
31 lines
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The buildset result ``MERGER_FAILURE`` has been renamed to
``MERGE_CONFLICT``, and the pipeline reporter configuration
``merge-failure`` has been renamed to ``merge-conflict``.
These are more descriptive of the most common errors actually
reported, and so are expected to be less confusing to users. This
is also in service of a future change to support a new buildset
result ``MERGE_FAILURE`` which will indicate that the change was
unable to be merged in the upstream repository.
When upgrading, it is recommended to stop all schedulers briefly
(i.e, when the first scheduler of the new version starts, there
should be no schedulers running the old version). The new
scheduler will perform a database migration when it starts and
update all existing ``MERGER_FAILURE`` buildset results to
``MERGE_CONFLICT``. If old schedulers are running, they may
continue to add ``MERGER_FAILURE`` entries which will need to be
manually updated in order to be visible in the web UI or rest API.
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The ``merge-failure`` and ``merge-failure-message`` pipeline
configuration options have been renamed to ``merge-conflict`` and
``merge-conflict-message`` respectively. The old settings are
retained for backwards compatibility, but will be removed in a
later version. Please update your usage of them as soon as