# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import logging import threading import traceback import gear from zuul import model from zuul.lib.config import get_default class RPCListener(object): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.RPCListener") def __init__(self, config, sched): self.config = config self.sched = sched def start(self): self._running = True server = self.config.get('gearman', 'server') port = get_default(self.config, 'gearman', 'port', 4730) ssl_key = get_default(self.config, 'gearman', 'ssl_key') ssl_cert = get_default(self.config, 'gearman', 'ssl_cert') ssl_ca = get_default(self.config, 'gearman', 'ssl_ca') self.worker = gear.TextWorker('Zuul RPC Listener') self.worker.addServer(server, port, ssl_key, ssl_cert, ssl_ca) self.log.debug("Waiting for server") self.worker.waitForServer() self.log.debug("Registering") self.register() self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() def register(self): self.worker.registerFunction("zuul:autohold") self.worker.registerFunction("zuul:enqueue") self.worker.registerFunction("zuul:enqueue_ref") self.worker.registerFunction("zuul:promote") self.worker.registerFunction("zuul:get_running_jobs") self.worker.registerFunction("zuul:get_job_log_stream_address") def stop(self): self.log.debug("Stopping") self._running = False self.worker.shutdown() self.log.debug("Stopped") def join(self): self.thread.join() def run(self): self.log.debug("Starting RPC listener") while self._running: try: job = self.worker.getJob() self.log.debug("Received job %s" % job.name) z, jobname = job.name.split(':') attrname = 'handle_' + jobname if hasattr(self, attrname): f = getattr(self, attrname) if callable(f): try: f(job) except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception while running job") job.sendWorkException(traceback.format_exc()) else: job.sendWorkFail() else: job.sendWorkFail() except gear.InterruptedError: return except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception while getting job") def handle_autohold(self, job): args = json.loads(job.arguments) params = {} tenant = self.sched.abide.tenants.get(args['tenant']) if tenant: params['tenant_name'] = args['tenant'] else: error = "Invalid tenant: %s" % args['tenant'] job.sendWorkException(error.encode('utf8')) return (trusted, project) = tenant.getProject(args['project']) if project: params['project_name'] = project.canonical_name else: error = "Invalid project: %s" % args['project'] job.sendWorkException(error.encode('utf8')) return params['job_name'] = args['job'] params['reason'] = args['reason'] if args['count'] < 0: error = "Invalid count: %d" % args['count'] job.sendWorkException(error.encode('utf8')) return params['count'] = args['count'] self.sched.autohold(**params) job.sendWorkComplete() def _common_enqueue(self, job): args = json.loads(job.arguments) event = model.TriggerEvent() errors = '' tenant = None project = None pipeline = None tenant = self.sched.abide.tenants.get(args['tenant']) if tenant: event.tenant_name = args['tenant'] (trusted, project) = tenant.getProject(args['project']) if project: event.project_hostname = project.canonical_hostname event.project_name = project.name else: errors += 'Invalid project: %s\n' % (args['project'],) pipeline = tenant.layout.pipelines.get(args['pipeline']) if pipeline: event.forced_pipeline = args['pipeline'] for trigger in pipeline.triggers: if trigger.name == args['trigger']: event.trigger_name = args['trigger'] continue if not event.trigger_name: errors += 'Invalid trigger: %s\n' % (args['trigger'],) else: errors += 'Invalid pipeline: %s\n' % (args['pipeline'],) else: errors += 'Invalid tenant: %s\n' % (args['tenant'],) return (args, event, errors, project) def handle_enqueue(self, job): (args, event, errors, project) = self._common_enqueue(job) if not errors: event.change_number, event.patch_number = args['change'].split(',') try: project.source.getChange(event, project) except Exception: errors += 'Invalid change: %s\n' % (args['change'],) if errors: job.sendWorkException(errors.encode('utf8')) else: self.sched.enqueue(event) job.sendWorkComplete() def handle_enqueue_ref(self, job): (args, event, errors, project) = self._common_enqueue(job) if not errors: event.ref = args['ref'] event.oldrev = args['oldrev'] event.newrev = args['newrev'] if errors: job.sendWorkException(errors.encode('utf8')) else: self.sched.enqueue(event) job.sendWorkComplete() def handle_promote(self, job): args = json.loads(job.arguments) tenant_name = args['tenant'] pipeline_name = args['pipeline'] change_ids = args['change_ids'] self.sched.promote(tenant_name, pipeline_name, change_ids) job.sendWorkComplete() def handle_get_running_jobs(self, job): # args = json.loads(job.arguments) # TODO: use args to filter by pipeline etc running_items = [] for tenant in self.sched.abide.tenants.values(): for pipeline_name, pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.items(): for queue in pipeline.queues: for item in queue.queue: running_items.append(item.formatJSON()) job.sendWorkComplete(json.dumps(running_items)) def handle_get_job_log_stream_address(self, job): # TODO: map log files to ports. Currently there is only one # log stream for a given job. But many jobs produce many # log files, so this is forwards compatible with a future # where there are more logs to potentially request than # "console.log" def find_build(uuid): for tenant in self.sched.abide.tenants.values(): for pipeline_name, pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.items(): for queue in pipeline.queues: for item in queue.queue: for bld in item.current_build_set.getBuilds(): if bld.uuid == uuid: return bld return None args = json.loads(job.arguments) uuid = args['uuid'] # TODO: logfile = args['logfile'] job_log_stream_address = {} build = find_build(uuid) if build: job_log_stream_address['server'] = build.worker.hostname job_log_stream_address['port'] = build.worker.log_port job.sendWorkComplete(json.dumps(job_log_stream_address))