James E. Blair 46e702de6c Fix change cache upgrade
The backwards-compat code for the recent updates to the change
cache did not handle some edge cases.  This corrects the issue
and adds a test for all of the possible combinations of queries
in the old change cache format.

Change-Id: I9521d877ff516ff31be2354951a2b8dc3f8c9671
2024-05-27 18:01:55 -07:00

629 lines
22 KiB

# Copyright 2014 Rackspace Australia
# Copyright 2021 BMW Group
# Copyright 2021, 2024 Acme Gating, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
from enum import IntFlag
import logging
import json
from zuul.zk.zkobject import ZKContext, ShardedZKObject
from zuul.zk.locks import (
locked as zk_locked
from zuul import model
from zuul.zk.components import COMPONENT_REGISTRY
from kazoo.exceptions import NoNodeError
# Default marker to raise an exception on cache miss in getProjectBranches()
# These flags should be the purview of the drivers, but we need to
# know about them in order to support backwards compatability to
# MODEL_API < 27. In the future, we should be able to make these
# driver-specific and have driver-specific subclasses of BranchInfo,
# etc.
class BranchFlag(IntFlag):
LOCKED = 0x4
# A helper method for the branch cache below.
def return_default(default, project_name):
if default is RAISE_EXCEPTION:
raise LookupError(
f"No branches for project {project_name}")
return default
class BranchInfo:
def __init__(self, name, present=None, protected=None, locked=None):
self.name = name
# These are tri-state: None means indeterminate, true or false
# are definitive.
self.present = present
self.protected = protected
self.locked = locked
def update(self, other):
if other.present is not None:
self.present = other.present
if other.protected is not None:
self.protected = other.protected
if other.locked is not None:
self.locked = other.locked
def toDict(self):
# This doesn't really return a dict, but like other toDict
# methods, it returns the object that will be encoded into
# JSON. It just happens we don't need a full dict for this.
return [self.flags, self.valid_flags]
def flags(self):
flags = BranchFlag.CLEAR
if self.present:
flags |= BranchFlag.PRESENT
if self.protected:
flags |= BranchFlag.PROTECTED
if self.locked:
flags |= BranchFlag.LOCKED
return flags
def valid_flags(self):
# If a flag is None, then we don't know it for this branch so
# we consider it invalid.
valid_flags = BranchFlag.CLEAR
if self.present is not None:
valid_flags |= BranchFlag.PRESENT
if self.protected is not None:
valid_flags |= BranchFlag.PROTECTED
if self.locked is not None:
valid_flags |= BranchFlag.LOCKED
return valid_flags
def fromDict(cls, name, data):
o = cls(name)
flags = BranchFlag(data[0])
valid_flags = BranchFlag(data[1])
if BranchFlag.PRESENT in valid_flags:
o.present = bool(flags & BranchFlag.PRESENT)
if BranchFlag.PROTECTED in valid_flags:
o.protected = bool(flags & BranchFlag.PROTECTED)
if BranchFlag.LOCKED in valid_flags:
o.locked = bool(flags & BranchFlag.LOCKED)
return o
class ProjectInfo:
"""Store branch cache project information in ZK
If a project is absent from the cache, it needs to be queried from
the source.
def __init__(self, name, merge_modes=None, default_branch=None):
self.name = name
self.merge_modes = merge_modes
self.default_branch = default_branch
self.branches = {}
# The set of flags we have performed queries for:
self.completed_flags = BranchFlag.CLEAR
# If there was an error fetching the branches for a given set
# of flags, the failure will be recorded here:
self.failed_flags = BranchFlag.CLEAR
def toDict(self):
return {
'merge_modes': self.merge_modes,
'default_branch': self.default_branch,
'branches': {b.name: b.toDict() for b in self.branches.values()},
'flags': [
def fromDict(cls, name, data):
o = cls(name)
o.merge_modes = data['merge_modes']
o.default_branch = data['default_branch']
o.branches = {
name: BranchInfo.fromDict(name, bdata)
for name, bdata in data['branches'].items()
o.completed_flags = BranchFlag(data['flags'][0])
o.failed_flags = BranchFlag(data['flags'][1])
return o
class BranchCacheZKObject(ShardedZKObject):
"""Store the branch cache in ZK
If a project is absent from the dict, it needs to be queried from
the source.
If there was an error fetching the branches, None will be stored
as a sentinel value.
# We can always recreate data if necessary, so go ahead and
# truncate when we update so we avoid corrupted data.
truncate_on_create = True
def getPath(self):
return self._path
def __init__(self):
def serialize(self, context):
if COMPONENT_REGISTRY.model_api < 27:
data = self.serialize_old()
data = self.serialize_new()
return json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True).encode("utf8")
def serialize_new(self):
return {
"projects": {p.name: p.toDict() for p in self.projects.values()},
def serialize_old(self):
protected = {}
remainder = {}
merge_modes = {}
default_branch = {}
for pi in self.projects.values():
merge_modes[pi.name] = pi.merge_modes
default_branch[pi.name] = pi.default_branch
if BranchFlag.PROTECTED in pi.completed_flags:
pl = protected[pi.name] = []
elif BranchFlag.PROTECTED in pi.failed_flags:
pl = protected[pi.name] = None
pl = None
if BranchFlag.PRESENT in pi.completed_flags:
rl = remainder[pi.name] = []
elif BranchFlag.PRESENT in pi.failed_flags:
rl = remainder[pi.name] = None
rl = None
for bi in pi.branches.values():
if bi.protected:
if pl is not None:
elif rl is not None:
elif rl is not None:
return {
"protected": protected,
"remainder": remainder,
"merge_modes": merge_modes,
"default_branch": default_branch,
def deserialize(self, raw, context):
data = super().deserialize(raw, context)
if "protected" in data:
# MODEL_API < 27
return data
def deserialize_new(self, data):
projects = {}
for project_name, project_data in data['projects'].items():
projects[project_name] = ProjectInfo.fromDict(
project_name, project_data)
data['projects'] = projects
def deserialize_old(self, data):
if "merge_modes" not in data:
# MODEL_API < 11
data["merge_modes"] = collections.defaultdict(
lambda: model.ALL_MERGE_MODES)
if "default_branch" not in data:
# MODEL_API < 16
data["default_branch"] = collections.defaultdict(
lambda: 'master')
projects = {}
for project_name, branches in data['protected'].items():
project_info = ProjectInfo(
data['merge_modes'].get(project_name, model.ALL_MERGE_MODES),
data['default_branch'].get(project_name, 'master'))
projects[project_name] = project_info
if branches is None:
project_info.failed_flags |= BranchFlag.PROTECTED
project_info.completed_flags |= BranchFlag.PROTECTED
for branch_name in branches:
project_info.branches[branch_name] = BranchInfo(
branch_name, protected=True)
for project_name, branches in data['remainder'].items():
project_info = projects.get(project_name)
if project_info is None:
project_info = ProjectInfo(
data['default_branch'].get(project_name, 'master'))
projects[project_name] = project_info
if branches is None:
project_info.failed_flags |= BranchFlag.PRESENT
project_info.completed_flags |= BranchFlag.PRESENT
for branch_name in branches:
# Create a branchinfo object
project_info.branches[branch_name] = BranchInfo(
branch_name, present=True)
data['projects'] = projects
def _save(self, context, data, create=False):
super()._save(context, data, create)
zstat = context.client.exists(self.getPath())
def _load(self, context, path=None):
super()._load(context, path)
zstat = context.client.exists(self.getPath())
class BranchCache:
def __init__(self, zk_client, connection, component_registry):
self.log = logging.getLogger(
self.connection = connection
cname = self.connection.connection_name
base_path = f'/zuul/cache/connection/{cname}/branches'
lock_path = f'{base_path}/lock'
data_path = f'{base_path}/data'
self.rlock = SessionAwareReadLock(zk_client.client, lock_path)
self.wlock = SessionAwareWriteLock(zk_client.client, lock_path)
# TODO: standardize on a stop event for connections and add it
# to the context.
self.zk_context = ZKContext(zk_client, self.wlock, None, self.log)
with (self.zk_context as ctx,
self.cache = BranchCacheZKObject.fromZK(
ctx, data_path, _path=data_path)
except NoNodeError:
self.cache = BranchCacheZKObject.new(
ctx, _path=data_path)
def clear(self, projects=None):
"""Clear the cache"""
with (zk_locked(self.wlock),
self.zk_context as ctx,
if projects is None:
for p in projects:
self.cache.projects.pop(p, None)
def getProjectCompletedFlags(self, project_name):
"""Get the completed branch query flags for a project
:param str project_name: The project name
:returns: a BranchFlag of the completed query flags
project_info = self.cache.projects[project_name]
except KeyError:
return BranchFlag.CLEAR
return project_info.completed_flags
def getProjectBranches(self, project_name, required_flags,
min_ltime=-1, default=RAISE_EXCEPTION):
"""Get the branch names for the given project.
Checking the branch cache we need to distinguish three different
1. cache miss (not queried yet)
2. cache hit (including empty list of branches)
3. error when fetching branches
If the cache doesn't contain any branches for the project and no
default value is provided a LookupError is raised.
If there was an error fetching the branches, the return value
will be None.
Otherwise the list of branches will be returned.
:param str project_name:
The project for which the branches are returned.
:param bool required_flags:
The branch flags we must have completed queries for in order
for the cache to be considered valid.
:param int min_ltime:
The minimum cache ltime to consider the cache valid.
:param any default:
Optional default value to return if no cache entry exits.
:returns: The list of branch names, or None if there was
an error when fetching the branches.
if self.ltime < min_ltime:
with (zk_locked(self.rlock),
self.zk_context as ctx):
project_info = None
project_info = self.cache.projects[project_name]
except KeyError:
return return_default(default, project_name)
# We've definitely stored a failure, so return that.
if project_info is None:
return None
# Determine if we have enough info to answer the question
# Check that required flags is a subset of completed flags
if not (required_flags & project_info.completed_flags
== required_flags):
# We don't have the data, either because we haven't
# queried it or the query failed. Figure out which.
# If there is any overlap, something failed.
if (required_flags & project_info.failed_flags):
return None
return return_default(default, project_name)
# We have the necessary info for this filtering.
return list(project_info.branches.values())
def setProjectBranches(self, project_name,
valid_flags, branch_infos):
"""Set the branch names for the given project.
Use None as a sentinel value for the branches to indicate that
there was a fetch error.
:param str project_name:
The project for the branches.
:param BranchFlag valid_flags:
The queries this list of branches is able to satisfy.
:param list[str] branches:
The list of branches or None to indicate a fetch error.
with (zk_locked(self.wlock),
self.zk_context as ctx,
project_info = self.cache.projects.get(project_name)
if project_info is None:
project_info = ProjectInfo(project_name)
self.cache.projects[project_name] = project_info
if branch_infos is None:
# We're storing an error, set the bits accordingly
project_info.failed_flags |= valid_flags
project_info.completed_flags &= ~valid_flags
# Set the bits indicating a good query.
project_info.failed_flags &= ~valid_flags
project_info.completed_flags |= valid_flags
# Add or update branch info
for branch_info in branch_infos:
existing = project_info.branches.get(branch_info.name)
if existing:
project_info.branches[branch_info.name] = branch_info
# Delete any existing branches which we would expect to be
# in the results but aren't. At the time of writing, this
# isn't strictly necessary because we clear the branch
# cache on branch deletion, but this may enable us to
# change that in the future.
valid_branches = set(bi.name for bi in branch_infos)
for branch_name in list(project_info.branches.keys()):
if branch_name in valid_branches:
branch_info = project_info.branches[branch_name]
# If the branch_info flags are a subset of the valid
# flags, we can delete it.
if (branch_info.valid_flags & valid_flags ==
del project_info.branches[branch_name]
def setProtected(self, project_name, branch, protected):
"""Correct the protection state of a branch.
This may be called if a branch has changed state without us
receiving an explicit event.
with (zk_locked(self.wlock),
self.zk_context as ctx,
project_info = self.cache.projects.get(project_name)
if project_info is None:
project_info = ProjectInfo(project_name)
self.cache.projects[project_name] = project_info
branch_info = project_info.branches.get(branch)
if branch_info is None:
branch_info = BranchInfo(branch)
project_info.branches[branch] = branch_info
branch_info.protected = protected
def getProjectMergeModes(self, project_name,
min_ltime=-1, default=RAISE_EXCEPTION):
"""Get the merge modes for the given project.
Checking the branch cache we need to distinguish three different
1. cache miss (not queried yet)
2. cache hit (including empty list of merge modes)
3. error when fetching merge modes
If the cache doesn't contain any merge modes for the project and no
default value is provided a LookupError is raised.
If there was an error fetching the merge modes, the return value
will be None.
Otherwise the list of merge modes will be returned.
:param str project_name:
The project for which the merge modes are returned.
:param int min_ltime:
The minimum cache ltime to consider the cache valid.
:param any default:
Optional default value to return if no cache entry exits.
:returns: The list of merge modes by model id, or None if there was
an error when fetching the merge modes.
if self.ltime < min_ltime:
with zk_locked(self.rlock):
project_info = None
project_info = self.cache.projects[project_name]
except KeyError:
return return_default(default, project_name)
if project_info is None:
return None
return project_info.merge_modes
def setProjectMergeModes(self, project_name, merge_modes):
"""Set the supported merge modes for the given project.
Use None as a sentinel value for the merge modes to indicate
that there was a fetch error.
:param str project_name:
The project for the merge modes.
:param list[int] merge_modes:
The list of merge modes (by model ID) or None.
with zk_locked(self.wlock):
with self.cache.activeContext(self.zk_context):
project_info = self.cache.projects.get(project_name)
if project_info is None:
project_info = ProjectInfo(project_name)
project_info.merge_modes = merge_modes
def getProjectDefaultBranch(self, project_name,
min_ltime=-1, default=RAISE_EXCEPTION):
"""Get the default branch for the given project.
Checking the branch cache we need to distinguish three different
1. cache miss (not queried yet)
2. cache hit (including unknown default branch)
3. error when fetching default branch
If the cache doesn't contain a default branch for the project
and no default value is provided a LookupError is raised.
If there was an error fetching the default branch, the return
value will be None.
Otherwise the default branch will be returned.
:param str project_name:
The project for which the default branch is returned.
:param int min_ltime:
The minimum cache ltime to consider the cache valid.
:param any default:
Optional default value to return if no cache entry exits.
:returns: The name of the default branch or None if there was
an error when fetching it.
if self.ltime < min_ltime:
with zk_locked(self.rlock):
project_info = None
project_info = self.cache.projects[project_name]
except KeyError:
return return_default(default, project_name)
if project_info is None:
return None
return project_info.default_branch
def setProjectDefaultBranch(self, project_name, default_branch):
"""Set the upstream default branch for the given project.
Use None as a sentinel value for the default branch to indicate
that there was a fetch error.
:param str project_name:
The project for the default branch.
:param str default_branch:
The default branch or None.
with zk_locked(self.wlock):
with self.cache.activeContext(self.zk_context):
project_info = self.cache.projects.get(project_name)
if project_info is None:
project_info = ProjectInfo(project_name)
project_info.default_branch = default_branch
def ltime(self):
return self.cache._zstat.last_modified_transaction_id