// Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain // a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. import Axios from 'axios' import * as API from '../api' export const BUILD_FETCH_REQUEST = 'BUILD_FETCH_REQUEST' export const BUILD_FETCH_SUCCESS = 'BUILD_FETCH_SUCCESS' export const BUILD_FETCH_FAIL = 'BUILD_FETCH_FAIL' export const BUILDSET_FETCH_REQUEST = 'BUILDSET_FETCH_REQUEST' export const BUILDSET_FETCH_SUCCESS = 'BUILDSET_FETCH_SUCCESS' export const BUILDSET_FETCH_FAIL = 'BUILDSET_FETCH_FAIL' export const BUILD_OUTPUT_REQUEST = 'BUILD_OUTPUT_FETCH_REQUEST' export const BUILD_OUTPUT_SUCCESS = 'BUILD_OUTPUT_FETCH_SUCCESS' export const BUILD_OUTPUT_FAIL = 'BUILD_OUTPUT_FETCH_FAIL' export const BUILD_OUTPUT_NOT_AVAILABLE = 'BUILD_OUTPUT_NOT_AVAILABLE' export const BUILD_MANIFEST_REQUEST = 'BUILD_MANIFEST_FETCH_REQUEST' export const BUILD_MANIFEST_SUCCESS = 'BUILD_MANIFEST_FETCH_SUCCESS' export const BUILD_MANIFEST_FAIL = 'BUILD_MANIFEST_FETCH_FAIL' export const BUILD_MANIFEST_NOT_AVAILBLE = 'BUILD_MANIFEST_NOT_AVAILABLE' export const requestBuild = () => ({ type: BUILD_FETCH_REQUEST }) export const receiveBuild = (buildId, build) => ({ type: BUILD_FETCH_SUCCESS, buildId: buildId, build: build, receivedAt: Date.now() }) const failedBuild = (error, url) => { error.url = url return { type: BUILD_FETCH_FAIL, error } } export const requestBuildOutput = () => ({ type: BUILD_OUTPUT_REQUEST }) // job-output processing functions export function renderTree(tenant, build, path, obj, textRenderer, defaultRenderer) { const node = {} let name = obj.name if ('children' in obj && obj.children) { node.nodes = obj.children.map( n => renderTree(tenant, build, path+obj.name+'/', n, textRenderer, defaultRenderer)) } if (obj.mimetype === 'application/directory') { name = obj.name + '/' } else { node.icon = 'fa fa-file-o' } let log_url = build.log_url if (log_url.endsWith('/')) { log_url = log_url.slice(0, -1) } if (obj.mimetype === 'text/plain') { node.text = textRenderer(tenant, build, path, name, log_url, obj) } else { node.text = defaultRenderer(log_url, path, name, obj) } return node } export function didTaskFail(task) { if (task.failed) { return true } if (task.results) { for (let result of task.results) { if (didTaskFail(result)) { return true } } } return false } export function hasInterestingKeys (obj, keys) { return Object.entries(obj).filter( ([k, v]) => (keys.includes(k) && v !== '') ).length > 0 } export function findLoopLabel(item) { const label = item._ansible_item_label return typeof(label) === 'string' ? label : '' } export function shouldIncludeKey(key, value, ignore_underscore, included) { if (ignore_underscore && key[0] === '_') { return false } if (included) { if (!included.includes(key)) { return false } if (value === '') { return false } } return true } export function makeTaskPath (path) { return path.join('/') } export function taskPathMatches (ref, test) { if (test.length < ref.length) return false for (let i=0; i < ref.length; i++) { if (ref[i] !== test[i]) return false } return true } export const receiveBuildOutput = (buildId, output) => { const hosts = {} const taskFailed = (taskResult) => { if (taskResult.rc && taskResult.failed_when_result !== false) return true else if (taskResult.failed) return true else return false } // Compute stats output.forEach(phase => { Object.entries(phase.stats).forEach(([host, stats]) => { if (!hosts[host]) { hosts[host] = stats hosts[host].failed = [] } else { hosts[host].changed += stats.changed hosts[host].failures += stats.failures hosts[host].ok += stats.ok } if (stats.failures > 0) { // Look for failed tasks phase.plays.forEach(play => { play.tasks.forEach(task => { if (task.hosts[host]) { if (task.hosts[host].results && task.hosts[host].results.length > 0) { task.hosts[host].results.forEach(result => { if (taskFailed(result)) { result.name = task.task.name hosts[host].failed.push(result) } }) } else if (taskFailed(task.hosts[host])) { let result = task.hosts[host] result.name = task.task.name hosts[host].failed.push(result) } } }) }) } }) }) // Identify all of the hosttasks (and therefore tasks, plays, and // playbooks) which have failed. The errorIds are either task or // play uuids, or the phase+index for the playbook. Since they are // different formats, we can store them in the same set without // collisions. const errorIds = new Set() output.forEach(playbook => { playbook.plays.forEach(play => { play.tasks.forEach(task => { Object.entries(task.hosts).forEach(([, host]) => { if (didTaskFail(host)) { errorIds.add(task.task.id) errorIds.add(play.play.id) errorIds.add(playbook.phase + playbook.index) } }) }) }) }) return { type: BUILD_OUTPUT_SUCCESS, buildId: buildId, hosts: hosts, output: output, errorIds: errorIds, receivedAt: Date.now() } } const failedBuildOutput = (error, url) => { error.url = url return { type: BUILD_OUTPUT_FAIL, error } } export const requestBuildManifest = () => ({ type: BUILD_MANIFEST_REQUEST }) export const receiveBuildManifest = (buildId, manifest) => { const index = {} const renderNode = (root, object) => { const path = root + '/' + object.name if ('children' in object && object.children) { object.children.map(n => renderNode(path, n)) } else { index[path] = object } } manifest.tree.map(n => renderNode('', n)) return { type: BUILD_MANIFEST_SUCCESS, buildId: buildId, manifest: {tree: manifest.tree, index: index, index_links: manifest.index_links}, receivedAt: Date.now() } } const failedBuildManifest = (error, url) => { error.url = url return { type: BUILD_MANIFEST_FAIL, error } } function buildOutputNotAvailable() { return { type: BUILD_OUTPUT_NOT_AVAILABLE } } function buildManifestNotAvailable() { return { type: BUILD_MANIFEST_NOT_AVAILBLE } } export function fetchBuild(tenant, buildId, state) { return async function (dispatch) { // Although it feels a little weird to not do anything in an action creator // based on the redux state, we do this in here because the function is // called from multiple places and it's easier to check for the build in // here than in all the other places before calling this function. if (state.build.builds[buildId]) { return Promise.resolve() } dispatch(requestBuild()) try { const response = await API.fetchBuild(tenant.apiPrefix, buildId) dispatch(receiveBuild(buildId, response.data)) } catch (error) { dispatch(failedBuild(error, tenant.apiPrefix)) // Raise the error again, so fetchBuildAllInfo() doesn't call the // remaining fetch methods. throw error } } } function fetchBuildOutput(buildId, state) { return async function (dispatch) { // As this function is only called after fetchBuild() we can assume that // the build is in the state. Otherwise an error would have been thrown and // this function wouldn't be called. const build = state.build.builds[buildId] if (!build.log_url) { // Don't treat a missing log URL as failure as we don't want to show a // toast for that. The UI already informs about the missing log URL in // multiple places. dispatch(buildOutputNotAvailable()) return Promise.resolve() } const url = build.log_url.substr(0, build.log_url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) dispatch(requestBuildOutput()) try { const response = await Axios.get(url + 'job-output.json.gz') dispatch(receiveBuildOutput(buildId, response.data)) } catch (error) { if (!error.request) { dispatch(failedBuildOutput(error, url)) // Raise the error again, so fetchBuildAllInfo() doesn't call the // remaining fetch methods. throw error } try { // Try without compression const response = await Axios.get(url + 'job-output.json') dispatch(receiveBuildOutput(buildId, response.data)) } catch (error) { dispatch(failedBuildOutput(error, url)) // Raise the error again, so fetchBuildAllInfo() doesn't call the // remaining fetch methods. throw error } } } } export const fetchBuildManifest = (buildId, state) => (dispatch) => { // As this function is only called after fetchBuild() we can assume that // the build is in the state. Otherwise an error would have been thrown and // this function wouldn't be called. const build = state.build.builds[buildId] dispatch(requestBuildManifest()) for (let artifact of build.artifacts) { if ('metadata' in artifact && 'type' in artifact.metadata && artifact.metadata.type === 'zuul_manifest') { return Axios.get(artifact.url) .then(manifest => { dispatch(receiveBuildManifest(buildId, manifest.data)) }) .catch(error => dispatch(failedBuildManifest(error, artifact.url))) } } // Don't treat a missing manifest file as failure as we don't want to show a // toast for that. dispatch(buildManifestNotAvailable()) } export function fetchBuildAllInfo(tenant, buildId) { // This wraps the calls to fetch the build, output and manifest together as // this is the common use case we have when loading the build info. return async function (dispatch, getState) { try { // Wait for the build info to be available and provide the current status // to the fetchBuildOutput and fetchBuildManifest so they can get the log // url from the fetched build. await dispatch(fetchBuild(tenant, buildId, getState())) dispatch(fetchBuildOutput(buildId, getState())) dispatch(fetchBuildManifest(buildId, getState())) } catch (error) { dispatch(failedBuild(error, tenant.apiPrefix)) } } } export const requestBuildset = () => ({ type: BUILDSET_FETCH_REQUEST }) export const receiveBuildset = (buildsetId, buildset) => ({ type: BUILDSET_FETCH_SUCCESS, buildsetId: buildsetId, buildset: buildset, receivedAt: Date.now() }) const failedBuildset = error => ({ type: BUILDSET_FETCH_FAIL, error }) export function fetchBuildset(tenant, buildsetId) { return async function(dispatch) { dispatch(requestBuildset()) try { const response = await API.fetchBuildset(tenant.apiPrefix, buildsetId) dispatch(receiveBuildset(buildsetId, response.data)) } catch (error) { dispatch(failedBuildset(error)) } } } const shouldFetchBuildset = (buildsetId, state) => { const buildset = state.build.buildsets[buildsetId] if (!buildset) { return true } if (buildset.isFetching) { return false } return false } export const fetchBuildsetIfNeeded = (tenant, buildsetId, force) => ( dispatch, getState) => { if (force || shouldFetchBuildset(buildsetId, getState())) { return dispatch(fetchBuildset(tenant, buildsetId)) } }