David Shrewsbury 0575d4f89b Fix zuul-stream-functional tests
The pre.yaml playbook for the zuul-stream-functional tests copies
the Ansible inventory.yaml file from the executor to the test
"controller" node. The controller then runs the specified version
of Ansible 2.x against the other nodes. This fails because the
executor version of inventory.yaml contains "auto" for the Ansible
python interpreter which is valid under the version of Ansible used
on the executor, but on the controller node, which runs the older
versions of Ansible, this is *not* a valid value. Thus it fails.

This change forces the executor to use the version of Ansible being
tested on the controller so that the inventory.yaml will be correct.

Also, Ansible 2.8 now throws a FileNotFoundError exception instead
of OSError when a referenced file is not found.

Change-Id: Ibd31f1161df0076ed7498fd1d7b1ae76c802c6e4
2019-11-19 11:57:40 -05:00

78 lines
3.3 KiB

- hosts: controller
- name: Set python path fact
python_path: "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages"
- name: Run ansible that should succeed
command: >
/usr/lib/zuul/ansible/{{ zuul_ansible_version }}/bin/ansible-playbook
ZUUL_JOB_LOG_CONFIG: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}/logging.json"
ZUUL_JOBDIR: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}"
ARA_LOG_CONFIG: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}/logging.json"
PYTHONPATH: "{{ python_path }}"
- name: Run ansible playbook that should fail
command: >
/usr/lib/zuul/ansible/{{ zuul_ansible_version }}/bin/ansible-playbook
register: failed_results
failed_when: "failed_results.rc != 2"
ZUUL_JOB_LOG_CONFIG: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}/logging.json"
ZUUL_JOBDIR: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}"
ARA_LOG_CONFIG: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}/logging.json"
PYTHONPATH: "{{ python_path }}"
- name: Validate output - setupvar
shell: |
egrep "^.*\| node1 \|\s+\"setupvar\": {" job-output.txt
egrep "^.*\| node2 \|\s+\"setupvar\": {" job-output.txt
- name: Validate output - shell task
shell: |
egrep "^.*\| node1 \| 1: lo:" job-output.txt
egrep "^.*\| node2 \| 1: lo:" job-output.txt
- name: Validate output - loop with items
shell: |
egrep "^.+\| node1 \| ok: Item: item1" job-output.txt
egrep "^.+\| node1 \| ok: Item: item2" job-output.txt
egrep "^.+\| node1 \| ok: Item: item3" job-output.txt
egrep "^.+\| node2 \| ok: Item: item1" job-output.txt
egrep "^.+\| node2 \| ok: Item: item2" job-output.txt
egrep "^.+\| node2 \| ok: Item: item3" job-output.txt
- name: Validate output - loop with complex items
shell: |
egrep "^.+\| node1 \| ok: Item: Runtime" job-output.txt
egrep "^.+\| node2 \| ok: Item: Runtime" job-output.txt
- name: Validate output - shell task with exception
shell: |
egrep "^.+\| node1 \| (OSError|FileNotFoundError).+\/shelltask\/" job-output.txt
egrep "^.+\| node2 \| (OSError|FileNotFoundError).+\/shelltask\/" job-output.txt
- name: Validate output - item loop with exception
shell: |
egrep "^.+\| node1 \| (OSError|FileNotFoundError).+\/itemloop\/" job-output.txt
egrep "^.+\| node2 \| (OSError|FileNotFoundError).+\/itemloop\/" job-output.txt
- name: Validate output - failure shell task with exception
shell: |
egrep "^.+\| node1 \| (OSError|FileNotFoundError).+\/failure-shelltask\/" job-output.txt
egrep "^.+\| node2 \| (OSError|FileNotFoundError).+\/failure-shelltask\/" job-output.txt
- name: Validate output - failure item loop with exception
shell: |
egrep "^.+\| node1 \| (OSError|FileNotFoundError).+\/failure-itemloop\/" job-output.txt
egrep "^.+\| node2 \| (OSError|FileNotFoundError).+\/failure-itemloop\/" job-output.txt
- name: Validate output - binary data
shell: |
egrep "^.*\| node1 \| \\\\x80abc" job-output.txt
egrep "^.*\| node2 \| \\\\x80abc" job-output.txt