/* global URLSearchParams */ // Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain // a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. // Boiler plate code to manage table filtering import * as React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { Button, Filter, FormControl, Toolbar } from 'patternfly-react' class TableFilters extends React.Component { static propTypes = { location: PropTypes.object } getFilterFromUrl = () => { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(this.props.location.search) let activeFilters = [] this.filterTypes.forEach(item => { urlParams.getAll(item.id).forEach(param => { activeFilters.push({ label: item.title + ': ' + param, key: item.id, value: param}) }) }) this.setState({activeFilters: activeFilters}) return activeFilters } updateUrl (activeFilters) { let path = window.location.pathname if (activeFilters.length > 0) { path += '?' activeFilters.forEach((item, idx) => { if (idx > 0) { path += '&' } path += ( encodeURIComponent(item.key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(item.value) ) }) } window.history.pushState({path: path}, '', path) } filterAdded = (field, value) => { let filterText = '' if (field.title) { filterText = field.title } else { filterText = field } filterText += ': ' if (value.filterCategory) { filterText += (value.filterCategory.title || value.filterCategory) + '-' + (value.filterValue.title || value.filterValue) } else if (value.title) { filterText += value.title } else { filterText += value } let activeFilters = [...this.state.activeFilters, { label: filterText, key: field.id, value: value }] this.setState({ activeFilters: activeFilters }) this.updateData(activeFilters) this.updateUrl(activeFilters) } selectFilterType = filterType => { const { currentFilterType } = this.state if (currentFilterType !== filterType) { this.setState(prevState => { return { currentValue: '', currentFilterType: filterType, filterCategory: filterType.filterType === 'complex-select' ? undefined : prevState.filterCategory, categoryValue: filterType.filterType === 'complex-select' ? '' : prevState.categoryValue } }) } } filterValueSelected = filterValue => { const { currentFilterType, currentValue } = this.state if (filterValue !== currentValue) { this.setState({ currentValue: filterValue }) if (filterValue) { this.filterAdded(currentFilterType, filterValue) } } } filterCategorySelected = category => { const { filterCategory } = this.state if (filterCategory !== category) { this.setState({ filterCategory: category, currentValue: '' }) } } categoryValueSelected = value => { const { currentValue, currentFilterType, filterCategory } = this.state if (filterCategory && currentValue !== value) { this.setState({ currentValue: value }) if (value) { let filterValue = { filterCategory: filterCategory, filterValue: value } this.filterAdded(currentFilterType, filterValue) } } } updateCurrentValue = event => { this.setState({ currentValue: event.target.value }) } onValueKeyPress = keyEvent => { const { currentValue, currentFilterType } = this.state if (keyEvent.key === 'Enter' && currentValue && currentValue.length > 0) { this.setState({ currentValue: '' }) this.filterAdded(currentFilterType, currentValue) keyEvent.stopPropagation() keyEvent.preventDefault() } } removeFilter = filter => { const { activeFilters } = this.state let index = activeFilters.indexOf(filter) if (index > -1) { let updated = [ ...activeFilters.slice(0, index), ...activeFilters.slice(index + 1) ] this.setState({ activeFilters: updated }) this.updateData(updated) this.updateUrl(updated) } } clearFilters = () => { this.setState({ activeFilters: [] }) this.updateData() this.updateUrl([]) } renderFilterInput() { const { currentFilterType, currentValue } = this.state if (!currentFilterType) { return null } return ( this.updateCurrentValue(e)} onKeyPress={e => this.onValueKeyPress(e)} /> ) } renderFilter = () => { const { currentFilterType, activeFilters } = this.state return (
{activeFilters && activeFilters.length > 0 && ( {'Active Filters:'} {activeFilters.map((item, index) => { return ( {item.label} ) })} )}
) } } export default TableFilters