
263 lines
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# Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import io
import json
import logging
import time
from contextlib import suppress
import cachetools
import kazoo
import paramiko
from zuul.lib import encryption, strings
from zuul.zk import ZooKeeperBase
class KeyStorage(ZooKeeperBase):
log = logging.getLogger("zuul.KeyStorage")
# /keystorage/connection/orgname
PREFIX_PATH = "/keystorage/{}/{}"
# /keystorage/connection/orgname/projectuniqname
def __init__(self, zookeeper_client, password, backup=None):
self.password = password
self.password_bytes = password.encode("utf-8")
def _walk(self, root):
ret = []
children = self.kazoo_client.get_children(root)
if children:
for child in children:
path = '/'.join([root, child])
data, _ = self.kazoo_client.get(root)
ret.append((root, json.loads(data)))
except Exception:
self.log.error(f"Unable to load keys at {root}")
# Keep processing exports
return ret
def exportKeys(self):
keys = {}
for (path, data) in self._walk('/keystorage'):
self.log.info(f"Exported: {path}")
keys[path] = data
return {'keys': keys}
def importKeys(self, import_data, overwrite):
for path, data in import_data['keys'].items():
if not path.startswith('/keystorage'):
self.log.error(f"Invalid path: {path}")
data = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True).encode('utf8')
self.kazoo_client.create(path, value=data, makepath=True)
self.log.info(f"Created key at {path}")
except kazoo.exceptions.NodeExistsError:
if overwrite:
self.kazoo_client.set(path, value=data)
self.log.info(f"Updated key at {path}")
self.log.warning(f"Not overwriting existing key at {path}")
def getSSHKeysPath(self, connection_name, project_name):
prefix, name = strings.unique_project_name(project_name)
key_path = self.SSH_PATH.format(connection_name, prefix, name)
return key_path
def getProjectSSHKeys(self, connection_name, project_name):
"""Return the public and private keys"""
key = self._getSSHKey(connection_name, project_name)
if key is None:
self.log.info("Generating a new SSH key for %s/%s",
connection_name, project_name)
key = paramiko.RSAKey.generate(bits=RSA_KEY_SIZE)
key_version = 0
key_created = int(time.time())
self._storeSSHKey(connection_name, project_name, key,
key_version, key_created)
except kazoo.exceptions.NodeExistsError:
# Handle race condition between multiple schedulers
# creating the same SSH key.
key = self._getSSHKey(connection_name, project_name)
with io.StringIO() as o:
private_key = o.getvalue()
public_key = "ssh-rsa {}".format(key.get_base64())
return private_key, public_key
def loadProjectSSHKeys(self, connection_name, project_name):
"""Return the complete internal data structure"""
key_path = self.getSSHKeysPath(connection_name, project_name)
data, _ = self.kazoo_client.get(key_path)
return json.loads(data)
except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError:
return None
def saveProjectSSHKeys(self, connection_name, project_name, keydata):
"""Store the complete internal data structure"""
key_path = self.getSSHKeysPath(connection_name, project_name)
data = json.dumps(keydata, sort_keys=True).encode("utf-8")
self.kazoo_client.create(key_path, value=data, makepath=True)
def deleteProjectSSHKeys(self, connection_name, project_name):
"""Delete the complete internal data structure"""
key_path = self.getSSHKeysPath(connection_name, project_name)
with suppress(kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError):
def _getSSHKey(self, connection_name, project_name):
"""Load and return the public and private keys"""
keydata = self.loadProjectSSHKeys(connection_name, project_name)
if keydata is None:
return None
encrypted_key = keydata['keys'][0]["private_key"]
with io.StringIO(encrypted_key) as o:
return paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(o, self.password)
def _storeSSHKey(self, connection_name, project_name, key,
version, created):
"""Create the internal data structure from the key and store it"""
# key is an rsa key object
with io.StringIO() as o:
key.write_private_key(o, self.password)
private_key = o.getvalue()
keys = [{
"version": version,
"created": created,
"private_key": private_key,
keydata = {
'schema': 1,
'keys': keys
self.saveProjectSSHKeys(connection_name, project_name, keydata)
def getProjectSecretsKeysPath(self, connection_name, project_name):
prefix, name = strings.unique_project_name(project_name)
key_path = self.SECRETS_PATH.format(connection_name, prefix, name)
return key_path
def getProjectSecretsKeys(self, connection_name, project_name):
"""Return the public and private keys"""
pem_private_key = self._getSecretsKey(connection_name, project_name)
if pem_private_key is None:
self.log.info("Generating a new secrets key for %s/%s",
connection_name, project_name)
private_key, public_key = encryption.generate_rsa_keypair()
pem_private_key = encryption.serialize_rsa_private_key(
private_key, self.password_bytes)
key_version = 0
key_created = int(time.time())
self._storeSecretsKey(connection_name, project_name,
pem_private_key, key_version,
except kazoo.exceptions.NodeExistsError:
# Handle race condition between multiple schedulers
# creating the same secrets key.
pem_private_key = self._getSecretsKey(
connection_name, project_name)
private_key, public_key = encryption.deserialize_rsa_keypair(
pem_private_key, self.password_bytes)
return private_key, public_key
def loadProjectsSecretsKeys(self, connection_name, project_name):
"""Return the complete internal data structure"""
key_path = self.getProjectSecretsKeysPath(
connection_name, project_name)
data, _ = self.kazoo_client.get(key_path)
return json.loads(data)
except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError:
return None
def saveProjectsSecretsKeys(self, connection_name, project_name, keydata):
"""Store the complete internal data structure"""
key_path = self.getProjectSecretsKeysPath(
connection_name, project_name)
data = json.dumps(keydata, sort_keys=True).encode("utf-8")
self.kazoo_client.create(key_path, value=data, makepath=True)
def deleteProjectsSecretsKeys(self, connection_name, project_name):
"""Delete the complete internal data structure"""
key_path = self.getProjectSecretsKeysPath(
connection_name, project_name)
with suppress(kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError):
def _getSecretsKey(self, connection_name, project_name):
"""Load and return the private key"""
keydata = self.loadProjectsSecretsKeys(
connection_name, project_name)
if keydata is None:
return None
return keydata['keys'][0]["private_key"].encode("utf-8")
def _storeSecretsKey(self, connection_name, project_name, key,
version, created):
"""Create the internal data structure from the key and store it"""
# key is a pem-encoded (base64) private key stored in bytes
keys = [{
"version": version,
"created": created,
"private_key": key.decode("utf-8"),
keydata = {
'schema': 1,
'keys': keys
self.saveProjectsSecretsKeys(connection_name, project_name, keydata)
def deleteProjectDir(self, connection_name, project_name):
prefix, name = strings.unique_project_name(project_name)
project_path = self.PROJECT_PATH.format(connection_name, prefix, name)
prefix_path = self.PREFIX_PATH.format(connection_name, prefix)
except kazoo.exceptions.NotEmptyError:
# Rely on delete only deleting empty paths by default
self.log.warning(f"Not deleting non empty path {project_path}")
except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError:
# Already deleted
except kazoo.exceptions.NotEmptyError:
# Normal for the org to remain due to other projects existing.
except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError:
# Already deleted