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# Copyright 2022 Acme Gating, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import time
from tests.base import iterate_timeout, ZuulTestCase
import zuul.lib.tracing as tracing
from opentelemetry import trace
def attributes_to_dict(attrlist):
ret = {}
for attr in attrlist:
ret[attr.key] = attr.value.string_value
return ret
class TestTracing(ZuulTestCase):
config_file = 'zuul-tracing.conf'
tenant_config_file = "config/single-tenant/main.yaml"
def test_tracing_api(self):
tracer = trace.get_tracer("zuul")
# We have a lot of timestamps stored as floats, so make sure
# our root span is a ZuulSpan that can handle that input.
span_info = tracing.startSavedSpan('parent-trace',
attributes={'startattr': 'bar'},
# Simulate a reconstructed root span
span = tracing.restoreSpan(span_info)
# Within the root span, use the more typical OpenTelemetry
# context manager api.
with trace.use_span(span):
with tracer.start_span('child1-trace') as child1_span:
link = trace.Link(child1_span.context,
attributes={'relationship': 'prev'})
# Make sure that we can manually start and stop a child span,
# and that it is a ZuulSpan as well.
with trace.use_span(span):
child = tracer.start_span('child2-trace', start_time=time.time(),
# Make sure that we can start a child span from a span
# context and not a full span:
span_context = tracing.getSpanContext(span)
with tracing.startSpanInContext(span_context, 'child3-trace') as child:
# End our root span manually.
tracing.endSavedSpan(span_info, end_time=time.time(),
attributes={'endattr': 'baz'})
for _ in iterate_timeout(60, "request to arrive"):
if len(self.otlp.requests) == 4:
req1 = self.otlp.requests[0]
self.log.debug("Received:\n%s", req1)
attrs = attributes_to_dict(req1.resource_spans[0].resource.attributes)
self.assertEqual({"service.name": "zuultest"}, attrs)
span1 = req1.resource_spans[0].scope_spans[0].spans[0]
self.assertEqual("child1-trace", span1.name)
req2 = self.otlp.requests[1]
self.log.debug("Received:\n%s", req2)
span2 = req2.resource_spans[0].scope_spans[0].spans[0]
self.assertEqual("child2-trace", span2.name)
self.assertEqual(span2.links[0].span_id, span1.span_id)
attrs = attributes_to_dict(span2.links[0].attributes)
self.assertEqual({"relationship": "prev"}, attrs)
req3 = self.otlp.requests[2]
self.log.debug("Received:\n%s", req3)
span3 = req3.resource_spans[0].scope_spans[0].spans[0]
self.assertEqual("child3-trace", span3.name)
req4 = self.otlp.requests[3]
self.log.debug("Received:\n%s", req4)
span4 = req4.resource_spans[0].scope_spans[0].spans[0]
self.assertEqual("parent-trace", span4.name)
attrs = attributes_to_dict(span4.attributes)
self.assertEqual({"startattr": "bar",
"endattr": "baz"}, attrs)
self.assertEqual(span1.trace_id, span4.trace_id)
self.assertEqual(span2.trace_id, span4.trace_id)
self.assertEqual(span3.trace_id, span4.trace_id)
def test_tracing_api_null(self):
tracer = trace.get_tracer("zuul")
# Test that restoring spans and span contexts works with
# null values.
span_info = None
# Simulate a reconstructed root span from a null value
span = tracing.restoreSpan(span_info)
# Within the root span, use the more typical OpenTelemetry
# context manager api.
with trace.use_span(span):
with tracer.start_span('child1-trace') as child1_span:
link = trace.Link(child1_span.context,
attributes={'relationship': 'prev'})
# Make sure that we can manually start and stop a child span,
# and that it is a ZuulSpan as well.
with trace.use_span(span):
child = tracer.start_span('child2-trace', start_time=time.time(),
# Make sure that we can start a child span from a null span
# context:
span_context = None
with tracing.startSpanInContext(span_context, 'child3-trace') as child:
# End our root span manually.
for _ in iterate_timeout(60, "request to arrive"):
if len(self.otlp.requests) == 3:
req1 = self.otlp.requests[0]
self.log.debug("Received:\n%s", req1)
attrs = attributes_to_dict(req1.resource_spans[0].resource.attributes)
self.assertEqual({"service.name": "zuultest"}, attrs)
span1 = req1.resource_spans[0].scope_spans[0].spans[0]
self.assertEqual("child1-trace", span1.name)
req2 = self.otlp.requests[1]
self.log.debug("Received:\n%s", req2)
span2 = req2.resource_spans[0].scope_spans[0].spans[0]
self.assertEqual("child2-trace", span2.name)
self.assertEqual(span2.links[0].span_id, span1.span_id)
attrs = attributes_to_dict(span2.links[0].attributes)
self.assertEqual({"relationship": "prev"}, attrs)
req3 = self.otlp.requests[2]
self.log.debug("Received:\n%s", req3)
span3 = req3.resource_spans[0].scope_spans[0].spans[0]
self.assertEqual("child3-trace", span3.name)
self.assertNotEqual(span1.trace_id, span2.trace_id)
self.assertNotEqual(span2.trace_id, span3.trace_id)
self.assertNotEqual(span1.trace_id, span3.trace_id)
def test_tracing(self):
A = self.fake_gerrit.addFakeChange('org/project', 'master', 'A')
A.addApproval('Code-Review', 2)
self.fake_gerrit.addEvent(A.addApproval('Approved', 1))
for _ in iterate_timeout(60, "request to arrive"):
if len(self.otlp.requests) >= 2:
buildset = self.getSpan('BuildSet')
self.log.debug("Received:\n%s", buildset)
item = self.getSpan('QueueItem')
self.log.debug("Received:\n%s", item)
self.assertEqual(item.trace_id, buildset.trace_id)
self.assertNotEqual(item.span_id, buildset.span_id)
self.assertTrue(buildset.start_time_unix_nano >=
self.assertTrue(buildset.end_time_unix_nano <=
item_attrs = attributes_to_dict(item.attributes)
self.assertTrue(item_attrs['ref_number'] == "1")
self.assertTrue(item_attrs['ref_patchset'] == "1")
self.assertTrue('zuul_event_id' in item_attrs)
def getSpan(self, name):
for req in self.otlp.requests:
span = req.resource_spans[0].scope_spans[0].spans[0]
if span.name == name:
return span