#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import urllib from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from tests.base import ZuulTestCase, WebProxyFixture from tests.base import ZuulWebFixture class TestWebURLs(object): tenant_config_file = 'config/single-tenant/main.yaml' def setUp(self): super(TestWebURLs, self).setUp() self.web = self.useFixture( ZuulWebFixture(self.gearman_server.port)) def _get(self, port, uri): url = "http://localhost:{}{}".format(port, uri) self.log.debug("GET {}".format(url)) req = urllib.request.Request(url) try: f = urllib.request.urlopen(req) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: raise Exception("Error on URL {}".format(url)) return f.read() def _crawl(self, url): page = self._get(self.port, url) page = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser') for (tag, attr) in [ ('script', 'src'), ('link', 'href'), ('a', 'href'), ('img', 'src'), ]: for item in page.find_all(tag): suburl = item.get(attr) # Skip empty urls. Also skip the navbar relative link for now. # TODO(mordred) Remove when we have the top navbar link sorted. if suburl is None or suburl == "../": continue link = urllib.parse.urljoin(url, suburl) self._get(self.port, link) class TestDirect(TestWebURLs, ZuulTestCase): # Test directly accessing the zuul-web server with no proxy def setUp(self): super(TestDirect, self).setUp() self.port = self.web.port def test_status_page(self): self._crawl('/t/tenant-one/status.html') class TestWhiteLabel(TestWebURLs, ZuulTestCase): # Test a zuul-web behind a whitelabel proxy (i.e., what # zuul.openstack.org does). def setUp(self): super(TestWhiteLabel, self).setUp() rules = [ ('^/(.*)$', 'http://localhost:{}/\\1'.format(self.web.port)), ] self.proxy = self.useFixture(WebProxyFixture(rules)) self.port = self.proxy.port def test_status_page(self): self._crawl('/status.html') class TestWhiteLabelAPI(TestWebURLs, ZuulTestCase): # Test a zuul-web behind a whitelabel proxy (i.e., what # zuul.openstack.org does). def setUp(self): super(TestWhiteLabelAPI, self).setUp() rules = [ ('^/api/(.*)$', 'http://localhost:{}/api/tenant/tenant-one/\\1'.format( self.web.port)), ] self.proxy = self.useFixture(WebProxyFixture(rules)) self.port = self.proxy.port def test_info(self): info = json.loads(self._get(self.port, '/api/info').decode('utf-8')) self.assertEqual('tenant-one', info['info']['tenant']) class TestSuburl(TestWebURLs, ZuulTestCase): # Test a zuul-web mounted on a suburl (i.e., what software factory # does). def setUp(self): super(TestSuburl, self).setUp() rules = [ ('^/zuul3/(.*)$', 'http://localhost:{}/\\1'.format( self.web.port)), ] self.proxy = self.useFixture(WebProxyFixture(rules)) self.port = self.proxy.port def test_status_page(self): self._crawl('/zuul3/t/tenant-one/status.html')