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# Copyright 2019 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import re
import jwt
from zuul import exceptions
import zuul.driver.auth.jwt as auth_jwt
"""AuthN/AuthZ related library, used by zuul-web."""
class AuthenticatorRegistry(object):
"""Registry of authenticators as they are declared in the configuration"""
log = logging.getLogger("Zuul.AuthenticatorRegistry")
def __init__(self):
self.authenticators = {}
self.default_realm = None
def configure(self, config):
for section_name in config.sections():
auth_match = re.match(r'^auth ([\'\"]?)(.*)(\1)$',
section_name, re.I)
if not auth_match:
auth_name = auth_match.group(2)
auth_config = dict(config.items(section_name))
if 'driver' not in auth_config:
raise Exception("Auth driver needed for %s" % auth_name)
auth_driver = auth_config['driver']
driver = auth_jwt.get_authenticator_by_name(auth_driver)
except IndexError:
raise Exception(
"Unknown driver %s for auth %s" % (auth_driver,
# TODO catch config specific errors (missing fields)
self.authenticators[auth_name] = driver(**auth_config)
if auth_config.get('default', 'false').lower() == 'true':
self.default_realm = auth_config.get('realm', 'DEFAULT')
if self.default_realm is None:
self.default_realm = 'DEFAULT'
def authenticate(self, rawToken):
unverified = jwt.decode(rawToken, verify=False)
for auth_name in self.authenticators:
authenticator = self.authenticators[auth_name]
if authenticator.issuer_id == unverified.get('iss', ''):
return authenticator.authenticate(rawToken)
# No known issuer found, use default realm
raise exceptions.IssuerUnknownError(self.default_realm)