
450 lines
18 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import logging
import yaml
import voluptuous as vs
import model
import zuul.manager
import zuul.manager.dependent
import zuul.manager.independent
from zuul import change_matcher
# Several forms accept either a single item or a list, this makes
# specifying that in the schema easy (and explicit).
def to_list(x):
return vs.Any([x], x)
def as_list(item):
if not item:
return []
if isinstance(item, list):
return item
return [item]
def extend_dict(a, b):
"""Extend dictionary a (which will be modified in place) with the
contents of b. This is designed for Zuul yaml files which are
typically dictionaries of lists of dictionaries, e.g.,
{'pipelines': ['name': 'gate']}. If two such dictionaries each
define a pipeline, the result will be a single dictionary with
a pipelines entry whose value is a two-element list."""
for k, v in b.items():
if k not in a:
a[k] = v
elif isinstance(v, dict) and isinstance(a[k], dict):
extend_dict(a[k], v)
elif isinstance(v, list) and isinstance(a[k], list):
a[k] += v
elif isinstance(v, list):
a[k] = [a[k]] + v
elif isinstance(a[k], list):
a[k] += [v]
raise Exception("Unhandled case in extend_dict at %s" % (k,))
def deep_format(obj, paramdict):
"""Apply the paramdict via str.format() to all string objects found within
the supplied obj. Lists and dicts are traversed recursively.
Borrowed from Jenkins Job Builder project"""
if isinstance(obj, str):
ret = obj.format(**paramdict)
elif isinstance(obj, list):
ret = []
for item in obj:
ret.append(deep_format(item, paramdict))
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
ret = {}
for item in obj:
exp_item = item.format(**paramdict)
ret[exp_item] = deep_format(obj[item], paramdict)
ret = obj
return ret
class JobParser(object):
def getSchema():
# TODOv3(jeblair, jhesketh): move to auth
swift = {vs.Required('name'): str,
'container': str,
'expiry': int,
'max_file_size': int,
'max-file-size': int,
'max_file_count': int,
'max-file-count': int,
'logserver_prefix': str,
'logserver-prefix': str,
job = {vs.Required('name'): str,
'parent': str,
'queue-name': str,
'failure-message': str,
'success-message': str,
'failure-url': str,
'success-url': str,
'voting': bool,
'branches': to_list(str),
'files': to_list(str),
'swift': to_list(swift),
'irrelevant-files': to_list(str),
'timeout': int,
return vs.Schema(job)
def fromYaml(layout, conf):
job = model.Job(conf['name'])
if 'parent' in conf:
parent = layout.getJob(conf['parent'])
job.timeout = conf.get('timeout', job.timeout)
job.workspace = conf.get('workspace', job.workspace)
job.pre_run = as_list(conf.get('pre-run', job.pre_run))
job.post_run = as_list(conf.get('post-run', job.post_run))
job.voting = conf.get('voting', True)
job.failure_message = conf.get('failure-message', job.failure_message)
job.success_message = conf.get('success-message', job.success_message)
job.failure_url = conf.get('failure-url', job.failure_url)
job.success_url = conf.get('success-url', job.success_url)
if 'branches' in conf:
matchers = []
for branch in as_list(conf['branches']):
job.branch_matcher = change_matcher.MatchAny(matchers)
if 'files' in conf:
matchers = []
for fn in as_list(conf['files']):
job.file_matcher = change_matcher.MatchAny(matchers)
if 'irrelevant-files' in conf:
matchers = []
for fn in as_list(conf['irrelevant-files']):
job.irrelevant_file_matcher = change_matcher.MatchAllFiles(
return job
class AbideValidator(object):
tenant_source = vs.Schema({'repos': [str]})
def validateTenantSources(self, connections):
def v(value, path=[]):
if isinstance(value, dict):
for k, val in value.items():
self.validateTenantSource(val, path + [k])
raise vs.Invalid("Invalid tenant source", path)
return v
def validateTenantSource(self, value, path=[]):
def getSchema(self, connections=None):
tenant = {vs.Required('name'): str,
'include': to_list(str),
'source': self.validateTenantSources(connections)}
schema = vs.Schema({'tenants': [tenant]})
return schema
def validate(self, data, connections=None):
schema = self.getSchema(connections)
class ConfigLoader(object):
log = logging.getLogger("zuul.ConfigLoader")
# A set of reporter configuration keys to action mapping
reporter_actions = {
'start': 'start_actions',
'success': 'success_actions',
'failure': 'failure_actions',
'merge-failure': 'merge_failure_actions',
'disabled': 'disabled_actions',
def loadConfig(self, config_path, scheduler, merger, connections):
abide = model.Abide()
if config_path:
config_path = os.path.expanduser(config_path)
if not os.path.exists(config_path):
raise Exception("Unable to read tenant config file at %s" %
with open(config_path) as config_file:
self.log.info("Loading configuration from %s" % (config_path,))
data = yaml.load(config_file)
base = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(config_path))
validator = AbideValidator()
validator.validate(data, connections)
for conf_tenant in data['tenants']:
tenant = model.Tenant(conf_tenant['name'])
abide.tenants[tenant.name] = tenant
tenant_config = {}
for fn in conf_tenant.get('include', []):
if not os.path.isabs(fn):
fn = os.path.join(base, fn)
fn = os.path.expanduser(fn)
with open(fn) as config_file:
self.log.info("Loading configuration from %s" % (fn,))
incdata = yaml.load(config_file)
extend_dict(tenant_config, incdata)
incdata = self._loadTenantInRepoLayouts(merger, connections,
extend_dict(tenant_config, incdata)
tenant.layout = self._parseLayout(base, tenant_config,
scheduler, connections)
return abide
def _parseLayout(self, base, data, scheduler, connections):
layout = model.Layout()
project_templates = {}
# TODOv3(jeblair): add validation
# validator = layoutvalidator.LayoutValidator()
# validator.validate(data, connections)
config_env = {}
for include in data.get('includes', []):
if 'python-file' in include:
fn = include['python-file']
if not os.path.isabs(fn):
fn = os.path.join(base, fn)
fn = os.path.expanduser(fn)
execfile(fn, config_env)
for conf_pipeline in data.get('pipelines', []):
pipeline = model.Pipeline(conf_pipeline['name'], layout)
pipeline.description = conf_pipeline.get('description')
pipeline.source = connections.getSource(conf_pipeline['source'])
precedence = model.PRECEDENCE_MAP[conf_pipeline.get('precedence')]
pipeline.precedence = precedence
pipeline.failure_message = conf_pipeline.get('failure-message',
"Build failed.")
pipeline.merge_failure_message = conf_pipeline.get(
'merge-failure-message', "Merge Failed.\n\nThis change or one "
"of its cross-repo dependencies was unable to be "
"automatically merged with the current state of its "
"repository. Please rebase the change and upload a new "
pipeline.success_message = conf_pipeline.get('success-message',
"Build succeeded.")
pipeline.footer_message = conf_pipeline.get('footer-message', "")
pipeline.dequeue_on_new_patchset = conf_pipeline.get(
'dequeue-on-new-patchset', True)
pipeline.ignore_dependencies = conf_pipeline.get(
'ignore-dependencies', False)
for conf_key, action in self.reporter_actions.items():
reporter_set = []
if conf_pipeline.get(conf_key):
for reporter_name, params \
in conf_pipeline.get(conf_key).items():
reporter = connections.getReporter(reporter_name,
setattr(pipeline, action, reporter_set)
# If merge-failure actions aren't explicit, use the failure actions
if not pipeline.merge_failure_actions:
pipeline.merge_failure_actions = pipeline.failure_actions
pipeline.disable_at = conf_pipeline.get(
'disable-after-consecutive-failures', None)
pipeline.window = conf_pipeline.get('window', 20)
pipeline.window_floor = conf_pipeline.get('window-floor', 3)
pipeline.window_increase_type = conf_pipeline.get(
'window-increase-type', 'linear')
pipeline.window_increase_factor = conf_pipeline.get(
'window-increase-factor', 1)
pipeline.window_decrease_type = conf_pipeline.get(
'window-decrease-type', 'exponential')
pipeline.window_decrease_factor = conf_pipeline.get(
'window-decrease-factor', 2)
manager_name = conf_pipeline['manager']
if manager_name == 'dependent':
manager = zuul.manager.dependent.DependentPipelineManager(
scheduler, pipeline)
elif manager_name == 'independent':
manager = zuul.manager.independent.IndependentPipelineManager(
scheduler, pipeline)
layout.pipelines[conf_pipeline['name']] = pipeline
if 'require' in conf_pipeline or 'reject' in conf_pipeline:
require = conf_pipeline.get('require', {})
reject = conf_pipeline.get('reject', {})
f = model.ChangeishFilter(
for trigger_name, trigger_config\
in conf_pipeline.get('trigger').items():
trigger = connections.getTrigger(trigger_name, trigger_config)
# TODO: move
manager.event_filters += trigger.getEventFilters(
for project_template in data.get('project-templates', []):
# Make sure the template only contains valid pipelines
tpl = dict(
(pipe_name, project_template.get(pipe_name))
for pipe_name in layout.pipelines.keys()
if pipe_name in project_template
project_templates[project_template.get('name')] = tpl
for config_job in data.get('jobs', []):
layout.addJob(JobParser.fromYaml(layout, config_job))
def add_jobs(job_tree, config_jobs):
for job in config_jobs:
if isinstance(job, list):
for x in job:
add_jobs(job_tree, x)
if isinstance(job, dict):
for parent, children in job.items():
parent_tree = job_tree.addJob(layout.getJob(parent))
add_jobs(parent_tree, children)
if isinstance(job, str):
for config_project in data.get('projects', []):
shortname = config_project['name'].split('/')[-1]
# This is reversed due to the prepend operation below, so
# the ultimate order is templates (in order) followed by
# statically defined jobs.
for requested_template in reversed(
config_project.get('template', [])):
# Fetch the template from 'project-templates'
tpl = project_templates.get(
# Expand it with the project context
requested_template['name'] = shortname
expanded = deep_format(tpl, requested_template)
# Finally merge the expansion with whatever has been
# already defined for this project. Prepend our new
# jobs to existing ones (which may have been
# statically defined or defined by other templates).
for pipeline in layout.pipelines.values():
if pipeline.name in expanded:
{pipeline.name: expanded[pipeline.name] +
config_project.get(pipeline.name, [])})
mode = config_project.get('merge-mode', 'merge-resolve')
for pipeline in layout.pipelines.values():
if pipeline.name in config_project:
project = pipeline.source.getProject(
project.merge_mode = model.MERGER_MAP[mode]
job_tree = pipeline.addProject(project)
config_jobs = config_project[pipeline.name]
add_jobs(job_tree, config_jobs)
for pipeline in layout.pipelines.values():
return layout
def _loadTenantInRepoLayouts(self, merger, connections, conf_tenant):
config = {}
jobs = []
for source_name, conf_source in conf_tenant.get('source', {}).items():
source = connections.getSource(source_name)
for conf_repo in conf_source.get('repos'):
project = source.getProject(conf_repo)
url = source.getGitUrl(project)
# TODOv3(jeblair): config should be branch specific
job = merger.getFiles(project.name, url, 'master',
job.project = project
for job in jobs:
self.log.debug("Waiting for cat job %s" % (job,))
if job.files.get('.zuul.yaml'):
self.log.info("Loading configuration from %s/.zuul.yaml" %
incdata = self._parseInRepoLayout(job.files['.zuul.yaml'])
extend_dict(config, incdata)
return config
def _parseInRepoLayout(self, data):
# TODOv3(jeblair): this should implement some rules to protect
# aspects of the config that should not be changed in-repo
return yaml.load(data)
def _parseSkipIf(self, config_job):
cm = change_matcher
skip_matchers = []
for config_skip in config_job.get('skip-if', []):
nested_matchers = []
project_regex = config_skip.get('project')
if project_regex:
branch_regex = config_skip.get('branch')
if branch_regex:
file_regexes = to_list(config_skip.get('all-files-match-any'))
if file_regexes:
file_matchers = [cm.FileMatcher(x) for x in file_regexes]
all_files_matcher = cm.MatchAllFiles(file_matchers)
# All patterns need to match a given skip-if predicate
if skip_matchers:
# Any skip-if predicate can be matched to trigger a skip
return cm.MatchAny(skip_matchers)