James E. Blair a1d8fc7a51 Reorganize admin manual
This makes a number of changes to the installation/configuration
documentation in the admin manual.

Remove quick-start guide.  The process of quick-starting is
covered by the installation and setup tutorial, which is now the
first of the installation sections.  The reference material from
quick-start is now in the tutorial.

Rename the tutorial quick-start.  It's nice to have something
named quick-start, and the tutorial fits the bill.

Rename the installation section "Installation Reference".  This
now has more detailed information about installation and
deployment choices, but has very little procedural documentation.

Make zuul-from-scratch more internally consistent in style (use
code-block:: shell and heredocs wherever possible).

Change-Id: I7e4714ce5e775dc9ac0988c3470eef1f74fb36d6
2018-10-10 09:54:03 -07:00

62 lines
1.7 KiB

openSUSE Leap 15
We're going to be using openSUSE Leap 15 for this installation.
If you are using Zuul with GitHub,
- Port 9000 must be open and accessible from the Internet so that
GitHub can communicate with the Zuul web service.
Environment Setup
First, make sure the system packages are up to date, and then install
some packages which will be required later. Most of Zuul's binary
dependencies are handled by the bindep program, but a few additional
dependencies are needed to install bindep, and for other commands
which we will use in these instructions.
.. code-block:: shell
sudo zypper install -y git python3-pip
Then install bindep
.. code-block:: shell
pip3 install --user bindep
# Add it to your path
Install Zookeeper
Nodepool uses Zookeeper to keep track of information about the
resources it manages, and it's also how Zuul makes requests to
Nodepool for nodes.
You should follow the `official deployment instructions for zookeeper
but to get started quickly, just download, unpack and run.
To download follow the directions on `Zookeeper's releases page
<https://zookeeper.apache.org/releases.html>`_ to grab the latest
release of zookeeper. Then:
.. code-block:: shell
sudo zypper install -y java-1_8_0-openjdk
tar -xzf zookeeper-3.4.12.tar.gz # Tarball downloaded from Zookeeper
cp zookeeper-3.4.12/conf/zoo_sample.cfg zookeeper-3.4.12/conf/zoo.cfg
./zookeeper-3.4.12/bin/zkServer.sh start
.. note:: Don't forget to follow `Apache's checksum instructions
<https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi#verify>`_ before