Antoine Musso 448596cfe0 web: humanize time durations
At a lot of place, the duration for an item shows the raw value. It
lacks an indication of the unit (ms, s or minutes??) and is not very
human friendly. `480` is better understood as `8 minutes`.

The `moment-duration-format` package enhance moment duration objects to
ease formatting. It has better options than moment.duration.humanize(),
notably it does not truncate value and trim extra tokens when they are
not needed.
The package does not have any extra dependencies.


Format duration on the pages build, buildset and on the build summary.

The Change panel had custom logic to workaround moment.duration.humanize
over rounding (so that 100 minutes became '1 hour'). The new package
does not have such behavior and offers tuning for all the features we

* `largest: 2`, to only keep the two most significants token. 100
minutes and 30 seconds would thus render as '1 hour 40 minutes',
stripping the extra '30 seconds'.
* `minValue: 1`, based on the least significant token which is minute,
it means any value less than one minute is rendered as:
 < 1 minute
* `usePLural: false`, to disable pluralization since that was not
handled previously.

That reverts https://review.opendev.org/#/c/704191/

Make class="time" to not wrap, they would wrap on the Status page since
the box containing is not large enough.

In the Console, show the duration for each tasks, rounding to 1 second
resolution.  Would ease finding potential slowdown in a play execution.
The tasks do not have a duration property, use moment to compute it
based on start and end times.

Since hostname length might vary, the duration spans might be
misaligned. Use a flex to have them vertically aligned, credits to

Thanks to Tristan Cacqueray for the React guidances!

Change-Id: I955583713778911a8e50f08dc6d077594da4ae44
2020-02-04 13:23:38 +01:00

173 lines
4.8 KiB

// Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc
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import * as React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'
import { Table } from 'patternfly-react'
import * as moment from 'moment'
import 'moment-duration-format'
import { fetchBuilds } from '../api'
import TableFilters from '../containers/TableFilters'
class BuildsPage extends TableFilters {
static propTypes = {
tenant: PropTypes.object
constructor () {
this.state = {
builds: null,
currentFilterType: this.filterTypes[0],
activeFilters: [],
currentValue: ''
updateData = (filters) => {
let queryString = ''
if (filters) {
filters.forEach(item => queryString += '&' + item.key + '=' + item.value)
this.setState({builds: null})
fetchBuilds(this.props.tenant.apiPrefix, queryString).then(response => {
this.setState({builds: response.data})
componentDidMount () {
document.title = 'Zuul Builds'
if (this.props.tenant.name) {
componentDidUpdate (prevProps) {
if (this.props.tenant.name !== prevProps.tenant.name) {
prepareTableHeaders() {
const headerFormat = value => <Table.Heading>{value}</Table.Heading>
const cellFormat = (value) => (
const linkBuildFormat = (value, rowdata) => (
<Link to={this.props.tenant.linkPrefix + '/build/' + rowdata.rowData.uuid}>{value}</Link>
const linkChangeFormat = (value, rowdata) => (
<a href={rowdata.rowData.ref_url}>{value ? rowdata.rowData.change+','+rowdata.rowData.patchset : rowdata.rowData.newrev ? rowdata.rowData.newrev.substr(0, 7) : rowdata.rowData.branch}</a>
const durationFormat = (value) => (
{moment.duration(value, 'seconds').format('h [hr] m [min] s [sec]')}
this.columns = []
this.filterTypes = []
const myColumns = [
'start time',
myColumns.forEach(column => {
let prop = column
let formatter = cellFormat
// Adapt column name and property name
if (column === 'job') {
prop = 'job_name'
} else if (column === 'start time') {
prop = 'start_time'
} else if (column === 'change') {
prop = 'change'
formatter = linkChangeFormat
} else if (column === 'result') {
formatter = linkBuildFormat
} else if (column === 'duration') {
formatter = durationFormat
const label = column.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + column.slice(1)
header: {label: label, formatters: [headerFormat]},
property: prop,
cell: {formatters: [formatter]}
if (prop !== 'start_time' && prop !== 'ref_url' && prop !== 'duration'
&& prop !== 'log_url' && prop !== 'uuid') {
id: prop,
title: label,
placeholder: 'Filter by ' + label,
filterType: 'text',
// Add build filter at the end
id: 'uuid',
title: 'Build',
placeholder: 'Filter by Build UUID',
filterType: 'text',
renderTable (builds) {
return (
onRow={(row) => {
switch (row.result) {
case 'SUCCESS':
return { className: 'success' }
return { className: 'warning' }
}} />
render() {
const { builds } = this.state
return (
{builds ? this.renderTable(builds) : <p>Loading...</p>}
export default connect(state => ({tenant: state.tenant}))(BuildsPage)