
398 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import io
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import textwrap
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from tests.base import AnsibleZuulTestCase
class FunctionalZuulStreamMixIn:
tenant_config_file = 'config/remote-zuul-stream/main.yaml'
# This should be overriden in child classes.
ansible_version = '6'
def _setUp(self):
self.log_console_port = 19000 + int(
self.executor_server.log_console_port = self.log_console_port
self.wait_timeout = 180
self.fake_nodepool.remote_ansible = True
# This catches the Ansible output; rather than the callback
# output captured in the job log. For example if the callback
# fails, there will be an error output in this stream.
self.logger = logging.getLogger('zuul.AnsibleJob')
self.console_output = io.StringIO()
ansible_remote = os.environ.get('ZUUL_REMOTE_IPV4')
def _run_job(self, job_name, create=True, split='false'):
# Keep the jobdir around so we can inspect contents if an
# assert fails. It will be cleaned up anyway as it is contained
# in a tmp dir which gets cleaned up after the test.
self.executor_server.keep_jobdir = True
# Output extra ansible info so we might see errors.
self.executor_server.verbose = True
if create:
conf = textwrap.dedent(
- job:
name: {job_name}
run: playbooks/{job_name}.yaml
ansible-version: {version}
ansible-split-streams: {split}
test_console_port: {console_port}
- zuul: org/common-config
- name: compute1
label: whatever
- name: controller
label: whatever
- project:
- {job_name}
conf = textwrap.dedent(
- project:
- {job_name}
file_dict = {'zuul.yaml': conf}
A = self.fake_gerrit.addFakeChange('org/project', 'master', 'A',
job = self.getJobFromHistory(job_name)
return job
def _get_job_output(self, build):
path = os.path.join(self.jobdir_root, build.uuid,
'work', 'logs', 'job-output.txt')
with open(path) as f:
return f.read()
def _get_job_json(self, build):
path = os.path.join(self.jobdir_root, build.uuid,
'work', 'logs', 'job-output.json')
with open(path) as f:
return json.loads(f.read())
def _assertLogLine(self, line, log, full_match=True):
pattern = (r'^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d\:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d \| %s%s'
% (line, '$' if full_match else ''))
log_re = re.compile(pattern, re.MULTILINE)
m = log_re.search(log)
if m is None:
raise Exception("'%s' not found in log" % (line,))
def assertLogLineStartsWith(self, line, log):
self._assertLogLine(line, log, full_match=False)
def assertLogLine(self, line, log):
self._assertLogLine(line, log, full_match=True)
def _getLogTime(self, line, log):
pattern = (r'^(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d\:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d)'
r' \| %s\n'
r'(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d\:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d)'
% line)
log_re = re.compile(pattern, re.MULTILINE)
m = log_re.search(log)
if m is None:
raise Exception("'%s' not found in log" % (line,))
date1 = datetime.strptime(m.group(1), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
date2 = datetime.strptime(m.group(2), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
return (date1, date2)
def test_command(self):
job = self._run_job('command')
with self.jobLog(job):
build = self.history[-1]
self.assertEqual(build.result, 'SUCCESS')
console_output = self.console_output.getvalue()
# This should be generic enough to match any callback
# plugin failures, which look something like
# [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_runner_on_ok) in \
# callback plugin
# (<ansible.plugins.callback.zuul_stream.CallbackModule object at'
# 0x7f89f72a20b0>): 'dict' object has no attribute 'startswith'"
# Callback Exception:
# ...
self.assertNotIn('[WARNING]: Failure using method', console_output)
text = self._get_job_output(build)
data = self._get_job_json(build)
token_stdout = "Standard output test {}".format(
token_stderr = "Standard error test {}".format(
result = data[0]['plays'][1]['tasks'][2]['hosts']['compute1']
self.assertEqual("\n".join((token_stdout, token_stderr)),
self.assertEqual("", result['stderr'])
r'RUN START: \[untrusted : review.example.com/org/project/'
r'playbooks/command.yaml@master\]', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'PLAY \[all\]', text)
r'Ansible version={}'.format(self.ansible_core_version), text)
self.assertLogLine(r'TASK \[Show contents of first file\]', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| command test one', text)
r'controller \| ok: Runtime: \d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'TASK \[Show contents of second file\]', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| command test two', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| command test two', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| This is a rescue task', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| This is a rescue task', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| This is an always task', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| This is an always task', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| This is a handler', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| This is a handler', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| First free task', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| Second free task', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| This is a shell task after an '
'included role', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| This is a shell task after an '
'included role', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| This is a command task after '
'an included role', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| This is a command task after an '
'included role', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| This is a shell task with '
'delegate compute1', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| This is a shell task with '
'delegate controller', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| item_in_loop1', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| ok: Item: item_in_loop1 '
r'Runtime: \d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| item_in_loop2', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| ok: Item: item_in_loop2 '
r'Runtime: \d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| failed_in_loop1', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| ok: Item: failed_in_loop1 '
r'Result: 1', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| failed_in_loop2', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| ok: Item: failed_in_loop2 '
r'Result: 1', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| transitive-one', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| transitive-two', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| transitive-three', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| transitive-four', text)
r'controller \| ok: Runtime: \d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d', text)
self.assertLogLine('PLAY RECAP', text)
r'controller \| ok: \d+ changed: \d+ unreachable: 0 failed: 0 '
'skipped: 0 rescued: 1 ignored: 0', text)
r'RUN END RESULT_NORMAL: \[untrusted : review.example.com/'
r'org/project/playbooks/command.yaml@master]', text)
time1, time2 = self._getLogTime(r'TASK \[Command Not Found\]',
self.assertLess((time2 - time1) / timedelta(milliseconds=1),
# This is from the debug: msg='{{ ansible_version }}'
# testing raw variable output. To make it version
# agnostic, match just the start of
# compute1 | ok: {'string': '2.9.27'...
# NOTE(ianw) 2022-08-24 : I don't know why the callback
# for debug: msg= doesn't put the hostname first like
# other output. Undetermined if bug or feature.
r"""\{'string': '\d.""", text)
# ... handling loops is a different path, and that does
r"""compute1 \| ok: \{'string': '\d.""", text)
def test_command_split_streams(self):
job = self._run_job('command', split='true')
with self.jobLog(job):
build = self.history[-1]
self.assertEqual(build.result, 'SUCCESS')
console_output = self.console_output.getvalue()
# This should be generic enough to match any callback
# plugin failures, which look something like
# [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_runner_on_ok) in \
# callback plugin
# (<ansible.plugins.callback.zuul_stream.CallbackModule object at'
# 0x7f89f72a20b0>): 'dict' object has no attribute 'startswith'"
# Callback Exception:
# ...
self.assertNotIn('[WARNING]: Failure using method', console_output)
text = self._get_job_output(build)
data = self._get_job_json(build)
token_stdout = "Standard output test {}".format(
token_stderr = "Standard error test {}".format(
result = data[0]['plays'][1]['tasks'][2]['hosts']['compute1']
self.assertEqual(token_stdout, result['stdout'])
self.assertEqual(token_stderr, result['stderr'])
r'RUN START: \[untrusted : review.example.com/org/project/'
r'playbooks/command.yaml@master\]', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'PLAY \[all\]', text)
r'Ansible version={}'.format(self.ansible_core_version), text)
self.assertLogLine(r'TASK \[Show contents of first file\]', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| command test one', text)
r'controller \| ok: Runtime: \d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'TASK \[Show contents of second file\]', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| command test two', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| command test two', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| This is a rescue task', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| This is a rescue task', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| This is an always task', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| This is an always task', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| This is a handler', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| This is a handler', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| First free task', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| Second free task', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| This is a shell task after an '
'included role', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| This is a shell task after an '
'included role', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| This is a command task after '
'an included role', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| This is a command task after an '
'included role', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| This is a shell task with '
'delegate compute1', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'controller \| This is a shell task with '
'delegate controller', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| item_in_loop1', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| ok: Item: item_in_loop1 '
r'Runtime: \d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| item_in_loop2', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| ok: Item: item_in_loop2 '
r'Runtime: \d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| failed_in_loop1', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| ok: Item: failed_in_loop1 '
r'Result: 1', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| failed_in_loop2', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| ok: Item: failed_in_loop2 '
r'Result: 1', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| transitive-one', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| transitive-two', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| transitive-three', text)
self.assertLogLine(r'compute1 \| transitive-four', text)
r'controller \| ok: Runtime: \d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d', text)
self.assertLogLine('PLAY RECAP', text)
r'controller \| ok: \d+ changed: \d+ unreachable: 0 failed: 0 '
'skipped: 0 rescued: 1 ignored: 0', text)
r'RUN END RESULT_NORMAL: \[untrusted : review.example.com/'
r'org/project/playbooks/command.yaml@master]', text)
time1, time2 = self._getLogTime(r'TASK \[Command Not Found\]',
self.assertLess((time2 - time1) / timedelta(milliseconds=1),
# This is from the debug: msg='{{ ansible_version }}'
# testing raw variable output. To make it version
# agnostic, match just the start of
# compute1 | ok: {'string': '2.9.27'...
# NOTE(ianw) 2022-08-24 : I don't know why the callback
# for debug: msg= doesn't put the hostname first like
# other output. Undetermined if bug or feature.
r"""\{'string': '\d.""", text)
# ... handling loops is a different path, and that does
r"""compute1 \| ok: \{'string': '\d.""", text)
def test_module_exception(self):
job = self._run_job('module_failure_exception')
with self.jobLog(job):
build = self.history[-1]
self.assertEqual(build.result, 'FAILURE')
text = self._get_job_output(build)
self.assertLogLine(r'TASK \[Module failure\]', text)
r'controller \| MODULE FAILURE:', text)
r'controller \| Exception: This module is broken', text)
def test_module_no_result(self):
job = self._run_job('module_failure_no_result')
with self.jobLog(job):
build = self.history[-1]
self.assertEqual(build.result, 'FAILURE')
text = self._get_job_output(build)
self.assertLogLine(r'TASK \[Module failure\]', text)
regex = r'controller \| "msg": "New-style module did not ' \
r'handle its own exit"'
self.assertLogLine(regex, text)
class TestZuulStream6(AnsibleZuulTestCase, FunctionalZuulStreamMixIn):
ansible_version = '6'
ansible_core_version = '2.13'
def setUp(self):
class TestZuulStream8(AnsibleZuulTestCase, FunctionalZuulStreamMixIn):
ansible_version = '8'
ansible_core_version = '2.15'
def setUp(self):