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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import os
import logging
import six
import yaml
import voluptuous as vs
from zuul import model
import zuul.manager.dependent
import zuul.manager.independent
from zuul import change_matcher
# Several forms accept either a single item or a list, this makes
# specifying that in the schema easy (and explicit).
def to_list(x):
return vs.Any([x], x)
def as_list(item):
if not item:
return []
if isinstance(item, list):
return item
return [item]
class NodeSetParser(object):
def getSchema():
node = {vs.Required('name'): str,
vs.Required('image'): str,
nodeset = {vs.Required('name'): str,
vs.Required('nodes'): [node],
return vs.Schema(nodeset)
def fromYaml(layout, conf):
ns = model.NodeSet(conf['name'])
for conf_node in as_list(conf['nodes']):
node = model.Node(conf_node['name'], conf_node['image'])
return ns
class JobParser(object):
def getSchema():
swift_tmpurl = {vs.Required('name'): str,
'container': str,
'expiry': int,
'max_file_size': int,
'max-file-size': int,
'max_file_count': int,
'max-file-count': int,
'logserver_prefix': str,
'logserver-prefix': str,
auth = {'secrets': to_list(str),
'inherit': bool,
'swift-tmpurl': to_list(swift_tmpurl),
node = {vs.Required('name'): str,
vs.Required('image'): str,
zuul_role = {vs.Required('zuul'): str,
'name': str}
galaxy_role = {vs.Required('galaxy'): str,
'name': str}
role = vs.Any(zuul_role, galaxy_role)
job = {vs.Required('name'): str,
'parent': str,
'queue-name': str,
'failure-message': str,
'success-message': str,
'failure-url': str,
'success-url': str,
'hold-following-changes': bool,
'voting': bool,
'mutex': str,
'tags': to_list(str),
'branches': to_list(str),
'files': to_list(str),
'auth': to_list(auth),
'irrelevant-files': to_list(str),
'nodes': vs.Any([node], str),
'timeout': int,
'attempts': int,
'pre-run': to_list(str),
'post-run': to_list(str),
'run': str,
'_source_context': model.SourceContext,
'roles': to_list(role),
'repos': to_list(str),
'vars': dict,
return vs.Schema(job)
simple_attributes = [
def fromYaml(tenant, layout, conf):
# NB: The default detection system in the Job class requires
# that we always assign values directly rather than modifying
# them (e.g., "job.run = ..." rather than
# "job.run.append(...)").
job = model.Job(conf['name'])
job.source_context = conf.get('_source_context')
if 'auth' in conf:
job.auth = conf.get('auth')
if 'parent' in conf:
parent = layout.getJob(conf['parent'])
for pre_run_name in as_list(conf.get('pre-run')):
full_pre_run_name = os.path.join('playbooks', pre_run_name)
pre_run = model.PlaybookContext(job.source_context,
job.pre_run = job.pre_run + (pre_run,)
for post_run_name in as_list(conf.get('post-run')):
full_post_run_name = os.path.join('playbooks', post_run_name)
post_run = model.PlaybookContext(job.source_context,
job.post_run = (post_run,) + job.post_run
if 'run' in conf:
run_name = os.path.join('playbooks', conf['run'])
run = model.PlaybookContext(job.source_context, run_name)
job.run = (run,)
run_name = os.path.join('playbooks', job.name)
run = model.PlaybookContext(job.source_context, run_name)
job.implied_run = (run,) + job.implied_run
for k in JobParser.simple_attributes:
a = k.replace('-', '_')
if k in conf:
setattr(job, a, conf[k])
if 'nodes' in conf:
conf_nodes = conf['nodes']
if isinstance(conf_nodes, six.string_types):
# This references an existing named nodeset in the layout.
ns = layout.nodesets[conf_nodes]
ns = model.NodeSet()
for conf_node in conf_nodes:
node = model.Node(conf_node['name'], conf_node['image'])
job.nodeset = ns
if 'repos' in conf:
# Accumulate repos in a set so that job inheritance
# is additive.
job.repos = job.repos.union(set(conf.get('repos', [])))
tags = conf.get('tags')
if tags:
# Tags are merged via a union rather than a
# destructive copy because they are intended to
# accumulate onto any previously applied tags.
job.tags = job.tags.union(set(tags))
roles = []
for role in conf.get('roles', []):
if 'zuul' in role:
r = JobParser._makeZuulRole(tenant, job, role)
if r:
job.roles = job.roles.union(set(roles))
variables = conf.get('vars', None)
if variables:
# If the definition for this job came from a project repo,
# implicitly apply a branch matcher for the branch it was on.
if (not job.source_context.trusted):
branches = [job.source_context.branch]
elif 'branches' in conf:
branches = as_list(conf['branches'])
branches = None
if branches:
matchers = []
for branch in branches:
job.branch_matcher = change_matcher.MatchAny(matchers)
if 'files' in conf:
matchers = []
for fn in as_list(conf['files']):
job.file_matcher = change_matcher.MatchAny(matchers)
if 'irrelevant-files' in conf:
matchers = []
for fn in as_list(conf['irrelevant-files']):
job.irrelevant_file_matcher = change_matcher.MatchAllFiles(
return job
def _makeZuulRole(tenant, job, role):
name = role['zuul'].split('/')[-1]
# TODOv3(jeblair): this limits roles to the same
# source; we should remove that limitation.
source = job.source_context.project.connection_name
(trusted, project) = tenant.getRepo(source, role['zuul'])
if project is None:
return None
return model.ZuulRole(role.get('name', name), source,
project.name, trusted)
class ProjectTemplateParser(object):
log = logging.getLogger("zuul.ProjectTemplateParser")
def getSchema(layout):
project_template = {
vs.Required('name'): str,
'merge-mode': vs.Any(
'merge', 'merge-resolve',
'_source_context': model.SourceContext,
for p in layout.pipelines.values():
project_template[p.name] = {'queue': str,
'jobs': [vs.Any(str, dict)]}
return vs.Schema(project_template)
def fromYaml(tenant, layout, conf):
# Make a copy since we modify this later via pop
conf = copy.deepcopy(conf)
project_template = model.ProjectConfig(conf['name'])
source_context = conf['_source_context']
for pipeline in layout.pipelines.values():
conf_pipeline = conf.get(pipeline.name)
if not conf_pipeline:
project_pipeline = model.ProjectPipelineConfig()
project_template.pipelines[pipeline.name] = project_pipeline
project_pipeline.queue_name = conf_pipeline.get('queue')
project_pipeline.job_tree = ProjectTemplateParser._parseJobTree(
tenant, layout, conf_pipeline.get('jobs', []),
return project_template
def _parseJobTree(tenant, layout, conf, source_context, tree=None):
if not tree:
tree = model.JobTree(None)
for conf_job in conf:
if isinstance(conf_job, six.string_types):
job = model.Job(conf_job)
elif isinstance(conf_job, dict):
# A dictionary in a job tree may override params, or
# be the root of a sub job tree, or both.
jobname, attrs = conf_job.items()[0]
jobs = attrs.pop('jobs', None)
if attrs:
# We are overriding params, so make a new job def
attrs['name'] = jobname
attrs['_source_context'] = source_context
subtree = tree.addJob(JobParser.fromYaml(
tenant, layout, attrs))
# Not overriding, so add a blank job
job = model.Job(jobname)
subtree = tree.addJob(job)
if jobs:
# This is the root of a sub tree
tenant, layout, jobs, source_context, subtree)
raise Exception("Job must be a string or dictionary")
return tree
class ProjectParser(object):
log = logging.getLogger("zuul.ProjectParser")
def getSchema(layout):
project = {
vs.Required('name'): str,
'templates': [str],
'merge-mode': vs.Any('merge', 'merge-resolve',
'_source_context': model.SourceContext,
for p in layout.pipelines.values():
project[p.name] = {'queue': str,
'jobs': [vs.Any(str, dict)]}
return vs.Schema([project])
def fromYaml(tenant, layout, conf_list):
project = model.ProjectConfig(conf_list[0]['name'])
mode = conf_list[0].get('merge-mode', 'merge-resolve')
project.merge_mode = model.MERGER_MAP[mode]
# TODOv3(jeblair): deal with merge mode setting on multi branches
configs = []
for conf in conf_list:
# Make a copy since we modify this later via pop
conf = copy.deepcopy(conf)
conf_templates = conf.pop('templates', [])
# The way we construct a project definition is by parsing the
# definition as a template, then applying all of the
# templates, including the newly parsed one, in order.
project_template = ProjectTemplateParser.fromYaml(
tenant, layout, conf)
for name in conf_templates])
for pipeline in layout.pipelines.values():
project_pipeline = model.ProjectPipelineConfig()
project_pipeline.job_tree = model.JobTree(None)
queue_name = None
# For every template, iterate over the job tree and replace or
# create the jobs in the final definition as needed.
pipeline_defined = False
for template in configs:
if pipeline.name in template.pipelines:
"Applying template %s to pipeline %s" %
(template.name, pipeline.name))
pipeline_defined = True
template_pipeline = template.pipelines[pipeline.name]
if template_pipeline.queue_name:
queue_name = template_pipeline.queue_name
if queue_name:
project_pipeline.queue_name = queue_name
if pipeline_defined:
project.pipelines[pipeline.name] = project_pipeline
return project
class PipelineParser(object):
log = logging.getLogger("zuul.PipelineParser")
# A set of reporter configuration keys to action mapping
reporter_actions = {
'start': 'start_actions',
'success': 'success_actions',
'failure': 'failure_actions',
'merge-failure': 'merge_failure_actions',
'disabled': 'disabled_actions',
def getDriverSchema(dtype, connections):
methods = {
'trigger': 'getTriggerSchema',
'reporter': 'getReporterSchema',
schema = {}
# Add the configured connections as available layout options
for connection_name, connection in connections.connections.items():
method = getattr(connection.driver, methods[dtype], None)
if method:
schema[connection_name] = to_list(method())
return schema
def getSchema(layout, connections):
manager = vs.Any('independent',
precedence = vs.Any('normal', 'low', 'high')
approval = vs.Schema({'username': str,
'email-filter': str,
'email': str,
'older-than': str,
'newer-than': str,
}, extra=True)
require = {'approval': to_list(approval),
'open': bool,
'current-patchset': bool,
'status': to_list(str)}
reject = {'approval': to_list(approval)}
window = vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=0))
window_floor = vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=1))
window_type = vs.Any('linear', 'exponential')
window_factor = vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=1))
pipeline = {vs.Required('name'): str,
vs.Required('manager'): manager,
'source': str,
'precedence': precedence,
'description': str,
'require': require,
'reject': reject,
'success-message': str,
'failure-message': str,
'merge-failure-message': str,
'footer-message': str,
'dequeue-on-new-patchset': bool,
'ignore-dependencies': bool,
vs.All(int, vs.Range(min=1)),
'window': window,
'window-floor': window_floor,
'window-increase-type': window_type,
'window-increase-factor': window_factor,
'window-decrease-type': window_type,
'window-decrease-factor': window_factor,
pipeline['trigger'] = vs.Required(
PipelineParser.getDriverSchema('trigger', connections))
for action in ['start', 'success', 'failure', 'merge-failure',
pipeline[action] = PipelineParser.getDriverSchema('reporter',
return vs.Schema(pipeline)
def fromYaml(layout, connections, scheduler, conf):
PipelineParser.getSchema(layout, connections)(conf)
pipeline = model.Pipeline(conf['name'], layout)
pipeline.description = conf.get('description')
pipeline.source = connections.getSource(conf['source'])
precedence = model.PRECEDENCE_MAP[conf.get('precedence')]
pipeline.precedence = precedence
pipeline.failure_message = conf.get('failure-message',
"Build failed.")
pipeline.merge_failure_message = conf.get(
'merge-failure-message', "Merge Failed.\n\nThis change or one "
"of its cross-repo dependencies was unable to be "
"automatically merged with the current state of its "
"repository. Please rebase the change and upload a new "
pipeline.success_message = conf.get('success-message',
"Build succeeded.")
pipeline.footer_message = conf.get('footer-message', "")
pipeline.start_message = conf.get('start-message',
"Starting {pipeline.name} jobs.")
pipeline.dequeue_on_new_patchset = conf.get(
'dequeue-on-new-patchset', True)
pipeline.ignore_dependencies = conf.get(
'ignore-dependencies', False)
for conf_key, action in PipelineParser.reporter_actions.items():
reporter_set = []
if conf.get(conf_key):
for reporter_name, params \
in conf.get(conf_key).items():
reporter = connections.getReporter(reporter_name,
setattr(pipeline, action, reporter_set)
# If merge-failure actions aren't explicit, use the failure actions
if not pipeline.merge_failure_actions:
pipeline.merge_failure_actions = pipeline.failure_actions
pipeline.disable_at = conf.get(
'disable-after-consecutive-failures', None)
pipeline.window = conf.get('window', 20)
pipeline.window_floor = conf.get('window-floor', 3)
pipeline.window_increase_type = conf.get(
'window-increase-type', 'linear')
pipeline.window_increase_factor = conf.get(
'window-increase-factor', 1)
pipeline.window_decrease_type = conf.get(
'window-decrease-type', 'exponential')
pipeline.window_decrease_factor = conf.get(
'window-decrease-factor', 2)
manager_name = conf['manager']
if manager_name == 'dependent':
manager = zuul.manager.dependent.DependentPipelineManager(
scheduler, pipeline)
elif manager_name == 'independent':
manager = zuul.manager.independent.IndependentPipelineManager(
scheduler, pipeline)
layout.pipelines[conf['name']] = pipeline
if 'require' in conf or 'reject' in conf:
require = conf.get('require', {})
reject = conf.get('reject', {})
f = model.ChangeishFilter(
for trigger_name, trigger_config\
in conf.get('trigger').items():
trigger = connections.getTrigger(trigger_name, trigger_config)
# TODO: move
manager.event_filters += trigger.getEventFilters(
return pipeline
class TenantParser(object):
log = logging.getLogger("zuul.TenantParser")
tenant_source = vs.Schema({'config-repos': [str],
'project-repos': [str]})
def validateTenantSources(connections):
def v(value, path=[]):
if isinstance(value, dict):
for k, val in value.items():
TenantParser.validateTenantSource(val, path + [k])
raise vs.Invalid("Invalid tenant source", path)
return v
def validateTenantSource(value, path=[]):
def getSchema(connections=None):
tenant = {vs.Required('name'): str,
'source': TenantParser.validateTenantSources(connections)}
return vs.Schema(tenant)
def fromYaml(base, connections, scheduler, merger, conf, cached):
tenant = model.Tenant(conf['name'])
tenant.unparsed_config = conf
unparsed_config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig()
tenant.config_repos, tenant.project_repos = \
TenantParser._loadTenantConfigRepos(connections, conf)
for source, repo in tenant.config_repos:
tenant.addConfigRepo(source, repo)
for source, repo in tenant.project_repos:
tenant.addProjectRepo(source, repo)
tenant.config_repos_config, tenant.project_repos_config = \
TenantParser._loadTenantInRepoLayouts(merger, connections,
tenant.layout = TenantParser._parseLayout(base, tenant,
tenant.layout.tenant = tenant
return tenant
def _loadTenantConfigRepos(connections, conf_tenant):
config_repos = []
project_repos = []
for source_name, conf_source in conf_tenant.get('source', {}).items():
source = connections.getSource(source_name)
for conf_repo in conf_source.get('config-repos', []):
project = source.getProject(conf_repo)
config_repos.append((source, project))
for conf_repo in conf_source.get('project-repos', []):
project = source.getProject(conf_repo)
project_repos.append((source, project))
return config_repos, project_repos
def _loadTenantInRepoLayouts(merger, connections, config_repos,
project_repos, cached):
config_repos_config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig()
project_repos_config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig()
jobs = []
for (source, project) in config_repos:
# If we have cached data (this is a reconfiguration) use it.
if cached and project.unparsed_config:
"Loading previously parsed configuration from %s" %
# Otherwise, prepare an empty unparsed config object to
# hold cached data later.
project.unparsed_config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig()
# Get main config files. These files are permitted the
# full range of configuration.
url = source.getGitUrl(project)
job = merger.getFiles(project.name, url, 'master',
files=['zuul.yaml', '.zuul.yaml'])
job.source_context = model.SourceContext(project, 'master', True)
for (source, project) in project_repos:
# If we have cached data (this is a reconfiguration) use it.
if cached and project.unparsed_config:
"Loading previously parsed configuration from %s" %
# Otherwise, prepare an empty unparsed config object to
# hold cached data later.
project.unparsed_config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig()
# Get in-project-repo config files which have a restricted
# set of options.
url = source.getGitUrl(project)
# For each branch in the repo, get the zuul.yaml for that
# branch. Remember the branch and then implicitly add a
# branch selector to each job there. This makes the
# in-repo configuration apply only to that branch.
for branch in source.getProjectBranches(project):
project.unparsed_branch_config[branch] = \
job = merger.getFiles(project.name, url, branch,
job.source_context = model.SourceContext(project,
branch, False)
for job in jobs:
# Note: this is an ordered list -- we wait for cat jobs to
# complete in the order they were launched which is the
# same order they were defined in the main config file.
# This is important for correct inheritance.
TenantParser.log.debug("Waiting for cat job %s" % (job,))
for fn in ['zuul.yaml', '.zuul.yaml']:
if job.files.get(fn):
"Loading configuration from %s/%s" %
(job.source_context, fn))
project = job.source_context.project
branch = job.source_context.branch
if job.source_context.trusted:
incdata = TenantParser._parseConfigRepoLayout(
job.files[fn], job.source_context)
incdata = TenantParser._parseProjectRepoLayout(
job.files[fn], job.source_context)
if branch in project.unparsed_branch_config:
return config_repos_config, project_repos_config
def _parseConfigRepoLayout(data, source_context):
# This is the top-level configuration for a tenant.
config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig()
config.extend(yaml.load(data), source_context)
return config
def _parseProjectRepoLayout(data, source_context):
# TODOv3(jeblair): this should implement some rules to protect
# aspects of the config that should not be changed in-repo
config = model.UnparsedTenantConfig()
config.extend(yaml.load(data), source_context)
return config
def _parseLayout(base, tenant, data, scheduler, connections):
layout = model.Layout()
for config_pipeline in data.pipelines:
layout.addPipeline(PipelineParser.fromYaml(layout, connections,
for config_nodeset in data.nodesets:
layout.addNodeSet(NodeSetParser.fromYaml(layout, config_nodeset))
for config_job in data.jobs:
layout.addJob(JobParser.fromYaml(tenant, layout, config_job))
for config_template in data.project_templates:
tenant, layout, config_template))
for config_project in data.projects.values():
tenant, layout, config_project))
for pipeline in layout.pipelines.values():
return layout
class ConfigLoader(object):
log = logging.getLogger("zuul.ConfigLoader")
def expandConfigPath(self, config_path):
if config_path:
config_path = os.path.expanduser(config_path)
if not os.path.exists(config_path):
raise Exception("Unable to read tenant config file at %s" %
return config_path
def loadConfig(self, config_path, scheduler, merger, connections):
abide = model.Abide()
config_path = self.expandConfigPath(config_path)
with open(config_path) as config_file:
self.log.info("Loading configuration from %s" % (config_path,))
data = yaml.load(config_file)
config = model.UnparsedAbideConfig()
base = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(config_path))
for conf_tenant in config.tenants:
# When performing a full reload, do not use cached data.
tenant = TenantParser.fromYaml(base, connections, scheduler,
merger, conf_tenant, cached=False)
abide.tenants[tenant.name] = tenant
return abide
def reloadTenant(self, config_path, scheduler, merger, connections,
abide, tenant):
new_abide = model.Abide()
new_abide.tenants = abide.tenants.copy()
config_path = self.expandConfigPath(config_path)
base = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(config_path))
# When reloading a tenant only, use cached data if available.
new_tenant = TenantParser.fromYaml(base, connections, scheduler,
merger, tenant.unparsed_config,
new_abide.tenants[tenant.name] = new_tenant
return new_abide
def createDynamicLayout(self, tenant, files):
config = tenant.config_repos_config.copy()
for source, project in tenant.project_repos:
for branch in source.getProjectBranches(project):
data = files.getFile(project.name, branch, '.zuul.yaml')
if data:
source_context = model.SourceContext(project,
branch, False)
incdata = TenantParser._parseProjectRepoLayout(
data, source_context)
incdata = project.unparsed_branch_config[branch]
if not incdata:
layout = model.Layout()
# TODOv3(jeblair): copying the pipelines could be dangerous/confusing.
layout.pipelines = tenant.layout.pipelines
for config_job in config.jobs:
layout.addJob(JobParser.fromYaml(tenant, layout, config_job))
for config_template in config.project_templates:
tenant, layout, config_template))
for config_project in config.projects.values():
tenant, layout, config_project), update_pipeline=False)
return layout