
279 lines
9.1 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Copyright 2017 IBM Corp.
# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import re
import time
from zuul.model import Change, TriggerEvent, EventFilter, RefFilter
from zuul.driver.util import time_to_seconds
EMPTY_GIT_REF = '0' * 40 # git sha of all zeros, used during creates/deletes
class PullRequest(Change):
def __init__(self, project):
super(PullRequest, self).__init__(project)
self.updated_at = None
self.title = None
self.reviews = []
def isUpdateOf(self, other):
if (hasattr(other, 'number') and self.number == other.number and
hasattr(other, 'patchset') and self.patchset != other.patchset and
hasattr(other, 'updated_at') and
self.updated_at > other.updated_at):
return True
return False
class GithubTriggerEvent(TriggerEvent):
def __init__(self):
super(GithubTriggerEvent, self).__init__()
self.title = None
self.label = None
self.unlabel = None
def isPatchsetCreated(self):
if self.type == 'pull_request':
return self.action in ['opened', 'changed']
return False
def isChangeAbandoned(self):
if self.type == 'pull_request':
return 'closed' == self.action
return False
class GithubReviewFilter(object):
def __init__(self, required_reviews=[]):
self._required_reviews = copy.deepcopy(required_reviews)
self.required_reviews = self._tidy_reviews(required_reviews)
def _tidy_reviews(self, reviews):
for r in reviews:
for k, v in r.items():
if k == 'username':
r['username'] = re.compile(v)
elif k == 'email':
r['email'] = re.compile(v)
elif k == 'newer-than':
r[k] = time_to_seconds(v)
elif k == 'older-than':
r[k] = time_to_seconds(v)
return reviews
def _match_review_required_review(self, rreview, review):
# Check if the required review and review match
now = time.time()
by = review.get('by', {})
for k, v in rreview.items():
if k == 'username':
if (not v.search(by.get('username', ''))):
return False
elif k == 'email':
if (not v.search(by.get('email', ''))):
return False
elif k == 'newer-than':
t = now - v
if (review['grantedOn'] < t):
return False
elif k == 'older-than':
t = now - v
if (review['grantedOn'] >= t):
return False
elif k == 'type':
if review['type'] != v:
return False
elif k == 'permission':
# If permission is read, we've matched. You must have read
# to provide a review. Write or admin permission is different.
if v != 'read':
if review['permission'] != v:
return False
return True
def matchesReviews(self, change):
if self.required_reviews and not change.reviews:
# No reviews means no matching
return False
return self.matchesRequiredReviews(change)
def matchesRequiredReviews(self, change):
for rreview in self.required_reviews:
matches_review = False
for review in change.reviews:
if self._match_review_required_review(rreview, review):
# Consider matched if any review matches
matches_review = True
if not matches_review:
return False
return True
class GithubEventFilter(EventFilter):
def __init__(self, trigger, types=[], branches=[], refs=[],
comments=[], actions=[], labels=[], unlabels=[],
states=[], statuses=[], ignore_deletes=True):
EventFilter.__init__(self, trigger)
self._types = types
self._branches = branches
self._refs = refs
self._comments = comments
self.types = [re.compile(x) for x in types]
self.branches = [re.compile(x) for x in branches]
self.refs = [re.compile(x) for x in refs]
self.comments = [re.compile(x) for x in comments]
self.actions = actions
self.labels = labels
self.unlabels = unlabels
self.states = states
self.statuses = statuses
self.ignore_deletes = ignore_deletes
def __repr__(self):
ret = '<GithubEventFilter'
if self._types:
ret += ' types: %s' % ', '.join(self._types)
if self._branches:
ret += ' branches: %s' % ', '.join(self._branches)
if self._refs:
ret += ' refs: %s' % ', '.join(self._refs)
if self.ignore_deletes:
ret += ' ignore_deletes: %s' % self.ignore_deletes
if self._comments:
ret += ' comments: %s' % ', '.join(self._comments)
if self.actions:
ret += ' actions: %s' % ', '.join(self.actions)
if self.labels:
ret += ' labels: %s' % ', '.join(self.labels)
if self.unlabels:
ret += ' unlabels: %s' % ', '.join(self.unlabels)
if self.states:
ret += ' states: %s' % ', '.join(self.states)
if self.statuses:
ret += ' statuses: %s' % ', '.join(self.statuses)
ret += '>'
return ret
def matches(self, event, change):
# event types are ORed
matches_type = False
for etype in self.types:
if etype.match(event.type):
matches_type = True
if self.types and not matches_type:
return False
# branches are ORed
matches_branch = False
for branch in self.branches:
if branch.match(event.branch):
matches_branch = True
if self.branches and not matches_branch:
return False
# refs are ORed
matches_ref = False
if event.ref is not None:
for ref in self.refs:
if ref.match(event.ref):
matches_ref = True
if self.refs and not matches_ref:
return False
if self.ignore_deletes and event.newrev == EMPTY_GIT_REF:
# If the updated ref has an empty git sha (all 0s),
# then the ref is being deleted
return False
# comments are ORed
matches_comment_re = False
for comment_re in self.comments:
if (event.comment is not None and
matches_comment_re = True
if self.comments and not matches_comment_re:
return False
# actions are ORed
matches_action = False
for action in self.actions:
if (event.action == action):
matches_action = True
if self.actions and not matches_action:
return False
# labels are ORed
if self.labels and event.label not in self.labels:
return False
# unlabels are ORed
if self.unlabels and event.unlabel not in self.unlabels:
return False
# states are ORed
if self.states and event.state not in self.states:
return False
# statuses are ORed
if self.statuses and event.status not in self.statuses:
return False
return True
class GithubRefFilter(RefFilter, GithubReviewFilter):
def __init__(self, statuses=[], required_reviews=[]):
GithubReviewFilter.__init__(self, required_reviews=required_reviews)
self.statuses = statuses
def __repr__(self):
ret = '<GithubRefFilter'
if self.statuses:
ret += ' statuses: %s' % ', '.join(self.statuses)
if self.required_reviews:
ret += (' required-reviews: %s' %
ret += '>'
return ret
def matches(self, change):
# statuses are ORed
# A PR head can have multiple statuses on it. If the change
# statuses and the filter statuses are a null intersection, there
# are no matches and we return false
if self.statuses:
if set(change.status).isdisjoint(set(self.statuses)):
return False
# required reviews are ANDed
if not self.matchesReviews(change):
return False
return True