[tox] minversion = 1.6 skipsdist = True envlist = pep8,py35 [testenv] basepython = python3 setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir} OS_TEST_TIMEOUT=150 passenv = ZUUL_TEST_ROOT OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE OS_STDERR_CAPTURE OS_LOG_CAPTURE OS_LOG_DEFAULTS NODEPOOL_ZK_HOST usedevelop = True install_command = pip install {opts} {packages} whitelist_externals = bash deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt commands = python setup.py test --slowest --testr-args='{posargs}' [nodeenv] install_command = bash tools/pip.sh {opts} {packages} [testenv:py35] install_command = {[nodeenv]install_command} [testenv:py36] install_command = {[nodeenv]install_command} [testenv:bindep] # Do not install any requirements. We want this to be fast and work even if # system dependencies are missing, since it's used to tell you what system # dependencies are missing! This also means that bindep must be installed # separately, outside of the requirements files. deps = bindep commands = bindep test [testenv:pep8] # --ignore-missing-imports tells mypy to not try to follow imported modules # out of the current tree. As you might expect, we don't want to run static # type checking on the world - just on ourselves. commands = flake8 {posargs} mypy --ignore-missing-imports zuul [testenv:cover] install_command = {[nodeenv]install_command} commands = python setup.py test --coverage [testenv:docs] commands = sphinx-build -W -d doc/build/doctrees -b html doc/source/ doc/build/html [testenv:venv] commands = {posargs} [testenv:nodepool] setenv = OS_TEST_PATH = ./tests/nodepool install_command = {[nodeenv]install_command} commands = python setup.py test --slowest --testr-args='--concurrency=1 {posargs}' [testenv:remote] setenv = OS_TEST_PATH = ./tests/remote passenv = ZUUL_TEST_ROOT OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE OS_STDERR_CAPTURE OS_LOG_CAPTURE OS_LOG_DEFAULTS ZUUL_REMOTE_IPV4 ZUUL_SSH_KEY NODEPOOL_ZK_HOST install_command = {[nodeenv]install_command} commands = python setup.py test --slowest --testr-args='--concurrency=1 {posargs}' [flake8] # These are ignored intentionally in openstack-infra projects; # please don't submit patches that solely correct them or enable them. ignore = E124,E125,E129,E402,E741,H,W503 show-source = True exclude = .venv,.tox,dist,doc,build,*.egg,node_modules