.requestNodes(None, job, 0) self.waitForRequests() self.assertEqual(len(self.provisioned_requests), 1) self.assertEqual(request.state, model.STATE_FULFILLED) # Accept the nodes self.nodepool.acceptNodes(request, request.id) nodeset = request.nodeset for node in nodeset.getNodes(): self.assertIsNotNone(node.lock) self.assertEqual(node.state, model.STATE_READY) # Mark the nodes in use self.nodepool.useNodeSet(nodeset) for node in nodeset.getNodes(): self.assertEqual(node.state, model.STATE_IN_USE) # Return the nodes self.nodepool.returnNodeSet(nodeset) for node in nodeset.getNodes(): self.assertIsNone(node.lock) self.assertEqual(node.state, model.STATE_USED) def test_invalid_node_request(self): # Test requests with an invalid node type fail nodeset = model.NodeSet() nodeset.addNode(model.Node(['controller'], 'invalid-label')) job = model.Job('testjob') job.nodeset = nodeset request = self.nodepool.requestNodes(None, job, 0) self.waitForRequests() self.assertEqual(len(self.provisioned_requests), 1) self.assertEqual(request.state, model.STATE_FAILED) @skip("Disabled until nodepool is ready") def test_node_request_disconnect(self): # Test that node requests are re-submitted after disconnect nodeset = model.NodeSet() nodeset.addNode(model.Node(['controller'], 'ubuntu-xenial')) nodeset.addNode(model.Node(['compute'], 'ubuntu-xenial')) job = model.Job('testjob') job.nodeset = nodeset self.fake_nodepool.paused = True request = self.nodepool.requestNodes(None, job, 0) self.zk.client.stop() self.zk.client.start() self.fake_nodepool.paused = False self.waitForRequests() self.assertEqual(len(self.provisioned_requests), 1) self.assertEqual(request.state, model.STATE_FULFILLED) @skip("Disabled until nodepool is ready") def test_node_request_canceled(self): # Test that node requests can be canceled nodeset = model.NodeSet() nodeset.addNode(model.Node(['controller'], 'ubuntu-xenial')) nodeset.addNode(model.Node(['compute'], 'ubuntu-xenial')) job = model.Job('testjob') job.nodeset = nodeset self.fake_nodepool.paused = True request = self.nodepool.requestNodes(None, job, 0) self.nodepool.cancelRequest(request) self.waitForRequests() self.assertEqual(len(self.provisioned_requests), 0)