# Copyright 2023 Acme Gating, LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections from contextlib import contextmanager from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed import copy import io import itertools import logging import math import os import re import re2 import subprocess import textwrap import threading import types import voluptuous as vs from zuul import change_matcher from zuul import model from zuul.connection import ReadOnlyBranchCacheError from zuul.lib import yamlutil as yaml import zuul.manager.dependent import zuul.manager.independent import zuul.manager.supercedent import zuul.manager.serial from zuul.lib.logutil import get_annotated_logger from zuul.lib.re2util import filter_allowed_disallowed, ZuulRegex from zuul.lib.varnames import check_varnames from zuul.zk.components import COMPONENT_REGISTRY from zuul.zk.semaphore import SemaphoreHandler from zuul.exceptions import ( SEVERITY_ERROR, DuplicateGroupError, DuplicateNodeError, GlobalSemaphoreNotFoundError, LabelForbiddenError, MaxTimeoutError, MultipleProjectConfigurations, NodeFromGroupNotFoundError, PipelineNotPermittedError, ProjectNotFoundError, ProjectNotPermittedError, RegexDeprecation, TemplateNotFoundError, UnknownConnection, YAMLDuplicateKeyError, ) ZUUL_CONF_ROOT = ('zuul.yaml', 'zuul.d', '.zuul.yaml', '.zuul.d') # A voluptuous schema for a regular expression. ZUUL_REGEX = { vs.Required('regex'): str, 'negate': bool, } # Several forms accept either a single item or a list, this makes # specifying that in the schema easy (and explicit). def to_list(x): return vs.Any([x], x) def as_list(item): if not item: return [] if isinstance(item, list): return item return [item] def no_dup_config_paths(v): if isinstance(v, list): for x in v: check_config_path(x) elif isinstance(v, str): check_config_path(v) else: raise vs.Invalid("Expected str or list of str for extra-config-paths") def check_config_path(path): if not isinstance(path, str): raise vs.Invalid("Expected str or list of str for extra-config-paths") elif path in ["zuul.yaml", "zuul.d/", ".zuul.yaml", ".zuul.d/"]: raise vs.Invalid("Default zuul configs are not " "allowed in extra-config-paths") def make_regex(data, parse_context=None): if isinstance(data, dict): regex = ZuulRegex(data['regex'], negate=data.get('negate', False)) else: regex = ZuulRegex(data) if parse_context and regex.re2_failure: if regex.re2_failure_message: parse_context.accumulator.addError(RegexDeprecation( regex.re2_failure_message)) else: parse_context.accumulator.addError(RegexDeprecation()) return regex def indent(s): return '\n'.join([' ' + x for x in s.split('\n')]) class LocalAccumulator: """An error accumulator that wraps another accumulator (like LoadingErrors) while holding local context information. """ def __init__(self, accumulator, source_context=None, stanza=None, conf=None, attr=None): self.accumulator = accumulator self.source_context = source_context self.stanza = stanza self.conf = conf self.attr = attr def extend(self, source_context=None, stanza=None, conf=None, attr=None): """Return a new accumulator that extends this one with additional info""" if conf: if isinstance(conf, (types.MappingProxyType, dict)): conf_context = conf.get('_source_context') else: conf_context = getattr(conf, 'source_context', None) source_context = source_context or conf_context return LocalAccumulator(self.accumulator, source_context or self.source_context, stanza or self.stanza, conf or self.conf, attr or self.attr) @contextmanager def catchErrors(self): try: yield except ReadOnlyBranchCacheError: raise except Exception as exc: self.addError(exc) def addError(self, error): """Adds the error or warning to the accumulator. The input can be any exception or any object with the zuul_error attributes. If the error has a source_context or start_mark attribute, this method will use those. This method will produce the most detailed error message it can with the data supplied by the error and the most recent error context. """ # A list of paragraphs msg = [] repo = branch = None source_context = getattr(error, 'source_context', self.source_context) if source_context: repo = source_context.project_name branch = source_context.branch stanza = self.stanza problem = getattr(error, 'zuul_error_problem', 'syntax error') if problem[0] in 'aoeui': a_an = 'an' else: a_an = 'a' if repo and branch: intro = f"""\ Zuul encountered {a_an} {problem} while parsing its configuration in the repo {repo} on branch {branch}. The problem was:""" elif repo: intro = f"""\ Zuul encountered an error while accessing the repo {repo}. The error was:""" else: intro = "Zuul encountered an error:" msg.append(textwrap.dedent(intro)) error_text = getattr(error, 'zuul_error_message', str(error)) msg.append(indent(error_text)) snippet = start_mark = name = line = location = None attr = self.attr if self.conf: if isinstance(self.conf, (types.MappingProxyType, dict)): name = self.conf.get('name') start_mark = self.conf.get('_start_mark') else: name = getattr(self.conf, 'name', None) start_mark = getattr(self.conf, 'start_mark', None) if start_mark is None: start_mark = getattr(error, 'start_mark', None) if start_mark: line = start_mark.line if attr is not None: line = getattr(attr, 'line', line) snippet = start_mark.getLineSnippet(line).rstrip() location = start_mark.getLineLocation(line) if name: name = f'"{name}"' else: name = 'following' if stanza: if attr is not None: pointer = ( f'The problem appears in the "{attr}" attribute\n' f'of the {name} {stanza} stanza:' ) else: pointer = ( f'The problem appears in the the {name} {stanza} stanza:' ) msg.append(pointer) if snippet: msg.append(indent(snippet)) if location: msg.append(location) error_message = '\n\n'.join(msg) error_severity = getattr(error, 'zuul_error_severity', SEVERITY_ERROR) error_name = getattr(error, 'zuul_error_name', 'Unknown') config_error = model.ConfigurationError( source_context, start_mark, error_message, short_error=error_text, severity=error_severity, name=error_name) self.accumulator.addError(config_error) class ZuulSafeLoader(yaml.EncryptedLoader): zuul_node_types = frozenset(('job', 'nodeset', 'secret', 'pipeline', 'project', 'project-template', 'semaphore', 'queue', 'pragma')) def __init__(self, stream, source_context): wrapped_stream = io.StringIO(stream) wrapped_stream.name = str(source_context) super(ZuulSafeLoader, self).__init__(wrapped_stream) self.name = str(source_context) self.zuul_context = source_context self.zuul_stream = stream def construct_mapping(self, node, deep=False): keys = set() for k, v in node.value: # The key << needs to be treated special since that will merge # the anchor into the mapping and not create a key on its own. if k.value == '<<': continue if not isinstance(k.value, collections.abc.Hashable): # This happens with "foo: {{ bar }}" # This will raise an error in the superclass # construct_mapping below; ignore it for now. continue if k.value in keys: mark = model.ZuulMark(node.start_mark, node.end_mark, self.zuul_stream) raise YAMLDuplicateKeyError(k.value, self.zuul_context, mark) keys.add(k.value) if k.tag == 'tag:yaml.org,2002:str': k.value = yaml.ZuulConfigKey(k.value, node.start_mark.line) r = super(ZuulSafeLoader, self).construct_mapping(node, deep) keys = frozenset(r.keys()) if len(keys) == 1 and keys.intersection(self.zuul_node_types): d = list(r.values())[0] if isinstance(d, dict): d['_start_mark'] = model.ZuulMark(node.start_mark, node.end_mark, self.zuul_stream) d['_source_context'] = self.zuul_context return r def safe_load_yaml(stream, source_context): loader = ZuulSafeLoader(stream, source_context) try: return loader.get_single_data() finally: loader.dispose() def ansible_var_name(value): vs.Schema(str)(value) if not re.fullmatch(r"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*", value): raise vs.Invalid("Invalid Ansible variable name '{}'".format(value)) def ansible_vars_dict(value): vs.Schema(dict)(value) for key in value: ansible_var_name(key) def copy_safe_config(conf): """Return a deep copy of a config dictionary. This lets us assign values of a config dictionary to configuration objects, even if those values are nested dictionaries. This way we can safely freeze the configuration object (the process of which mutates dictionaries) without mutating the original configuration. Meanwhile, this does retain the original context information as a single object (some behaviors rely on mutating the source context (e.g., pragma)). """ ret = copy.deepcopy(conf) for key in ( '_source_context', '_start_mark', ): if key in conf: ret[key] = conf[key] return ret class PragmaParser(object): pragma = { 'implied-branch-matchers': bool, 'implied-branches': to_list(vs.Any(ZUUL_REGEX, str)), '_source_context': model.SourceContext, '_start_mark': model.ZuulMark, } schema = vs.Schema(pragma) def __init__(self, pcontext): self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.PragmaParser") self.pcontext = pcontext def fromYaml(self, conf): conf = copy_safe_config(conf) self.schema(conf) bm = conf.get('implied-branch-matchers') source_context = conf['_source_context'] if bm is not None: source_context.implied_branch_matchers = bm with self.pcontext.confAttr(conf, 'implied-branches') as branches: if branches is not None: # This is a BranchMatcher (not an ImpliedBranchMatcher) # because as user input, we allow/expect this to be # regular expressions. Only truly implicit branch names # (automatically generated from source file branches) are # ImpliedBranchMatchers. source_context.implied_branches = [ change_matcher.BranchMatcher(make_regex(x, self.pcontext)) for x in as_list(branches)] class NodeSetParser(object): def __init__(self, pcontext): self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.NodeSetParser") self.pcontext = pcontext self.anonymous = False self.schema = self.getSchema(False) self.anon_schema = self.getSchema(True) def getSchema(self, anonymous=False): node = {vs.Required('name'): to_list(str), vs.Required('label'): str, } group = {vs.Required('name'): str, vs.Required('nodes'): to_list(str), } real_nodeset = {vs.Required('nodes'): to_list(node), 'groups': to_list(group), } alt_nodeset = {vs.Required('alternatives'): [vs.Any(real_nodeset, str)]} top_nodeset = {'_source_context': model.SourceContext, '_start_mark': model.ZuulMark, } if not anonymous: top_nodeset[vs.Required('name')] = str top_real_nodeset = real_nodeset.copy() top_real_nodeset.update(top_nodeset) top_alt_nodeset = alt_nodeset.copy() top_alt_nodeset.update(top_nodeset) nodeset = vs.Any(top_real_nodeset, top_alt_nodeset) return vs.Schema(nodeset) def fromYaml(self, conf, anonymous=False): conf = copy_safe_config(conf) if anonymous: self.anon_schema(conf) self.anonymous = True else: self.schema(conf) if 'alternatives' in conf: return self.loadAlternatives(conf) else: return self.loadNodeset(conf) def loadAlternatives(self, conf): ns = model.NodeSet(conf.get('name')) ns.source_context = conf.get('_source_context') ns.start_mark = conf.get('_start_mark') for alt in conf['alternatives']: if isinstance(alt, str): ns.addAlternative(alt) else: ns.addAlternative(self.loadNodeset(alt)) return ns def loadNodeset(self, conf): ns = model.NodeSet(conf.get('name')) ns.source_context = conf.get('_source_context') ns.start_mark = conf.get('_start_mark') node_names = set() group_names = set() allowed_labels = self.pcontext.tenant.allowed_labels disallowed_labels = self.pcontext.tenant.disallowed_labels requested_labels = [n['label'] for n in as_list(conf['nodes'])] filtered_labels = filter_allowed_disallowed( requested_labels, allowed_labels, disallowed_labels) rejected_labels = set(requested_labels) - set(filtered_labels) for name in rejected_labels: raise LabelForbiddenError( label=name, allowed_labels=allowed_labels, disallowed_labels=disallowed_labels) for conf_node in as_list(conf['nodes']): if "localhost" in as_list(conf_node['name']): raise Exception("Nodes named 'localhost' are not allowed.") for name in as_list(conf_node['name']): if name in node_names: raise DuplicateNodeError(name, conf_node['name']) node = model.Node(as_list(conf_node['name']), conf_node['label']) ns.addNode(node) for name in as_list(conf_node['name']): node_names.add(name) for conf_group in as_list(conf.get('groups', [])): if "localhost" in conf_group['name']: raise Exception("Groups named 'localhost' are not allowed.") for node_name in as_list(conf_group['nodes']): if node_name not in node_names: nodeset_str = 'the nodeset' if self.anonymous else \ 'the nodeset "%s"' % conf['name'] raise NodeFromGroupNotFoundError(nodeset_str, node_name, conf_group['name']) if conf_group['name'] in group_names: nodeset_str = 'the nodeset' if self.anonymous else \ 'the nodeset "%s"' % conf['name'] raise DuplicateGroupError(nodeset_str, conf_group['name']) group = model.Group(conf_group['name'], as_list(conf_group['nodes'])) ns.addGroup(group) group_names.add(conf_group['name']) ns.freeze() return ns class SecretParser(object): def __init__(self, pcontext): self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.SecretParser") self.pcontext = pcontext self.schema = self.getSchema() def getSchema(self): secret = {vs.Required('name'): str, vs.Required('data'): dict, '_source_context': model.SourceContext, '_start_mark': model.ZuulMark, } return vs.Schema(secret) def fromYaml(self, conf): conf = copy_safe_config(conf) self.schema(conf) s = model.Secret(conf['name'], conf['_source_context']) s.source_context = conf['_source_context'] s.start_mark = conf['_start_mark'] s.secret_data = conf['data'] s.freeze() return s class JobParser(object): ANSIBLE_ROLE_RE = re.compile(r'^(ansible[-_.+]*)*(role[-_.+]*)*') zuul_role = {vs.Required('zuul'): str, 'name': str} galaxy_role = {vs.Required('galaxy'): str, 'name': str} role = vs.Any(zuul_role, galaxy_role) job_project = {vs.Required('name'): str, 'override-branch': str, 'override-checkout': str} job_dependency = {vs.Required('name'): str, 'soft': bool} secret = {vs.Required('name'): ansible_var_name, vs.Required('secret'): str, 'pass-to-parent': bool} semaphore = {vs.Required('name'): str, 'resources-first': bool} complex_playbook_def = {vs.Required('name'): str, 'semaphores': to_list(str)} playbook_def = to_list(vs.Any(str, complex_playbook_def)) # Attributes of a job that can also be used in Project and ProjectTemplate job_attributes = {'parent': vs.Any(str, None), 'final': bool, 'abstract': bool, 'protected': bool, 'intermediate': bool, 'requires': to_list(str), 'provides': to_list(str), 'failure-message': str, 'success-message': str, # TODO: ignored, remove for v5 'failure-url': str, # TODO: ignored, remove for v5 'success-url': str, 'hold-following-changes': bool, 'voting': bool, 'semaphore': vs.Any(semaphore, str), 'semaphores': to_list(vs.Any(semaphore, str)), 'tags': to_list(str), 'branches': to_list(vs.Any(ZUUL_REGEX, str)), 'files': to_list(vs.Any(ZUUL_REGEX, str)), 'secrets': to_list(vs.Any(secret, str)), 'irrelevant-files': to_list(vs.Any(ZUUL_REGEX, str)), # validation happens in NodeSetParser 'nodeset': vs.Any(dict, str), 'timeout': int, 'post-timeout': int, 'attempts': int, 'pre-run': playbook_def, 'post-run': playbook_def, 'run': playbook_def, 'cleanup-run': playbook_def, 'ansible-split-streams': bool, 'ansible-version': vs.Any(str, float, int), '_source_context': model.SourceContext, '_start_mark': model.ZuulMark, 'roles': to_list(role), 'required-projects': to_list(vs.Any(job_project, str)), 'vars': ansible_vars_dict, 'extra-vars': ansible_vars_dict, 'host-vars': {str: ansible_vars_dict}, 'group-vars': {str: ansible_vars_dict}, 'dependencies': to_list(vs.Any(job_dependency, str)), 'allowed-projects': to_list(str), 'override-branch': str, 'override-checkout': str, 'description': str, 'variant-description': str, 'post-review': bool, 'match-on-config-updates': bool, 'workspace-scheme': vs.Any('golang', 'flat', 'unique'), 'deduplicate': vs.Any(bool, 'auto'), 'failure-output': to_list(str), } job_name = {vs.Required('name'): str} job = dict(collections.ChainMap(job_name, job_attributes)) schema = vs.Schema(job) simple_attributes = [ 'final', 'abstract', 'protected', 'intermediate', 'timeout', 'post-timeout', 'workspace', 'voting', 'hold-following-changes', 'attempts', 'failure-message', 'success-message', 'override-branch', 'override-checkout', 'match-on-config-updates', 'workspace-scheme', 'deduplicate', ] def __init__(self, pcontext): self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.JobParser") self.pcontext = pcontext def fromYaml(self, conf, project_pipeline=False, name=None, validate=True): conf = copy_safe_config(conf) if validate: self.schema(conf) if name is None: name = conf['name'] # NB: The default detection system in the Job class requires # that we always assign values directly rather than modifying # them (e.g., "job.run = ..." rather than # "job.run.append(...)"). job = model.Job(name) job.description = conf.get('description') job.source_context = conf['_source_context'] job.start_mark = conf['_start_mark'] job.variant_description = conf.get( 'variant-description', " ".join([ str(x) for x in as_list(conf.get('branches')) ])) if project_pipeline and conf['_source_context'].trusted: # A config project has attached this job to a # project-pipeline. In this case, we can ignore # allowed-projects -- the superuser has stated they want # it to run. This can be useful to allow untrusted jobs # with secrets to be run in other untrusted projects. job.ignore_allowed_projects = True if 'parent' in conf: if conf['parent'] is not None: # Parent job is explicitly specified, so inherit from it. job.parent = conf['parent'] else: # Parent is explicitly set as None, so user intends # this to be a base job. That's only okay if we're in # a config project. if not conf['_source_context'].trusted: raise Exception( "Base jobs must be defined in config projects") job.parent = job.BASE_JOB_MARKER # Secrets are part of the playbook context so we must establish # them earlier than playbooks. secrets = [] for secret_config in as_list(conf.get('secrets', [])): if isinstance(secret_config, str): secret_name = secret_config secret_alias = secret_config secret_ptp = False else: secret_name = secret_config['secret'] secret_alias = secret_config['name'] secret_ptp = secret_config.get('pass-to-parent', False) secret_use = model.SecretUse(secret_name, secret_alias) secret_use.pass_to_parent = secret_ptp secrets.append(secret_use) job.secrets = tuple(secrets) # A job in an untrusted repo that uses secrets requires # special care. We must note this, and carry this flag # through inheritance to ensure that we don't run this job in # an unsafe check pipeline. We must also set allowed-projects # to only the current project, as otherwise, other projects # might be able to cause something to happen with the secret # by using a depends-on header. if secrets and not conf['_source_context'].trusted: job.post_review = True job.allowed_projects = frozenset(( conf['_source_context'].project_name,)) if (conf.get('timeout') and self.pcontext.tenant.max_job_timeout != -1 and int(conf['timeout']) > self.pcontext.tenant.max_job_timeout): raise MaxTimeoutError(job, self.pcontext.tenant) if (conf.get('post-timeout') and self.pcontext.tenant.max_job_timeout != -1 and int(conf['post-timeout']) > self.pcontext.tenant.max_job_timeout): raise MaxTimeoutError(job, self.pcontext.tenant) if 'post-review' in conf: if conf['post-review']: job.post_review = True else: raise Exception("Once set, the post-review attribute " "may not be unset") job.ansible_split_streams = conf.get('ansible-split-streams') # Configure and validate ansible version if 'ansible-version' in conf: # The ansible-version can be treated by yaml as a float or # int so convert it to a string. ansible_version = str(conf['ansible-version']) self.pcontext.ansible_manager.requestVersion(ansible_version) job.ansible_version = ansible_version # Roles are part of the playbook context so we must establish # them earlier than playbooks. roles = [] if 'roles' in conf: for role in conf.get('roles', []): if 'zuul' in role: r = self._makeZuulRole(job, role) if r: roles.append(r) # A job's repo should be an implicit role source for that job, # but not in a project-pipeline variant. if not project_pipeline: r = self._makeImplicitRole(job) roles.insert(0, r) job.addRoles(roles) seen_playbook_semaphores = set() def get_playbook_attrs(playbook_defs): # Helper method to extract information from a playbook # defenition. for pb_def in playbook_defs: pb_semaphores = [] if isinstance(pb_def, dict): pb_name = pb_def['name'] for pb_sem_name in as_list(pb_def.get('semaphores')): pb_semaphores.append(model.JobSemaphore(pb_sem_name)) seen_playbook_semaphores.add(pb_sem_name) else: # The playbook definition is a simple string path pb_name = pb_def # Sort the list of semaphores to avoid issues with # contention (where two jobs try to start at the same time # and fail due to acquiring the same semaphores but in # reverse order. pb_semaphores = tuple(sorted(pb_semaphores, key=lambda x: x.name)) yield (pb_name, pb_semaphores) for pre_run_name, pre_run_semaphores in get_playbook_attrs( as_list(conf.get('pre-run'))): pre_run = model.PlaybookContext(job.source_context, pre_run_name, job.roles, secrets, pre_run_semaphores) job.pre_run = job.pre_run + (pre_run,) # NOTE(pabelanger): Reverse the order of our post-run list. We prepend # post-runs for inherits however, we want to execute post-runs in the # order they are listed within the job. for post_run_name, post_run_semaphores in get_playbook_attrs( reversed(as_list(conf.get('post-run')))): post_run = model.PlaybookContext(job.source_context, post_run_name, job.roles, secrets, post_run_semaphores) job.post_run = (post_run,) + job.post_run for cleanup_run_name, cleanup_run_semaphores in get_playbook_attrs( reversed(as_list(conf.get('cleanup-run')))): cleanup_run = model.PlaybookContext( job.source_context, cleanup_run_name, job.roles, secrets, cleanup_run_semaphores) job.cleanup_run = (cleanup_run,) + job.cleanup_run if 'run' in conf: for run_name, run_semaphores in get_playbook_attrs( as_list(conf.get('run'))): run = model.PlaybookContext(job.source_context, run_name, job.roles, secrets, run_semaphores) job.run = job.run + (run,) if conf.get('intermediate', False) and not conf.get('abstract', False): raise Exception("An intermediate job must also be abstract") for k in self.simple_attributes: a = k.replace('-', '_') if k in conf: setattr(job, a, conf[k]) if 'nodeset' in conf: conf_nodeset = conf['nodeset'] if isinstance(conf_nodeset, str): # This references an existing named nodeset in the # layout; it will be validated later. ns = conf_nodeset else: ns = self.pcontext.nodeset_parser.fromYaml( conf_nodeset, anonymous=True) job.nodeset = ns if 'required-projects' in conf: new_projects = {} projects = as_list(conf.get('required-projects', [])) unknown_projects = [] for project in projects: if isinstance(project, dict): project_name = project['name'] project_override_branch = project.get('override-branch') project_override_checkout = project.get( 'override-checkout') else: project_name = project project_override_branch = None project_override_checkout = None (trusted, project) = self.pcontext.tenant.getProject( project_name) if project is None: unknown_projects.append(project_name) continue job_project = model.JobProject(project.canonical_name, project_override_branch, project_override_checkout) new_projects[project.canonical_name] = job_project # NOTE(mnaser): We accumulate all unknown projects and throw an # exception only once to capture all of them in the # error message. if unknown_projects: raise ProjectNotFoundError(unknown_projects) job.required_projects = new_projects if 'dependencies' in conf: new_dependencies = [] dependencies = as_list(conf.get('dependencies', [])) for dep in dependencies: if isinstance(dep, dict): dep_name = dep['name'] dep_soft = dep.get('soft', False) else: dep_name = dep dep_soft = False job_dependency = model.JobDependency(dep_name, dep_soft) new_dependencies.append(job_dependency) job.dependencies = new_dependencies semaphores = as_list(conf.get('semaphores', conf.get('semaphore', []))) job_semaphores = [] for semaphore in semaphores: if isinstance(semaphore, str): job_semaphores.append(model.JobSemaphore(semaphore)) else: job_semaphores.append(model.JobSemaphore( semaphore.get('name'), semaphore.get('resources-first', False))) if job_semaphores: # Sort the list of semaphores to avoid issues with # contention (where two jobs try to start at the same time # and fail due to acquiring the same semaphores but in # reverse order. job.semaphores = tuple(sorted(job_semaphores, key=lambda x: x.name)) common = (set([x.name for x in job_semaphores]) & seen_playbook_semaphores) if common: raise Exception(f"Semaphores {common} specified as both " "job and playbook semaphores but may only " "be used for one") for k in ('tags', 'requires', 'provides'): v = frozenset(as_list(conf.get(k))) if v: setattr(job, k, v) variables = conf.get('vars', None) if variables: check_varnames(variables) job.variables = variables extra_variables = conf.get('extra-vars', None) if extra_variables: check_varnames(extra_variables) job.extra_variables = extra_variables host_variables = conf.get('host-vars', None) if host_variables: for host, hvars in host_variables.items(): check_varnames(hvars) job.host_variables = host_variables group_variables = conf.get('group-vars', None) if group_variables: for group, gvars in group_variables.items(): check_varnames(gvars) job.group_variables = group_variables allowed_projects = conf.get('allowed-projects', None) # See note above at "post-review". if allowed_projects and not job.allowed_projects: allowed = [] for p in as_list(allowed_projects): (trusted, project) = self.pcontext.tenant.getProject(p) if project is None: raise ProjectNotFoundError(p) allowed.append(project.name) job.allowed_projects = frozenset(allowed) branches = None if 'branches' in conf: with self.pcontext.confAttr(conf, 'branches') as conf_branches: branches = [ change_matcher.BranchMatcher( make_regex(x, self.pcontext)) for x in as_list(conf_branches) ] elif not project_pipeline: branches = self.pcontext.getImpliedBranches(job.source_context) if branches: job.setBranchMatcher(branches) if 'files' in conf: with self.pcontext.confAttr(conf, 'files') as conf_files: job.setFileMatcher([ make_regex(x, self.pcontext) for x in as_list(conf_files) ]) if 'irrelevant-files' in conf: with self.pcontext.confAttr(conf, 'irrelevant-files') as conf_ifiles: job.setIrrelevantFileMatcher([ make_regex(x, self.pcontext) for x in as_list(conf_ifiles) ]) if 'failure-output' in conf: failure_output = as_list(conf['failure-output']) # Test compilation to detect errors, but the zuul_stream # callback plugin is what actually needs re objects, so we # let it recompile them later. for x in failure_output: re2.compile(x) job.failure_output = tuple(failure_output) job.freeze() return job def _makeZuulRole(self, job, role): name = role['zuul'].split('/')[-1] (trusted, project) = self.pcontext.tenant.getProject(role['zuul']) if project is None: return None return model.ZuulRole(role.get('name', name), project.canonical_name) def _makeImplicitRole(self, job): project_name = job.source_context.project_name name = project_name.split('/')[-1] name = JobParser.ANSIBLE_ROLE_RE.sub('', name) or name return model.ZuulRole(name, job.source_context.project_canonical_name, implicit=True) class ProjectTemplateParser(object): def __init__(self, pcontext): self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.ProjectTemplateParser") self.pcontext = pcontext self.schema = self.getSchema() self.not_pipelines = ['name', 'description', 'templates', 'merge-mode', 'default-branch', 'vars', 'queue', '_source_context', '_start_mark'] def getSchema(self): job = {str: vs.Any(str, JobParser.job_attributes)} job_list = [vs.Any(str, job)] pipeline_contents = { 'debug': bool, 'fail-fast': bool, 'jobs': job_list } project = { 'name': str, 'description': str, 'queue': str, 'vars': ansible_vars_dict, str: pipeline_contents, '_source_context': model.SourceContext, '_start_mark': model.ZuulMark, } return vs.Schema(project) def fromYaml(self, conf, validate=True, freeze=True): conf = copy_safe_config(conf) if validate: self.schema(conf) source_context = conf['_source_context'] start_mark = conf['_start_mark'] project_template = model.ProjectConfig(conf.get('name')) project_template.source_context = conf['_source_context'] project_template.start_mark = conf['_start_mark'] project_template.is_template = True project_template.queue_name = conf.get('queue') for pipeline_name, conf_pipeline in conf.items(): if pipeline_name in self.not_pipelines: continue project_pipeline = model.ProjectPipelineConfig() project_template.pipelines[pipeline_name] = project_pipeline project_pipeline.debug = conf_pipeline.get('debug') project_pipeline.fail_fast = conf_pipeline.get( 'fail-fast') self.parseJobList( conf_pipeline.get('jobs', []), source_context, start_mark, project_pipeline.job_list) # If this project definition is in a place where it # should get implied branch matchers, set it. branches = self.pcontext.getImpliedBranches(source_context) if branches: project_template.setImpliedBranchMatchers(branches) variables = conf.get('vars', {}) forbidden = {'zuul', 'nodepool', 'unsafe_vars'} if variables: if set(variables.keys()).intersection(forbidden): raise Exception("Variables named 'zuul', 'nodepool', " "or 'unsafe_vars' are not allowed.") project_template.variables = variables if freeze: project_template.freeze() return project_template def parseJobList(self, conf, source_context, start_mark, job_list): for conf_job in conf: if isinstance(conf_job, str): jobname = conf_job attrs = {} elif isinstance(conf_job, dict): # A dictionary in a job tree may override params jobname, attrs = list(conf_job.items())[0] else: raise Exception("Job must be a string or dictionary") attrs['_source_context'] = source_context attrs['_start_mark'] = start_mark job_list.addJob(self.pcontext.job_parser.fromYaml( attrs, project_pipeline=True, name=jobname, validate=False)) class ProjectParser(object): def __init__(self, pcontext): self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.ProjectParser") self.pcontext = pcontext self.schema = self.getSchema() def getSchema(self): job = {str: vs.Any(str, JobParser.job_attributes)} job_list = [vs.Any(str, job)] pipeline_contents = { 'debug': bool, 'fail-fast': bool, 'jobs': job_list } project = { 'name': str, 'description': str, 'vars': ansible_vars_dict, 'templates': [str], 'merge-mode': vs.Any('merge', 'merge-resolve', 'cherry-pick', 'squash-merge', 'rebase'), 'default-branch': str, 'queue': str, str: pipeline_contents, '_source_context': model.SourceContext, '_start_mark': model.ZuulMark, } return vs.Schema(project) def fromYaml(self, conf): conf = copy_safe_config(conf) self.schema(conf) project_name = conf.get('name') source_context = conf['_source_context'] if not project_name: # There is no name defined so implicitly add the name # of the project where it is defined. project_name = (source_context.project_canonical_name) if project_name.startswith('^'): # regex matching is designed to match other projects so disallow # in untrusted contexts if not source_context.trusted: raise ProjectNotPermittedError() # Parse the project as a template since they're mostly the # same. project_config = self.pcontext.project_template_parser. \ fromYaml(conf, validate=False, freeze=False) project_config.name = project_name else: (trusted, project) = self.pcontext.tenant.getProject(project_name) if project is None: raise ProjectNotFoundError(project_name) if not source_context.trusted: if project.canonical_name != \ source_context.project_canonical_name: raise ProjectNotPermittedError() # Parse the project as a template since they're mostly the # same. project_config = self.pcontext.project_template_parser.\ fromYaml(conf, validate=False, freeze=False) project_config.name = project.canonical_name # Explicitly override this to False since we're reusing the # project-template loading method which sets it True. project_config.is_template = False # Pragmas can cause templates to end up with implied # branch matchers for arbitrary branches, but project # stanzas should not. They should either have the current # branch or no branch matcher. if source_context.trusted: project_config.setImpliedBranchMatchers([]) else: project_config.setImpliedBranchMatchers( [change_matcher.ImpliedBranchMatcher( ZuulRegex(source_context.branch))]) # Add templates for name in conf.get('templates', []): if name not in project_config.templates: project_config.templates.append(name) mode = conf.get('merge-mode') if mode is not None: project_config.merge_mode = model.MERGER_MAP[mode] default_branch = conf.get('default-branch') project_config.default_branch = default_branch project_config.queue_name = conf.get('queue', None) variables = conf.get('vars', {}) forbidden = {'zuul', 'nodepool', 'unsafe_vars'} if variables: if set(variables.keys()).intersection(forbidden): raise Exception("Variables named 'zuul', 'nodepool', " "or 'unsafe_vars' are not allowed.") project_config.variables = variables project_config.freeze() return project_config class PipelineParser(object): # A set of reporter configuration keys to action mapping reporter_actions = { 'enqueue': 'enqueue_actions', 'start': 'start_actions', 'success': 'success_actions', 'failure': 'failure_actions', 'merge-conflict': 'merge_conflict_actions', 'config-error': 'config_error_actions', 'no-jobs': 'no_jobs_actions', 'disabled': 'disabled_actions', 'dequeue': 'dequeue_actions', } def __init__(self, pcontext): self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.PipelineParser") self.pcontext = pcontext self.schema = self.getSchema() def getDriverSchema(self, dtype): methods = { 'trigger': 'getTriggerSchema', 'reporter': 'getReporterSchema', 'require': 'getRequireSchema', 'reject': 'getRejectSchema', } schema = {} # Add the configured connections as available layout options for connection_name, connection in \ self.pcontext.connections.connections.items(): method = getattr(connection.driver, methods[dtype], None) if method: schema[connection_name] = to_list(method()) return schema def getSchema(self): manager = vs.Any('independent', 'dependent', 'serial', 'supercedent') precedence = vs.Any('normal', 'low', 'high') window = vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=0)) window_floor = vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=1)) window_ceiling = vs.Any(None, vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=1))) window_type = vs.Any('linear', 'exponential') window_factor = vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=1)) pipeline = {vs.Required('name'): str, vs.Required('manager'): manager, 'allow-other-connections': bool, 'precedence': precedence, 'supercedes': to_list(str), 'description': str, 'success-message': str, 'failure-message': str, 'start-message': str, 'merge-conflict-message': str, 'enqueue-message': str, 'no-jobs-message': str, 'footer-message': str, 'dequeue-message': str, 'dequeue-on-new-patchset': bool, 'ignore-dependencies': bool, 'post-review': bool, 'disable-after-consecutive-failures': vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=1)), 'window': window, 'window-floor': window_floor, 'window-ceiling': window_ceiling, 'window-increase-type': window_type, 'window-increase-factor': window_factor, 'window-decrease-type': window_type, 'window-decrease-factor': window_factor, '_source_context': model.SourceContext, '_start_mark': model.ZuulMark, } pipeline['require'] = self.getDriverSchema('require') pipeline['reject'] = self.getDriverSchema('reject') pipeline['trigger'] = vs.Required(self.getDriverSchema('trigger')) for action in ['enqueue', 'start', 'success', 'failure', 'merge-conflict', 'no-jobs', 'disabled', 'dequeue', 'config-error']: pipeline[action] = self.getDriverSchema('reporter') return vs.Schema(pipeline) def fromYaml(self, conf): conf = copy_safe_config(conf) self.schema(conf) pipeline = model.Pipeline(conf['name'], self.pcontext.tenant) pipeline.source_context = conf['_source_context'] pipeline.start_mark = conf['_start_mark'] pipeline.allow_other_connections = conf.get( 'allow-other-connections', True) pipeline.description = conf.get('description') pipeline.supercedes = as_list(conf.get('supercedes', [])) precedence = model.PRECEDENCE_MAP[conf.get('precedence')] pipeline.precedence = precedence pipeline.failure_message = conf.get('failure-message', "Build failed.") pipeline.merge_conflict_message = conf.get( 'merge-conflict-message', "Merge Failed.\n\nThis change or one " "of its cross-repo dependencies was unable to be " "automatically merged with the current state of its " "repository. Please rebase the change and upload a new " "patchset.") pipeline.success_message = conf.get('success-message', "Build succeeded.") pipeline.footer_message = conf.get('footer-message', "") pipeline.start_message = conf.get('start-message', "Starting {pipeline.name} jobs.") pipeline.enqueue_message = conf.get('enqueue-message', "") pipeline.no_jobs_message = conf.get('no-jobs-message', "") pipeline.dequeue_message = conf.get( "dequeue-message", "Build canceled." ) pipeline.dequeue_on_new_patchset = conf.get( 'dequeue-on-new-patchset', True) pipeline.ignore_dependencies = conf.get( 'ignore-dependencies', False) pipeline.post_review = conf.get( 'post-review', False) # TODO: Remove in Zuul v6.0 # Make a copy to manipulate for backwards compat. conf_copy = conf.copy() seen_connections = set() for conf_key, action in self.reporter_actions.items(): reporter_set = [] allowed_reporters = self.pcontext.tenant.allowed_reporters if conf_copy.get(conf_key): for reporter_name, params \ in conf_copy.get(conf_key).items(): if allowed_reporters is not None and \ reporter_name not in allowed_reporters: raise UnknownConnection(reporter_name) reporter = self.pcontext.connections.getReporter( reporter_name, pipeline, params) reporter.setAction(conf_key) reporter_set.append(reporter) seen_connections.add(reporter_name) setattr(pipeline, action, reporter_set) # If merge-conflict actions aren't explicit, use the failure actions if not pipeline.merge_conflict_actions: pipeline.merge_conflict_actions = pipeline.failure_actions # If config-error actions aren't explicit, use the failure actions if not pipeline.config_error_actions: pipeline.config_error_actions = pipeline.failure_actions pipeline.disable_at = conf.get( 'disable-after-consecutive-failures', None) pipeline.window = conf.get('window', 20) pipeline.window_floor = conf.get('window-floor', 3) pipeline.window_ceiling = conf.get('window-ceiling', None) if (pipeline.window_ceiling is None): pipeline.window_ceiling = math.inf if pipeline.window_ceiling < pipeline.window_floor: raise Exception("Pipeline window-ceiling may not be " "less than window-floor") pipeline.window_increase_type = conf.get( 'window-increase-type', 'linear') pipeline.window_increase_factor = conf.get( 'window-increase-factor', 1) pipeline.window_decrease_type = conf.get( 'window-decrease-type', 'exponential') pipeline.window_decrease_factor = conf.get( 'window-decrease-factor', 2) manager_name = conf['manager'] if manager_name == 'dependent': manager = zuul.manager.dependent.DependentPipelineManager( self.pcontext.scheduler, pipeline) elif manager_name == 'independent': manager = zuul.manager.independent.IndependentPipelineManager( self.pcontext.scheduler, pipeline) elif manager_name == 'serial': manager = zuul.manager.serial.SerialPipelineManager( self.pcontext.scheduler, pipeline) elif manager_name == 'supercedent': manager = zuul.manager.supercedent.SupercedentPipelineManager( self.pcontext.scheduler, pipeline) pipeline.setManager(manager) with self.pcontext.errorContext(stanza='pipeline', conf=conf): with self.pcontext.confAttr(conf, 'require', {}) as require_dict: for source_name, require_config in require_dict.items(): source = self.pcontext.connections.getSource(source_name) manager.ref_filters.extend( source.getRequireFilters( require_config, self.pcontext)) seen_connections.add(source_name) with self.pcontext.confAttr(conf, 'reject', {}) as reject_dict: for source_name, reject_config in reject_dict.items(): source = self.pcontext.connections.getSource(source_name) manager.ref_filters.extend( source.getRejectFilters(reject_config, self.pcontext)) seen_connections.add(source_name) with self.pcontext.confAttr(conf, 'trigger', {}) as trigger_dict: for connection_name, trigger_config in trigger_dict.items(): if (self.pcontext.tenant.allowed_triggers is not None and (connection_name not in self.pcontext.tenant.allowed_triggers)): raise UnknownConnection(connection_name) trigger = self.pcontext.connections.getTrigger( connection_name, trigger_config) pipeline.triggers.append(trigger) manager.event_filters.extend( trigger.getEventFilters( connection_name, conf['trigger'][connection_name], self.pcontext)) seen_connections.add(connection_name) pipeline.connections = list(seen_connections) # Pipelines don't get frozen return pipeline class SemaphoreParser(object): def __init__(self, pcontext): self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.SemaphoreParser") self.pcontext = pcontext self.schema = self.getSchema() def getSchema(self): semaphore = {vs.Required('name'): str, 'max': int, '_source_context': model.SourceContext, '_start_mark': model.ZuulMark, } return vs.Schema(semaphore) def fromYaml(self, conf): conf = copy_safe_config(conf) self.schema(conf) semaphore = model.Semaphore(conf['name'], conf.get('max', 1)) semaphore.source_context = conf.get('_source_context') semaphore.start_mark = conf.get('_start_mark') semaphore.freeze() return semaphore class QueueParser: def __init__(self, pcontext): self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.QueueParser") self.pcontext = pcontext self.schema = self.getSchema() def getSchema(self): queue = {vs.Required('name'): str, 'per-branch': bool, 'allow-circular-dependencies': bool, 'dependencies-by-topic': bool, '_source_context': model.SourceContext, '_start_mark': model.ZuulMark, } return vs.Schema(queue) def fromYaml(self, conf): conf = copy_safe_config(conf) self.schema(conf) queue = model.Queue( conf['name'], conf.get('per-branch', False), conf.get('allow-circular-dependencies', False), conf.get('dependencies-by-topic', False), ) if (queue.dependencies_by_topic and not queue.allow_circular_dependencies): raise Exception("The 'allow-circular-dependencies' setting must be" "enabled in order to use dependencies-by-topic") queue.source_context = conf.get('_source_context') queue.start_mark = conf.get('_start_mark') queue.freeze() return queue class AuthorizationRuleParser(object): def __init__(self): self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.AuthorizationRuleParser") self.schema = self.getSchema() def getSchema(self): authRule = {vs.Required('name'): str, vs.Required('conditions'): to_list(dict) } return vs.Schema(authRule) def fromYaml(self, conf): conf = copy_safe_config(conf) self.schema(conf) a = model.AuthZRuleTree(conf['name']) def parse_tree(node): if isinstance(node, list): return model.OrRule(parse_tree(x) for x in node) elif isinstance(node, dict): subrules = [] for claim, value in node.items(): if claim == 'zuul_uid': claim = '__zuul_uid_claim' subrules.append(model.ClaimRule(claim, value)) return model.AndRule(subrules) else: raise Exception('Invalid claim declaration %r' % node) a.ruletree = parse_tree(conf['conditions']) return a class GlobalSemaphoreParser(object): def __init__(self): self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.GlobalSemaphoreParser") self.schema = self.getSchema() def getSchema(self): semaphore = {vs.Required('name'): str, 'max': int, } return vs.Schema(semaphore) def fromYaml(self, conf): conf = copy_safe_config(conf) self.schema(conf) semaphore = model.Semaphore(conf['name'], conf.get('max', 1), global_scope=True) semaphore.freeze() return semaphore class ApiRootParser(object): def __init__(self): self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.ApiRootParser") self.schema = self.getSchema() def getSchema(self): api_root = { 'authentication-realm': str, 'access-rules': to_list(str), } return vs.Schema(api_root) def fromYaml(self, conf): conf = copy_safe_config(conf) self.schema(conf) api_root = model.ApiRoot(conf.get('authentication-realm')) api_root.access_rules = conf.get('access-rules', []) api_root.freeze() return api_root class ParseContext(object): """Hold information about a particular run of the parser""" def __init__(self, connections, scheduler, tenant, ansible_manager): self.loading_errors = model.LoadingErrors() self.connections = connections self.scheduler = scheduler self.tenant = tenant self.ansible_manager = ansible_manager self.pragma_parser = PragmaParser(self) self.pipeline_parser = PipelineParser(self) self.nodeset_parser = NodeSetParser(self) self.secret_parser = SecretParser(self) self.job_parser = JobParser(self) self.semaphore_parser = SemaphoreParser(self) self.queue_parser = QueueParser(self) self.project_template_parser = ProjectTemplateParser(self) self.project_parser = ProjectParser(self) acc = LocalAccumulator(self.loading_errors) # Currently we use thread local storage to ensure that we # don't accidentally use the error context stack from one of # our threadpool workers. In the future, we may be able to # refactor so that the workers branch it whenever they start # work. self._thread_local = threading.local() self._thread_local.accumulators = [acc] @property def accumulator(self): return self._thread_local.accumulators[-1] @contextmanager def errorContext(self, source_context=None, stanza=None, conf=None, attr=None): acc = self.accumulator.extend(source_context=source_context, stanza=stanza, conf=conf, attr=attr) self._thread_local.accumulators.append(acc) try: yield finally: if len(self._thread_local.accumulators) > 1: self._thread_local.accumulators.pop() @contextmanager def confAttr(self, conf, attr, default=None): found = None for k in conf.keys(): if k == attr: found = k break if found is not None: with self.errorContext(attr=found): yield conf[found] else: yield default def getImpliedBranches(self, source_context): # If the user has set a pragma directive for this, use the # value (ixf unset, the value is None). if source_context.implied_branch_matchers is True: if source_context.implied_branches is not None: return source_context.implied_branches return [change_matcher.ImpliedBranchMatcher( ZuulRegex(source_context.branch))] elif source_context.implied_branch_matchers is False: return None # If this is a trusted project, don't create implied branch # matchers. if source_context.trusted: return None # If this project only has one branch, don't create implied # branch matchers. This way central job repos can work. branches = self.tenant.getProjectBranches( source_context.project_canonical_name) if len(branches) == 1: return None if source_context.implied_branches is not None: return source_context.implied_branches return [change_matcher.ImpliedBranchMatcher( ZuulRegex(source_context.branch))] class TenantParser(object): def __init__(self, connections, zk_client, scheduler, merger, keystorage, zuul_globals, statsd, unparsed_config_cache): self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.TenantParser") self.connections = connections self.zk_client = zk_client self.scheduler = scheduler self.merger = merger self.keystorage = keystorage self.globals = zuul_globals self.statsd = statsd self.unparsed_config_cache = unparsed_config_cache classes = vs.Any('pipeline', 'job', 'semaphore', 'project', 'project-template', 'nodeset', 'secret', 'queue') project_dict = {str: { 'include': to_list(classes), 'exclude': to_list(classes), 'shadow': to_list(str), 'exclude-unprotected-branches': bool, 'exclude-locked-branches': bool, 'extra-config-paths': no_dup_config_paths, 'load-branch': str, 'include-branches': to_list(str), 'exclude-branches': to_list(str), 'always-dynamic-branches': to_list(str), 'allow-circular-dependencies': bool, 'implied-branch-matchers': bool, }} project = vs.Any(str, project_dict) group = { 'include': to_list(classes), 'exclude': to_list(classes), vs.Required('projects'): to_list(project), } project_or_group = vs.Any(project, group) tenant_source = vs.Schema({ 'config-projects': to_list(project_or_group), 'untrusted-projects': to_list(project_or_group), }) def validateTenantSources(self): def v(value, path=[]): if isinstance(value, dict): for k, val in value.items(): self.connections.getSource(k) self.validateTenantSource(val, path + [k]) else: raise vs.Invalid("Invalid tenant source", path) return v def validateTenantSource(self, value, path=[]): self.tenant_source(value) def getSchema(self): tenant = {vs.Required('name'): str, 'max-dependencies': int, 'max-nodes-per-job': int, 'max-job-timeout': int, 'source': self.validateTenantSources(), 'exclude-unprotected-branches': bool, 'exclude-locked-branches': bool, 'allowed-triggers': to_list(str), 'allowed-reporters': to_list(str), 'allowed-labels': to_list(str), 'disallowed-labels': to_list(str), 'allow-circular-dependencies': bool, 'default-parent': str, 'default-ansible-version': vs.Any(str, float, int), 'access-rules': to_list(str), 'admin-rules': to_list(str), 'semaphores': to_list(str), 'authentication-realm': str, # TODO: Ignored, allowed for backwards compat, remove for v5. 'report-build-page': bool, 'web-root': str, } return vs.Schema(tenant) def fromYaml(self, abide, conf, ansible_manager, executor, min_ltimes=None, layout_uuid=None, branch_cache_min_ltimes=None, ignore_cat_exception=True): # Note: This vs schema validation is not necessary in most cases as we # verify the schema when loading tenant configs into zookeeper. # However, it is theoretically possible in a multi scheduler setup that # one scheduler would load the config into zk with validated schema # then another newer or older scheduler could load it from zk and fail. # We validate again to help users debug this situation should it # happen. self.getSchema()(conf) tenant = model.Tenant(conf['name']) pcontext = ParseContext(self.connections, self.scheduler, tenant, ansible_manager) if conf.get('max-dependencies') is not None: tenant.max_dependencies = conf['max-dependencies'] if conf.get('max-nodes-per-job') is not None: tenant.max_nodes_per_job = conf['max-nodes-per-job'] if conf.get('max-job-timeout') is not None: tenant.max_job_timeout = int(conf['max-job-timeout']) if conf.get('exclude-unprotected-branches') is not None: tenant.exclude_unprotected_branches = \ conf['exclude-unprotected-branches'] if conf.get('exclude-locked-branches') is not None: tenant.exclude_locked_branches = \ conf['exclude-locked-branches'] if conf.get('admin-rules') is not None: tenant.admin_rules = as_list(conf['admin-rules']) if conf.get('access-rules') is not None: tenant.access_rules = as_list(conf['access-rules']) if conf.get('authentication-realm') is not None: tenant.default_auth_realm = conf['authentication-realm'] if conf.get('semaphores') is not None: tenant.global_semaphores = set(as_list(conf['semaphores'])) for semaphore_name in tenant.global_semaphores: if semaphore_name not in abide.semaphores: raise GlobalSemaphoreNotFoundError(semaphore_name) tenant.web_root = conf.get('web-root', self.globals.web_root) if tenant.web_root and not tenant.web_root.endswith('/'): tenant.web_root += '/' tenant.allowed_triggers = conf.get('allowed-triggers') tenant.allowed_reporters = conf.get('allowed-reporters') tenant.allowed_labels = conf.get('allowed-labels') tenant.disallowed_labels = conf.get('disallowed-labels') tenant.default_base_job = conf.get('default-parent', 'base') tenant.unparsed_config = conf # tpcs is TenantProjectConfigs tpc_registry = abide.getTPCRegistry(tenant.name) config_tpcs = tpc_registry.getConfigTPCs() for tpc in config_tpcs: tenant.addConfigProject(tpc) untrusted_tpcs = tpc_registry.getUntrustedTPCs() for tpc in untrusted_tpcs: tenant.addUntrustedProject(tpc) # Get branches in parallel branch_futures = {} for tpc in config_tpcs + untrusted_tpcs: future = executor.submit(self._getProjectBranches, tenant, tpc, branch_cache_min_ltimes) branch_futures[future] = tpc for branch_future in as_completed(branch_futures.keys()): tpc = branch_futures[branch_future] trusted, _ = tenant.getProject(tpc.project.canonical_name) source_context = model.SourceContext( tpc.project.canonical_name, tpc.project.name, tpc.project.connection_name, None, None, trusted) with pcontext.errorContext(source_context=source_context): with pcontext.accumulator.catchErrors(): self._getProjectBranches(tenant, tpc, branch_cache_min_ltimes) self._resolveShadowProjects(tenant, tpc) # Set default ansible version default_ansible_version = conf.get('default-ansible-version') if default_ansible_version is not None: # The ansible version can be interpreted as float or int # by yaml so make sure it's a string. default_ansible_version = str(default_ansible_version) ansible_manager.requestVersion(default_ansible_version) else: default_ansible_version = ansible_manager.default_version tenant.default_ansible_version = default_ansible_version # Start by fetching any YAML needed by this tenant which isn't # already cached. Full reconfigurations start with an empty # cache. self._cacheTenantYAML(abide, tenant, pcontext, min_ltimes, executor, ignore_cat_exception) # Then collect the appropriate YAML based on this tenant # config. config_projects_config, untrusted_projects_config = \ self._loadTenantYAML(abide, tenant, pcontext) # Then convert the YAML to configuration objects which we # cache on the tenant. tenant.config_projects_config = self.parseConfig( tenant, config_projects_config, pcontext) tenant.untrusted_projects_config = self.parseConfig( tenant, untrusted_projects_config, pcontext) # Combine the trusted and untrusted config objects parsed_config = model.ParsedConfig() parsed_config.extend(tenant.config_projects_config) parsed_config.extend(tenant.untrusted_projects_config) # Cache all of the objects on the individual project-branches # for later use during dynamic reconfigurations. self.cacheConfig(tenant, parsed_config) tenant.layout = self._parseLayout( tenant, parsed_config, pcontext, layout_uuid) tenant.semaphore_handler = SemaphoreHandler( self.zk_client, self.statsd, tenant.name, tenant.layout, abide, read_only=(not bool(self.scheduler)) ) if self.scheduler: # Only call the postConfig hook if we have a scheduler as this will # change data in ZooKeeper. In case we are in a zuul-web context, # we don't want to do that. for pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.values(): pipeline.manager._postConfig() return tenant def _resolveShadowProjects(self, tenant, tpc): shadow_projects = [] for sp in tpc.shadow_projects: _, project = tenant.getProject(sp) if project is None: raise ProjectNotFoundError(sp) shadow_projects.append(project.canonical_name) tpc.shadow_projects = frozenset(shadow_projects) def _getProjectBranches(self, tenant, tpc, branch_cache_min_ltimes=None): if branch_cache_min_ltimes is not None: # Use try/except here instead of .get in order to allow # defaultdict to supply a default other than our default # of -1. try: min_ltime = branch_cache_min_ltimes[ tpc.project.source.connection.connection_name] except KeyError: min_ltime = -1 else: min_ltime = -1 branches = sorted(tpc.project.source.getProjectBranches( tpc.project, tenant, min_ltime)) default_branch = tpc.project.source.getProjectDefaultBranch( tpc.project, tenant, min_ltime) if default_branch in branches: branches.remove(default_branch) branches = [default_branch] + branches static_branches = [] always_dynamic_branches = [] for b in branches: if tpc.includesBranch(b): static_branches.append(b) elif tpc.isAlwaysDynamicBranch(b): always_dynamic_branches.append(b) tpc.branches = static_branches tpc.dynamic_branches = always_dynamic_branches tpc.merge_modes = tpc.project.source.getProjectMergeModes( tpc.project, tenant, min_ltime) def _loadProjectKeys(self, connection_name, project): project.private_secrets_key, project.public_secrets_key = ( self.keystorage.getProjectSecretsKeys( connection_name, project.name ) ) project.private_ssh_key, project.public_ssh_key = ( self.keystorage.getProjectSSHKeys(connection_name, project.name) ) @staticmethod def _getProject(source, conf, current_include): extra_config_files = () extra_config_dirs = () if isinstance(conf, str): # Return a project object whether conf is a dict or a str project = source.getProject(conf) project_include = current_include shadow_projects = [] project_exclude_unprotected_branches = None project_exclude_locked_branches = None project_include_branches = None project_exclude_branches = None project_always_dynamic_branches = None project_load_branch = None project_implied_branch_matchers = None else: project_name = list(conf.keys())[0] project = source.getProject(project_name) shadow_projects = as_list(conf[project_name].get('shadow', [])) # We check for None since the user may set include to an empty list if conf[project_name].get("include") is None: project_include = current_include else: project_include = frozenset( as_list(conf[project_name]['include'])) project_exclude = frozenset( as_list(conf[project_name].get('exclude', []))) if project_exclude: project_include = frozenset(project_include - project_exclude) project_exclude_unprotected_branches = conf[project_name].get( 'exclude-unprotected-branches', None) project_exclude_locked_branches = conf[project_name].get( 'exclude-locked-branches', None) project_include_branches = conf[project_name].get( 'include-branches', None) if project_include_branches is not None: project_include_branches = [ re.compile(b) for b in as_list(project_include_branches) ] exclude_branches = conf[project_name].get( 'exclude-branches', None) if exclude_branches is not None: project_exclude_branches = [ re.compile(b) for b in as_list(exclude_branches) ] else: project_exclude_branches = None always_dynamic_branches = conf[project_name].get( 'always-dynamic-branches', None) if always_dynamic_branches is not None: if project_exclude_branches is None: project_exclude_branches = [] exclude_branches = [] project_always_dynamic_branches = [] for b in always_dynamic_branches: rb = re.compile(b) if b not in exclude_branches: project_exclude_branches.append(rb) project_always_dynamic_branches.append(rb) else: project_always_dynamic_branches = None if conf[project_name].get('extra-config-paths') is not None: extra_config_paths = as_list( conf[project_name]['extra-config-paths']) extra_config_files = tuple([x for x in extra_config_paths if not x.endswith('/')]) extra_config_dirs = tuple([x[:-1] for x in extra_config_paths if x.endswith('/')]) project_load_branch = conf[project_name].get( 'load-branch', None) project_implied_branch_matchers = conf[project_name].get( 'implied-branch-matchers', None) tenant_project_config = model.TenantProjectConfig(project) tenant_project_config.load_classes = frozenset(project_include) tenant_project_config.shadow_projects = shadow_projects tenant_project_config.exclude_unprotected_branches = \ project_exclude_unprotected_branches tenant_project_config.exclude_locked_branches = \ project_exclude_locked_branches tenant_project_config.include_branches = project_include_branches tenant_project_config.exclude_branches = project_exclude_branches tenant_project_config.always_dynamic_branches = \ project_always_dynamic_branches tenant_project_config.extra_config_files = extra_config_files tenant_project_config.extra_config_dirs = extra_config_dirs tenant_project_config.load_branch = project_load_branch tenant_project_config.implied_branch_matchers = \ project_implied_branch_matchers return tenant_project_config def _getProjects(self, source, conf, current_include): # Return a project object whether conf is a dict or a str projects = [] if isinstance(conf, str): # A simple project name string projects.append(self._getProject(source, conf, current_include)) elif len(conf.keys()) > 1 and 'projects' in conf: # This is a project group if 'include' in conf: current_include = set(as_list(conf['include'])) else: current_include = current_include.copy() if 'exclude' in conf: exclude = set(as_list(conf['exclude'])) current_include = current_include - exclude for project in conf['projects']: sub_projects = self._getProjects( source, project, current_include) projects.extend(sub_projects) elif len(conf.keys()) == 1: # A project with overrides projects.append(self._getProject( source, conf, current_include)) else: raise Exception("Unable to parse project %s", conf) return projects def loadTenantProjects(self, conf_tenant, executor): config_projects = [] untrusted_projects = [] default_include = frozenset(['pipeline', 'job', 'semaphore', 'project', 'secret', 'project-template', 'nodeset', 'queue']) futures = [] for source_name, conf_source in conf_tenant.get('source', {}).items(): source = self.connections.getSource(source_name) current_include = default_include for conf_repo in conf_source.get('config-projects', []): # tpcs = TenantProjectConfigs tpcs = self._getProjects(source, conf_repo, current_include) for tpc in tpcs: futures.append(executor.submit( self._loadProjectKeys, source_name, tpc.project)) config_projects.append(tpc) current_include = frozenset(default_include - set(['pipeline'])) for conf_repo in conf_source.get('untrusted-projects', []): tpcs = self._getProjects(source, conf_repo, current_include) for tpc in tpcs: futures.append(executor.submit( self._loadProjectKeys, source_name, tpc.project)) untrusted_projects.append(tpc) for f in futures: f.result() return config_projects, untrusted_projects def _cacheTenantYAML(self, abide, tenant, parse_context, min_ltimes, executor, ignore_cat_exception=True): # min_ltimes can be the following: None (that means that we # should not use the file cache at all) or a nested dict of # project and branch to ltime. A value of None usually means # we are being called from the command line config validator. # However, if the model api is old, we may be operating in # compatibility mode and are loading a layout without a stored # min_ltimes. In that case, we treat it as if min_ltimes is a # defaultdict of -1. # If min_ltimes is not None, then it is mutated and returned # with the actual ltimes of each entry in the unparsed branch # cache. if min_ltimes is None and COMPONENT_REGISTRY.model_api < 6: min_ltimes = collections.defaultdict( lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: -1)) # If the ltime is -1, then we should consider the file cache # valid. If we have an unparsed branch cache entry for the # project-branch, we should use it, otherwise we should update # our unparsed branch cache from whatever is in the file # cache. # If the ltime is otherwise, then if our unparsed branch cache # is valid for that ltime, we should use the contents. # Otherwise if the files cache is valid for the ltime, we # should update our unparsed branch cache from the files cache # and use that. Otherwise, we should run a cat job to update # the files cache, then update our unparsed branch cache from # that. # The circumstances under which this method is called are: # Prime: # min_ltimes is None: backwards compat from old model api # which we treat as a universal ltime of -1. # We'll either get an actual min_ltimes dict from the last # reconfig, or -1 if this is a new tenant. # In all cases, our unparsed branch cache will be empty, so # we will always either load data from zk or issue a cat job # as appropriate. # Background layout update: # min_ltimes is None: backwards compat from old model api # which we treat as a universal ltime of -1. # Otherwise, min_ltimes will always be the actual min_ltimes # from the last reconfig. No cat jobs should be needed; we # either have an unparsed branch cache valid for the ltime, # or we update it from ZK which should be valid. # Smart or full reconfigure: # min_ltime is -1: a smart reconfig: consider the caches valid # min_ltime is the event time: a full reconfig; we update # both of the ccahes as necessary. # Tenant reconfigure: # min_ltime is -1: this project-branch is unchanged by the # tenant reconfig event, so consider the caches valid. # min_ltime is the event time: this project-branch was updated # so check the caches. jobs = [] futures = [] for project in itertools.chain( tenant.config_projects, tenant.untrusted_projects): tpc = tenant.project_configs[project.canonical_name] # For each branch in the repo, get the zuul.yaml for that # branch. Remember the branch and then implicitly add a # branch selector to each job there. This makes the # in-repo configuration apply only to that branch. branches = tenant.getProjectBranches(project.canonical_name) for branch in branches: if not tpc.load_classes: # If all config classes are excluded then do not # request any getFiles jobs. continue futures.append(executor.submit(self._cacheTenantYAMLBranch, abide, tenant, parse_context.accumulator, min_ltimes, tpc, project, branch, jobs)) for future in futures: future.result() for i, job in enumerate(jobs, start=1): try: try: self._processCatJob(abide, tenant, parse_context, job, min_ltimes) except TimeoutError: self.merger.cancel(job) raise except Exception: self.log.exception("Error processing cat job") if not ignore_cat_exception: # Cancel remaining jobs for cancel_job in jobs[i:]: self.log.debug("Canceling cat job %s", cancel_job) try: self.merger.cancel(cancel_job) except Exception: self.log.exception( "Unable to cancel job %s", cancel_job) raise def _cacheTenantYAMLBranch(self, abide, tenant, error_accumulator, min_ltimes, tpc, project, branch, jobs): # This is the middle section of _cacheTenantYAML, called for # each project-branch. It's a separate method so we can # execute it in parallel. The "jobs" argument is mutated and # accumulates a list of all merger jobs submitted. source_context = model.SourceContext( project.canonical_name, project.name, project.connection_name, branch, '', False, tpc.implied_branch_matchers) # We keep a local accumulator here because we're in a # threadpool so we can't use the parse context stack. error_accumulator = error_accumulator.extend(source_context) if min_ltimes is not None: files_cache = self.unparsed_config_cache.getFilesCache( project.canonical_name, branch) branch_cache = abide.getUnparsedBranchCache( project.canonical_name, branch) try: pb_ltime = min_ltimes[project.canonical_name][branch] # If our unparsed branch cache is valid for the # time, then we don't need to do anything else. bc_ltime = branch_cache.getValidFor(tpc, ZUUL_CONF_ROOT, pb_ltime) if bc_ltime is not None: min_ltimes[project.canonical_name][branch] = bc_ltime return except KeyError: self.log.exception( "Min. ltime missing for project/branch") pb_ltime = -1 with self.unparsed_config_cache.readLock( project.canonical_name): if files_cache.isValidFor(tpc, pb_ltime): self.log.debug( "Using files from cache for project " "%s @%s: %s", project.canonical_name, branch, list(files_cache.keys())) self._updateUnparsedBranchCache( abide, tenant, source_context, files_cache, error_accumulator, files_cache.ltime, min_ltimes) return extra_config_files = abide.getExtraConfigFiles(project.name) extra_config_dirs = abide.getExtraConfigDirs(project.name) if not self.merger: err = Exception( "Configuration files missing from cache. " "Check Zuul scheduler logs for more information.") error_accumulator.addError(err) return ltime = self.zk_client.getCurrentLtime() job = self.merger.getFiles( project.source.connection.connection_name, project.name, branch, files=(['zuul.yaml', '.zuul.yaml'] + list(extra_config_files)), dirs=['zuul.d', '.zuul.d'] + list(extra_config_dirs)) self.log.debug("Submitting cat job %s for %s %s %s" % ( job, project.source.connection.connection_name, project.name, branch)) job.extra_config_files = extra_config_files job.extra_config_dirs = extra_config_dirs job.ltime = ltime job.source_context = source_context jobs.append(job) def _processCatJob(self, abide, tenant, parse_context, job, min_ltimes): # Called at the end of _cacheTenantYAML after all cat jobs # have been submitted self.log.debug("Waiting for cat job %s" % (job,)) res = job.wait(self.merger.git_timeout) if not res: # We timed out raise TimeoutError(f"Cat job {job} timed out; consider setting " "merger.git_timeout in zuul.conf") if not job.updated: raise Exception("Cat job %s failed" % (job,)) self.log.debug("Cat job %s got files %s" % (job, job.files.keys())) with parse_context.errorContext(source_context=job.source_context): self._updateUnparsedBranchCache( abide, tenant, job.source_context, job.files, parse_context.accumulator, job.ltime, min_ltimes) # Save all config files in Zookeeper (not just for the current tpc) files_cache = self.unparsed_config_cache.getFilesCache( job.source_context.project_canonical_name, job.source_context.branch) with self.unparsed_config_cache.writeLock( job.source_context.project_canonical_name): # Prevent files cache ltime from going backward if files_cache.ltime >= job.ltime: self.log.info( "Discarding job %s result since the files cache was " "updated in the meantime", job) return # Since the cat job returns all required config files # for ALL tenants the project is a part of, we can # clear the whole cache and then populate it with the # updated content. files_cache.clear() for fn, content in job.files.items(): # Cache file in Zookeeper if content is not None: files_cache[fn] = content files_cache.setValidFor(job.extra_config_files, job.extra_config_dirs, job.ltime) def _updateUnparsedBranchCache(self, abide, tenant, source_context, files, error_accumulator, ltime, min_ltimes): loaded = False tpc = tenant.project_configs[source_context.project_canonical_name] branch_cache = abide.getUnparsedBranchCache( source_context.project_canonical_name, source_context.branch) valid_dirs = ("zuul.d", ".zuul.d") + tpc.extra_config_dirs for conf_root in (ZUUL_CONF_ROOT + tpc.extra_config_files + tpc.extra_config_dirs): for fn in sorted(files.keys()): if not (fn == conf_root or (conf_root in valid_dirs and fn.startswith(f"{conf_root}/"))): continue if not (file_data := files.get(fn)): continue # Warn if there is more than one configuration in a # project-branch (unless an "extra" file/dir). We # continue to add the data to the cache for use by # other tenants, but we will filter it out when we # retrieve it later. fn_root = fn.split('/')[0] if (fn_root in ZUUL_CONF_ROOT): if (loaded and loaded != conf_root): err = MultipleProjectConfigurations(source_context) error_accumulator.addError(err) loaded = conf_root # Create a new source_context so we have unique filenames. source_context = source_context.copy() source_context.path = fn self.log.info( "Loading configuration from %s" % (source_context,)) # Make a new error accumulator; we may be in a threadpool # so we can't use the stack. local_accumulator = error_accumulator.extend( source_context=source_context) incdata = self.loadProjectYAML( file_data, source_context, local_accumulator) branch_cache.put(source_context.path, incdata, ltime) branch_cache.setValidFor(tpc, ZUUL_CONF_ROOT, ltime) if min_ltimes is not None: min_ltimes[source_context.project_canonical_name][ source_context.branch] = ltime def _loadTenantYAML(self, abide, tenant, parse_context): config_projects_config = model.UnparsedConfig() untrusted_projects_config = model.UnparsedConfig() for project in tenant.config_projects: tpc = tenant.project_configs.get(project.canonical_name) branch = tpc.load_branch if tpc.load_branch else 'master' branch_cache = abide.getUnparsedBranchCache( project.canonical_name, branch) tpc = tenant.project_configs[project.canonical_name] unparsed_branch_config = branch_cache.get(tpc, ZUUL_CONF_ROOT) if unparsed_branch_config: unparsed_branch_config = self.filterConfigProjectYAML( unparsed_branch_config) config_projects_config.extend(unparsed_branch_config) for project in tenant.untrusted_projects: branches = tenant.getProjectBranches(project.canonical_name) for branch in branches: branch_cache = abide.getUnparsedBranchCache( project.canonical_name, branch) tpc = tenant.project_configs[project.canonical_name] unparsed_branch_config = branch_cache.get(tpc, ZUUL_CONF_ROOT) if unparsed_branch_config: unparsed_branch_config = self.filterUntrustedProjectYAML( unparsed_branch_config, parse_context) untrusted_projects_config.extend(unparsed_branch_config) return config_projects_config, untrusted_projects_config def loadProjectYAML(self, data, source_context, error_accumulator): config = model.UnparsedConfig() with error_accumulator.catchErrors(): r = safe_load_yaml(data, source_context) config.extend(r) return config def filterConfigProjectYAML(self, data): # Any config object may appear in a config project. return data.copy(trusted=True) def filterUntrustedProjectYAML(self, data, parse_context): if data and data.pipelines: with parse_context.errorContext(stanza='pipeline', conf=data.pipelines[0]): parse_context.accumulator.addError(PipelineNotPermittedError()) return data.copy(trusted=False) def _getLoadClasses(self, tenant, conf_object): project = conf_object.get('_source_context').project_canonical_name tpc = tenant.project_configs[project] return tpc.load_classes def parseConfig(self, tenant, unparsed_config, pcontext): parsed_config = model.ParsedConfig() # Handle pragma items first since they modify the source context # used by other classes. for config_pragma in unparsed_config.pragmas: with pcontext.errorContext(stanza='pragma', conf=config_pragma): with pcontext.accumulator.catchErrors(): pcontext.pragma_parser.fromYaml(config_pragma) for config_pipeline in unparsed_config.pipelines: classes = self._getLoadClasses(tenant, config_pipeline) if 'pipeline' not in classes: continue with pcontext.errorContext(stanza='pipeline', conf=config_pipeline): with pcontext.accumulator.catchErrors(): parsed_config.pipelines.append( pcontext.pipeline_parser.fromYaml(config_pipeline)) for config_nodeset in unparsed_config.nodesets: classes = self._getLoadClasses(tenant, config_nodeset) if 'nodeset' not in classes: continue with pcontext.errorContext(stanza='nodeset', conf=config_nodeset): with pcontext.accumulator.catchErrors(): parsed_config.nodesets.append( pcontext.nodeset_parser.fromYaml(config_nodeset)) for config_secret in unparsed_config.secrets: classes = self._getLoadClasses(tenant, config_secret) if 'secret' not in classes: continue with pcontext.errorContext(stanza='secret', conf=config_secret): with pcontext.accumulator.catchErrors(): parsed_config.secrets.append( pcontext.secret_parser.fromYaml(config_secret)) for config_job in unparsed_config.jobs: classes = self._getLoadClasses(tenant, config_job) if 'job' not in classes: continue with pcontext.errorContext(stanza='job', conf=config_job): with pcontext.accumulator.catchErrors(): parsed_config.jobs.append( pcontext.job_parser.fromYaml(config_job)) for config_semaphore in unparsed_config.semaphores: classes = self._getLoadClasses(tenant, config_semaphore) if 'semaphore' not in classes: continue with pcontext.errorContext(stanza='semaphore', conf=config_semaphore): with pcontext.accumulator.catchErrors(): parsed_config.semaphores.append( pcontext.semaphore_parser.fromYaml(config_semaphore)) for config_queue in unparsed_config.queues: classes = self._getLoadClasses(tenant, config_queue) if 'queue' not in classes: continue with pcontext.errorContext(stanza='queue', conf=config_queue): with pcontext.accumulator.catchErrors(): parsed_config.queues.append( pcontext.queue_parser.fromYaml(config_queue)) for config_template in unparsed_config.project_templates: classes = self._getLoadClasses(tenant, config_template) if 'project-template' not in classes: continue with pcontext.errorContext(stanza='project-template', conf=config_template): with pcontext.accumulator.catchErrors(): parsed_config.project_templates.append( pcontext.project_template_parser.fromYaml( config_template)) for config_project in unparsed_config.projects: classes = self._getLoadClasses(tenant, config_project) if 'project' not in classes: continue with pcontext.errorContext(stanza='project', conf=config_project): with pcontext.accumulator.catchErrors(): # we need to separate the regex projects as they are # processed differently later name = config_project.get('name') parsed_project = pcontext.project_parser.fromYaml( config_project) if name and name.startswith('^'): parsed_config.projects_by_regex.setdefault( name, []).append(parsed_project) else: parsed_config.projects.append(parsed_project) return parsed_config def cacheConfig(self, tenant, parsed_config): def _cache(attr, obj): tpc = tenant.project_configs[ obj.source_context.project_canonical_name] branch_cache = tpc.parsed_branch_config.get( obj.source_context.branch) if branch_cache is None: branch_cache = tpc.parsed_branch_config.setdefault( obj.source_context.branch, model.ParsedConfig()) lst = getattr(branch_cache, attr) lst.append(obj) # We don't cache pragma objects as they are acted on when # parsed. for pipeline in parsed_config.pipelines: _cache('pipelines', pipeline) for nodeset in parsed_config.nodesets: _cache('nodesets', nodeset) for secret in parsed_config.secrets: _cache('secrets', secret) for job in parsed_config.jobs: _cache('jobs', job) for queue in parsed_config.queues: _cache('queues', queue) for semaphore in parsed_config.semaphores: _cache('semaphores', semaphore) for template in parsed_config.project_templates: _cache('project_templates', template) for project_config in parsed_config.projects: _cache('projects', project_config) def _addLayoutItems(self, layout, tenant, parsed_config, parse_context, skip_pipelines=False, skip_semaphores=False): # TODO(jeblair): make sure everything needing # reference_exceptions has it; add tests if needed. if not skip_pipelines: for pipeline in parsed_config.pipelines: with parse_context.errorContext(stanza='pipeline', conf=pipeline): with parse_context.accumulator.catchErrors(): layout.addPipeline(pipeline) for nodeset in parsed_config.nodesets: with parse_context.errorContext(stanza='nodeset', conf=nodeset): with parse_context.accumulator.catchErrors(): layout.addNodeSet(nodeset) for secret in parsed_config.secrets: with parse_context.errorContext(stanza='secret', conf=secret): with parse_context.accumulator.catchErrors(): layout.addSecret(secret) for job in parsed_config.jobs: with parse_context.errorContext(stanza='job', conf=job): with parse_context.accumulator.catchErrors(): added = layout.addJob(job) if not added: self.log.debug( "Skipped adding job %s which shadows " "an existing job", job) # Now that all the jobs are loaded, verify references to other # config objects. for nodeset in layout.nodesets.values(): with parse_context.errorContext(stanza='nodeset', conf=nodeset): with parse_context.accumulator.catchErrors(): nodeset.validateReferences(layout) for jobs in layout.jobs.values(): for job in jobs: with parse_context.errorContext(stanza='job', conf=job): with parse_context.accumulator.catchErrors(): job.validateReferences(layout) for pipeline in layout.pipelines.values(): with parse_context.errorContext(stanza='pipeline', conf=pipeline): with parse_context.accumulator.catchErrors(): pipeline.validateReferences(layout) if skip_semaphores: # We should not actually update the layout with new # semaphores, but so that we can validate that the config # is correct, create a shadow layout here to which we add # new semaphores so validation is complete. semaphore_layout = model.Layout(tenant) else: semaphore_layout = layout for semaphore in parsed_config.semaphores: with parse_context.errorContext(stanza='semaphore', conf=semaphore): with parse_context.accumulator.catchErrors(): semaphore_layout.addSemaphore(semaphore) for queue in parsed_config.queues: with parse_context.errorContext(stanza='queue', conf=queue): with parse_context.accumulator.catchErrors(): layout.addQueue(queue) for template in parsed_config.project_templates: with parse_context.errorContext(stanza='project-template', conf=template): with parse_context.accumulator.catchErrors(): layout.addProjectTemplate(template) # The project stanzas containing a regex are separated from the normal # project stanzas and organized by regex. We need to loop over each # regex and copy each stanza below the regex for each matching project. for regex, config_projects in parsed_config.projects_by_regex.items(): projects_matching_regex = tenant.getProjectsByRegex(regex) for trusted, project in projects_matching_regex: for config_project in config_projects: # we just override the project name here so a simple copy # should be enough conf = config_project.copy() name = project.canonical_name conf.name = name conf.freeze() parsed_config.projects.append(conf) for project in parsed_config.projects: layout.addProjectConfig(project) # Now that all the project pipelines are loaded, fixup and # verify references to other config objects. self._validateProjectPipelineConfigs(tenant, layout, parse_context) def _validateProjectPipelineConfigs(self, tenant, layout, parse_context): # Validate references to other config objects def inner_validate_ppcs(ppc): for jobs in ppc.job_list.jobs.values(): for job in jobs: # validate that the job exists on its own (an # additional requirement for project-pipeline # jobs) layout.getJob(job.name) job.validateReferences(layout) for project_name in layout.project_configs: for project_config in layout.project_configs[project_name]: with parse_context.errorContext(stanza='project', conf=project_config): with parse_context.accumulator.catchErrors(): for template_name in project_config.templates: if template_name not in layout.project_templates: raise TemplateNotFoundError(template_name) project_templates = layout.getProjectTemplates( template_name) for p_tmpl in project_templates: with parse_context.errorContext( stanza='project-template', conf=p_tmpl): acc = parse_context.accumulator with acc.catchErrors(): for ppc in p_tmpl.pipelines.values(): inner_validate_ppcs(ppc) for ppc in project_config.pipelines.values(): inner_validate_ppcs(ppc) # Set a merge mode if we don't have one for this project. # This can happen if there are only regex project stanzas # but no specific project stanzas. (trusted, project) = tenant.getProject(project_name) project_metadata = layout.getProjectMetadata(project_name) tpc = tenant.project_configs[project.canonical_name] if project_metadata.merge_mode is None: mode = project.source.getProjectDefaultMergeMode( project, valid_modes=tpc.merge_modes) project_metadata.merge_mode = model.MERGER_MAP[mode] if project_metadata.default_branch is None: default_branch = project.source.getProjectDefaultBranch( project, tenant) project_metadata.default_branch = default_branch if tpc.merge_modes is not None: source_context = model.SourceContext( project.canonical_name, project.name, project.connection_name, None, None, trusted) with parse_context.errorContext( source_context=source_context): if project_metadata.merge_mode not in tpc.merge_modes: mode = model.get_merge_mode_name( project_metadata.merge_mode) allowed_modes = list(map(model.get_merge_mode_name, tpc.merge_modes)) err = Exception(f'Merge mode {mode} not supported ' f'by project {project_name}. ' f'Supported modes: {allowed_modes}.') parse_context.accumulator.addError(err) def _parseLayout(self, tenant, data, parse_context, layout_uuid=None): # Don't call this method from dynamic reconfiguration because # it interacts with drivers and connections. layout = model.Layout(tenant, layout_uuid) layout.loading_errors = parse_context.loading_errors self.log.debug("Created layout id %s", layout.uuid) self._addLayoutItems(layout, tenant, data, parse_context) return layout class ConfigLoader(object): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.ConfigLoader") def __init__(self, connections, zk_client, zuul_globals, unparsed_config_cache, statsd=None, scheduler=None, merger=None, keystorage=None): self.connections = connections self.zk_client = zk_client self.globals = zuul_globals self.scheduler = scheduler self.merger = merger self.keystorage = keystorage self.tenant_parser = TenantParser( connections, zk_client, scheduler, merger, keystorage, zuul_globals, statsd, unparsed_config_cache) self.authz_rule_parser = AuthorizationRuleParser() self.global_semaphore_parser = GlobalSemaphoreParser() self.api_root_parser = ApiRootParser() def expandConfigPath(self, config_path): if config_path: config_path = os.path.expanduser(config_path) if not os.path.exists(config_path): raise Exception("Unable to read tenant config file at %s" % config_path) return config_path def readConfig(self, config_path, from_script=False, tenants_to_validate=None): config_path = self.expandConfigPath(config_path) if not from_script: with open(config_path) as config_file: self.log.info("Loading configuration from %s" % (config_path,)) data = yaml.safe_load(config_file) else: if not os.access(config_path, os.X_OK): self.log.error( "Unable to read tenant configuration from a non " "executable script (%s)" % config_path) data = [] else: self.log.info( "Loading configuration from script %s" % config_path) ret = subprocess.run( [config_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) try: ret.check_returncode() data = yaml.safe_load(ret.stdout) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: self.log.error( "Tenant config script exec failed: %s (%s)" % ( str(error), str(ret.stderr))) data = [] unparsed_abide = model.UnparsedAbideConfig() unparsed_abide.extend(data) available_tenants = list(unparsed_abide.tenants) tenants_to_validate = tenants_to_validate or available_tenants if not set(tenants_to_validate).issubset(available_tenants): invalid = tenants_to_validate.difference(available_tenants) raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid tenant(s) found: {invalid}") for tenant_name in tenants_to_validate: # Validate the voluptuous schema early when reading the config # as multiple subsequent steps need consistent yaml input. self.tenant_parser.getSchema()(unparsed_abide.tenants[tenant_name]) return unparsed_abide def loadAuthzRules(self, abide, unparsed_abide): abide.authz_rules.clear() for conf_authz_rule in unparsed_abide.authz_rules: authz_rule = self.authz_rule_parser.fromYaml(conf_authz_rule) abide.authz_rules[authz_rule.name] = authz_rule def loadSemaphores(self, abide, unparsed_abide): abide.semaphores.clear() for conf_semaphore in unparsed_abide.semaphores: semaphore = self.global_semaphore_parser.fromYaml(conf_semaphore) abide.semaphores[semaphore.name] = semaphore def loadTPCs(self, abide, unparsed_abide, tenants=None): # Load the global api root too if unparsed_abide.api_roots: api_root_conf = unparsed_abide.api_roots[0] else: api_root_conf = {} abide.api_root = self.api_root_parser.fromYaml(api_root_conf) if tenants: tenants_to_load = {t: unparsed_abide.tenants[t] for t in tenants if t in unparsed_abide.tenants} else: tenants_to_load = unparsed_abide.tenants # Pre-load TenantProjectConfigs so we can get and cache all of a # project's config files (incl. tenant specific extra config) at once. with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor: for tenant_name, unparsed_config in tenants_to_load.items(): tpc_registry = model.TenantTPCRegistry() config_tpcs, untrusted_tpcs = ( self.tenant_parser.loadTenantProjects(unparsed_config, executor) ) for tpc in config_tpcs: tpc_registry.addConfigTPC(tpc) for tpc in untrusted_tpcs: tpc_registry.addUntrustedTPC(tpc) # This atomic replacement of TPCs means that we don't need to # lock the abide. abide.setTPCRegistry(tenant_name, tpc_registry) def loadTenant(self, abide, tenant_name, ansible_manager, unparsed_abide, min_ltimes=None, layout_uuid=None, branch_cache_min_ltimes=None, ignore_cat_exception=True): """(Re-)load a single tenant. Description of cache stages: We have a local unparsed branch cache on each scheduler and the global config cache in Zookeeper. Depending on the event that triggers (re-)loading of a tenant we must make sure that those caches are considered valid or invalid correctly. If provided, the ``min_ltimes`` argument is expected to be a nested dictionary with the project-branches. The value defines the minimum logical time that is required for a cached config to be considered valid:: { "example.com/org/project": { "master": 12234, "stable": -1, }, "example.com/common-config": { "master": -1, }, ... } There are four scenarios to consider when loading a tenant. 1. Processing a tenant reconfig event: - The min. ltime for the changed project(-branches) will be set to the event's ``zuul_event_ltime`` (to establish a happened-before relation in respect to the config change). The min. ltime for all other project-branches will be -1. - Config for needed project-branch(es) is updated via cat job if the cache is not valid (cache ltime < min. ltime). - Cache in Zookeeper and local unparsed branch cache is updated. The ltime of the cache will be the timestamp created shortly before requesting the config via the mergers (only for outdated items). 2. Processing a FULL reconfiguration event: - The min. ltime for all project-branches is given as the ``zuul_event_ltime`` of the reconfiguration event. - Config for needed project-branch(es) is updated via cat job if the cache is not valid (cache ltime < min. ltime). Otherwise the local unparsed branch cache or the global config cache in Zookeeper is used. - Cache in Zookeeper and local unparsed branch cache is updated, with the ltime shortly before requesting the config via the mergers (only for outdated items). 3. Processing a SMART reconfiguration event: - The min. ltime for all project-branches is given as -1 in order to use cached data wherever possible. - Config for new project-branch(es) is updated via cat job if the project is not yet cached. Otherwise the local unparsed branch cache or the global config cache in Zookeper is used. - Cache in Zookeeper and local unparsed branch cache is updated, with the ltime shortly before requesting the config via the mergers (only for new items). 4. (Re-)loading a tenant due to a changed layout (happens after an event according to one of the other scenarios was processed on another scheduler): - The min. ltime for all project-branches is given as -1 in order to only use cached config. - Local unparsed branch cache is updated if needed. """ if tenant_name not in unparsed_abide.tenants: # Copy tenants dictionary to not break concurrent iterations. with abide.tenant_lock: tenants = abide.tenants.copy() del tenants[tenant_name] abide.tenants = tenants return None unparsed_config = unparsed_abide.tenants[tenant_name] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor: new_tenant = self.tenant_parser.fromYaml( abide, unparsed_config, ansible_manager, executor, min_ltimes, layout_uuid, branch_cache_min_ltimes, ignore_cat_exception) # Copy tenants dictionary to not break concurrent iterations. with abide.tenant_lock: tenants = abide.tenants.copy() tenants[tenant_name] = new_tenant abide.tenants = tenants if len(new_tenant.layout.loading_errors): self.log.warning( "%s errors detected during %s tenant configuration loading", len(new_tenant.layout.loading_errors), tenant_name) # Log accumulated errors for err in new_tenant.layout.loading_errors.errors[:10]: self.log.warning(err.error) return new_tenant def _loadDynamicProjectData(self, config, project, files, additional_project_branches, trusted, item, pcontext): tenant = item.pipeline.tenant tpc = tenant.project_configs[project.canonical_name] if trusted: branches = [tpc.load_branch if tpc.load_branch else 'master'] else: # Use the cached branch list; since this is a dynamic # reconfiguration there should not be any branch changes. branches = tenant.getProjectBranches(project.canonical_name, include_always_dynamic=True) # Except that we might be dealing with a change on a # dynamic branch which hasn't shown up in our cached list # yet (since we don't reconfigure on dynamic branch # creation). Add additional branches in the queue which # match the dynamic branch regexes. additional_branches = list(additional_project_branches.get( project.canonical_name, [])) additional_branches = [b for b in additional_branches if b not in branches and tpc.isAlwaysDynamicBranch(b)] if additional_branches: branches = branches + additional_branches for branch in branches: fns1 = [] fns2 = [] fns3 = [] fns4 = [] files_entry = files and files.connections.get( project.source.connection.connection_name, {}).get( project.name, {}).get(branch) # If there is no files entry at all for this # project-branch, then use the cached config. if files_entry is None: incdata = tpc.parsed_branch_config.get(branch) if incdata: config.extend(incdata) continue # Otherwise, do not use the cached config (even if the # files are empty as that likely means they were deleted). files_list = files_entry.keys() for fn in files_list: if fn.startswith("zuul.d/"): fns1.append(fn) if fn.startswith(".zuul.d/"): fns2.append(fn) for ef in tpc.extra_config_files: if fn == ef: fns3.append(fn) for ed in tpc.extra_config_dirs: if fn.startswith(ed + '/'): fns4.append(fn) fns = (["zuul.yaml"] + sorted(fns1) + [".zuul.yaml"] + sorted(fns2) + fns3 + sorted(fns4)) incdata = None loaded = None for fn in fns: data = files.getFile(project.source.connection.connection_name, project.name, branch, fn) if data: source_context = model.SourceContext( project.canonical_name, project.name, project.connection_name, branch, fn, trusted, tpc.implied_branch_matchers) with pcontext.errorContext(source_context=source_context): # Prevent mixing configuration source conf_root = fn.split('/')[0] # Don't load from more than one configuration in a # project-branch (unless an "extra" file/dir). if (conf_root in ZUUL_CONF_ROOT): if loaded and loaded != conf_root: self.log.warning( "Configuration in %s ignored because " "project-branch is already configured", source_context) item.warning( "Configuration in %s ignored because " "project-branch is already configured" % source_context) continue loaded = conf_root self.log.info( "Loading configuration dynamically from %s" % (source_context,)) incdata = self.tenant_parser.loadProjectYAML( data, source_context, pcontext.accumulator) if trusted: incdata = self.tenant_parser.\ filterConfigProjectYAML(incdata) else: incdata = self.tenant_parser.\ filterUntrustedProjectYAML(incdata, pcontext) config.extend(self.tenant_parser.parseConfig( tenant, incdata, pcontext)) def createDynamicLayout(self, item, files, additional_project_branches, ansible_manager, include_config_projects=False, zuul_event_id=None): tenant = item.pipeline.tenant log = get_annotated_logger(self.log, zuul_event_id) pcontext = ParseContext(self.connections, self.scheduler, tenant, ansible_manager) if include_config_projects: config = model.ParsedConfig() for project in tenant.config_projects: self._loadDynamicProjectData(config, project, files, additional_project_branches, True, item, pcontext) else: config = tenant.config_projects_config.copy() for project in tenant.untrusted_projects: self._loadDynamicProjectData(config, project, files, additional_project_branches, False, item, pcontext) layout = model.Layout(tenant, item.layout_uuid) layout.loading_errors = pcontext.loading_errors log.debug("Created layout id %s", layout.uuid) if not include_config_projects: # NOTE: the actual pipeline objects (complete with queues # and enqueued items) are copied by reference here. This # allows our shadow dynamic configuration to continue to # interact with all the other changes, each of which may # have their own version of reality. We do not support # creating, updating, or deleting pipelines in dynamic # layout changes. layout.pipelines = tenant.layout.pipelines # NOTE: the semaphore definitions are copied from the # static layout here. For semaphores there should be no # per patch max value but exactly one value at any # time. So we do not support dynamic semaphore # configuration changes. layout.semaphores = tenant.layout.semaphores skip_pipelines = skip_semaphores = True else: skip_pipelines = skip_semaphores = False self.tenant_parser._addLayoutItems(layout, tenant, config, pcontext, skip_pipelines=skip_pipelines, skip_semaphores=skip_semaphores) return layout