# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # Zuul is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Zuul is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # This is not needed in python3 - but it is needed in python2 because there # is a json module in ansible.plugins.callback and python2 gets confused. # Easy local testing with ansible-playbook is handy when hacking on zuul_stream # so just put in the __future__ statement. from __future__ import absolute_import import datetime import logging import logging.config import json import os import socket import threading import time from ansible.plugins.callback import default from zuul.ansible import paths from zuul.ansible import logconfig LOG_STREAM_PORT = int(os.environ.get("ZUUL_CONSOLE_PORT", 19885)) def zuul_filter_result(result): """Remove keys from shell/command output. Zuul streams stdout into the log above, so including stdout and stderr in the result dict that ansible displays in the logs is duplicate noise. We keep stdout in the result dict so that other callback plugins like ARA could also have access to it. But drop them here. Remove changed so that we don't show a bunch of "changed" titles on successful shell tasks, since that doesn't make sense from a Zuul POV. The super class treats missing "changed" key as False. Remove cmd because most of the script content where people want to see the script run is run with -x. It's possible we may want to revist this to be smarter about when we remove it - like, only remove it if it has an embedded newline - so that for normal 'simple' uses of cmd it'll echo what the command was for folks. """ stdout = result.pop('stdout', '') stdout_lines = result.pop('stdout_lines', []) if not stdout_lines and stdout: stdout_lines = stdout.split('\n') for key in ('changed', 'cmd', 'zuul_log_id', 'invocation', 'stderr', 'stderr_lines'): result.pop(key, None) return stdout_lines class CallbackModule(default.CallbackModule): ''' This is the Zuul streaming callback. It's based on the default callback plugin, but streams results from shell commands. ''' CALLBACK_VERSION = 2.0 CALLBACK_TYPE = 'stdout' CALLBACK_NAME = 'zuul_stream' def __init__(self): super(CallbackModule, self).__init__() self._task = None self._daemon_running = False self._play = None self._streamers = [] self._streamers_stop = False self.configure_logger() self._items_done = False self._deferred_result = None self._playbook_name = None def configure_logger(self): # ansible appends timestamp, user and pid to the log lines emitted # to the log file. We're doing other things though, so we don't want # this. logging_config = logconfig.load_job_config( os.environ['ZUUL_JOB_LOG_CONFIG']) if self._display.verbosity > 2: logging_config.setDebug() logging_config.apply() self._logger = logging.getLogger('zuul.executor.ansible') def _log(self, msg, ts=None, job=True, executor=False, debug=False): msg = msg.rstrip() if job: now = ts or datetime.datetime.now() self._logger.info("{now} | {msg}".format(now=now, msg=msg)) if executor: if debug: self._display.vvv(msg) else: self._display.display(msg) def _read_log(self, host, ip, log_id, task_name, hosts): self._log("[%s] Starting to log %s for task %s" % (host, log_id, task_name), job=False, executor=True) while True: try: s = socket.create_connection((ip, LOG_STREAM_PORT), 5) # Disable the socket timeout after we have successfully # connected to accomodate the fact that jobs may not be writing # logs continously. Without this we can easily trip the 5 # second timeout. s.settimeout(None) except socket.timeout: self._log( "Timeout exception waiting for the logger. " "Please check connectivity to [%s:%s]" % (ip, LOG_STREAM_PORT), executor=True) self._log_streamline( "localhost", "Timeout exception waiting for the logger. " "Please check connectivity to [%s:%s]" % (ip, LOG_STREAM_PORT)) return except Exception: self._log("[%s] Waiting on logger" % host, executor=True, debug=True) time.sleep(0.1) continue msg = "%s\n" % log_id s.send(msg.encode("utf-8")) buff = s.recv(4096) buffering = True while buffering: if b'\n' in buff: (line, buff) = buff.split(b'\n', 1) # We can potentially get binary data here. In order to # being able to handle that use the backslashreplace # error handling method. This decodes unknown utf-8 # code points to escape sequences which exactly represent # the correct data without throwing a decoding exception. done = self._log_streamline( host, line.decode("utf-8", "backslashreplace")) if done: return else: more = s.recv(4096) if not more: buffering = False else: buff += more if buff: self._log_streamline( host, buff.decode("utf-8", "backslashreplace")) def _log_streamline(self, host, line): if "[Zuul] Task exit code" in line: return True elif self._streamers_stop and "[Zuul] Log not found" in line: # When we got here it indicates that the task is already finished # but the logfile didn't appear yet on the remote node. This can # happen rarely on a contended remote node. In this case give # the streamer some additional time to pick up the log. Otherwise # we would discard the log. if time.monotonic() < (self._streamers_stop_ts + 10): # don't output this line return False return True elif "[Zuul] Log not found" in line: # don't output this line return False else: ts, ln = line.split(' | ', 1) self._log("%s | %s " % (host, ln), ts=ts) return False def _log_module_failure(self, result, result_dict): if 'module_stdout' in result_dict and result_dict['module_stdout']: self._log_message( result, status='MODULE FAILURE', msg=result_dict['module_stdout']) elif 'exception' in result_dict and result_dict['exception']: self._log_message( result, status='MODULE FAILURE', msg=result_dict['exception']) elif 'module_stderr' in result_dict: self._log_message( result, status='MODULE FAILURE', msg=result_dict['module_stderr']) def v2_playbook_on_start(self, playbook): self._playbook_name = os.path.splitext(playbook._file_name)[0] def v2_playbook_on_include(self, included_file): for host in included_file._hosts: self._log("{host} | included: {filename}".format( host=host.name, filename=included_file._filename)) def v2_playbook_on_play_start(self, play): self._play = play # Log an extra blank line to get space before each play self._log("") # the name of a play defaults to the hosts string name = play.get_name().strip() msg = u"PLAY [{name}]".format(name=name) self._log(msg) def v2_playbook_on_task_start(self, task, is_conditional): # Log an extra blank line to get space before each task self._log("") self._task = task if self._play.strategy != 'free': task_name = self._print_task_banner(task) else: task_name = task.get_name().strip() if task.action in ('command', 'shell'): play_vars = self._play._variable_manager._hostvars hosts = self._get_task_hosts(task) for host, inventory_hostname in hosts: if host in ('localhost', ''): # Don't try to stream from localhost continue ip = play_vars[host].get( 'ansible_host', play_vars[host].get( 'ansible_inventory_host')) if ip in ('localhost', ''): # Don't try to stream from localhost continue if task.loop: # Don't try to stream from loops continue if play_vars[host].get('ansible_connection') in ('kubectl', ): # Don't try to stream from kubectl connection continue log_id = "%s-%s" % ( task._uuid, paths._sanitize_filename(inventory_hostname)) streamer = threading.Thread( target=self._read_log, args=( host, ip, log_id, task_name, hosts)) streamer.daemon = True streamer.start() self._streamers.append(streamer) def v2_playbook_on_handler_task_start(self, task): self.v2_playbook_on_task_start(task, False) def _stop_streamers(self): self._streamers_stop_ts = time.monotonic() self._streamers_stop = True while True: if not self._streamers: break streamer = self._streamers.pop() streamer.join(30) if streamer.is_alive(): msg = "[Zuul] Log Stream did not terminate" self._log(msg, job=True, executor=True) self._streamers_stop = False def _process_result_for_localhost(self, result, is_task=True): result_dict = dict(result._result) localhost_names = ('localhost', '', '::1') is_localhost = False task_host = result._host.get_name() delegated_vars = result_dict.get('_ansible_delegated_vars', None) if delegated_vars: delegated_host = delegated_vars['ansible_host'] if delegated_host in localhost_names: is_localhost = True elif result._task._variable_manager is None: # Handle fact gathering which doens't have a variable manager if task_host == 'localhost': is_localhost = True else: task_hostvars = result._task._variable_manager._hostvars[task_host] # Normally hosts in the inventory will have ansible_host # or ansible_inventory host defined. The implied # inventory record for 'localhost' will have neither, so # default to that if none are supplied. if task_hostvars.get('ansible_host', task_hostvars.get( 'ansible_inventory_host', 'localhost')) in localhost_names: is_localhost = True if not is_localhost and is_task: self._stop_streamers() if result._task.action in ('command', 'shell', 'win_command', 'win_shell'): stdout_lines = zuul_filter_result(result_dict) # We don't have streaming for localhost and windows modules so get # standard out after the fact. if is_localhost or result._task.action in ( 'win_command', 'win_shell'): for line in stdout_lines: hostname = self._get_hostname(result) self._log("%s | %s " % (hostname, line)) def v2_runner_on_failed(self, result, ignore_errors=False): result_dict = dict(result._result) self._handle_exception(result_dict) if result_dict.get('msg') == 'All items completed': result_dict['status'] = 'ERROR' self._deferred_result = result_dict return self._process_result_for_localhost(result) def is_module_failure(msg): return isinstance(msg, str) and msg.startswith('MODULE FAILURE') if result._task.loop and 'results' in result_dict: # items have their own events pass elif is_module_failure(result_dict.get('msg', '')): self._log_module_failure(result, result_dict) else: self._log_message( result=result, status='ERROR', result_dict=result_dict) if ignore_errors: self._log_message(result, "Ignoring Errors", status="ERROR") def v2_runner_on_skipped(self, result): if result._task.loop: self._items_done = False self._deferred_result = dict(result._result) else: reason = result._result.get('skip_reason') if reason: # No reason means it's an item, which we'll log differently self._log_message(result, status='skipping', msg=reason) def v2_runner_item_on_skipped(self, result): reason = result._result.get('skip_reason') if reason: self._log_message(result, status='skipping', msg=reason) else: self._log_message(result, status='skipping') if self._deferred_result: self._process_deferred(result) def v2_runner_on_ok(self, result): if (self._play.strategy == 'free' and self._last_task_banner != result._task._uuid): self._print_task_banner(result._task) result_dict = dict(result._result) self._clean_results(result_dict, result._task.action) if '_zuul_nolog_return' in result_dict: # We have a custom zuul module that doesn't want the parameters # from its returned splatted to stdout. This is typically for # modules that are collecting data to be displayed some other way. for key in list(result_dict.keys()): if key != 'changed': result_dict.pop(key) if result_dict.get('changed', False): status = 'changed' else: status = 'ok' if (result_dict.get('msg') == 'All items completed' and not self._items_done): result_dict['status'] = status self._deferred_result = result_dict return if not result._task.loop: self._process_result_for_localhost(result) else: self._items_done = False self._handle_warnings(result_dict) if result._task.loop and 'results' in result_dict: # items have their own events pass elif result_dict.get('msg', '').startswith('MODULE FAILURE'): self._log_module_failure(result, result_dict) elif result._task.action == 'debug': # this is a debug statement, handle it special for key in [k for k in result_dict if k.startswith('_ansible')]: del result_dict[key] if 'changed' in result_dict: del result_dict['changed'] keyname = next(iter(result_dict.keys())) # If it has msg, that means it was like: # # debug: # msg: Some debug text the user was looking for # # So we log it with self._log to get just the raw string the # user provided. Note that msg may be a multi line block quote # so we handle that here as well. if keyname == 'msg': msg_lines = result_dict['msg'].rstrip().split('\n') for msg_line in msg_lines: self._log(msg=msg_line) else: self._log_message( msg=json.dumps(result_dict, indent=2, sort_keys=True), status=status, result=result) elif result._task.action not in ('command', 'shell'): if 'msg' in result_dict: self._log_message(msg=result_dict['msg'], result=result, status=status) else: self._log_message( result=result, status=status) elif 'results' in result_dict: for res in result_dict['results']: self._log_message( result, "Runtime: {delta}".format(**res)) elif result_dict.get('msg') == 'All items completed': self._log_message(result, result_dict['msg']) else: self._log_message( result, "Runtime: {delta}".format( **result_dict)) def v2_runner_item_on_ok(self, result): result_dict = dict(result._result) self._process_result_for_localhost(result, is_task=False) if result_dict.get('changed', False): status = 'changed' else: status = 'ok' if result_dict.get('msg', '').startswith('MODULE FAILURE'): self._log_module_failure(result, result_dict) elif result._task.action not in ('command', 'shell', 'win_command', 'win_shell'): if 'msg' in result_dict: self._log_message( result=result, msg=result_dict['msg'], status=status) else: self._log_message( result=result, msg=json.dumps(result_dict['item'], indent=2, sort_keys=True), status=status) else: stdout_lines = zuul_filter_result(result_dict) for line in stdout_lines: hostname = self._get_hostname(result) self._log("%s | %s " % (hostname, line)) if isinstance(result_dict['item'], str): self._log_message( result, "Item: {item} Runtime: {delta}".format(**result_dict)) else: self._log_message( result, "Item: Runtime: {delta}".format( **result_dict)) if self._deferred_result: self._process_deferred(result) def v2_runner_item_on_failed(self, result): result_dict = dict(result._result) self._process_result_for_localhost(result, is_task=False) if result_dict.get('msg', '').startswith('MODULE FAILURE'): self._log_module_failure(result, result_dict) elif result._task.action not in ('command', 'shell', 'win_command', 'win_shell'): self._log_message( result=result, msg="Item: {item}".format(item=result_dict['item']), status='ERROR', result_dict=result_dict) else: stdout_lines = zuul_filter_result(result_dict) for line in stdout_lines: hostname = self._get_hostname(result) self._log("%s | %s " % (hostname, line)) # self._log("Result: %s" % (result_dict)) self._log_message( result, "Item: {item} Result: {rc}".format(**result_dict)) if self._deferred_result: self._process_deferred(result) def v2_playbook_on_stats(self, stats): # Add a spacer line before the stats so that there will be a line # between the last task and the recap self._log("") self._log("PLAY RECAP") hosts = sorted(stats.processed.keys()) for host in hosts: t = stats.summarize(host) msg = ( "{host} |" " ok: {ok}" " changed: {changed}" " unreachable: {unreachable}" " failed: {failures}".format(host=host, **t)) # NOTE(pabelanger) Ansible 2.8 added rescued support if 'rescued' in t: # Even though skipped was in stable-2.7 and lower, only # stable-2.8 started rendering it. So just lump into rescued # check. msg += " skipped: {skipped} rescued: {rescued}".format(**t) # NOTE(pabelanger) Ansible 2.8 added ignored support if 'ignored' in t: msg += " ignored: {ignored}".format(**t) self._log(msg) # Add a spacer line after the stats so that there will be a line # between each playbook self._log("") def _process_deferred(self, result): self._items_done = True result_dict = self._deferred_result self._deferred_result = None status = result_dict.get('status') if status: self._log_message(result, "All items complete", status=status) # Log an extra blank line to get space after each task self._log("") def _print_task_banner(self, task): task_name = task.get_name().strip() if task.loop: task_type = 'LOOP' else: task_type = 'TASK' # TODO(mordred) With the removal of printing task args, do we really # want to keep doing this section? task_args = task.args.copy() is_shell = task_args.pop('_uses_shell', False) if is_shell and task_name == 'command': task_name = 'shell' raw_params = task_args.pop('_raw_params', '').split('\n') # If there's just a single line, go ahead and print it if len(raw_params) == 1 and task_name in ('shell', 'command'): task_name = '{name}: {command}'.format( name=task_name, command=raw_params[0]) msg = "{task_type} [{task}]".format( task_type=task_type, task=task_name) self._log(msg) return task def _get_task_hosts(self, task): result = [] # _restriction returns the parsed/compiled list of hosts after # applying subsets/limits hosts = self._play._variable_manager._inventory._restriction for inventory_host in hosts: # If this task has as delegate to, we don't care about the play # hosts, we care about the task's delegate target. if task.delegate_to: host = task.delegate_to else: host = inventory_host result.append((host, inventory_host)) return result def _dump_result_dict(self, result_dict): result_dict = result_dict.copy() for key in list(result_dict.keys()): if key.startswith('_ansible'): del result_dict[key] zuul_filter_result(result_dict) return result_dict def _log_message(self, result, msg=None, status="ok", result_dict=None): hostname = self._get_hostname(result) if result_dict: result_dict = self._dump_result_dict(result_dict) if result._task.no_log: self._log("{host} | {msg}".format( host=hostname, msg="Output suppressed because no_log was given")) return if (not msg and result_dict and set(result_dict.keys()) == set(['msg', 'failed'])): msg = result_dict['msg'] result_dict = None if msg: msg_lines = msg.rstrip().split('\n') if len(msg_lines) > 1: self._log("{host} | {status}:".format( host=hostname, status=status)) for msg_line in msg_lines: self._log("{host} | {msg_line}".format( host=hostname, msg_line=msg_line)) else: self._log("{host} | {status}: {msg}".format( host=hostname, status=status, msg=msg)) else: self._log("{host} | {status}".format( host=hostname, status=status, msg=msg)) if result_dict: result_string = json.dumps(result_dict, indent=2, sort_keys=True) for line in result_string.split('\n'): self._log("{host} | {line}".format(host=hostname, line=line)) def _get_hostname(self, result): delegated_vars = result._result.get('_ansible_delegated_vars', None) if delegated_vars: return "{host} -> {delegated_host}".format( host=result._host.get_name(), delegated_host=delegated_vars['ansible_host']) else: return result._host.get_name() v2_runner_on_unreachable = v2_runner_on_failed