Timo Tijhof 4be9f749cc Status: Fix JSHint violations and commit settings
> jquery.zuul.js:19: Use the function form of "use strict".
> jquery.zuul.js:42: 'options' is already defined.
> jquery.zuul.js:619: 'app' is already defined.
> jquery.zuul.js:645: Missing semicolon.
> jquery.zuul.js:900: Missing semicolon.
> jquery.zuul.js:704: 'x' is defined but never used.
> zuul.app.js:22: 'default_layout' is not defined.
> zuul.app.js:37: '$container' is not defined.
> zuul.app.js:38: '$container' is not defined.
> zuul.app.js:38: 'default_layout' is not defined.
> zuul.app.js:20: 'zuul_build_dom' is defined but never used.
> zuul.app.js:42: 'zuul_start' is defined but never used.

Change-Id: I65b86f004ef1bb09651cd916630267ca297b2492
2015-06-29 14:04:02 +01:00

22 lines
324 B

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"eqeqeq": true,
"forin": true,
"latedef": true,
"newcap": true,
"noarg": true,
"noempty": true,
"nonew": true,
"undef": true,
"unused": true,
"strict": false,
"laxbreak": true,
"browser": true,
"predef": [