
169 lines
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# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
import urllib
import logging
import voluptuous as vs
from zuul.source import BaseSource
from zuul.model import Project
from zuul.driver.gerrit.gerritmodel import GerritRefFilter
from zuul.driver.util import scalar_or_list, to_list
from zuul.lib.dependson import find_dependency_headers
class GerritSource(BaseSource):
name = 'gerrit'
log = logging.getLogger("zuul.source.Gerrit")
def __init__(self, driver, connection, config=None):
hostname = connection.canonical_hostname
super(GerritSource, self).__init__(driver, connection,
hostname, config)
def getRefSha(self, project, ref):
return self.connection.getRefSha(project, ref)
def isMerged(self, change, head=None):
return self.connection.isMerged(change, head)
def canMerge(self, change, allow_needs):
return self.connection.canMerge(change, allow_needs)
def postConfig(self):
def getChange(self, event, refresh=False):
return self.connection.getChange(event, refresh)
change_re = re.compile(r"/(\#\/c\/)?(\d+)[\w]*")
def getChangeByURL(self, url):
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
except ValueError:
return None
path = parsed.path
if parsed.fragment:
path += '#' + parsed.fragment
m = self.change_re.match(path)
if not m:
return None
change_no = int(m.group(2))
except ValueError:
return None
query = "change:%s" % (change_no,)
results = self.connection.simpleQuery(query)
if not results:
return None
change = self.connection._getChange(
results[0]['number'], results[0]['currentPatchSet']['number'])
return change
def getChangesDependingOn(self, change, projects):
changes = []
if not change.uris:
return changes
queries = set()
for uri in change.uris:
queries.add('message:%s' % uri)
query = '(' + ' OR '.join(queries) + ')'
results = self.connection.simpleQuery(query)
seen = set()
for result in results:
for match in find_dependency_headers(result['commitMessage']):
found = False
for uri in change.uris:
if uri in match:
found = True
if not found:
key = (result['number'], result['currentPatchSet']['number'])
if key in seen:
change = self.connection._getChange(
result['number'], result['currentPatchSet']['number'])
return changes
def getCachedChanges(self):
for x in self.connection._change_cache.values():
for y in x.values():
yield y
def getProject(self, name):
p = self.connection.getProject(name)
if not p:
p = Project(name, self)
return p
def getProjectOpenChanges(self, project):
return self.connection.getProjectOpenChanges(project)
def getProjectBranches(self, project, tenant):
return self.connection.getProjectBranches(project, tenant)
def getGitUrl(self, project):
return self.connection.getGitUrl(project)
def _getGitwebUrl(self, project, sha=None):
return self.connection._getGitwebUrl(project, sha)
def getRequireFilters(self, config):
f = GerritRefFilter(
return [f]
def getRejectFilters(self, config):
f = GerritRefFilter(
return [f]
def getRefForChange(self, change):
partial = change[-2:]
return "refs/changes/%s/%s/.*" % (partial, change)
approval = vs.Schema({'username': str,
'email': str,
'older-than': str,
'newer-than': str,
}, extra=vs.ALLOW_EXTRA)
def getRequireSchema():
require = {'approval': scalar_or_list(approval),
'open': bool,
'current-patchset': bool,
'status': scalar_or_list(str)}
return require
def getRejectSchema():
reject = {'approval': scalar_or_list(approval)}
return reject