
1724 lines
69 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import base64
import collections
from contextlib import contextmanager
import copy
import os
import logging
import textwrap
import io
import re
import voluptuous as vs
from zuul import model
from zuul.lib import yamlutil as yaml
import zuul.manager.dependent
import zuul.manager.independent
from zuul import change_matcher
from zuul.lib import encryption
# Several forms accept either a single item or a list, this makes
# specifying that in the schema easy (and explicit).
def to_list(x):
return vs.Any([x], x)
def as_list(item):
if not item:
return []
if isinstance(item, list):
return item
return [item]
class ConfigurationSyntaxError(Exception):
class NodeFromGroupNotFoundError(Exception):
def __init__(self, nodeset, node, group):
message = textwrap.dedent("""\
In nodeset "{nodeset}" the group "{group}" contains a
node named "{node}" which is not defined in the nodeset.""")
message = textwrap.fill(message.format(nodeset=nodeset,
node=node, group=group))
super(NodeFromGroupNotFoundError, self).__init__(message)
class DuplicateNodeError(Exception):
def __init__(self, nodeset, node):
message = textwrap.dedent("""\
In nodeset "{nodeset}" the node "{node}" appears multiple times.
Node names must be unique within a nodeset.""")
message = textwrap.fill(message.format(nodeset=nodeset,
super(DuplicateNodeError, self).__init__(message)
class MaxNodeError(Exception):
def __init__(self, job, tenant):
message = textwrap.dedent("""\
The job "{job}" exceeds tenant max-nodes-per-job {maxnodes}.""")
message = textwrap.fill(message.format(
job=job.name, maxnodes=tenant.max_nodes_per_job))
super(MaxNodeError, self).__init__(message)
class MaxTimeoutError(Exception):
def __init__(self, job, tenant):
message = textwrap.dedent("""\
The job "{job}" exceeds tenant max-job-timeout {maxtimeout}.""")
message = textwrap.fill(message.format(
job=job.name, maxtimeout=tenant.max_job_timeout))
super(MaxTimeoutError, self).__init__(message)
class DuplicateGroupError(Exception):
def __init__(self, nodeset, group):
message = textwrap.dedent("""\
In nodeset "{nodeset}" the group "{group}" appears multiple times.
Group names must be unique within a nodeset.""")
message = textwrap.fill(message.format(nodeset=nodeset,
super(DuplicateGroupError, self).__init__(message)
class ProjectNotFoundError(Exception):
def __init__(self, project):
message = textwrap.dedent("""\
The project "{project}" was not found. All projects
referenced within a Zuul configuration must first be
added to the main configuration file by the Zuul
message = textwrap.fill(message.format(project=project))
super(ProjectNotFoundError, self).__init__(message)
class TemplateNotFoundError(Exception):
def __init__(self, template):
message = textwrap.dedent("""\
The project template "{template}" was not found.
message = textwrap.fill(message.format(template=template))
super(TemplateNotFoundError, self).__init__(message)
class SecretNotFoundError(Exception):
def __init__(self, secret):
message = textwrap.dedent("""\
The secret "{secret}" was not found.
message = textwrap.fill(message.format(secret=secret))
super(SecretNotFoundError, self).__init__(message)
class NodesetNotFoundError(Exception):
def __init__(self, nodeset):
message = textwrap.dedent("""\
The nodeset "{nodeset}" was not found.
message = textwrap.fill(message.format(nodeset=nodeset))
super(NodesetNotFoundError, self).__init__(message)
class PipelineNotPermittedError(Exception):
def __init__(self):
message = textwrap.dedent("""\
Pipelines may not be defined in untrusted repos,
they may only be defined in config repos.""")
message = textwrap.fill(message)
super(PipelineNotPermittedError, self).__init__(message)
class ProjectNotPermittedError(Exception):
def __init__(self):
message = textwrap.dedent("""\
Within an untrusted project, the only project definition
permitted is that of the project itself.""")
message = textwrap.fill(message)
super(ProjectNotPermittedError, self).__init__(message)
def indent(s):
return '\n'.join([' ' + x for x in s.split('\n')])
def early_configuration_exceptions(context):
except ConfigurationSyntaxError:
except Exception as e:
intro = textwrap.fill(textwrap.dedent("""\
Zuul encountered a syntax error while parsing its configuration in the
repo {repo} on branch {branch}. The error was:""".format(
m = textwrap.dedent("""\
m = m.format(intro=intro,
raise ConfigurationSyntaxError(m)
def configuration_exceptions(stanza, conf):
except ConfigurationSyntaxError:
except Exception as e:
conf = copy.deepcopy(conf)
context = conf.pop('_source_context')
start_mark = conf.pop('_start_mark')
intro = textwrap.fill(textwrap.dedent("""\
Zuul encountered a syntax error while parsing its configuration in the
repo {repo} on branch {branch}. The error was:""".format(
m = textwrap.dedent("""\
The error appears in the following {stanza} stanza:
m = m.format(intro=intro,
raise ConfigurationSyntaxError(m)
class ZuulMark(object):
# The yaml mark class differs between the C and python versions.
# The C version does not provide a snippet, and also appears to
# lose data under some circumstances.
def __init__(self, start_mark, end_mark, stream):
self.name = start_mark.name
self.index = start_mark.index
self.line = start_mark.line
self.column = start_mark.column
self.snippet = stream[start_mark.index:end_mark.index]
def __str__(self):
return ' in "{name}", line {line}, column {column}'.format(
line=self.line + 1,
column=self.column + 1,
class ZuulSafeLoader(yaml.SafeLoader):
zuul_node_types = frozenset(('job', 'nodeset', 'secret', 'pipeline',
'project', 'project-template',
def __init__(self, stream, context):
wrapped_stream = io.StringIO(stream)
wrapped_stream.name = str(context)
super(ZuulSafeLoader, self).__init__(wrapped_stream)
self.name = str(context)
self.zuul_context = context
self.zuul_stream = stream
def construct_mapping(self, node, deep=False):
r = super(ZuulSafeLoader, self).construct_mapping(node, deep)
keys = frozenset(r.keys())
if len(keys) == 1 and keys.intersection(self.zuul_node_types):
d = list(r.values())[0]
if isinstance(d, dict):
d['_start_mark'] = ZuulMark(node.start_mark, node.end_mark,
d['_source_context'] = self.zuul_context
return r
def safe_load_yaml(stream, context):
loader = ZuulSafeLoader(stream, context)
return loader.get_single_data()
except yaml.YAMLError as e:
m = """
Zuul encountered a syntax error while parsing its configuration in the
repo {repo} on branch {branch}. The error was:
m = m.format(repo=context.project.name,
raise ConfigurationSyntaxError(m)
class EncryptedPKCS1_OAEP(yaml.YAMLObject):
yaml_tag = u'!encrypted/pkcs1-oaep'
yaml_loader = yaml.SafeLoader
def __init__(self, ciphertext):
if isinstance(ciphertext, list):
self.ciphertext = [base64.b64decode(x.value)
for x in ciphertext]
self.ciphertext = base64.b64decode(ciphertext)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, EncryptedPKCS1_OAEP):
return False
return (self.ciphertext == other.ciphertext)
def from_yaml(cls, loader, node):
return cls(node.value)
def decrypt(self, private_key):
if isinstance(self.ciphertext, list):
return ''.join([
encryption.decrypt_pkcs1_oaep(chunk, private_key).
for chunk in self.ciphertext])
return encryption.decrypt_pkcs1_oaep(self.ciphertext,
class NodeSetParser(object):
def getSchema(anonymous=False):
node = {vs.Required('name'): str,
vs.Required('label'): str,
group = {vs.Required('name'): str,
vs.Required('nodes'): to_list(str),
nodeset = {vs.Required('nodes'): to_list(node),
'groups': to_list(group),
'_source_context': model.SourceContext,
'_start_mark': ZuulMark,
if not anonymous:
nodeset[vs.Required('name')] = str
return vs.Schema(nodeset)
def fromYaml(conf, anonymous=False):
ns = model.NodeSet(conf.get('name'))
node_names = set()
group_names = set()
for conf_node in as_list(conf['nodes']):
if conf_node['name'] in node_names:
raise DuplicateNodeError(conf['name'], conf_node['name'])
node = model.Node(conf_node['name'], conf_node['label'])
for conf_group in as_list(conf.get('groups', [])):
for node_name in as_list(conf_group['nodes']):
if node_name not in node_names:
raise NodeFromGroupNotFoundError(conf['name'], node_name,
if conf_group['name'] in group_names:
raise DuplicateGroupError(conf['name'], conf_group['name'])
group = model.Group(conf_group['name'], conf_group['nodes'])
return ns
class SecretParser(object):
def getSchema():
data = {str: vs.Any(str, EncryptedPKCS1_OAEP)}
secret = {vs.Required('name'): str,
vs.Required('data'): data,
'_source_context': model.SourceContext,
'_start_mark': ZuulMark,
return vs.Schema(secret)
def fromYaml(layout, conf):
with configuration_exceptions('secret', conf):
s = model.Secret(conf['name'], conf['_source_context'])
s.secret_data = conf['data']
return s
class JobParser(object):
ANSIBLE_ROLE_RE = re.compile(r'^(ansible[-_.+]*)*(role[-_.+]*)*')
zuul_role = {vs.Required('zuul'): str,
'name': str}
galaxy_role = {vs.Required('galaxy'): str,
'name': str}
role = vs.Any(zuul_role, galaxy_role)
job_project = {vs.Required('name'): str,
'override-branch': str}
secret = {vs.Required('name'): str,
vs.Required('secret'): str}
# Attributes of a job that can also be used in Project and ProjectTemplate
job_attributes = {'parent': vs.Any(str, None),
'final': bool,
'failure-message': str,
'success-message': str,
'failure-url': str,
'success-url': str,
'hold-following-changes': bool,
'voting': bool,
'semaphore': str,
'tags': to_list(str),
'branches': to_list(str),
'files': to_list(str),
'secrets': to_list(vs.Any(secret, str)),
'irrelevant-files': to_list(str),
# validation happens in NodeSetParser
'nodeset': vs.Any(dict, str),
'timeout': int,
'attempts': int,
'pre-run': to_list(str),
'post-run': to_list(str),
'run': str,
'_source_context': model.SourceContext,
'_start_mark': ZuulMark,
'roles': to_list(role),
'required-projects': to_list(vs.Any(job_project, str)),
'vars': dict,
'dependencies': to_list(str),
'allowed-projects': to_list(str),
'override-branch': str,
'description': str,
'post-review': bool}
job_name = {vs.Required('name'): str}
job = dict(collections.ChainMap(job_name, job_attributes))
schema = vs.Schema(job)
simple_attributes = [
def _getImpliedBranches(reference, job, project_pipeline):
# If the current job definition is not in the same branch as
# the reference definition of this job, and this is a project
# repo, add an implicit branch matcher for this branch
# (assuming there are no explicit branch matchers). But only
# for top-level job definitions and variants. Never for
# project-templates. They, and in-project project-pipeline
# job variants, should more closely attach to their branch if
# they appear in a project-repo. That's handled in the
# ProjectParser.
if (reference and
reference.source_context and
reference.source_context.branch != job.source_context.branch):
same_branch = False
same_branch = True
if (job.source_context and
(not job.source_context.trusted) and
(not project_pipeline) and
(not same_branch)):
return [job.source_context.branch]
return None
def fromYaml(tenant, layout, conf, project_pipeline=False,
name=None, validate=True):
if validate:
with configuration_exceptions('job', conf):
if name is None:
name = conf['name']
# NB: The default detection system in the Job class requires
# that we always assign values directly rather than modifying
# them (e.g., "job.run = ..." rather than
# "job.run.append(...)").
reference = layout.jobs.get(name, [None])[0]
job = model.Job(name)
job.source_context = conf.get('_source_context')
job.source_line = conf.get('_start_mark').line + 1
is_variant = layout.hasJob(name)
if not is_variant:
if 'parent' in conf:
if conf['parent'] is not None:
# Parent job is explicitly specified, so inherit from it.
parent = layout.getJob(conf['parent'])
# Parent is explicitly set as None, so user intends
# this to be a base job. That's only okay if we're in
# a config project.
if not conf['_source_context'].trusted:
raise Exception(
"Base jobs must be defined in config projects")
parent = layout.getJob(tenant.default_base_job)
if 'parent' in conf:
# TODO(jeblair): warn the user that we're ignoring the
# parent setting on this variant job definition.
# Secrets are part of the playbook context so we must establish
# them earlier than playbooks.
secrets = []
for secret_config in as_list(conf.get('secrets', [])):
if isinstance(secret_config, str):
secret_name = secret_config
secret = layout.secrets.get(secret_name)
secret_name = secret_config['name']
secret = layout.secrets.get(secret_config['secret'])
if secret is None:
raise SecretNotFoundError(secret_name)
if secret_name == 'zuul':
raise Exception("Secrets named 'zuul' are not allowed.")
if not secret.source_context.isSameProject(job.source_context):
raise Exception(
"Unable to use secret %s. Secrets must be "
"defined in the same project in which they "
"are used" % secret_name)
# If the secret declares a different name, set it on the decrypted
# copy of the secret object
decrypted_secret = secret.decrypt(
decrypted_secret.name = secret_name
# A job in an untrusted repo that uses secrets requires
# special care. We must note this, and carry this flag
# through inheritance to ensure that we don't run this job in
# an unsafe check pipeline.
if secrets and not conf['_source_context'].trusted:
job.post_review = True
if conf.get('timeout') and tenant.max_job_timeout != -1 and \
int(conf['timeout']) > tenant.max_job_timeout:
raise MaxTimeoutError(job, tenant)
if 'post-review' in conf:
if conf['post-review']:
job.post_review = True
raise Exception("Once set, the post-review attribute "
"may not be unset")
# Roles are part of the playbook context so we must establish
# them earlier than playbooks.
roles = []
if 'roles' in conf:
for role in conf.get('roles', []):
if 'zuul' in role:
r = JobParser._makeZuulRole(tenant, job, role)
if r:
# A job's repo should be an implicit role source for that job,
# but not in a project-pipeline variant.
if not project_pipeline:
r = JobParser._makeImplicitRole(job)
roles.insert(0, r)
for pre_run_name in as_list(conf.get('pre-run')):
pre_run = model.PlaybookContext(job.source_context,
pre_run_name, job.roles,
job.pre_run = job.pre_run + (pre_run,)
# NOTE(pabelanger): Reverse the order of our post-run list. We prepend
# post-runs for inherits however, we want to execute post-runs in the
# order they are listed within the job.
for post_run_name in reversed(as_list(conf.get('post-run'))):
post_run = model.PlaybookContext(job.source_context,
post_run_name, job.roles,
job.post_run = (post_run,) + job.post_run
if 'run' in conf:
run = model.PlaybookContext(job.source_context, conf['run'],
job.roles, secrets)
job.run = (run,)
if not project_pipeline:
run_name = os.path.join('playbooks', job.name)
run = model.PlaybookContext(job.source_context, run_name,
job.roles, secrets)
job.implied_run = (run,) + job.implied_run
for k in JobParser.simple_attributes:
a = k.replace('-', '_')
if k in conf:
setattr(job, a, conf[k])
if 'nodeset' in conf:
conf_nodeset = conf['nodeset']
if isinstance(conf_nodeset, str):
# This references an existing named nodeset in the layout.
ns = layout.nodesets.get(conf_nodeset)
if ns is None:
raise NodesetNotFoundError(conf_nodeset)
ns = NodeSetParser.fromYaml(conf_nodeset, anonymous=True)
if tenant.max_nodes_per_job != -1 and \
len(ns) > tenant.max_nodes_per_job:
raise MaxNodeError(job, tenant)
job.nodeset = ns
if 'required-projects' in conf:
new_projects = {}
projects = as_list(conf.get('required-projects', []))
for project in projects:
if isinstance(project, dict):
project_name = project['name']
project_override_branch = project.get('override-branch')
project_name = project
project_override_branch = None
(trusted, project) = tenant.getProject(project_name)
if project is None:
raise Exception("Unknown project %s" % (project_name,))
job_project = model.JobProject(project_name,
new_projects[project_name] = job_project
tags = conf.get('tags')
if tags:
# Tags are merged via a union rather than a
# destructive copy because they are intended to
# accumulate onto any previously applied tags.
job.tags = job.tags.union(set(tags))
job.dependencies = frozenset(as_list(conf.get('dependencies')))
variables = conf.get('vars', None)
if variables:
if 'zuul' in variables:
raise Exception("Variables named 'zuul' are not allowed.")
allowed_projects = conf.get('allowed-projects', None)
if allowed_projects:
allowed = []
for p in as_list(allowed_projects):
(trusted, project) = tenant.getProject(p)
if project is None:
raise Exception("Unknown project %s" % (p,))
job.allowed_projects = frozenset(allowed)
# If the current job definition is not in the same branch as
# the reference definition of this job, and this is a project
# repo, add an implicit branch matcher for this branch
# (assuming there are no explicit branch matchers). But only
# for top-level job definitions and variants.
# Project-pipeline job variants should more closely attach to
# their branch if they appear in a project-repo.
branches = None
if (project_pipeline or 'branches' not in conf):
branches = JobParser._getImpliedBranches(
reference, job, project_pipeline)
if (not branches) and ('branches' in conf):
branches = as_list(conf['branches'])
if branches:
if 'files' in conf:
matchers = []
for fn in as_list(conf['files']):
job.file_matcher = change_matcher.MatchAny(matchers)
if 'irrelevant-files' in conf:
matchers = []
for fn in as_list(conf['irrelevant-files']):
job.irrelevant_file_matcher = change_matcher.MatchAllFiles(
return job
def _makeZuulRole(tenant, job, role):
name = role['zuul'].split('/')[-1]
(trusted, project) = tenant.getProject(role['zuul'])
if project is None:
return None
return model.ZuulRole(role.get('name', name),
def _makeImplicitRole(job):
project = job.source_context.project
name = project.name.split('/')[-1]
name = JobParser.ANSIBLE_ROLE_RE.sub('', name)
return model.ZuulRole(name,
class ProjectTemplateParser(object):
def __init__(self, tenant, layout):
self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.ProjectTemplateParser")
self.tenant = tenant
self.layout = layout
self.schema = self.getSchema()
def getSchema(self):
project_template = {
vs.Required('name'): str,
'description': str,
'merge-mode': vs.Any(
'merge', 'merge-resolve',
'_source_context': model.SourceContext,
'_start_mark': ZuulMark,
job = {str: vs.Any(str, JobParser.job_attributes)}
job_list = [vs.Any(str, job)]
pipeline_contents = {'queue': str, 'jobs': job_list}
for p in self.layout.pipelines.values():
project_template[p.name] = pipeline_contents
return vs.Schema(project_template)
def fromYaml(self, conf, validate=True):
if validate:
with configuration_exceptions('project-template', conf):
project_template = model.ProjectConfig(conf['name'])
source_context = conf['_source_context']
start_mark = conf['_start_mark']
for pipeline in self.layout.pipelines.values():
conf_pipeline = conf.get(pipeline.name)
if not conf_pipeline:
project_pipeline = model.ProjectPipelineConfig()
project_template.pipelines[pipeline.name] = project_pipeline
project_pipeline.queue_name = conf_pipeline.get('queue')
conf_pipeline.get('jobs', []),
source_context, start_mark, project_pipeline.job_list)
return project_template
def parseJobList(self, conf, source_context, start_mark, job_list):
for conf_job in conf:
if isinstance(conf_job, str):
jobname = conf_job
attrs = {}
elif isinstance(conf_job, dict):
# A dictionary in a job tree may override params
jobname, attrs = list(conf_job.items())[0]
raise Exception("Job must be a string or dictionary")
attrs['_source_context'] = source_context
attrs['_start_mark'] = start_mark
# validate that the job is existing
with configuration_exceptions('project or project-template',
job_list.addJob(JobParser.fromYaml(self.tenant, self.layout,
attrs, project_pipeline=True,
name=jobname, validate=False))
class ProjectParser(object):
def __init__(self, tenant, layout, project_template_parser):
self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.ProjectParser")
self.tenant = tenant
self.layout = layout
self.project_template_parser = project_template_parser
self.schema = self.getSchema()
def getSchema(self):
project = {
vs.Required('name'): str,
'description': str,
'templates': [str],
'merge-mode': vs.Any('merge', 'merge-resolve',
'default-branch': str,
'_source_context': model.SourceContext,
'_start_mark': ZuulMark,
job = {str: vs.Any(str, JobParser.job_attributes)}
job_list = [vs.Any(str, job)]
pipeline_contents = {'queue': str, 'jobs': job_list}
for p in self.layout.pipelines.values():
project[p.name] = pipeline_contents
return vs.Schema(project)
def fromYaml(self, conf_list):
for conf in conf_list:
with configuration_exceptions('project', conf):
with configuration_exceptions('project', conf_list[0]):
project_name = conf_list[0]['name']
(trusted, project) = self.tenant.getProject(project_name)
if project is None:
raise ProjectNotFoundError(project_name)
project_config = model.ProjectConfig(project.canonical_name)
configs = []
for conf in conf_list:
implied_branch = None
with configuration_exceptions('project', conf):
if not conf['_source_context'].trusted:
if project != conf['_source_context'].project:
raise ProjectNotPermittedError()
conf_templates = conf.get('templates', [])
# The way we construct a project definition is by
# parsing the definition as a template, then applying
# all of the templates, including the newly parsed
# one, in order.
project_template = self.project_template_parser.fromYaml(
conf, validate=False)
# If this project definition is in a place where it
# should get implied branch matchers, set it.
if (not conf['_source_context'].trusted):
implied_branch = conf['_source_context'].branch
for name in conf_templates:
if name not in self.layout.project_templates:
raise TemplateNotFoundError(name)
for name in conf_templates])
configs.append((project_template, implied_branch))
# Set the following values to the first one that we
# find and ignore subsequent settings.
mode = conf.get('merge-mode')
if mode and project_config.merge_mode is None:
project_config.merge_mode = model.MERGER_MAP[mode]
default_branch = conf.get('default-branch')
if default_branch and project_config.default_branch is None:
project_config.default_branch = default_branch
if project_config.merge_mode is None:
# If merge mode was not specified in any project stanza,
# set it to the default.
project_config.merge_mode = model.MERGER_MAP['merge-resolve']
if project_config.default_branch is None:
project_config.default_branch = 'master'
for pipeline in self.layout.pipelines.values():
project_pipeline = model.ProjectPipelineConfig()
queue_name = None
# For every template, iterate over the job tree and replace or
# create the jobs in the final definition as needed.
pipeline_defined = False
for (template, implied_branch) in configs:
if pipeline.name in template.pipelines:
pipeline_defined = True
template_pipeline = template.pipelines[pipeline.name]
if template_pipeline.queue_name:
queue_name = template_pipeline.queue_name
if queue_name:
project_pipeline.queue_name = queue_name
if pipeline_defined:
project_config.pipelines[pipeline.name] = project_pipeline
return project_config
class PipelineParser(object):
log = logging.getLogger("zuul.PipelineParser")
# A set of reporter configuration keys to action mapping
reporter_actions = {
'start': 'start_actions',
'success': 'success_actions',
'failure': 'failure_actions',
'merge-failure': 'merge_failure_actions',
'disabled': 'disabled_actions',
def getDriverSchema(dtype, connections):
methods = {
'trigger': 'getTriggerSchema',
'reporter': 'getReporterSchema',
'require': 'getRequireSchema',
'reject': 'getRejectSchema',
schema = {}
# Add the configured connections as available layout options
for connection_name, connection in connections.connections.items():
method = getattr(connection.driver, methods[dtype], None)
if method:
schema[connection_name] = to_list(method())
return schema
def getSchema(layout, connections):
manager = vs.Any('independent',
precedence = vs.Any('normal', 'low', 'high')
window = vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=0))
window_floor = vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=1))
window_type = vs.Any('linear', 'exponential')
window_factor = vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=1))
pipeline = {vs.Required('name'): str,
vs.Required('manager'): manager,
'precedence': precedence,
'description': str,
'success-message': str,
'failure-message': str,
'merge-failure-message': str,
'footer-message': str,
'dequeue-on-new-patchset': bool,
'ignore-dependencies': bool,
'post-review': bool,
vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=1)),
'window': window,
'window-floor': window_floor,
'window-increase-type': window_type,
'window-increase-factor': window_factor,
'window-decrease-type': window_type,
'window-decrease-factor': window_factor,
'_source_context': model.SourceContext,
'_start_mark': ZuulMark,
pipeline['require'] = PipelineParser.getDriverSchema('require',
pipeline['reject'] = PipelineParser.getDriverSchema('reject',
pipeline['trigger'] = vs.Required(
PipelineParser.getDriverSchema('trigger', connections))
for action in ['start', 'success', 'failure', 'merge-failure',
pipeline[action] = PipelineParser.getDriverSchema('reporter',
return vs.Schema(pipeline)
def fromYaml(layout, connections, scheduler, conf):
with configuration_exceptions('pipeline', conf):
PipelineParser.getSchema(layout, connections)(conf)
pipeline = model.Pipeline(conf['name'], layout)
pipeline.description = conf.get('description')
precedence = model.PRECEDENCE_MAP[conf.get('precedence')]
pipeline.precedence = precedence
pipeline.failure_message = conf.get('failure-message',
"Build failed.")
pipeline.merge_failure_message = conf.get(
'merge-failure-message', "Merge Failed.\n\nThis change or one "
"of its cross-repo dependencies was unable to be "
"automatically merged with the current state of its "
"repository. Please rebase the change and upload a new "
pipeline.success_message = conf.get('success-message',
"Build succeeded.")
pipeline.footer_message = conf.get('footer-message', "")
pipeline.start_message = conf.get('start-message',
"Starting {pipeline.name} jobs.")
pipeline.dequeue_on_new_patchset = conf.get(
'dequeue-on-new-patchset', True)
pipeline.ignore_dependencies = conf.get(
'ignore-dependencies', False)
pipeline.post_review = conf.get(
'post-review', False)
for conf_key, action in PipelineParser.reporter_actions.items():
reporter_set = []
if conf.get(conf_key):
for reporter_name, params \
in conf.get(conf_key).items():
reporter = connections.getReporter(reporter_name,
setattr(pipeline, action, reporter_set)
# If merge-failure actions aren't explicit, use the failure actions
if not pipeline.merge_failure_actions:
pipeline.merge_failure_actions = pipeline.failure_actions
pipeline.disable_at = conf.get(
'disable-after-consecutive-failures', None)
pipeline.window = conf.get('window', 20)
pipeline.window_floor = conf.get('window-floor', 3)
pipeline.window_increase_type = conf.get(
'window-increase-type', 'linear')
pipeline.window_increase_factor = conf.get(
'window-increase-factor', 1)
pipeline.window_decrease_type = conf.get(
'window-decrease-type', 'exponential')
pipeline.window_decrease_factor = conf.get(
'window-decrease-factor', 2)
manager_name = conf['manager']
if manager_name == 'dependent':
manager = zuul.manager.dependent.DependentPipelineManager(
scheduler, pipeline)
elif manager_name == 'independent':
manager = zuul.manager.independent.IndependentPipelineManager(
scheduler, pipeline)
layout.pipelines[conf['name']] = pipeline
for source_name, require_config in conf.get('require', {}).items():
source = connections.getSource(source_name)
for source_name, reject_config in conf.get('reject', {}).items():
source = connections.getSource(source_name)
for trigger_name, trigger_config in conf.get('trigger').items():
trigger = connections.getTrigger(trigger_name, trigger_config)
return pipeline
class SemaphoreParser(object):
def getSchema():
semaphore = {vs.Required('name'): str,
'max': int,
'_source_context': model.SourceContext,
'_start_mark': ZuulMark,
return vs.Schema(semaphore)
def fromYaml(conf):
semaphore = model.Semaphore(conf['name'], conf.get('max', 1))
semaphore.source_context = conf.get('_source_context')
return semaphore
class TenantParser(object):
log = logging.getLogger("zuul.TenantParser")
classes = vs.Any('pipeline', 'job', 'semaphore', 'project',
'project-template', 'nodeset', 'secret')
project_dict = {str: {
'include': to_list(classes),
'exclude': to_list(classes),
'shadow': to_list(str),
'exclude-unprotected-branches': bool,
project = vs.Any(str, project_dict)
group = {
'include': to_list(classes),
'exclude': to_list(classes),
vs.Required('projects'): to_list(project),
project_or_group = vs.Any(project, group)
tenant_source = vs.Schema({
'config-projects': to_list(project_or_group),
'untrusted-projects': to_list(project_or_group),
def validateTenantSources(connections):
def v(value, path=[]):
if isinstance(value, dict):
for k, val in value.items():
TenantParser.validateTenantSource(val, path + [k])
raise vs.Invalid("Invalid tenant source", path)
return v
def validateTenantSource(value, path=[]):
def getSchema(connections=None):
tenant = {vs.Required('name'): str,
'max-nodes-per-job': int,
'max-job-timeout': int,
'source': TenantParser.validateTenantSources(connections),
'exclude-unprotected-branches': bool,
'default-parent': str,
return vs.Schema(tenant)
def fromYaml(base, project_key_dir, connections, scheduler, merger, conf,
tenant = model.Tenant(conf['name'])
if conf.get('max-nodes-per-job') is not None:
tenant.max_nodes_per_job = conf['max-nodes-per-job']
if conf.get('max-job-timeout') is not None:
tenant.max_job_timeout = int(conf['max-job-timeout'])
if conf.get('exclude-unprotected-branches') is not None:
tenant.exclude_unprotected_branches = \
tenant.default_base_job = conf.get('default-parent', 'base')
tenant.unparsed_config = conf
unparsed_config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig()
# tpcs is TenantProjectConfigs
config_tpcs, untrusted_tpcs = \
project_key_dir, connections, conf)
for tpc in config_tpcs:
for tpc in untrusted_tpcs:
for tpc in config_tpcs + untrusted_tpcs:
TenantParser._resolveShadowProjects(tenant, tpc)
tenant.config_projects_config, tenant.untrusted_projects_config = \
TenantParser._loadTenantInRepoLayouts(merger, connections,
cached, tenant)
tenant.layout = TenantParser._parseLayout(base, tenant,
return tenant
def _resolveShadowProjects(tenant, tpc):
shadow_projects = []
for sp in tpc.shadow_projects:
tpc.shadow_projects = frozenset(shadow_projects)
def _loadProjectKeys(project_key_dir, connection_name, project):
project.private_key_file = (
os.path.join(project_key_dir, connection_name,
project.name + '.pem'))
def _generateKeys(project):
if os.path.isfile(project.private_key_file):
key_dir = os.path.dirname(project.private_key_file)
if not os.path.isdir(key_dir):
os.makedirs(key_dir, 0o700)
"Generating RSA keypair for project %s" % (project.name,)
private_key, public_key = encryption.generate_rsa_keypair()
pem_private_key = encryption.serialize_rsa_private_key(private_key)
# Dump keys to filesystem. We only save the private key
# because the public key can be constructed from it.
"Saving RSA keypair for project %s to %s" % (
project.name, project.private_key_file)
with open(project.private_key_file, 'wb') as f:
# Ensure private key is read/write for zuul user only.
os.chmod(project.private_key_file, 0o600)
def _loadKeys(project):
# Check the key files specified are there
if not os.path.isfile(project.private_key_file):
raise Exception(
'Private key file {0} not found'.format(
# Load keypair
with open(project.private_key_file, "rb") as f:
(project.private_key, project.public_key) = \
def _getProject(source, conf, current_include):
if isinstance(conf, str):
# Return a project object whether conf is a dict or a str
project = source.getProject(conf)
project_include = current_include
shadow_projects = []
project_exclude_unprotected_branches = None
project_name = list(conf.keys())[0]
project = source.getProject(project_name)
shadow_projects = as_list(conf[project_name].get('shadow', []))
project_include = frozenset(
as_list(conf[project_name].get('include', [])))
if not project_include:
project_include = current_include
project_exclude = frozenset(
as_list(conf[project_name].get('exclude', [])))
if project_exclude:
project_include = frozenset(project_include - project_exclude)
project_exclude_unprotected_branches = conf[project_name].get(
'exclude-unprotected-branches', None)
tenant_project_config = model.TenantProjectConfig(project)
tenant_project_config.load_classes = frozenset(project_include)
tenant_project_config.shadow_projects = shadow_projects
tenant_project_config.exclude_unprotected_branches = \
return tenant_project_config
def _getProjects(source, conf, current_include):
# Return a project object whether conf is a dict or a str
projects = []
if isinstance(conf, str):
# A simple project name string
source, conf, current_include))
elif len(conf.keys()) > 1 and 'projects' in conf:
# This is a project group
if 'include' in conf:
current_include = set(as_list(conf['include']))
current_include = current_include.copy()
if 'exclude' in conf:
exclude = set(as_list(conf['exclude']))
current_include = current_include - exclude
for project in conf['projects']:
sub_projects = TenantParser._getProjects(source, project,
elif len(conf.keys()) == 1:
# A project with overrides
source, conf, current_include))
raise Exception("Unable to parse project %s", conf)
return projects
def _loadTenantProjects(project_key_dir, connections, conf_tenant):
config_projects = []
untrusted_projects = []
default_include = frozenset(['pipeline', 'job', 'semaphore', 'project',
'secret', 'project-template', 'nodeset'])
for source_name, conf_source in conf_tenant.get('source', {}).items():
source = connections.getSource(source_name)
current_include = default_include
for conf_repo in conf_source.get('config-projects', []):
# tpcs = TenantProjectConfigs
tpcs = TenantParser._getProjects(source, conf_repo,
for tpc in tpcs:
project_key_dir, source_name, tpc.project)
current_include = frozenset(default_include - set(['pipeline']))
for conf_repo in conf_source.get('untrusted-projects', []):
tpcs = TenantParser._getProjects(source, conf_repo,
for tpc in tpcs:
project_key_dir, source_name, tpc.project)
return config_projects, untrusted_projects
def _loadTenantInRepoLayouts(merger, connections, config_projects,
untrusted_projects, cached, tenant):
config_projects_config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig()
untrusted_projects_config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig()
# project -> config; these will replace
# project.unparsed_config if this method succesfully
# completes
new_project_unparsed_config = {}
# project -> branch -> config; these will replace
# project.unparsed_branch_config if this method succesfully
# completes
new_project_unparsed_branch_config = {}
jobs = []
# In some cases, we can use cached data, but it's still
# important that we process that in the same order along with
# any jobs that we run. This class is used to hold the cached
# data and is inserted in the ordered jobs list for later
# processing.
class CachedDataJob(object):
def __init__(self, config_project, project):
self.config_project = config_project
self.project = project
for project in config_projects:
# If we have cached data (this is a reconfiguration) use it.
if cached and project.unparsed_config:
jobs.append(CachedDataJob(True, project))
# Otherwise, prepare an empty unparsed config object to
# hold cached data later.
new_project_unparsed_config[project] = model.UnparsedTenantConfig()
# Get main config files. These files are permitted the
# full range of configuration.
job = merger.getFiles(
project.name, 'master',
files=['zuul.yaml', '.zuul.yaml'],
dirs=['zuul.d', '.zuul.d'])
job.source_context = model.SourceContext(project, 'master',
'', True)
for project in untrusted_projects:
# If we have cached data (this is a reconfiguration) use it.
if cached and project.unparsed_config:
jobs.append(CachedDataJob(False, project))
# Otherwise, prepare an empty unparsed config object to
# hold cached data later.
new_project_unparsed_config[project] = model.UnparsedTenantConfig()
new_project_unparsed_branch_config[project] = {}
# Get in-project-repo config files which have a restricted
# set of options.
# For each branch in the repo, get the zuul.yaml for that
# branch. Remember the branch and then implicitly add a
# branch selector to each job there. This makes the
# in-repo configuration apply only to that branch.
for branch in project.source.getProjectBranches(project, tenant):
new_project_unparsed_branch_config[project][branch] = \
job = merger.getFiles(
project.name, branch,
files=['zuul.yaml', '.zuul.yaml'],
dirs=['zuul.d', '.zuul.d'])
job.source_context = model.SourceContext(
project, branch, '', False)
for job in jobs:
# Note: this is an ordered list -- we wait for cat jobs to
# complete in the order they were executed which is the
# same order they were defined in the main config file.
# This is important for correct inheritance.
if isinstance(job, CachedDataJob):
"Loading previously parsed configuration from %s" %
if job.config_project:
TenantParser.log.debug("Waiting for cat job %s" % (job,))
if not job.updated:
raise Exception("Cat job %s failed" % (job,))
TenantParser.log.debug("Cat job %s got files %s" %
(job, job.files.keys()))
loaded = False
files = sorted(job.files.keys())
for conf_root in ['zuul.yaml', 'zuul.d', '.zuul.yaml', '.zuul.d']:
for fn in files:
fn_root = fn.split('/')[0]
if fn_root != conf_root or not job.files.get(fn):
# Don't load from more than configuration in a repo-branch
if loaded and loaded != conf_root:
"Multiple configuration files in %s" %
loaded = conf_root
source_context = job.source_context.copy()
source_context.path = fn
"Loading configuration from %s" %
project = source_context.project
branch = source_context.branch
if source_context.trusted:
incdata = TenantParser._parseConfigProjectLayout(
job.files[fn], source_context)
incdata = TenantParser._parseUntrustedProjectLayout(
job.files[fn], source_context)
if branch in new_project_unparsed_branch_config.get(
project, {}):
# Now that we've sucessfully loaded all of the configuration,
# cache the unparsed data on the project objects.
for project, data in new_project_unparsed_config.items():
project.unparsed_config = data
for project, branch_config in \
for branch, data in branch_config.items():
project.unparsed_branch_config[branch] = data
return config_projects_config, untrusted_projects_config
def _parseConfigProjectLayout(data, source_context):
# This is the top-level configuration for a tenant.
config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig()
with early_configuration_exceptions(source_context):
config.extend(safe_load_yaml(data, source_context))
return config
def _parseUntrustedProjectLayout(data, source_context):
config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig()
with early_configuration_exceptions(source_context):
config.extend(safe_load_yaml(data, source_context))
if config.pipelines:
with configuration_exceptions('pipeline', config.pipelines[0]):
raise PipelineNotPermittedError()
return config
def _getLoadClasses(tenant, conf_object):
project = conf_object['_source_context'].project
tpc = tenant.project_configs[project.canonical_name]
return tpc.load_classes
def _parseLayoutItems(layout, tenant, data, scheduler, connections,
skip_pipelines=False, skip_semaphores=False):
if not skip_pipelines:
for config_pipeline in data.pipelines:
classes = TenantParser._getLoadClasses(
tenant, config_pipeline)
if 'pipeline' not in classes:
layout, connections,
scheduler, config_pipeline))
for config_nodeset in data.nodesets:
classes = TenantParser._getLoadClasses(tenant, config_nodeset)
if 'nodeset' not in classes:
with configuration_exceptions('nodeset', config_nodeset):
for config_secret in data.secrets:
classes = TenantParser._getLoadClasses(tenant, config_secret)
if 'secret' not in classes:
layout.addSecret(SecretParser.fromYaml(layout, config_secret))
for config_job in data.jobs:
classes = TenantParser._getLoadClasses(tenant, config_job)
if 'job' not in classes:
with configuration_exceptions('job', config_job):
job = JobParser.fromYaml(tenant, layout, config_job)
added = layout.addJob(job)
if not added:
"Skipped adding job %s which shadows an existing job" %
if not skip_semaphores:
for config_semaphore in data.semaphores:
classes = TenantParser._getLoadClasses(
tenant, config_semaphore)
if 'semaphore' not in classes:
semaphore = SemaphoreParser.fromYaml(config_semaphore)
old_semaphore = layout.semaphores.get(semaphore.name)
if (old_semaphore and
(old_semaphore.source_context.project ==
# If a semaphore shows up twice in the same
# project, it's probably due to showing up in
# two branches. Ignore subsequent
# definitions.
project_template_parser = ProjectTemplateParser(tenant, layout)
for config_template in data.project_templates:
classes = TenantParser._getLoadClasses(tenant, config_template)
if 'project-template' not in classes:
project_parser = ProjectParser(tenant, layout, project_template_parser)
for config_projects in data.projects.values():
# Unlike other config classes, we expect multiple project
# stanzas with the same name, so that a config repo can
# define a project-pipeline and the project itself can
# augment it. To that end, config_project is a list of
# each of the project stanzas. Each one may be (should
# be!) from a different repo, so filter them according to
# the include/exclude rules before parsing them.
filtered_projects = []
for config_project in config_projects:
classes = TenantParser._getLoadClasses(tenant, config_project)
if 'project' in classes:
if not filtered_projects:
def _parseLayout(base, tenant, data, scheduler, connections):
# Don't call this method from dynamic reconfiguration because
# it interacts with drivers and connections.
layout = model.Layout(tenant)
TenantParser._parseLayoutItems(layout, tenant, data,
scheduler, connections)
for pipeline in layout.pipelines.values():
return layout
class ConfigLoader(object):
log = logging.getLogger("zuul.ConfigLoader")
def expandConfigPath(self, config_path):
if config_path:
config_path = os.path.expanduser(config_path)
if not os.path.exists(config_path):
raise Exception("Unable to read tenant config file at %s" %
return config_path
def loadConfig(self, config_path, project_key_dir, scheduler, merger,
abide = model.Abide()
config_path = self.expandConfigPath(config_path)
with open(config_path) as config_file:
self.log.info("Loading configuration from %s" % (config_path,))
data = yaml.safe_load(config_file)
config = model.UnparsedAbideConfig()
base = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(config_path))
for conf_tenant in config.tenants:
# When performing a full reload, do not use cached data.
tenant = TenantParser.fromYaml(
base, project_key_dir, connections, scheduler, merger,
conf_tenant, cached=False)
abide.tenants[tenant.name] = tenant
return abide
def reloadTenant(self, config_path, project_key_dir, scheduler,
merger, connections, abide, tenant):
new_abide = model.Abide()
new_abide.tenants = abide.tenants.copy()
config_path = self.expandConfigPath(config_path)
base = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(config_path))
# When reloading a tenant only, use cached data if available.
new_tenant = TenantParser.fromYaml(
base, project_key_dir, connections, scheduler, merger,
tenant.unparsed_config, cached=True)
new_abide.tenants[tenant.name] = new_tenant
return new_abide
def _loadDynamicProjectData(self, config, project, files, trusted, tenant):
if trusted:
branches = ['master']
# Use the cached branch list; since this is a dynamic
# reconfiguration there should not be any branch changes.
branches = project.unparsed_branch_config.keys()
for branch in branches:
fns1 = []
fns2 = []
files_entry = files.connections.get(
project.source.connection.connection_name, {}).get(
project.name, {}).get(branch)
# If there is no files entry at all for this
# project-branch, then use the cached config.
if files_entry is None:
if trusted:
incdata = project.unparsed_config
incdata = project.unparsed_branch_config.get(branch)
if incdata:
# Otherwise, do not use the cached config (even if the
# files are empty as that likely means they were deleted).
files_list = files_entry.keys()
for fn in files_list:
if fn.startswith("zuul.d/"):
if fn.startswith(".zuul.d/"):
fns = ["zuul.yaml"] + sorted(fns1) + [".zuul.yaml"] + sorted(fns2)
incdata = None
loaded = None
for fn in fns:
data = files.getFile(project.source.connection.connection_name,
project.name, branch, fn)
if data:
source_context = model.SourceContext(project, branch,
fn, trusted)
# Prevent mixing configuration source
conf_root = fn.split('/')[0]
if loaded and loaded != conf_root:
"Multiple configuration in %s" % source_context)
loaded = conf_root
if trusted:
incdata = TenantParser._parseConfigProjectLayout(
data, source_context)
incdata = TenantParser._parseUntrustedProjectLayout(
data, source_context)
def createDynamicLayout(self, tenant, files,
scheduler=None, connections=None):
if include_config_projects:
config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig()
for project in tenant.config_projects:
config, project, files, True, tenant)
config = tenant.config_projects_config.copy()
for project in tenant.untrusted_projects:
self._loadDynamicProjectData(config, project, files, False, tenant)
layout = model.Layout(tenant)
if not include_config_projects:
# NOTE: the actual pipeline objects (complete with queues
# and enqueued items) are copied by reference here. This
# allows our shadow dynamic configuration to continue to
# interact with all the other changes, each of which may
# have their own version of reality. We do not support
# creating, updating, or deleting pipelines in dynamic
# layout changes.
layout.pipelines = tenant.layout.pipelines
# NOTE: the semaphore definitions are copied from the
# static layout here. For semaphores there should be no
# per patch max value but exactly one value at any
# time. So we do not support dynamic semaphore
# configuration changes.
layout.semaphores = tenant.layout.semaphores
skip_pipelines = skip_semaphores = True
skip_pipelines = skip_semaphores = False
TenantParser._parseLayoutItems(layout, tenant, config,
scheduler, connections,
return layout