Conceptually, we're trying to express whether we trust the authors of a job or not, and whether or not we trust the job to be able to have access to secrets or request plugin execution. Reading and writing narrative text using the word secure for that starts to hurt the head sometimes. Switch to trusted. Change-Id: Ic6a9fe7406f808f965a0ed5ef099fdea92f52c25
2327 lines
77 KiB
2327 lines
77 KiB
# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import copy
import os
import re
import struct
import time
from uuid import uuid4
import extras
import six
OrderedDict = extras.try_imports(['collections.OrderedDict',
EMPTY_GIT_REF = '0' * 40 # git sha of all zeros, used during creates/deletes
MERGER_MERGE = 1 # "git merge"
MERGER_MERGE_RESOLVE = 2 # "git merge -s resolve"
MERGER_CHERRY_PICK = 3 # "git cherry-pick"
'merge': MERGER_MERGE,
'merge-resolve': MERGER_MERGE_RESOLVE,
'cherry-pick': MERGER_CHERRY_PICK,
# Request states
STATE_REQUESTED = 'requested'
STATE_PENDING = 'pending'
STATE_FULFILLED = 'fulfilled'
STATE_FAILED = 'failed'
# Node states
STATE_BUILDING = 'building'
STATE_TESTING = 'testing'
STATE_READY = 'ready'
STATE_IN_USE = 'in-use'
STATE_USED = 'used'
STATE_HOLD = 'hold'
STATE_DELETING = 'deleting'
def time_to_seconds(s):
if s.endswith('s'):
return int(s[:-1])
if s.endswith('m'):
return int(s[:-1]) * 60
if s.endswith('h'):
return int(s[:-1]) * 60 * 60
if s.endswith('d'):
return int(s[:-1]) * 24 * 60 * 60
if s.endswith('w'):
return int(s[:-1]) * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
raise Exception("Unable to parse time value: %s" % s)
def normalizeCategory(name):
name = name.lower()
return re.sub(' ', '-', name)
class Pipeline(object):
"""A configuration that ties triggers, reporters, managers and sources.
Where changes should come from. It is a named connection to
an external service defined in zuul.conf
A description of which events should be processed
Responsible for enqueing and dequeing Changes
Communicates success and failure results somewhere
def __init__(self, name, layout):
self.name = name
self.layout = layout
self.description = None
self.failure_message = None
self.merge_failure_message = None
self.success_message = None
self.footer_message = None
self.start_message = None
self.dequeue_on_new_patchset = True
self.ignore_dependencies = False
self.job_trees = {} # project -> JobTree
self.manager = None
self.queues = []
self.precedence = PRECEDENCE_NORMAL
self.source = None
self.triggers = []
self.start_actions = []
self.success_actions = []
self.failure_actions = []
self.merge_failure_actions = []
self.disabled_actions = []
self.disable_at = None
self._consecutive_failures = 0
self._disabled = False
self.window = None
self.window_floor = None
self.window_increase_type = None
self.window_increase_factor = None
self.window_decrease_type = None
self.window_decrease_factor = None
def actions(self):
return (
self.start_actions +
self.success_actions +
self.failure_actions +
self.merge_failure_actions +
def __repr__(self):
return '<Pipeline %s>' % self.name
def setManager(self, manager):
self.manager = manager
def getProjects(self):
# cmp is not in python3, applied idiom from
# http://python-future.org/compatible_idioms.html#cmp
return sorted(
key=lambda p: p.name)
def addQueue(self, queue):
def getQueue(self, project):
for queue in self.queues:
if project in queue.projects:
return queue
return None
def removeQueue(self, queue):
def getJobTree(self, project):
tree = self.job_trees.get(project)
return tree
def getChangesInQueue(self):
changes = []
for shared_queue in self.queues:
changes.extend([x.change for x in shared_queue.queue])
return changes
def getAllItems(self):
items = []
for shared_queue in self.queues:
return items
def formatStatusJSON(self, url_pattern=None):
j_pipeline = dict(name=self.name,
j_queues = []
j_pipeline['change_queues'] = j_queues
for queue in self.queues:
j_queue = dict(name=queue.name)
j_queue['heads'] = []
j_queue['window'] = queue.window
j_changes = []
for e in queue.queue:
if not e.item_ahead:
if j_changes:
j_changes = []
if (len(j_changes) > 1 and
(j_changes[-2]['remaining_time'] is not None) and
(j_changes[-1]['remaining_time'] is not None)):
j_changes[-1]['remaining_time'] = max(
if j_changes:
return j_pipeline
class ChangeQueue(object):
"""A ChangeQueue contains Changes to be processed related projects.
A Pipeline with a DependentPipelineManager has multiple parallel
ChangeQueues shared by different projects. For instance, there may a
ChangeQueue shared by interrelated projects foo and bar, and a second queue
for independent project baz.
A Pipeline with an IndependentPipelineManager puts every Change into its
own ChangeQueue
The ChangeQueue Window is inspired by TCP windows and controlls how many
Changes in a given ChangeQueue will be considered active and ready to
be processed. If a Change succeeds, the Window is increased by
`window_increase_factor`. If a Change fails, the Window is decreased by
def __init__(self, pipeline, window=0, window_floor=1,
window_increase_type='linear', window_increase_factor=1,
window_decrease_type='exponential', window_decrease_factor=2,
self.pipeline = pipeline
if name:
self.name = name
self.name = ''
self.projects = []
self._jobs = set()
self.queue = []
self.window = window
self.window_floor = window_floor
self.window_increase_type = window_increase_type
self.window_increase_factor = window_increase_factor
self.window_decrease_type = window_decrease_type
self.window_decrease_factor = window_decrease_factor
def __repr__(self):
return '<ChangeQueue %s: %s>' % (self.pipeline.name, self.name)
def getJobs(self):
return self._jobs
def addProject(self, project):
if project not in self.projects:
if not self.name:
self.name = project.name
def enqueueChange(self, change):
item = QueueItem(self, change)
item.enqueue_time = time.time()
return item
def enqueueItem(self, item):
item.pipeline = self.pipeline
item.queue = self
if self.queue:
item.item_ahead = self.queue[-1]
def dequeueItem(self, item):
if item in self.queue:
if item.item_ahead:
for item_behind in item.items_behind:
if item.item_ahead:
item_behind.item_ahead = item.item_ahead
item.item_ahead = None
item.items_behind = []
item.dequeue_time = time.time()
def moveItem(self, item, item_ahead):
if item.item_ahead == item_ahead:
return False
# Remove from current location
if item.item_ahead:
for item_behind in item.items_behind:
if item.item_ahead:
item_behind.item_ahead = item.item_ahead
# Add to new location
item.item_ahead = item_ahead
item.items_behind = []
if item.item_ahead:
return True
def mergeChangeQueue(self, other):
for project in other.projects:
self.window = min(self.window, other.window)
# TODO merge semantics
def isActionable(self, item):
if self.window:
return item in self.queue[:self.window]
return True
def increaseWindowSize(self):
if self.window:
if self.window_increase_type == 'linear':
self.window += self.window_increase_factor
elif self.window_increase_type == 'exponential':
self.window *= self.window_increase_factor
def decreaseWindowSize(self):
if self.window:
if self.window_decrease_type == 'linear':
self.window = max(
self.window - self.window_decrease_factor)
elif self.window_decrease_type == 'exponential':
self.window = max(
int(self.window / self.window_decrease_factor))
class Project(object):
"""A Project represents a git repository such as openstack/nova."""
# NOTE: Projects should only be instantiated via a Source object
# so that they are associated with and cached by their Connection.
# This makes a Project instance a unique identifier for a given
# project from a given source.
def __init__(self, name, connection_name, foreign=False):
self.name = name
self.connection_name = connection_name
# foreign projects are those referenced in dependencies
# of layout projects, this should matter
# when deciding whether to enqueue their changes
# TODOv3 (jeblair): re-add support for foreign projects if needed
self.foreign = foreign
self.unparsed_config = None
self.unparsed_branch_config = {} # branch -> UnparsedTenantConfig
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def __repr__(self):
return '<Project %s>' % (self.name)
class Node(object):
"""A single node for use by a job.
This may represent a request for a node, or an actual node
provided by Nodepool.
def __init__(self, name, image):
self.name = name
self.image = image
self.id = None
self.lock = None
# Attributes from Nodepool
self._state = 'unknown'
self.state_time = time.time()
self.public_ipv4 = None
self.private_ipv4 = None
self.public_ipv6 = None
self._keys = []
def state(self):
return self._state
def state(self, value):
if value not in NODE_STATES:
raise TypeError("'%s' is not a valid state" % value)
self._state = value
self.state_time = time.time()
def __repr__(self):
return '<Node %s %s:%s>' % (self.id, self.name, self.image)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Node):
return False
return (self.name == other.name and
self.image == other.image and
self.id == other.id)
def toDict(self):
d = {}
d['state'] = self.state
for k in self._keys:
d[k] = getattr(self, k)
return d
def updateFromDict(self, data):
self._state = data['state']
keys = []
for k, v in data.items():
if k == 'state':
setattr(self, k, v)
self._keys = keys
class NodeSet(object):
"""A set of nodes.
In configuration, NodeSets are attributes of Jobs indicating that
a Job requires nodes matching this description.
They may appear as top-level configuration objects and be named,
or they may appears anonymously in in-line job definitions.
def __init__(self, name=None):
self.name = name or ''
self.nodes = OrderedDict()
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, NodeSet):
return False
return (self.name == other.name and
self.nodes == other.nodes)
def copy(self):
n = NodeSet(self.name)
for name, node in self.nodes.items():
n.addNode(Node(node.name, node.image))
return n
def addNode(self, node):
if node.name in self.nodes:
raise Exception("Duplicate node in %s" % (self,))
self.nodes[node.name] = node
def getNodes(self):
return self.nodes.values()
def __repr__(self):
if self.name:
name = self.name + ' '
name = ''
return '<NodeSet %s%s>' % (name, self.nodes)
class NodeRequest(object):
"""A request for a set of nodes."""
def __init__(self, build_set, job, nodeset):
self.build_set = build_set
self.job = job
self.nodeset = nodeset
self._state = STATE_REQUESTED
self.state_time = time.time()
self.stat = None
self.uid = uuid4().hex
self.id = None
# Zuul internal failure flag (not stored in ZK so it's not
# overwritten).
self.failed = False
def fulfilled(self):
return (self._state == STATE_FULFILLED) and not self.failed
def state(self):
return self._state
def state(self, value):
if value not in REQUEST_STATES:
raise TypeError("'%s' is not a valid state" % value)
self._state = value
self.state_time = time.time()
def __repr__(self):
return '<NodeRequest %s %s>' % (self.id, self.nodeset)
def toDict(self):
d = {}
nodes = [n.image for n in self.nodeset.getNodes()]
d['node_types'] = nodes
d['requestor'] = 'zuul' # TODOv3(jeblair): better descriptor
d['state'] = self.state
d['state_time'] = self.state_time
return d
def updateFromDict(self, data):
self._state = data['state']
self.state_time = data['state_time']
class SourceContext(object):
"""A reference to the branch of a project in configuration.
Jobs and playbooks reference this to keep track of where they
def __init__(self, project, branch, trusted):
self.project = project
self.branch = branch
self.trusted = trusted
def __repr__(self):
return '<SourceContext %s:%s trusted:%s>' % (self.project,
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return self.copy()
def copy(self):
return self.__class__(self.project, self.branch, self.trusted)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, SourceContext):
return False
return (self.project == other.project and
self.branch == other.branch and
self.trusted == other.trusted)
class PlaybookContext(object):
"""A reference to a playbook in the context of a project.
Jobs refer to objects of this class for their main, pre, and post
playbooks so that we can keep track of which repos and security
contexts are needed in order to run them."""
def __init__(self, source_context, path):
self.source_context = source_context
self.path = path
def __repr__(self):
return '<PlaybookContext %s %s>' % (self.source_context,
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, PlaybookContext):
return False
return (self.source_context == other.source_context and
self.path == other.path)
def toDict(self):
# Render to a dict to use in passing json to the launcher
return dict(
class Role(object):
"""A reference to an ansible role."""
def __init__(self, target_name):
self.target_name = target_name
def __repr__(self):
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Role):
return False
return (self.target_name == other.target_name)
def toDict(self):
# Render to a dict to use in passing json to the launcher
return dict(target_name=self.target_name)
class ZuulRole(Role):
"""A reference to an ansible role in a Zuul project."""
def __init__(self, target_name, connection_name, project_name, trusted):
super(ZuulRole, self).__init__(target_name)
self.connection_name = connection_name
self.project_name = project_name
self.trusted = trusted
def __repr__(self):
return '<ZuulRole %s %s>' % (self.project_name, self.target_name)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, ZuulRole):
return False
return (super(ZuulRole, self).__eq__(other) and
self.connection_name == other.connection_name,
self.project_name == other.project_name,
self.trusted == other.trusted)
def toDict(self):
# Render to a dict to use in passing json to the launcher
d = super(ZuulRole, self).toDict()
d['type'] = 'zuul'
d['connection'] = self.connection_name
d['project'] = self.project_name
d['trusted'] = self.trusted
return d
class Job(object):
"""A Job represents the defintion of actions to perform.
NB: Do not modify attributes of this class, set them directly
(e.g., "job.run = ..." rather than "job.run.append(...)").
def __init__(self, name):
# These attributes may override even the final form of a job
# in the context of a project-pipeline. They can not affect
# the execution of the job, but only whether the job is run
# and how it is reported.
self.context_attributes = dict(
# Matchers. These are separate so they can be individually
# overidden.
irrelevant_file_matcher=None, # skip-if
# These attributes affect how the job is actually run and more
# care must be taken when overriding them. If a job is
# declared "final", these may not be overriden in a
# project-pipeline.
self.execution_attributes = dict(
# variables={},
# These are generally internal attributes which are not
# accessible via configuration.
self.other_attributes = dict(
self.inheritable_attributes = {}
self.attributes = {}
self.name = name
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
# Compare the name and all inheritable attributes to determine
# whether two jobs with the same name are identically
# configured. Useful upon reconfiguration.
if not isinstance(other, Job):
return False
if self.name != other.name:
return False
for k, v in self.attributes.items():
if getattr(self, k) != getattr(other, k):
return False
return True
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def __repr__(self):
return '<Job %s branches: %s source: %s>' % (self.name,
def __getattr__(self, name):
v = self.__dict__.get(name)
if v is None:
return copy.deepcopy(self.attributes[name])
return v
def _get(self, name):
return self.__dict__.get(name)
def setRun(self):
if not self.run:
self.run = self.implied_run
def inheritFrom(self, other):
"""Copy the inheritable attributes which have been set on the other
job to this job."""
if not isinstance(other, Job):
raise Exception("Job unable to inherit from %s" % (other,))
do_not_inherit = set()
if other.auth and not other.auth.get('inherit'):
# copy all attributes
for k in self.inheritable_attributes:
if (other._get(k) is not None and k not in do_not_inherit):
setattr(self, k, copy.deepcopy(getattr(other, k)))
msg = 'inherit from %s' % (repr(other),)
self.inheritance_path = other.inheritance_path + (msg,)
def copy(self):
job = Job(self.name)
for k in self.attributes:
if self._get(k) is not None:
setattr(job, k, copy.deepcopy(self._get(k)))
return job
def applyVariant(self, other):
"""Copy the attributes which have been set on the other job to this
if not isinstance(other, Job):
raise Exception("Job unable to inherit from %s" % (other,))
for k in self.execution_attributes:
if (other._get(k) is not None and
k not in set(['final'])):
if self.final:
raise Exception("Unable to modify final job %s attribute "
"%s=%s with variant %s" % (
repr(self), k, other._get(k),
if k not in set(['pre_run', 'post_run', 'roles']):
setattr(self, k, copy.deepcopy(other._get(k)))
# Don't set final above so that we don't trip an error halfway
# through assignment.
if other.final != self.attributes['final']:
self.final = other.final
if other._get('pre_run') is not None:
self.pre_run = self.pre_run + other.pre_run
if other._get('post_run') is not None:
self.post_run = other.post_run + self.post_run
if other._get('roles') is not None:
self.roles = self.roles.union(other.roles)
for k in self.context_attributes:
if (other._get(k) is not None and
k not in set(['tags'])):
setattr(self, k, copy.deepcopy(other._get(k)))
if other._get('tags') is not None:
self.tags = self.tags.union(other.tags)
msg = 'apply variant %s' % (repr(other),)
self.inheritance_path = self.inheritance_path + (msg,)
def changeMatches(self, change):
if self.branch_matcher and not self.branch_matcher.matches(change):
return False
if self.file_matcher and not self.file_matcher.matches(change):
return False
# NB: This is a negative match.
if (self.irrelevant_file_matcher and
return False
return True
class JobTree(object):
"""A JobTree holds one or more Jobs to represent Job dependencies.
If Job foo should only execute if Job bar succeeds, then there will
be a JobTree for foo, which will contain a JobTree for bar. A JobTree
can hold more than one dependent JobTrees, such that jobs bar and bang
both depend on job foo being successful.
A root node of a JobTree will have no associated Job."""
def __init__(self, job):
self.job = job
self.job_trees = []
def __repr__(self):
return '<JobTree %s %s>' % (self.job, self.job_trees)
def addJob(self, job):
if job not in [x.job for x in self.job_trees]:
t = JobTree(job)
return t
for tree in self.job_trees:
if tree.job == job:
return tree
def getJobs(self):
jobs = []
for x in self.job_trees:
return jobs
def getJobTreeForJob(self, job):
if self.job == job:
return self
for tree in self.job_trees:
ret = tree.getJobTreeForJob(job)
if ret:
return ret
return None
def inheritFrom(self, other):
if other.job:
if not self.job:
self.job = other.job.copy()
for other_tree in other.job_trees:
this_tree = self.getJobTreeForJob(other_tree.job)
if not this_tree:
this_tree = JobTree(None)
class Build(object):
"""A Build is an instance of a single running Job."""
def __init__(self, job, uuid):
self.job = job
self.uuid = uuid
self.url = None
self.result = None
self.build_set = None
self.launch_time = time.time()
self.start_time = None
self.end_time = None
self.estimated_time = None
self.pipeline = None
self.canceled = False
self.retry = False
self.parameters = {}
self.worker = Worker()
self.node_labels = []
self.node_name = None
def __repr__(self):
return ('<Build %s of %s on %s>' %
(self.uuid, self.job.name, self.worker))
class Worker(object):
"""Information about the specific worker executing a Build."""
def __init__(self):
self.name = "Unknown"
self.hostname = None
self.ips = []
self.fqdn = None
self.program = None
self.version = None
self.extra = {}
def updateFromData(self, data):
"""Update worker information if contained in the WORK_DATA response."""
self.name = data.get('worker_name', self.name)
self.hostname = data.get('worker_hostname', self.hostname)
self.ips = data.get('worker_ips', self.ips)
self.fqdn = data.get('worker_fqdn', self.fqdn)
self.program = data.get('worker_program', self.program)
self.version = data.get('worker_version', self.version)
self.extra = data.get('worker_extra', self.extra)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Worker %s>' % self.name
class RepoFiles(object):
"""RepoFiles holds config-file content for per-project job config."""
# When we ask a merger to prepare a future multiple-repo state and
# collect files so that we can dynamically load our configuration,
# this class provides easy access to that data.
def __init__(self):
self.projects = {}
def __repr__(self):
return '<RepoFiles %s>' % self.projects
def setFiles(self, items):
self.projects = {}
for item in items:
project = self.projects.setdefault(item['project'], {})
branch = project.setdefault(item['branch'], {})
def getFile(self, project, branch, fn):
return self.projects.get(project, {}).get(branch, {}).get(fn)
class BuildSet(object):
"""Contains the Builds for a Change representing potential future state.
A BuildSet also holds the UUID used to produce the Zuul Ref that builders
check out.
# Merge states:
NEW = 1
states_map = {
1: 'NEW',
def __init__(self, item):
self.item = item
self.other_changes = []
self.builds = {}
self.result = None
self.next_build_set = None
self.previous_build_set = None
self.ref = None
self.commit = None
self.zuul_url = None
self.unable_to_merge = False
self.failing_reasons = []
self.merge_state = self.NEW
self.nodesets = {} # job -> nodeset
self.node_requests = {} # job -> reqs
self.files = RepoFiles()
self.layout = None
self.tries = {}
def __repr__(self):
return '<BuildSet item: %s #builds: %s merge state: %s>' % (
def setConfiguration(self):
# The change isn't enqueued until after it's created
# so we don't know what the other changes ahead will be
# until jobs start.
if not self.other_changes:
next_item = self.item.item_ahead
while next_item:
next_item = next_item.item_ahead
if not self.ref:
self.ref = 'Z' + uuid4().hex
def getStateName(self, state_num):
return self.states_map.get(
state_num, 'UNKNOWN (%s)' % state_num)
def addBuild(self, build):
self.builds[build.job.name] = build
if build.job.name not in self.tries:
self.tries[build.job.name] = 1
build.build_set = self
def removeBuild(self, build):
self.tries[build.job.name] += 1
del self.builds[build.job.name]
def getBuild(self, job_name):
return self.builds.get(job_name)
def getBuilds(self):
keys = self.builds.keys()
return [self.builds.get(x) for x in keys]
def getJobNodeSet(self, job_name):
# Return None if not provisioned; empty NodeSet if no nodes
# required
return self.nodesets.get(job_name)
def removeJobNodeSet(self, job_name):
if job_name not in self.nodesets:
raise Exception("No job set for %s" % (job_name))
del self.nodesets[job_name]
def setJobNodeRequest(self, job_name, req):
if job_name in self.node_requests:
raise Exception("Prior node request for %s" % (job_name))
self.node_requests[job_name] = req
def getJobNodeRequest(self, job_name):
return self.node_requests.get(job_name)
def jobNodeRequestComplete(self, job_name, req, nodeset):
if job_name in self.nodesets:
raise Exception("Prior node request for %s" % (job_name))
self.nodesets[job_name] = nodeset
del self.node_requests[job_name]
def getTries(self, job_name):
return self.tries.get(job_name)
def getMergeMode(self, job_name):
if not self.layout or job_name not in self.layout.project_configs:
return self.layout.project_configs[job_name].merge_mode
class QueueItem(object):
"""Represents the position of a Change in a ChangeQueue.
All Changes are enqueued into ChangeQueue in a QueueItem. The QueueItem
holds the current `BuildSet` as well as all previous `BuildSets` that were
produced for this `QueueItem`.
def __init__(self, queue, change):
self.pipeline = queue.pipeline
self.queue = queue
self.change = change # a changeish
self.build_sets = []
self.dequeued_needing_change = False
self.current_build_set = BuildSet(self)
self.item_ahead = None
self.items_behind = []
self.enqueue_time = None
self.dequeue_time = None
self.reported = False
self.active = False # Whether an item is within an active window
self.live = True # Whether an item is intended to be processed at all
self.layout = None # This item's shadow layout
self.job_tree = None
def __repr__(self):
if self.pipeline:
pipeline = self.pipeline.name
pipeline = None
return '<QueueItem 0x%x for %s in %s>' % (
id(self), self.change, pipeline)
def resetAllBuilds(self):
old = self.current_build_set
self.current_build_set.result = 'CANCELED'
self.current_build_set = BuildSet(self)
old.next_build_set = self.current_build_set
self.current_build_set.previous_build_set = old
def addBuild(self, build):
build.pipeline = self.pipeline
def removeBuild(self, build):
def setReportedResult(self, result):
self.current_build_set.result = result
def freezeJobTree(self):
"""Find or create actual matching jobs for this item's change and
store the resulting job tree."""
layout = self.current_build_set.layout
self.job_tree = layout.createJobTree(self)
def hasJobTree(self):
"""Returns True if the item has a job tree."""
return self.job_tree is not None
def getJobs(self):
if not self.live or not self.job_tree:
return []
return self.job_tree.getJobs()
def haveAllJobsStarted(self):
if not self.hasJobTree():
return False
for job in self.getJobs():
build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name)
if not build or not build.start_time:
return False
return True
def areAllJobsComplete(self):
if not self.hasJobTree():
return False
for job in self.getJobs():
build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name)
if not build or not build.result:
return False
return True
def didAllJobsSucceed(self):
if not self.hasJobTree():
return False
for job in self.getJobs():
if not job.voting:
build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name)
if not build:
return False
if build.result != 'SUCCESS':
return False
return True
def didAnyJobFail(self):
if not self.hasJobTree():
return False
for job in self.getJobs():
if not job.voting:
build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name)
if build and build.result and (build.result != 'SUCCESS'):
return True
return False
def didMergerFail(self):
if self.current_build_set.unable_to_merge:
return True
return False
def isHoldingFollowingChanges(self):
if not self.live:
return False
if not self.hasJobTree():
return False
for job in self.getJobs():
if not job.hold_following_changes:
build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name)
if not build:
return True
if build.result != 'SUCCESS':
return True
if not self.item_ahead:
return False
return self.item_ahead.isHoldingFollowingChanges()
def _findJobsToRun(self, job_trees, mutex):
torun = []
if self.item_ahead:
# Only run jobs if any 'hold' jobs on the change ahead
# have completed successfully.
if self.item_ahead.isHoldingFollowingChanges():
return []
for tree in job_trees:
job = tree.job
result = None
if job:
if not job.changeMatches(self.change):
build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name)
if build:
result = build.result
# There is no build for the root of this job tree,
# so it has not run yet.
nodeset = self.current_build_set.getJobNodeSet(job.name)
if nodeset is None:
# The nodes for this job are not ready, skip
# it for now.
if mutex.acquire(self, job):
# If this job needs a mutex, either acquire it or make
# sure that we have it before running the job.
# If there is no job, this is a null job tree, and we should
# run all of its jobs.
if result == 'SUCCESS' or not job:
torun.extend(self._findJobsToRun(tree.job_trees, mutex))
return torun
def findJobsToRun(self, mutex):
if not self.live:
return []
tree = self.job_tree
if not tree:
return []
return self._findJobsToRun(tree.job_trees, mutex)
def _findJobsToRequest(self, job_trees):
build_set = self.current_build_set
toreq = []
if self.item_ahead:
if self.item_ahead.isHoldingFollowingChanges():
return []
for tree in job_trees:
job = tree.job
result = None
if job:
if not job.changeMatches(self.change):
build = build_set.getBuild(job.name)
if build:
result = build.result
nodeset = build_set.getJobNodeSet(job.name)
if nodeset is None:
req = build_set.getJobNodeRequest(job.name)
if req is None:
if result == 'SUCCESS' or not job:
return toreq
def findJobsToRequest(self):
if not self.live:
return []
tree = self.job_tree
if not tree:
return []
return self._findJobsToRequest(tree.job_trees)
def setResult(self, build):
if build.retry:
elif build.result != 'SUCCESS':
# Get a JobTree from a Job so we can find only its dependent jobs
tree = self.job_tree.getJobTreeForJob(build.job)
for job in tree.getJobs():
fakebuild = Build(job, None)
fakebuild.result = 'SKIPPED'
def setNodeRequestFailure(self, job):
fakebuild = Build(job, None)
fakebuild.result = 'NODE_FAILURE'
def setDequeuedNeedingChange(self):
self.dequeued_needing_change = True
def setUnableToMerge(self):
self.current_build_set.unable_to_merge = True
def _setAllJobsSkipped(self):
for job in self.getJobs():
fakebuild = Build(job, None)
fakebuild.result = 'SKIPPED'
def formatJobResult(self, job, url_pattern=None):
build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name)
result = build.result
pattern = url_pattern
if result == 'SUCCESS':
if job.success_message:
result = job.success_message
if job.success_url:
pattern = job.success_url
elif result == 'FAILURE':
if job.failure_message:
result = job.failure_message
if job.failure_url:
pattern = job.failure_url
url = None
if pattern:
url = pattern.format(change=self.change,
except Exception:
pass # FIXME: log this or something?
if not url:
url = build.url or job.name
return (result, url)
def formatJSON(self, url_pattern=None):
changeish = self.change
ret = {}
ret['active'] = self.active
ret['live'] = self.live
if hasattr(changeish, 'url') and changeish.url is not None:
ret['url'] = changeish.url
ret['url'] = None
ret['id'] = changeish._id()
if self.item_ahead:
ret['item_ahead'] = self.item_ahead.change._id()
ret['item_ahead'] = None
ret['items_behind'] = [i.change._id() for i in self.items_behind]
ret['failing_reasons'] = self.current_build_set.failing_reasons
ret['zuul_ref'] = self.current_build_set.ref
if changeish.project:
ret['project'] = changeish.project.name
# For cross-project dependencies with the depends-on
# project not known to zuul, the project is None
# Set it to a static value
ret['project'] = "Unknown Project"
ret['enqueue_time'] = int(self.enqueue_time * 1000)
ret['jobs'] = []
if hasattr(changeish, 'owner'):
ret['owner'] = changeish.owner
ret['owner'] = None
max_remaining = 0
for job in self.getJobs():
now = time.time()
build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name)
elapsed = None
remaining = None
result = None
build_url = None
report_url = None
worker = None
if build:
result = build.result
build_url = build.url
(unused, report_url) = self.formatJobResult(job, url_pattern)
if build.start_time:
if build.end_time:
elapsed = int((build.end_time -
build.start_time) * 1000)
remaining = 0
elapsed = int((now - build.start_time) * 1000)
if build.estimated_time:
remaining = max(
int(build.estimated_time * 1000) - elapsed,
worker = {
'name': build.worker.name,
'hostname': build.worker.hostname,
'ips': build.worker.ips,
'fqdn': build.worker.fqdn,
'program': build.worker.program,
'version': build.worker.version,
'extra': build.worker.extra
if remaining and remaining > max_remaining:
max_remaining = remaining
'name': job.name,
'elapsed_time': elapsed,
'remaining_time': remaining,
'url': build_url,
'report_url': report_url,
'result': result,
'voting': job.voting,
'uuid': build.uuid if build else None,
'launch_time': build.launch_time if build else None,
'start_time': build.start_time if build else None,
'end_time': build.end_time if build else None,
'estimated_time': build.estimated_time if build else None,
'pipeline': build.pipeline.name if build else None,
'canceled': build.canceled if build else None,
'retry': build.retry if build else None,
'node_labels': build.node_labels if build else [],
'node_name': build.node_name if build else None,
'worker': worker,
if self.haveAllJobsStarted():
ret['remaining_time'] = max_remaining
ret['remaining_time'] = None
return ret
def formatStatus(self, indent=0, html=False):
changeish = self.change
indent_str = ' ' * indent
ret = ''
if html and hasattr(changeish, 'url') and changeish.url is not None:
ret += '%sProject %s change <a href="%s">%s</a>\n' % (
ret += '%sProject %s change %s based on %s\n' % (
for job in self.getJobs():
build = self.current_build_set.getBuild(job.name)
if build:
result = build.result
result = None
job_name = job.name
if not job.voting:
voting = ' (non-voting)'
voting = ''
if html:
if build:
url = build.url
url = None
if url is not None:
job_name = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, job_name)
ret += '%s %s: %s%s' % (indent_str, job_name, result, voting)
ret += '\n'
return ret
class Changeish(object):
"""Base class for Change and Ref."""
def __init__(self, project):
self.project = project
def getBasePath(self):
base_path = ''
if hasattr(self, 'refspec'):
base_path = "%s/%s/%s" % (
self.number[-2:], self.number, self.patchset)
elif hasattr(self, 'ref'):
base_path = "%s/%s" % (self.newrev[:2], self.newrev)
return base_path
def equals(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError()
def isUpdateOf(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError()
def filterJobs(self, jobs):
return filter(lambda job: job.changeMatches(self), jobs)
def getRelatedChanges(self):
return set()
def updatesConfig(self):
return False
class Change(Changeish):
"""A proposed new state for a Project."""
def __init__(self, project):
super(Change, self).__init__(project)
self.branch = None
self.number = None
self.url = None
self.patchset = None
self.refspec = None
self.files = []
self.needs_changes = []
self.needed_by_changes = []
self.is_current_patchset = True
self.can_merge = False
self.is_merged = False
self.failed_to_merge = False
self.approvals = []
self.open = None
self.status = None
self.owner = None
def _id(self):
return '%s,%s' % (self.number, self.patchset)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Change 0x%x %s>' % (id(self), self._id())
def equals(self, other):
if self.number == other.number and self.patchset == other.patchset:
return True
return False
def isUpdateOf(self, other):
if ((hasattr(other, 'number') and self.number == other.number) and
(hasattr(other, 'patchset') and
self.patchset is not None and
other.patchset is not None and
int(self.patchset) > int(other.patchset))):
return True
return False
def getRelatedChanges(self):
related = set()
for c in self.needs_changes:
for c in self.needed_by_changes:
return related
def updatesConfig(self):
if 'zuul.yaml' in self.files or '.zuul.yaml' in self.files:
return True
return False
class Ref(Changeish):
"""An existing state of a Project."""
def __init__(self, project):
super(Ref, self).__init__(project)
self.ref = None
self.oldrev = None
self.newrev = None
def _id(self):
return self.newrev
def __repr__(self):
rep = None
if self.newrev == '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000':
rep = '<Ref 0x%x deletes %s from %s' % (
id(self), self.ref, self.oldrev)
elif self.oldrev == '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000':
rep = '<Ref 0x%x creates %s on %s>' % (
id(self), self.ref, self.newrev)
# Catch all
rep = '<Ref 0x%x %s updated %s..%s>' % (
id(self), self.ref, self.oldrev, self.newrev)
return rep
def equals(self, other):
if (self.project == other.project
and self.ref == other.ref
and self.newrev == other.newrev):
return True
return False
def isUpdateOf(self, other):
return False
class NullChange(Changeish):
# TODOv3(jeblair): remove this in favor of enqueueing Refs (eg
# current master) instead.
def __repr__(self):
return '<NullChange for %s>' % (self.project)
def _id(self):
return None
def equals(self, other):
if (self.project == other.project
and other._id() is None):
return True
return False
def isUpdateOf(self, other):
return False
class TriggerEvent(object):
"""Incoming event from an external system."""
def __init__(self):
self.data = None
# common
self.type = None
# For management events (eg: enqueue / promote)
self.tenant_name = None
self.project_name = None
self.trigger_name = None
# Representation of the user account that performed the event.
self.account = None
# patchset-created, comment-added, etc.
self.change_number = None
self.change_url = None
self.patch_number = None
self.refspec = None
self.approvals = []
self.branch = None
self.comment = None
# ref-updated
self.ref = None
self.oldrev = None
self.newrev = None
# timer
self.timespec = None
# zuultrigger
self.pipeline_name = None
# For events that arrive with a destination pipeline (eg, from
# an admin command, etc):
self.forced_pipeline = None
def __repr__(self):
ret = '<TriggerEvent %s %s' % (self.type, self.project_name)
if self.branch:
ret += " %s" % self.branch
if self.change_number:
ret += " %s,%s" % (self.change_number, self.patch_number)
if self.approvals:
ret += ' ' + ', '.join(
['%s:%s' % (a['type'], a['value']) for a in self.approvals])
ret += '>'
return ret
class BaseFilter(object):
"""Base Class for filtering which Changes and Events to process."""
def __init__(self, required_approvals=[], reject_approvals=[]):
self._required_approvals = copy.deepcopy(required_approvals)
self.required_approvals = self._tidy_approvals(required_approvals)
self._reject_approvals = copy.deepcopy(reject_approvals)
self.reject_approvals = self._tidy_approvals(reject_approvals)
def _tidy_approvals(self, approvals):
for a in approvals:
for k, v in a.items():
if k == 'username':
a['username'] = re.compile(v)
elif k in ['email', 'email-filter']:
a['email'] = re.compile(v)
elif k == 'newer-than':
a[k] = time_to_seconds(v)
elif k == 'older-than':
a[k] = time_to_seconds(v)
if 'email-filter' in a:
del a['email-filter']
return approvals
def _match_approval_required_approval(self, rapproval, approval):
# Check if the required approval and approval match
if 'description' not in approval:
return False
now = time.time()
by = approval.get('by', {})
for k, v in rapproval.items():
if k == 'username':
if (not v.search(by.get('username', ''))):
return False
elif k == 'email':
if (not v.search(by.get('email', ''))):
return False
elif k == 'newer-than':
t = now - v
if (approval['grantedOn'] < t):
return False
elif k == 'older-than':
t = now - v
if (approval['grantedOn'] >= t):
return False
if not isinstance(v, list):
v = [v]
if (normalizeCategory(approval['description']) != k or
int(approval['value']) not in v):
return False
return True
def matchesApprovals(self, change):
if (self.required_approvals and not change.approvals
or self.reject_approvals and not change.approvals):
# A change with no approvals can not match
return False
# TODO(jhesketh): If we wanted to optimise this slightly we could
# analyse both the REQUIRE and REJECT filters by looping over the
# approvals on the change and keeping track of what we have checked
# rather than needing to loop on the change approvals twice
return (self.matchesRequiredApprovals(change) and
def matchesRequiredApprovals(self, change):
# Check if any approvals match the requirements
for rapproval in self.required_approvals:
matches_rapproval = False
for approval in change.approvals:
if self._match_approval_required_approval(rapproval, approval):
# We have a matching approval so this requirement is
# fulfilled
matches_rapproval = True
if not matches_rapproval:
return False
return True
def matchesNoRejectApprovals(self, change):
# Check to make sure no approvals match a reject criteria
for rapproval in self.reject_approvals:
for approval in change.approvals:
if self._match_approval_required_approval(rapproval, approval):
# A reject approval has been matched, so we reject
# immediately
return False
# To get here no rejects can have been matched so we should be good to
# queue
return True
class EventFilter(BaseFilter):
"""Allows a Pipeline to only respond to certain events."""
def __init__(self, trigger, types=[], branches=[], refs=[],
event_approvals={}, comments=[], emails=[], usernames=[],
timespecs=[], required_approvals=[], reject_approvals=[],
pipelines=[], ignore_deletes=True):
super(EventFilter, self).__init__(
self.trigger = trigger
self._types = types
self._branches = branches
self._refs = refs
self._comments = comments
self._emails = emails
self._usernames = usernames
self._pipelines = pipelines
self.types = [re.compile(x) for x in types]
self.branches = [re.compile(x) for x in branches]
self.refs = [re.compile(x) for x in refs]
self.comments = [re.compile(x) for x in comments]
self.emails = [re.compile(x) for x in emails]
self.usernames = [re.compile(x) for x in usernames]
self.pipelines = [re.compile(x) for x in pipelines]
self.event_approvals = event_approvals
self.timespecs = timespecs
self.ignore_deletes = ignore_deletes
def __repr__(self):
ret = '<EventFilter'
if self._types:
ret += ' types: %s' % ', '.join(self._types)
if self._pipelines:
ret += ' pipelines: %s' % ', '.join(self._pipelines)
if self._branches:
ret += ' branches: %s' % ', '.join(self._branches)
if self._refs:
ret += ' refs: %s' % ', '.join(self._refs)
if self.ignore_deletes:
ret += ' ignore_deletes: %s' % self.ignore_deletes
if self.event_approvals:
ret += ' event_approvals: %s' % ', '.join(
['%s:%s' % a for a in self.event_approvals.items()])
if self.required_approvals:
ret += ' required_approvals: %s' % ', '.join(
['%s' % a for a in self._required_approvals])
if self.reject_approvals:
ret += ' reject_approvals: %s' % ', '.join(
['%s' % a for a in self._reject_approvals])
if self._comments:
ret += ' comments: %s' % ', '.join(self._comments)
if self._emails:
ret += ' emails: %s' % ', '.join(self._emails)
if self._usernames:
ret += ' username_filters: %s' % ', '.join(self._usernames)
if self.timespecs:
ret += ' timespecs: %s' % ', '.join(self.timespecs)
ret += '>'
return ret
def matches(self, event, change):
# event types are ORed
matches_type = False
for etype in self.types:
if etype.match(event.type):
matches_type = True
if self.types and not matches_type:
return False
# pipelines are ORed
matches_pipeline = False
for epipe in self.pipelines:
if epipe.match(event.pipeline_name):
matches_pipeline = True
if self.pipelines and not matches_pipeline:
return False
# branches are ORed
matches_branch = False
for branch in self.branches:
if branch.match(event.branch):
matches_branch = True
if self.branches and not matches_branch:
return False
# refs are ORed
matches_ref = False
if event.ref is not None:
for ref in self.refs:
if ref.match(event.ref):
matches_ref = True
if self.refs and not matches_ref:
return False
if self.ignore_deletes and event.newrev == EMPTY_GIT_REF:
# If the updated ref has an empty git sha (all 0s),
# then the ref is being deleted
return False
# comments are ORed
matches_comment_re = False
for comment_re in self.comments:
if (event.comment is not None and
matches_comment_re = True
if self.comments and not matches_comment_re:
return False
# We better have an account provided by Gerrit to do
# email filtering.
if event.account is not None:
account_email = event.account.get('email')
# emails are ORed
matches_email_re = False
for email_re in self.emails:
if (account_email is not None and
matches_email_re = True
if self.emails and not matches_email_re:
return False
# usernames are ORed
account_username = event.account.get('username')
matches_username_re = False
for username_re in self.usernames:
if (account_username is not None and
matches_username_re = True
if self.usernames and not matches_username_re:
return False
# approvals are ANDed
for category, value in self.event_approvals.items():
matches_approval = False
for eapproval in event.approvals:
if (normalizeCategory(eapproval['description']) == category and
int(eapproval['value']) == int(value)):
matches_approval = True
if not matches_approval:
return False
# required approvals are ANDed (reject approvals are ORed)
if not self.matchesApprovals(change):
return False
# timespecs are ORed
matches_timespec = False
for timespec in self.timespecs:
if (event.timespec == timespec):
matches_timespec = True
if self.timespecs and not matches_timespec:
return False
return True
class ChangeishFilter(BaseFilter):
"""Allows a Manager to only enqueue Changes that meet certain criteria."""
def __init__(self, open=None, current_patchset=None,
statuses=[], required_approvals=[],
super(ChangeishFilter, self).__init__(
self.open = open
self.current_patchset = current_patchset
self.statuses = statuses
def __repr__(self):
ret = '<ChangeishFilter'
if self.open is not None:
ret += ' open: %s' % self.open
if self.current_patchset is not None:
ret += ' current-patchset: %s' % self.current_patchset
if self.statuses:
ret += ' statuses: %s' % ', '.join(self.statuses)
if self.required_approvals:
ret += (' required_approvals: %s' %
if self.reject_approvals:
ret += (' reject_approvals: %s' %
ret += '>'
return ret
def matches(self, change):
if self.open is not None:
if self.open != change.open:
return False
if self.current_patchset is not None:
if self.current_patchset != change.is_current_patchset:
return False
if self.statuses:
if change.status not in self.statuses:
return False
# required approvals are ANDed (reject approvals are ORed)
if not self.matchesApprovals(change):
return False
return True
class ProjectPipelineConfig(object):
# Represents a project cofiguration in the context of a pipeline
def __init__(self):
self.job_tree = None
self.queue_name = None
self.merge_mode = None
class ProjectConfig(object):
# Represents a project cofiguration
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.merge_mode = None
self.pipelines = {}
class UnparsedAbideConfig(object):
"""A collection of yaml lists that has not yet been parsed into objects.
An Abide is a collection of tenants.
def __init__(self):
self.tenants = []
def extend(self, conf):
if isinstance(conf, UnparsedAbideConfig):
if not isinstance(conf, list):
raise Exception("Configuration items must be in the form of "
"a list of dictionaries (when parsing %s)" %
for item in conf:
if not isinstance(item, dict):
raise Exception("Configuration items must be in the form of "
"a list of dictionaries (when parsing %s)" %
if len(item.keys()) > 1:
raise Exception("Configuration item dictionaries must have "
"a single key (when parsing %s)" %
key, value = item.items()[0]
if key == 'tenant':
raise Exception("Configuration item not recognized "
"(when parsing %s)" %
class UnparsedTenantConfig(object):
"""A collection of yaml lists that has not yet been parsed into objects."""
def __init__(self):
self.pipelines = []
self.jobs = []
self.project_templates = []
self.projects = {}
self.nodesets = []
def copy(self):
r = UnparsedTenantConfig()
r.pipelines = copy.deepcopy(self.pipelines)
r.jobs = copy.deepcopy(self.jobs)
r.project_templates = copy.deepcopy(self.project_templates)
r.projects = copy.deepcopy(self.projects)
r.nodesets = copy.deepcopy(self.nodesets)
return r
def extend(self, conf, source_context=None):
if isinstance(conf, UnparsedTenantConfig):
for k, v in conf.projects.items():
self.projects.setdefault(k, []).extend(v)
if not isinstance(conf, list):
raise Exception("Configuration items must be in the form of "
"a list of dictionaries (when parsing %s)" %
if source_context is None:
raise Exception("A source context must be provided "
"(when parsing %s)" % (conf,))
for item in conf:
if not isinstance(item, dict):
raise Exception("Configuration items must be in the form of "
"a list of dictionaries (when parsing %s)" %
if len(item.keys()) > 1:
raise Exception("Configuration item dictionaries must have "
"a single key (when parsing %s)" %
key, value = item.items()[0]
if key in ['project', 'project-template', 'job']:
value['_source_context'] = source_context
if key == 'project':
name = value['name']
self.projects.setdefault(name, []).append(value)
elif key == 'job':
elif key == 'project-template':
elif key == 'pipeline':
elif key == 'nodeset':
raise Exception("Configuration item `%s` not recognized "
"(when parsing %s)" %
(item, conf,))
class Layout(object):
"""Holds all of the Pipelines."""
def __init__(self):
self.tenant = None
self.project_configs = {}
self.project_templates = {}
self.pipelines = OrderedDict()
# This is a dictionary of name -> [jobs]. The first element
# of the list is the first job added with that name. It is
# the reference definition for a given job. Subsequent
# elements are aspects of that job with different matchers
# that override some attribute of the job. These aspects all
# inherit from the reference definition.
self.jobs = {'noop': [Job('noop')]}
self.nodesets = {}
def getJob(self, name):
if name in self.jobs:
return self.jobs[name][0]
raise Exception("Job %s not defined" % (name,))
def getJobs(self, name):
return self.jobs.get(name, [])
def addJob(self, job):
# We can have multiple variants of a job all with the same
# name, but these variants must all be defined in the same repo.
prior_jobs = [j for j in self.getJobs(job.name) if
j.source_context.project !=
if prior_jobs:
raise Exception("Job %s in %s is not permitted to shadow "
"job %s in %s" % (
if job.name in self.jobs:
self.jobs[job.name] = [job]
def addNodeSet(self, nodeset):
if nodeset.name in self.nodesets:
raise Exception("NodeSet %s already defined" % (nodeset.name,))
self.nodesets[nodeset.name] = nodeset
def addPipeline(self, pipeline):
self.pipelines[pipeline.name] = pipeline
def addProjectTemplate(self, project_template):
self.project_templates[project_template.name] = project_template
def addProjectConfig(self, project_config, update_pipeline=True):
self.project_configs[project_config.name] = project_config
# TODOv3(jeblair): tidy up the relationship between pipelines
# and projects and projectconfigs. Specifically, move
# job_trees out of the pipeline since they are more dynamic
# than pipelines. Remove the update_pipeline argument
if not update_pipeline:
for pipeline_name, pipeline_config in project_config.pipelines.items():
pipeline = self.pipelines[pipeline_name]
project = pipeline.source.getProject(project_config.name)
pipeline.job_trees[project] = pipeline_config.job_tree
def _createJobTree(self, change, job_trees, parent):
for tree in job_trees:
job = tree.job
if not job.changeMatches(change):
frozen_job = None
matched = False
for variant in self.getJobs(job.name):
if variant.changeMatches(change):
if frozen_job is None:
frozen_job = variant.copy()
matched = True
if not matched:
# A change must match at least one defined job variant
# (that is to say that it must match more than just
# the job that is defined in the tree).
# If the job does not allow auth inheritance, do not allow
# the project-pipeline variant to update its execution
# attributes.
if frozen_job.auth and not frozen_job.auth.get('inherit'):
frozen_job.final = True
frozen_tree = JobTree(frozen_job)
self._createJobTree(change, tree.job_trees, frozen_tree)
def createJobTree(self, item):
project_config = self.project_configs.get(
item.change.project.name, None)
ret = JobTree(None)
# NOTE(pabelanger): It is possible for a foreign project not to have a
# configured pipeline, if so return an empty JobTree.
if project_config and item.pipeline.name in project_config.pipelines:
project_tree = \
self._createJobTree(item.change, project_tree.job_trees, ret)
return ret
class Tenant(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.layout = None
# The unparsed configuration from the main zuul config for
# this tenant.
self.unparsed_config = None
# The list of repos from which we will read main
# configuration. (source, project)
self.config_repos = []
# The unparsed config from those repos.
self.config_repos_config = None
# The list of projects from which we will read in-repo
# configuration. (source, project)
self.project_repos = []
# The unparsed config from those repos.
self.project_repos_config = None
# A mapping of source -> {config_repos: {}, project_repos: {}}
self.sources = {}
def addConfigRepo(self, source, project):
sd = self.sources.setdefault(source.name,
{'config_repos': {},
'project_repos': {}})
sd['config_repos'][project.name] = project
def addProjectRepo(self, source, project):
sd = self.sources.setdefault(source.name,
{'config_repos': {},
'project_repos': {}})
sd['project_repos'][project.name] = project
def getRepo(self, source, project_name):
"""Get a project given a source and project name
Returns a tuple (trusted, project) or (None, None) if the
project is not found.
Trusted indicates the project is a config repo.
sd = self.sources.get(source)
if not sd:
return (None, None)
if project_name in sd['config_repos']:
return (True, sd['config_repos'][project_name])
if project_name in sd['project_repos']:
return (False, sd['project_repos'][project_name])
return (None, None)
class Abide(object):
def __init__(self):
self.tenants = OrderedDict()
class JobTimeData(object):
format = 'B10H10H10B'
version = 0
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
self.success_times = [0 for x in range(10)]
self.failure_times = [0 for x in range(10)]
self.results = [0 for x in range(10)]
def load(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.path):
with open(self.path) as f:
data = struct.unpack(self.format, f.read())
version = data[0]
if version != self.version:
raise Exception("Unkown data version")
self.success_times = list(data[1:11])
self.failure_times = list(data[11:21])
self.results = list(data[21:32])
def save(self):
tmpfile = self.path + '.tmp'
data = [self.version]
data = struct.pack(self.format, *data)
with open(tmpfile, 'w') as f:
os.rename(tmpfile, self.path)
def add(self, elapsed, result):
elapsed = int(elapsed)
if result == 'SUCCESS':
result = 0
result = 1
def getEstimatedTime(self):
times = [x for x in self.success_times if x]
if times:
return float(sum(times)) / len(times)
return 0.0
class TimeDataBase(object):
def __init__(self, root):
self.root = root
self.jobs = {}
def _getTD(self, name):
td = self.jobs.get(name)
if not td:
td = JobTimeData(os.path.join(self.root, name))
self.jobs[name] = td
return td
def getEstimatedTime(self, name):
return self._getTD(name).getEstimatedTime()
def update(self, name, elapsed, result):
td = self._getTD(name)
td.add(elapsed, result)