Some of the lookup plugins access files on the executor host. Obviously that's not what we want, so block them like we block action plugins. password.py is banned, although it could be filtered. However, the upstream code is fairly intense and slated for refactoring - so let's wait until someone gets upset about it. Change-Id: I6260b4658619a972b588c8bfba40ec33557bf2f6
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# (c) 2013, seth vidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org> red hat, inc
# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# This module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this software. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# take a list of files and (optionally) a list of paths
# return the first existing file found in the paths
# [file1, file2, file3], [path1, path2, path3]
# search order is:
# path1/file1
# path1/file2
# path1/file3
# path2/file1
# path2/file2
# path2/file3
# path3/file1
# path3/file2
# path3/file3
# first file found with os.path.exists() is returned
# no file matches raises ansibleerror
# - name: copy first existing file found to /some/file
# action: copy src=$item dest=/some/file
# with_first_found:
# - files: foo ${inventory_hostname} bar
# paths: /tmp/production /tmp/staging
# that will look for files in this order:
# /tmp/production/foo
# ${inventory_hostname}
# bar
# /tmp/staging/foo
# ${inventory_hostname}
# bar
# - name: copy first existing file found to /some/file
# action: copy src=$item dest=/some/file
# with_first_found:
# - files: /some/place/foo ${inventory_hostname} /some/place/else
# that will look for files in this order:
# /some/place/foo
# $relative_path/${inventory_hostname}
# /some/place/else
# example - including tasks:
# tasks:
# - include: $item
# with_first_found:
# - files: generic
# paths: tasks/staging tasks/production
# this will include the tasks in the file generic where it is found first
# (staging or production)
# example simple file lists
# tasks:
# - name: first found file
# action: copy src=$item dest=/etc/file.cfg
# with_first_found:
# - files: foo.${inventory_hostname} foo
# example skipping if no matched files
# First_found also offers the ability to control whether or not failing
# to find a file returns an error or not
# - name: first found file - or skip
# action: copy src=$item dest=/etc/file.cfg
# with_first_found:
# - files: foo.${inventory_hostname}
# skip: true
# example a role with default configuration and configuration per host
# you can set multiple terms with their own files and paths to look through.
# consider a role that sets some configuration per host falling back on a
# default config.
# - name: some configuration template
# template: src={{ item }} dest=/etc/file.cfg mode=0444 owner=root group=root
# with_first_found:
# - files:
# - ${inventory_hostname}/etc/file.cfg
# paths:
# - ../../../templates.overwrites
# - ../../../templates
# - files:
# - etc/file.cfg
# paths:
# - templates
# the above will return an empty list if the files cannot be found at all
# if skip is unspecificed or if it is set to false then it will return a list
# error which can be caught bye ignore_errors: true for that action.
# finally - if you want you can use it, in place to replace
# first_available_file:
# you simply cannot use the - files, path or skip options. simply replace
# first_available_file with with_first_found and leave the file listing in
# place
# - name: with_first_found like first_available_file
# action: copy src=$item dest=/tmp/faftest
# with_first_found:
# - ../files/foo
# - ../files/bar
# - ../files/baz
# ignore_errors: true
import os
from jinja2.exceptions import UndefinedError
from ansible.constants import mk_boolean as boolean
from ansible.errors import AnsibleLookupError
from ansible.errors import AnsibleUndefinedVariable
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase
from zuul.ansible import paths as zuul_paths
class LookupModule(LookupBase):
def run(self, terms, variables, **kwargs):
anydict = False
skip = False
for term in terms:
if isinstance(term, dict):
anydict = True
total_search = []
if anydict:
for term in terms:
if isinstance(term, dict):
files = term.get('files', [])
paths = term.get('paths', [])
skip = boolean(term.get('skip', False))
filelist = files
if isinstance(files, string_types):
files = files.replace(',', ' ')
files = files.replace(';', ' ')
filelist = files.split(' ')
pathlist = paths
if paths:
if isinstance(paths, string_types):
paths = paths.replace(',', ' ')
paths = paths.replace(':', ' ')
paths = paths.replace(';', ' ')
pathlist = paths.split(' ')
if not pathlist:
total_search = filelist
for path in pathlist:
for fn in filelist:
f = os.path.join(path, fn)
total_search = self._flatten(terms)
for fn in total_search:
fn = self._templar.template(fn)
except (AnsibleUndefinedVariable, UndefinedError):
# get subdir if set by task executor, default to files otherwise
subdir = getattr(self, '_subdir', 'files')
path = None
path = self.find_file_in_search_path(
variables, subdir, fn, ignore_missing=True)
if path is not None:
return [path]
if skip:
return []
raise AnsibleLookupError(
"No file was found when using with_first_found. Use the"
" 'skip: true' option to allow this task to be skipped if"
" no files are found")