#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # TODO(mordred): # * Read and apply filters from the jobs: section # * Figure out shared job queues # * Emit job definitions # * figure out from builders whether or not it's a normal job or a # a devstack-legacy job # * Handle emitting arbitrary tox jobs (see tox-py27dj18) import argparse import collections import copy import itertools import getopt import logging import os import subprocess import tempfile import re from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional import jenkins_jobs.builder from jenkins_jobs.formatter import deep_format import jenkins_jobs.formatter from jenkins_jobs.parser import matches import jenkins_jobs.parser import yaml JOB_MATCHERS = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict]] TEMPLATES_TO_EXPAND = {} # type: Dict[str, List] JOBS_FOR_EXPAND = collections.defaultdict(dict) # type: ignore JOBS_BY_ORIG_TEMPLATE = {} # type: ignore SUFFIXES = [] # type: ignore SKIP_MACROS = [] # type: ignore ENVIRONMENT = '{{ zuul | zuul_legacy_vars }}' DESCRIPTION = """Migrate zuul v2 and Jenkins Job Builder to Zuul v3. This program takes a zuul v2 layout.yaml and a collection of Jenkins Job Builder job definitions and transforms them into a Zuul v3 config. An optional mapping config can be given that defines how to map old jobs to new jobs. """ def deal_with_shebang(data): # Ansible shell blocks do not honor shebang lines. That's fine - but # we do have a bunch of scripts that have either nothing, -x, -xe, # -ex or -eux. Transform those into leading set commands if not data.startswith('#!'): return (None, data) data_lines = data.split('\n') data_lines.reverse() shebang = data_lines.pop() split_line = shebang.split() # Strip the # and the ! executable = split_line[0][2:] if executable == '/bin/sh': # Ansible default executable = None if len(split_line) > 1: flag_x = False flag_e = False flag_u = False optlist, args = getopt.getopt(split_line[1:], 'uex') for opt, _ in optlist: if opt == '-x': flag_x = True elif opt == '-e': flag_e = True elif opt == '-u': flag_u = True if flag_x: data_lines.append('set -x') if flag_e: data_lines.append('set -e') if flag_u: data_lines.append('set -u') data_lines.reverse() data = '\n'.join(data_lines).lstrip() return (executable, data) def _extract_from_vars(line): # export PROJECTS="openstack/blazar $PROJECTS" # export DEVSTACK_PROJECT_FROM_GIT=python-swiftclient # export DEVSTACK_PROJECT_FROM_GIT="python-octaviaclient" # export DEVSTACK_PROJECT_FROM_GIT+=",glean" projects = [] line = line.replace('"', '').replace('+', '').replace(',', ' ') if (line.startswith('export PROJECTS') or line.startswith('export DEVSTACK_PROJECT_FROM_GIT')): nothing, project_string = line.split('=') project_string = project_string.replace('$PROJECTS', '').strip() projects = project_string.split() return projects def extract_projects(data): # clonemap: # - name: openstack/windmill # dest: . # EOF projects = [] data_lines = data.split('\n') in_clonemap = False in_clonemap_cli = False for line in data_lines: line = line.strip() if line == 'clonemap:': in_clonemap = True continue elif line == 'EOF': in_clonemap = False continue elif line.startswith('/usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner'): in_clonemap_cli = True continue elif in_clonemap_cli and not line.endswith('\\'): in_clonemap_cli = False continue if in_clonemap: if line.startswith('- name:'): garbage, project = line.split(':') project = project.strip().replace("'", '').replace('"', '') if project == '$ZUUL_PROJECT': continue projects.append(project) elif in_clonemap_cli and line.startswith('openstack/'): line = line.replace('\\', '').strip() projects.append(line) elif in_clonemap_cli: continue else: projects.extend(_extract_from_vars(line)) return projects def expand_project_names(required, full): projects = [] for name in full: repo = name if '/' in name: org, repo = name.split('/') if repo in required or name in required: projects.append(name) return projects def list_to_project_dicts(projects): project_dicts = dict() for project in projects: project_dicts[project['project']['name']] = project['project'] return project_dicts def project_dicts_to_list(project_dicts): project_config = [] for key in sorted(project_dicts.keys()): project_config.append(dict(project=project_dicts[key])) return project_config def merge_project_dict(project_dicts, name, project): if name not in project_dicts: project_dicts[name] = project return old = project_dicts[name] for key in project: if key not in old: old[key] = project[key] elif isinstance(old[key], list): old[key].extend(project[key]) elif isinstance(old[key], dict) and 'jobs' in old[key]: old[key]['jobs'].extend(project[key]['jobs']) return def normalize_project_expansions(): remove_from_job_matchers = [] # First find the matchers that are the same for all jobs for job_name, project in copy.deepcopy(JOBS_FOR_EXPAND).items(): JOB_MATCHERS[job_name] = None for project_name, expansion in project.items(): if not JOB_MATCHERS[job_name]: JOB_MATCHERS[job_name] = copy.deepcopy(expansion['info']) else: if JOB_MATCHERS[job_name] != expansion['info']: # We have different expansions for this job, it can't be # done at the job level remove_from_job_matchers.append(job_name) for job_name in remove_from_job_matchers: JOB_MATCHERS.pop(job_name, None) # Second, find out which projects need to expand a given template for job_name, project in copy.deepcopy(JOBS_FOR_EXPAND).items(): # There is a job-level expansion for this one if job_name in JOB_MATCHERS: continue for project_name, expansion in project.items(): TEMPLATES_TO_EXPAND[project_name] = [] if expansion['info']: # There is an expansion for this project TEMPLATES_TO_EXPAND[project_name].append(expansion['template']) # from : # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8640959/how-can-i-control-what-scalar-form-pyyaml-uses-for-my-data # noqa def should_use_block(value): for c in u"\u000a\u000d\u001c\u001d\u001e\u0085\u2028\u2029": if c in value: return True return False def my_represent_scalar(self, tag, value, style=None): if style is None: if should_use_block(value): style = '|' else: style = self.default_style node = yaml.representer.ScalarNode(tag, value, style=style) if self.alias_key is not None: self.represented_objects[self.alias_key] = node return node def project_representer(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_mapping('tag:yaml.org,2002:map', data.items()) def construct_yaml_map(self, node): data = collections.OrderedDict() yield data value = self.construct_mapping(node) if isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode): self.flatten_mapping(node) else: raise yaml.constructor.ConstructorError( None, None, 'expected a mapping node, but found %s' % node.id, node.start_mark) mapping = collections.OrderedDict() for key_node, value_node in node.value: key = self.construct_object(key_node, deep=False) try: hash(key) except TypeError as exc: raise yaml.constructor.ConstructorError( 'while constructing a mapping', node.start_mark, 'found unacceptable key (%s)' % exc, key_node.start_mark) value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=False) mapping[key] = value data.update(mapping) class IndentedEmitter(yaml.emitter.Emitter): def expect_block_sequence(self): self.increase_indent(flow=False, indentless=False) self.state = self.expect_first_block_sequence_item class IndentedDumper(IndentedEmitter, yaml.serializer.Serializer, yaml.representer.Representer, yaml.resolver.Resolver): def __init__(self, stream, default_style=None, default_flow_style=None, canonical=None, indent=None, width=None, allow_unicode=None, line_break=None, encoding=None, explicit_start=None, explicit_end=None, version=None, tags=None): IndentedEmitter.__init__( self, stream, canonical=canonical, indent=indent, width=width, allow_unicode=allow_unicode, line_break=line_break) yaml.serializer.Serializer.__init__( self, encoding=encoding, explicit_start=explicit_start, explicit_end=explicit_end, version=version, tags=tags) yaml.representer.Representer.__init__( self, default_style=default_style, default_flow_style=default_flow_style) yaml.resolver.Resolver.__init__(self) def ordered_load(stream, *args, **kwargs): return yaml.load(stream=stream, *args, **kwargs) def ordered_dump(data, stream=None, *args, **kwargs): dumper = IndentedDumper # We need to do this because of how template expasion into a project # works. Without it, we end up with YAML references to the expanded jobs. dumper.ignore_aliases = lambda self, data: True output = yaml.dump( data, default_flow_style=False, Dumper=dumper, width=80, *args, **kwargs).replace( '\n -', '\n\n -') if stream: stream.write(output) else: return output def get_single_key(var): if isinstance(var, str): return var elif isinstance(var, list): return var[0] return list(var.keys())[0] def has_single_key(var): if isinstance(var, list): return len(var) == 1 if isinstance(var, str): return True dict_keys = list(var.keys()) if len(dict_keys) != 1: return False if var[get_single_key(var)]: return False return True def combination_matches(combination, match_combinations): """ Checks if the given combination is matches for any of the given combination globs, being those a set of combinations where if a key is missing, it's considered matching (key1=2, key2=3) would match the combination match: (key2=3) but not: (key1=2, key2=2) """ for cmatch in match_combinations: for key, val in combination.items(): if cmatch.get(key, val) != val: break else: return True return False def expandYamlForTemplateJob(self, project, template, jobs_glob=None): dimensions = [] template_name = template['name'] orig_template = copy.deepcopy(template) # reject keys that are not useful during yaml expansion for k in ['jobs']: project.pop(k) excludes = project.pop('exclude', []) for (k, v) in project.items(): tmpk = '{{{0}}}'.format(k) if tmpk not in template_name: continue if type(v) == list: dimensions.append(zip([k] * len(v), v)) # XXX somewhat hackish to ensure we actually have a single # pass through the loop if len(dimensions) == 0: dimensions = [(("", ""),)] for values in itertools.product(*dimensions): params = copy.deepcopy(project) params = self.applyDefaults(params, template) expanded_values = {} for (k, v) in values: if isinstance(v, dict): inner_key = next(iter(v)) expanded_values[k] = inner_key expanded_values.update(v[inner_key]) else: expanded_values[k] = v params.update(expanded_values) params = deep_format(params, params) if combination_matches(params, excludes): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.Migrate.YamlParser") log.debug('Excluding combination %s', str(params)) continue allow_empty_variables = self.config \ and self.config.has_section('job_builder') \ and self.config.has_option( 'job_builder', 'allow_empty_variables') \ and self.config.getboolean( 'job_builder', 'allow_empty_variables') for key in template: if key not in params: params[key] = template[key] params['template-name'] = template_name project_name = params['name'] params['name'] = '$ZUUL_SHORT_PROJECT_NAME' expanded = deep_format(template, params, allow_empty_variables) job_name = expanded.get('name') templated_job_name = job_name if job_name: job_name = job_name.replace( '$ZUUL_SHORT_PROJECT_NAME', project_name) expanded['name'] = job_name if jobs_glob and not matches(job_name, jobs_glob): continue self.formatDescription(expanded) expanded['orig_template'] = orig_template expanded['template_name'] = template_name self.jobs.append(expanded) JOBS_BY_ORIG_TEMPLATE[templated_job_name] = expanded jenkins_jobs.parser.YamlParser.expandYamlForTemplateJob = \ expandYamlForTemplateJob class JJB(jenkins_jobs.builder.Builder): def __init__(self): self.global_config = None self._plugins_list = [] def expandComponent(self, component_type, component, template_data): component_list_type = component_type + 's' new_components = [] if isinstance(component, dict): name, component_data = next(iter(component.items())) if template_data: component_data = jenkins_jobs.formatter.deep_format( component_data, template_data, True) else: name = component component_data = {} new_component = self.parser.data.get(component_type, {}).get(name) if new_component: for new_sub_component in new_component[component_list_type]: new_components.extend( self.expandComponent(component_type, new_sub_component, component_data)) else: new_components.append({name: component_data}) return new_components def expandMacros(self, job): for component_type in ['builder', 'publisher', 'wrapper']: component_list_type = component_type + 's' new_components = [] for new_component in job.get(component_list_type, []): # Skip macros defined in mappings.yaml if new_component in SKIP_MACROS: continue new_components.extend(self.expandComponent(component_type, new_component, {})) job[component_list_type] = new_components class OldProject: def __init__(self, name, gate_jobs): self.name = name self.gate_jobs = gate_jobs class OldJob: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.queue_name = None def __repr__(self): return self.name class Job: log = logging.getLogger("zuul.Migrate") def __init__(self, orig: str, name: str=None, content: Dict[str, Any]=None, vars: Dict[str, str]=None, nodes: List[str]=None, parent=None) -> None: self.orig = orig self.voting = True self.name = name self.content = content.copy() if content else None self.vars = vars or {} self.required_projects = [] # type: ignore self.nodes = nodes or [] self.parent = parent self.branch = None self.files = None self.jjb_job = None self.emit = True if self.content and not self.name: self.name = get_single_key(content) if not self.name: self.name = self.orig self.name = self.name.replace('-{name}', '').replace('{name}-', '') for suffix in SUFFIXES: suffix = '-{suffix}'.format(suffix=suffix) if self.name.endswith(suffix): self.name = self.name.replace(suffix, '') def _stripNodeName(self, node): node_key = '-{node}'.format(node=node) self.name = self.name.replace(node_key, '') def setNoEmit(self): self.emit = False def setVars(self, vars): self.vars = vars def setParent(self, parent): self.parent = parent def extractNode(self, default_node, labels): matching_label = None for label in labels: if label in self.orig: if not matching_label: matching_label = label elif len(label) > len(matching_label): matching_label = label if matching_label: if matching_label == default_node: self._stripNodeName(matching_label) else: self.nodes.append(matching_label) def getDepends(self): return [self.parent.name] def getNodes(self): return self.nodes def addJJBJob(self, jobs): if '{name}' in self.orig: self.jjb_job = JOBS_BY_ORIG_TEMPLATE[self.orig.format( name='$ZUUL_SHORT_PROJECT_NAME')] else: self.jjb_job = jobs[self.orig] def getTimeout(self): timeout = None if self.jjb_job: for wrapper in self.jjb_job.get('wrappers', []): if isinstance(wrapper, dict): build_timeout = wrapper.get( 'build-timeout', wrapper.get('timeout')) if isinstance(build_timeout, dict): timeout = build_timeout.get('timeout') if timeout is not None: timeout = int(timeout) * 60 # NOTE: This should be read from tenant config if timeout > 10800: timeout = 10800 return timeout @property def short_name(self): return self.name.replace('legacy-', '') @property def job_path(self): return 'playbooks/legacy/{name}'.format(name=self.short_name) def _getRsyncOptions(self, source): # If the source starts with ** then we want to match any # number of directories, so don't anchor the include filter. # If it does not start with **, then the intent is likely to # at least start by matching an immediate file or subdirectory # (even if later we have a ** in the middle), so in this case, # anchor it to the root of the transfer (the workspace). if not source.startswith('**'): source = os.path.join('/', source) # These options mean: include the thing we want, include any # directories (so that we continue to search for the thing we # want no matter how deep it is), exclude anything that # doesn't match the thing we want or is a directory, then get # rid of empty directories left over at the end. rsync_opts = ['--include=%s' % source, '--include=*/', '--exclude=*', '--prune-empty-dirs'] return rsync_opts def _makeSCPTask(self, publisher): # NOTE(mordred) About docs-draft manipulation: # The target of html/ was chosen to put the node contents into the # html dir inside of logs such that if the node's contents have an # index.html in them setting the success-url to html/ will render # things as expected. Existing builder macros look like: # # - publisher: # name: upload-sphinx-draft # publishers: # - scp: # site: 'static.openstack.org' # files: # - target: 'docs-draft/$LOG_PATH' # source: 'doc/build/html/**' # keep-hierarchy: true # copy-after-failure: true # # Which is pulling the tree of the remote html directory starting with # doc/build/html and putting that whole thing into # docs-draft/$LOG_PATH. # # Then there is a success-pattern in layout.yaml that looks like: # # http://{url}/{log_path}/doc/build/html/ # # Which gets reports. There are many variations on that URL. So rather # than needing to figure out varying success-urls to report in v3, # we'll remote the ** and not process this through the rsync_opts # processing we use for the other publishers, but instead will just # pass doc/build/html/ to get the contents of doc/build/html/ and we'll # put those in {{ log_root }}/html/ locally meaning the success-url # can always be html/. This should work for all values of source # from v2. tasks = [] artifacts = False draft = False site = publisher['scp']['site'] for scpfile in publisher['scp']['files']: if 'ZUUL_PROJECT' in scpfile.get('source', ''): self.log.error( "Job {name} uses ZUUL_PROJECT in source".format( name=self.name)) continue if scpfile.get('copy-console'): continue else: src = "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/" rsync_opts = self._getRsyncOptions(scpfile['source']) target = scpfile['target'] # TODO(mordred) Generalize this next section, it's SUPER # openstack specific. We can likely do this in mapping.yaml if site == 'static.openstack.org': for f in ('service-types', 'specs'): if target.startswith(f): self.log.error( "Job {name} uses {f} publishing".format( name=self.name, f=f)) continue if target.startswith('docs-draft'): target = "{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/html/" src = scpfile['source'].replace('**', '') rsync_opts = None draft = True else: target = target.replace( 'logs/$LOG_PATH', "{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}") elif site == 'tarballs.openstack.org': if not target.startswith('tarballs'): self.log.error( 'Job {name} wants to publish artifacts to non' ' tarballs dir'.format(name=self.name)) continue if target.startswith('tarballs/ci'): target = target.split('/', 3)[-1] else: target = target.split('/', 2)[-1] target = "{{ zuul.executor.work_root }}/artifacts/" + target artifacts = True elif site == 'yaml2ical': self.log.error('Job {name} uses yaml2ical publisher') continue syncargs = collections.OrderedDict() syncargs['src'] = src syncargs['dest'] = target syncargs['mode'] = 'pull' syncargs['copy_links'] = True syncargs['verify_host'] = True if rsync_opts: syncargs['rsync_opts'] = rsync_opts task = collections.OrderedDict() task['name'] = 'Copy files from {src} on node'.format(src=src) task['synchronize'] = syncargs # We don't use retry_args here because there is a bug in # the synchronize module that breaks subsequent attempts at # retrying. Better to try once and get an accurate error # message if it fails. # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/18281 tasks.append(task) if artifacts: ensure_task = collections.OrderedDict() ensure_task['name'] = 'Ensure artifacts directory exists' ensure_task['file'] = collections.OrderedDict() ensure_task['file']['path'] = \ "{{ zuul.executor.work_root }}/artifacts" ensure_task['file']['state'] = 'directory' ensure_task['delegate_to'] = 'localhost' tasks.insert(0, ensure_task) return dict(tasks=tasks, artifacts=artifacts, draft=draft) def _emitShellTask(self, data, syntax_check): shell, data = deal_with_shebang(data) task = collections.OrderedDict() # Putting the data directly into shell: causes here docs to break. task['shell'] = collections.OrderedDict() task['shell']['cmd'] = data if shell: task['shell']['executable'] = shell task['shell']['chdir'] = '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace' if syntax_check: # Emit a test playbook with this shell task in it then run # ansible-playbook --syntax-check on it. This will fail if there # are embedding issues, such as with unbalanced single quotes # The end result should be less scripts and more shell play = dict(hosts='all', tasks=[task]) (fd, tmp_path) = tempfile.mkstemp() try: f = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') ordered_dump([play], f) f.close() proc = subprocess.run( ['ansible-playbook', '--syntax-check', tmp_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if proc.returncode != 0: # Return of None means we must emit a script self.log.error( "Job {name} had an ansible syntax error, using script" " instead of shell".format(name=self.name)) return None finally: os.unlink(tmp_path) return task def _emitScriptContent(self, data, playbook_dir, seq): script_fn = '%s-%02d.sh' % (self.short_name, seq) script_path = os.path.join(playbook_dir, script_fn) with open(script_path, 'w') as script: if not data.startswith('#!'): data = '#!/bin/bash -x\n %s' % (data,) script.write(data) task = collections.OrderedDict() task['name'] = 'Running playbooks/legacy/{playbook}'.format( playbook=script_fn) task['script'] = script_fn return task def _makeBuilderTask(self, playbook_dir, builder, sequence, syntax_check): # Don't write a script to echo the template line # TODO(mordred) Put these into mapping.yaml if builder['shell'].startswith('echo JJB template: '): return if 'echo "Detailed logs:' in builder['shell']: return if ('cat /etc/dib-builddate.txt' in builder['shell'] and 'echo "Network configuration data..."' in builder['shell']): return task = self._emitShellTask(builder['shell'], syntax_check) if not task: task = self._emitScriptContent( builder['shell'], playbook_dir, sequence) task['environment'] = ENVIRONMENT return task def _transformPublishers(self, jjb_job): early_publishers = [] late_publishers = [] old_publishers = jjb_job.get('publishers', []) for publisher in old_publishers: early_scpfiles = [] late_scpfiles = [] if 'scp' not in publisher: early_publishers.append(publisher) continue copy_console = False for scpfile in publisher['scp']['files']: if scpfile.get('copy-console'): scpfile['keep-hierarchy'] = True late_scpfiles.append(scpfile) copy_console = True else: early_scpfiles.append(scpfile) publisher['scp']['files'] = early_scpfiles + late_scpfiles if copy_console: late_publishers.append(publisher) else: early_publishers.append(publisher) publishers = early_publishers + late_publishers if old_publishers != publishers: self.log.debug("Transformed job publishers") return early_publishers, late_publishers def emitPlaybooks(self, jobsdir, syntax_check=False): has_artifacts = False has_draft = False if not self.jjb_job: if self.emit: self.log.error( 'Job {name} has no job content'.format(name=self.name)) return False, False, False playbook_dir = os.path.join(jobsdir, self.job_path) if not os.path.exists(playbook_dir): os.makedirs(playbook_dir) run_playbook = os.path.join(self.job_path, 'run.yaml') post_playbook = os.path.join(self.job_path, 'post.yaml') tasks = [] workspace_task = collections.OrderedDict() workspace_task['name'] = "Ensure legacy workspace directory" workspace_task['file'] = collections.OrderedDict() workspace_task['file']['path'] = '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace' workspace_task['file']['state'] = 'directory' tasks.append(workspace_task) sequence = 0 for builder in self.jjb_job.get('builders', []): if 'shell' in builder: self.required_projects.extend( extract_projects(builder['shell'])) task = self._makeBuilderTask( playbook_dir, builder, sequence, syntax_check) if task: if 'script' in task: sequence += 1 tasks.append(task) play = collections.OrderedDict() play['hosts'] = 'all' play['name'] = 'Autoconverted job {name} from old job {old}'.format( name=self.name, old=self.orig) play['tasks'] = tasks with open(run_playbook, 'w') as run_playbook_out: ordered_dump([play], run_playbook_out) has_post = False tasks = [] early_publishers, late_publishers = self._transformPublishers( self.jjb_job) for publishers in [early_publishers, late_publishers]: for publisher in publishers: if 'scp' in publisher: ret = self._makeSCPTask(publisher) if ret['artifacts']: has_artifacts = True if ret['draft']: has_draft = True tasks.extend(ret['tasks']) if 'afs' in builder: self.log.error( "Job {name} uses AFS publisher".format(name=self.name)) if tasks: has_post = True play = collections.OrderedDict() play['hosts'] = 'all' play['tasks'] = tasks with open(post_playbook, 'w') as post_playbook_out: ordered_dump([play], post_playbook_out) return has_artifacts, has_post, has_draft def toJobDict( self, has_artifacts=False, has_post=False, has_draft=False, project_names=[]): output = collections.OrderedDict() output['name'] = self.name expanded_projects = [] if self.required_projects: expanded_projects = expand_project_names( self.required_projects, project_names) # Look for project names in the job name. Lookie there - the # python in operator works on lists and strings. expanded_projects.extend(expand_project_names( self.name, project_names)) output['parent'] = 'legacy-base' if 'dsvm' in self.name: output['parent'] = 'legacy-dsvm-base' elif 'puppet-openstack-integration' in self.name: output['parent'] = 'legacy-puppet-openstack-integration' elif 'openstack/puppet-openstack-integration' in expanded_projects: output['parent'] = 'legacy-puppet-openstack-integration' elif has_artifacts: output['parent'] = 'legacy-publish-openstack-artifacts' elif has_draft: output['success-url'] = 'html/' output['run'] = os.path.join(self.job_path, 'run.yaml') if has_post: output['post-run'] = os.path.join(self.job_path, 'post.yaml') if self.vars: output['vars'] = self.vars.copy() timeout = self.getTimeout() if timeout: output['timeout'] = timeout if self.nodes: if len(self.nodes) == 1: output['nodeset'] = self.getNodes()[0] else: output['nodeset'] = dict(nodes=self.getNodes()) if expanded_projects: output['required-projects'] = sorted(list(set(expanded_projects))) if self.name in JOB_MATCHERS: for k, v in JOB_MATCHERS[self.name].items(): if k in output: self.log.error( 'Job %s has attributes directly and from matchers', self.name) output[k] = v return output def toPipelineDict(self): if self.content: output = self.content else: output = collections.OrderedDict() output[self.name] = collections.OrderedDict() if self.parent: output[self.name].setdefault('dependencies', self.getDepends()) if not self.voting: output[self.name].setdefault('voting', False) if self.vars: job_vars = output[self.name].get('vars', collections.OrderedDict()) job_vars.update(self.vars) if self.branch: output[self.name]['branches'] = self.branch if self.files: output[self.name]['files'] = self.files if not output[self.name]: return self.name return output class JobMapping: log = logging.getLogger("zuul.Migrate.JobMapping") def __init__(self, nodepool_config, layout, mapping_file=None): self.layout = layout self.job_direct = {} self.labels = [] self.job_mapping = [] self.template_mapping = {} self.jjb_jobs = {} self.seen_new_jobs = [] self.unshare = [] nodepool_data = ordered_load(open(nodepool_config, 'r')) for label in nodepool_data['labels']: self.labels.append(label['name']) if not mapping_file: self.default_node = 'ubuntu-xenial' else: mapping_data = ordered_load(open(mapping_file, 'r')) self.default_node = mapping_data['default-node'] global SUFFIXES SUFFIXES = mapping_data.get('strip-suffixes', []) global SKIP_MACROS SKIP_MACROS = mapping_data.get('skip-macros', []) self.unshare = mapping_data.get('unshare', []) for map_info in mapping_data.get('job-mapping', []): if map_info['old'].startswith('^'): map_info['pattern'] = re.compile(map_info['old']) self.job_mapping.append(map_info) else: self.job_direct[map_info['old']] = map_info['new'] for map_info in mapping_data.get('template-mapping', []): self.template_mapping[map_info['old']] = map_info['new'] def makeNewName(self, new_name, match_dict): return new_name.format(**match_dict) def hasProjectTemplate(self, old_name): return old_name in self.template_mapping def setJJBJobs(self, jjb_jobs): self.jjb_jobs = jjb_jobs def getNewTemplateName(self, old_name): return self.template_mapping.get(old_name, old_name) def mapNewJob(self, name, info) -> Optional[Job]: matches = info['pattern'].search(name) if not matches: return None match_dict = matches.groupdict() if isinstance(info['new'], dict): new_job = info['new'] old_name = get_single_key(new_job) new_name = old_name.format(**match_dict) job = Job(orig=name, content={new_name: new_job[old_name]}) else: job = Job(orig=name, name=info['new'].format(**match_dict)) if 'vars' in info: job.setVars(self._expandVars(info, match_dict)) return job def _expandVars(self, info, match_dict): job_vars = info['vars'].copy() for key in job_vars: job_vars[key] = job_vars[key].format(**match_dict) return job_vars def getNewJob(self, job_name, remove_gate): if job_name in self.job_direct: if isinstance(self.job_direct[job_name], dict): job = Job(job_name, content=self.job_direct[job_name]) else: job = Job(job_name, name=self.job_direct[job_name]) if job_name not in self.seen_new_jobs: self.seen_new_jobs.append(self.job_direct[job_name]) job.setNoEmit() return job new_job = None for map_info in self.job_mapping: new_job = self.mapNewJob(job_name, map_info) if new_job: if job_name not in self.seen_new_jobs: self.seen_new_jobs.append(new_job.name) new_job.setNoEmit() break if not new_job: orig_name = job_name if remove_gate: job_name = job_name.replace('gate-', '', 1) job_name = 'legacy-{job_name}'.format(job_name=job_name) new_job = Job(orig=orig_name, name=job_name) new_job.extractNode(self.default_node, self.labels) # Handle matchers for layout_job in self.layout.get('jobs', []): if re.search(layout_job['name'], new_job.orig): # Matchers that can apply to templates must be processed first # since project-specific matchers can cause the template to # be expanded into a project. if not layout_job.get('voting', True): new_job.voting = False if layout_job.get('branch'): new_job.branch = layout_job['branch'] if layout_job.get('files'): new_job.files = layout_job['files'] new_job.addJJBJob(self.jjb_jobs) return new_job class ChangeQueue: def __init__(self): self.name = '' self.assigned_name = None self.generated_name = None self.projects = [] self._jobs = set() def getJobs(self): return self._jobs def getProjects(self): return [p.name for p in self.projects] def addProject(self, project): if project not in self.projects: self.projects.append(project) self._jobs |= project.gate_jobs names = [x.name for x in self.projects] names.sort() self.generated_name = names[0].split('/')[-1] for job in self._jobs: if job.queue_name: if (self.assigned_name and job.queue_name != self.assigned_name): raise Exception("More than one name assigned to " "change queue: %s != %s" % (self.assigned_name, job.queue_name)) self.assigned_name = job.queue_name self.name = self.assigned_name or self.generated_name def mergeChangeQueue(self, other): for project in other.projects: self.addProject(project) class ZuulMigrate: log = logging.getLogger("zuul.Migrate") def __init__(self, layout, job_config, nodepool_config, outdir, mapping, syntax_check): self.layout = ordered_load(open(layout, 'r')) self.job_config = job_config self.outdir = outdir self.mapping = JobMapping(nodepool_config, self.layout, mapping) self.syntax_check = syntax_check self.jobs = {} self.old_jobs = {} self.job_objects = [] self.new_templates = {} def run(self): self.loadJobs() self.buildChangeQueues() self.convertJobs() self.writeJobs() def loadJobs(self): self.log.debug("Loading jobs") builder = JJB() builder.load_files([self.job_config]) builder.parser.expandYaml() unseen = set(self.jobs.keys()) for job in builder.parser.jobs: builder.expandMacros(job) self.jobs[job['name']] = job unseen.discard(job['name']) for name in unseen: del self.jobs[name] self.mapping.setJJBJobs(self.jobs) def getOldJob(self, name): if name not in self.old_jobs: self.old_jobs[name] = OldJob(name) return self.old_jobs[name] def flattenOldJobs(self, tree, name=None): if isinstance(tree, str): n = tree.format(name=name) if n in self.mapping.unshare: return [] return [self.getOldJob(n)] new_list = [] # type: ignore if isinstance(tree, list): for job in tree: new_list.extend(self.flattenOldJobs(job, name)) elif isinstance(tree, dict): parent_name = get_single_key(tree) jobs = self.flattenOldJobs(tree[parent_name], name) for job in jobs: if job not in self.mapping.unshare: new_list.append(self.getOldJob(job)) if parent_name not in self.mapping.unshare: new_list.append(self.getOldJob(parent_name)) return new_list def buildChangeQueues(self): self.log.debug("Building shared change queues") for j in self.layout['jobs']: if '^' in j['name'] or '$' in j['name']: continue job = self.getOldJob(j['name']) job.queue_name = j.get('queue-name') change_queues = [] for project in self.layout.get('projects'): if 'gate' not in project: continue gate_jobs = set() for template in project.get('template', []): for pt in self.layout.get('project-templates'): if pt['name'] != template['name']: continue if 'gate' not in pt['name']: continue gate_jobs |= set(self.flattenOldJobs(pt['gate'], project['name'])) gate_jobs |= set(self.flattenOldJobs(project['gate'])) old_project = OldProject(project['name'], gate_jobs) change_queue = ChangeQueue() change_queue.addProject(old_project) change_queues.append(change_queue) self.log.debug("Created queue: %s" % change_queue) # Iterate over all queues trying to combine them, and keep doing # so until they can not be combined further. last_change_queues = change_queues while True: new_change_queues = self.combineChangeQueues(last_change_queues) if len(last_change_queues) == len(new_change_queues): break last_change_queues = new_change_queues self.log.debug(" Shared change queues:") for queue in new_change_queues: self.log.debug(" %s containing %s" % ( queue, queue.generated_name)) self.change_queues = new_change_queues def combineChangeQueues(self, change_queues): self.log.debug("Combining shared queues") new_change_queues = [] for a in change_queues: merged_a = False for b in new_change_queues: if not a.getJobs().isdisjoint(b.getJobs()): self.log.debug("Merging queue %s into %s" % (a, b)) b.mergeChangeQueue(a) merged_a = True break # this breaks out of 'for b' and continues 'for a' if not merged_a: self.log.debug("Keeping queue %s" % (a)) new_change_queues.append(a) return new_change_queues def convertJobs(self): pass def setupDir(self): zuul_d = os.path.join(self.outdir, 'zuul.d') job_outfile = os.path.join(zuul_d, 'zuul-legacy-jobs.yaml') project_outfile = os.path.join(zuul_d, 'projects.yaml') projects = [] project_template_outfile = os.path.join( zuul_d, 'zuul-legacy-project-templates.yaml') if not os.path.exists(self.outdir): os.makedirs(self.outdir) if not os.path.exists(zuul_d): os.makedirs(zuul_d) elif os.path.exists(project_outfile): projects = ordered_load(open(project_outfile, 'r')) return dict( job_outfile=job_outfile, project_outfile=project_outfile, projects=projects, project_template_outfile=project_template_outfile, ) def makeNewJobs(self, old_job, parent: Job=None): self.log.debug("makeNewJobs(%s)", old_job) if isinstance(old_job, str): remove_gate = True if old_job.startswith('gate-'): # Check to see if gate- and bare versions exist if old_job.replace('gate-', '', 1) in self.jobs: remove_gate = False job = self.mapping.getNewJob(old_job, remove_gate) if parent: job.setParent(parent) return [job] new_list = [] # type: ignore if isinstance(old_job, list): for job in old_job: new_list.extend(self.makeNewJobs(job, parent=parent)) elif isinstance(old_job, dict): parent_name = get_single_key(old_job) parent = self.makeNewJobs(parent_name, parent=parent)[0] jobs = self.makeNewJobs(old_job[parent_name], parent=parent) for job in jobs: new_list.append(job) new_list.append(parent) return new_list def writeProjectTemplate(self, template): new_template = collections.OrderedDict() if 'name' in template: new_template['name'] = template['name'] for key, value in template.items(): if key == 'name': continue # keep a cache of the Job objects so we can use it to get old # job name to new job name when expanding templates into projects. tmp = [job for job in self.makeNewJobs(value)] self.job_objects.extend(tmp) jobs = [job.toPipelineDict() for job in tmp] new_template[key] = dict(jobs=jobs) return new_template def scanForProjectMatchers(self, project_name): ''' Get list of job matchers that reference the given project name ''' job_matchers = [] for matcher in self.layout.get('jobs', []): for skipper in matcher.get('skip-if', []): if skipper.get('project'): if re.search(skipper['project'], project_name): job_matchers.append(matcher) return job_matchers def findReferencedTemplateNames(self, job_matchers, project_name): ''' Search templates in the layout file for matching jobs ''' template_names = [] def search_jobs(template): def _search(job): if isinstance(job, str): for matcher in job_matchers: if re.search(matcher['name'], job.format(name=project_name)): template_names.append(template['name']) return True elif isinstance(job, list): for i in job: if _search(i): return True elif isinstance(job, dict): for k, v in job.items(): if _search(k) or _search(v): return True return False for key, value in template.items(): if key == 'name': continue for job in template[key]: if _search(job): return for template in self.layout.get('project-templates', []): search_jobs(template) return template_names def expandTemplateIntoProject(self, template_name, project): self.log.debug("EXPAND template %s into project %s", template_name, project['name']) # find the new template since that's the thing we're expanding if template_name not in self.new_templates: self.log.error( "Template %s not found for expansion into project %s", template_name, project['name']) return template = self.new_templates[template_name] for pipeline, value in template.items(): if pipeline == 'name': continue if pipeline not in project or 'jobs' not in project[pipeline]: project[pipeline] = dict(jobs=[]) project[pipeline]['jobs'].extend(value['jobs']) def getOldJobName(self, new_job_name): for job in self.job_objects: if job.name == new_job_name: return job.orig return None def applyProjectMatchers(self, matchers, project, final=False): ''' Apply per-project job matchers to the given project. :param matchers: Job matchers that referenced the given project. :param project: The new project object. ''' def processPipeline(pipeline_jobs, job_name_regex, files): new_jobs = [] for job in pipeline_jobs: if isinstance(job, str): old_job_name = self.getOldJobName(job) if old_job_name and re.search( job_name_regex, old_job_name): self.log.debug( "Applied irrelevant-files to job %s in project %s", job, project['name']) job = {job: {'irrelevant-files': sorted(list(set(files)))}} elif isinstance(job, dict): job = job.copy() job_name = get_single_key(job) extras = job[job_name] old_job_name = self.getOldJobName(job_name) if old_job_name and re.search( job_name_regex, old_job_name): self.log.debug( "Applied irrelevant-files to complex job " "%s in project %s", job_name, project['name']) if 'irrelevant-files' not in extras: extras['irrelevant-files'] = [] extras['irrelevant-files'].extend(files) extras['irrelevant-files'] = sorted(list( set(extras['irrelevant-files']))) job[job_name] = extras new_jobs.append(job) return new_jobs def applyIrrelevantFiles(job_name_regex, files): for k, v in project.items(): if k in ('templates', 'name'): continue project[k]['jobs'] = processPipeline( project[k].get('jobs', []), job_name_regex, files) if matchers: for matcher in matchers: # find the project-specific section for skipper in matcher.get('skip-if', []): if skipper.get('project'): if re.search(skipper['project'], project['name']): if 'all-files-match-any' in skipper: applyIrrelevantFiles( matcher['name'], skipper['all-files-match-any']) if not final: return for k, v in project.items(): if k in ('templates', 'name'): continue jobs = [] for job in project[k].get('jobs', []): if isinstance(job, dict): job_name = get_single_key(job) else: job_name = job if job_name in JOB_MATCHERS: jobs.append(job) continue orig_name = self.getOldJobName(job_name) if not orig_name: jobs.append(job) continue project_name = project['name'] if '/' in project['name']: project_name = project['name'].split('/')[1] orig_name = orig_name.format(name=project_name) info = {} for layout_job in self.mapping.layout.get('jobs', []): if 'parameter-function' in layout_job: continue if 'skip-if' in layout_job: continue if re.search(layout_job['name'], orig_name): if not layout_job.get('voting', True): info['voting'] = False if layout_job.get('branch'): info['branches'] = layout_job['branch'] if layout_job.get('files'): info['files'] = layout_job['files'] if not isinstance(job, dict): job = {job: info} else: job[job_name].update(info) jobs.append(job) if jobs: project[k]['jobs'] = jobs def writeProject(self, project): ''' Create a new v3 project definition. As part of creating the project, scan for project-specific job matchers referencing this project and remove the templates matching the job regex for that matcher. Expand the matched template(s) into the project so we can apply the project-specific matcher to the job(s). ''' new_project = collections.OrderedDict() if 'name' in project: new_project['name'] = project['name'] exp_template_names = TEMPLATES_TO_EXPAND.get(project['name'], []) templates_to_expand = [] if 'template' in project: new_project['templates'] = [] for template in project['template']: if template['name'] in exp_template_names: templates_to_expand.append(template['name']) continue new_project['templates'].append( self.mapping.getNewTemplateName(template['name'])) for key, value in project.items(): if key in ('name', 'template'): continue else: new_project[key] = collections.OrderedDict() if key == 'gate': for queue in self.change_queues: if (project['name'] not in queue.getProjects() or len(queue.getProjects()) == 1): continue new_project[key]['queue'] = queue.name tmp = [job for job in self.makeNewJobs(value)] # Don't insert into self.job_objects - that was done # in the speculative pass jobs = [job.toPipelineDict() for job in tmp] if jobs: new_project[key]['jobs'] = jobs if not new_project[key]: del new_project[key] for name in templates_to_expand: self.expandTemplateIntoProject(name, new_project) job_matchers = self.scanForProjectMatchers(project['name']) # Need a deep copy after expansion, else our templates end up # also getting this change. new_project = copy.deepcopy(new_project) self.applyProjectMatchers(job_matchers, new_project, final=True) return new_project def checkSpeculativeProject(self, project): ''' Create a new v3 project definition expanding all templates. ''' new_project = collections.OrderedDict() if 'name' in project: new_project['name'] = project['name'] templates_to_expand = [] for template in project.get('template', []): templates_to_expand.append(template['name']) # We have to do this section to expand self.job_objects for key, value in project.items(): if key in ('name', 'template'): continue else: new_project[key] = collections.OrderedDict() if key == 'gate': for queue in self.change_queues: if project['name'] not in queue.getProjects(): continue if len(queue.getProjects()) == 1: continue new_project[key]['queue'] = queue.name tmp = [job for job in self.makeNewJobs(value)] self.job_objects.extend(tmp) for name in templates_to_expand: expand_project = copy.deepcopy(new_project) self.expandTemplateIntoProject(name, expand_project) # Need a deep copy after expansion, else our templates end up # also getting this change. expand_project = copy.deepcopy(expand_project) job_matchers = self.scanForProjectMatchers(project['name']) self.applyProjectMatchers(job_matchers, expand_project) # We should now have a project-pipeline with only the # jobs expanded from this one template for project_part in expand_project.values(): # The pipelines are dicts - we only want pipelines if isinstance(project_part, dict): if 'jobs' not in project_part: continue self.processProjectTemplateExpansion( project_part, project, name) def processProjectTemplateExpansion(self, project_part, project, template): # project_part should be {'jobs': []} job_list = project_part['jobs'] for new_job in job_list: if isinstance(new_job, dict): new_job_name = get_single_key(new_job) info = new_job[new_job_name] else: new_job_name = new_job info = None orig_name = self.getOldJobName(new_job_name) if not orig_name: self.log.error("Job without old name: %s", new_job_name) continue project_name = project['name'] if '/' in project['name']: project_name = project['name'].split('/')[1] orig_name = orig_name.format(name=project_name) for layout_job in self.mapping.layout.get('jobs', []): if 'parameter-function' in layout_job: continue if re.search(layout_job['name'], orig_name): if not info: info = {} if not layout_job.get('voting', True): info['voting'] = False if layout_job.get('branch'): info['branches'] = layout_job['branch'] if layout_job.get('files'): info['files'] = layout_job['files'] if info: expansion = dict(info=info, template=template) JOBS_FOR_EXPAND[new_job_name][project['name']] = expansion def writeJobs(self): output_dir = self.setupDir() job_outfile = output_dir['job_outfile'] project_outfile = output_dir['project_outfile'] project_config = output_dir['projects'] project_dicts = list_to_project_dicts(project_config) project_template_outfile = output_dir['project_template_outfile'] job_config = [] template_config = [] for template in self.layout.get('project-templates', []): self.log.debug("Processing template: %s", template) new_template = self.writeProjectTemplate(template) self.new_templates[new_template['name']] = new_template if not self.mapping.hasProjectTemplate(template['name']): template_config.append({'project-template': new_template}) template_config = sorted( template_config, key=lambda template: template['project-template']['name']) for project in self.layout.get('projects', []): self.checkSpeculativeProject(project) normalize_project_expansions() project_names = [] for project in self.layout.get('projects', []): project_names.append(project['name']) project_dict = self.writeProject(project) merge_project_dict( project_dicts, project['name'], project_dict) project_config = project_dicts_to_list(project_dicts) seen_jobs = [] for job in sorted(self.job_objects, key=lambda job: job.name): if (job.name not in seen_jobs and job.name not in self.mapping.seen_new_jobs and job.emit): has_artifacts, has_post, has_draft = job.emitPlaybooks( self.outdir, self.syntax_check) job_config.append({'job': job.toJobDict( has_artifacts, has_post, has_draft, project_names)}) seen_jobs.append(job.name) job_config = sorted( job_config, key=lambda job: job['job']['name']) with open(job_outfile, 'w') as yamlout: # Insert an extra space between top-level list items yamlout.write(ordered_dump(job_config).replace('\n-', '\n\n-')) with open(project_template_outfile, 'w') as yamlout: # Insert an extra space between top-level list items yamlout.write( ordered_dump(template_config).replace('\n-', '\n\n-')) with open(project_outfile, 'w') as yamlout: # Insert an extra space between top-level list items yamlout.write(ordered_dump(project_config).replace('\n-', '\n\n-')) def main(): yaml.add_constructor(yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, construct_yaml_map) yaml.add_representer(collections.OrderedDict, project_representer, Dumper=IndentedDumper) yaml.representer.BaseRepresenter.represent_scalar = my_represent_scalar parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument( 'layout', help="The Zuul v2 layout.yaml file to read.") parser.add_argument( 'job_config', help="Directory containing Jenkins Job Builder job definitions.") parser.add_argument( 'nodepool_config', help="Nodepool config file containing complete set of node names") parser.add_argument( 'outdir', help="A directory into which the Zuul v3 config will be written.") parser.add_argument( '--mapping', default=None, help="A filename with a yaml mapping of old name to new name.") parser.add_argument( '-v', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose output') parser.add_argument( '--syntax-check', dest='syntax_check', action='store_true', help='Run ansible-playbook --syntax-check on generated playbooks') args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) ZuulMigrate(args.layout, args.job_config, args.nodepool_config, args.outdir, args.mapping, args.syntax_check).run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()