
676 lines
25 KiB
Executable File

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: (c) 2012, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>, and others
# Copyright: (c) 2016, Toshio Kuratomi <tkuratomi@ansible.com>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
'status': ['stableinterface'],
'supported_by': 'core'}
# flake8: noqa
# This file shares a significant chunk of code with an upstream ansible
# function, run_command. The goal is to not have to fork quite so much
# of that function, and discussing that design with upstream means we
# should keep the changes to substantive ones only. For that reason, this
# file is purposely not enforcing pep8, as making the function pep8 clean
# would remove our ability to easily have a discussion with our friends
# upstream
module: command
short_description: Executes a command on a remote node
version_added: historical
- The C(command) module takes the command name followed by a list of space-delimited arguments.
- The given command will be executed on all selected nodes. It will not be
processed through the shell, so variables like C($HOME) and operations
like C("<"), C(">"), C("|"), C(";") and C("&") will not work (use the M(shell)
module if you need these features).
- For Windows targets, use the M(win_command) module instead.
- The command module takes a free form command to run. There is no parameter actually named 'free form'.
See the examples!
required: yes
- Allows the user to provide the command as a list vs. a string. Only the string or the list form can be
provided, not both. One or the other must be provided.
version_added: "2.6"
- A filename or (since 2.0) glob pattern, when it already exists, this step will B(not) be run.
- A filename or (since 2.0) glob pattern, when it does not exist, this step will B(not) be run.
version_added: "0.8"
- Change into this directory before running the command.
version_added: "0.6"
- If command_warnings are on in ansible.cfg, do not warn about this particular line if set to C(no).
type: bool
default: 'yes'
version_added: "1.8"
version_added: "2.4"
- Set the stdin of the command directly to the specified value.
- If you want to run a command through the shell (say you are using C(<), C(>), C(|), etc), you actually want the M(shell) module instead.
Parsing shell metacharacters can lead to unexpected commands being executed if quoting is not done correctly so it is more secure to
use the C(command) module when possible.
- " C(creates), C(removes), and C(chdir) can be specified after the command.
For instance, if you only want to run a command if a certain file does not exist, use this."
- The C(executable) parameter is removed since version 2.4. If you have a need for this parameter, use the M(shell) module instead.
- For Windows targets, use the M(win_command) module instead.
- Ansible Core Team
- Michael DeHaan
- name: return motd to registered var
command: cat /etc/motd
register: mymotd
- name: Run the command if the specified file does not exist.
command: /usr/bin/make_database.sh arg1 arg2
creates: /path/to/database
# You can also use the 'args' form to provide the options.
- name: This command will change the working directory to somedir/ and will only run when /path/to/database doesn't exist.
command: /usr/bin/make_database.sh arg1 arg2
chdir: somedir/
creates: /path/to/database
- name: use argv to send the command as a list. Be sure to leave command empty
- echo
- testing
- name: safely use templated variable to run command. Always use the quote filter to avoid injection issues.
command: cat {{ myfile|quote }}
register: myoutput
RETURN = '''
description: the cmd that was run on the remote machine
returned: always
type: list
- echo
- hello
description: cmd end time - cmd start time
returned: always
type: string
sample: 0:00:00.001529
description: cmd end time
returned: always
type: string
sample: '2017-09-29 22:03:48.084657'
description: cmd start time
returned: always
type: string
sample: '2017-09-29 22:03:48.083128'
import datetime
import glob
import os
import shlex
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
# Imports needed for Zuul things
import re
import subprocess
import traceback
import threading
from ansible.module_utils.basic import heuristic_log_sanitize
from ansible.module_utils.six import (
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import shlex_quote
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_bytes, to_text
LOG_STREAM_FILE = '/tmp/console-{log_uuid}.log'
PASSWD_ARG_RE = re.compile(r'^[-]{0,2}pass[-]?(word|wd)?')
# List to save stdout log lines in as we collect them
_log_lines = []
class Console(object):
def __init__(self, log_uuid):
self.logfile_name = LOG_STREAM_FILE.format(log_uuid=log_uuid)
def __enter__(self):
self.logfile = open(self.logfile_name, 'ab', buffering=0)
return self
def __exit__(self, etype, value, tb):
def addLine(self, ln):
# Note this format with deliminator is "inspired" by the old
# Jenkins format but with microsecond resolution instead of
# millisecond. It is kept so log parsing/formatting remains
# consistent.
ts = str(datetime.datetime.now()).encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(ln, bytes):
ln = ln.encode('utf-8')
except Exception:
ln = repr(ln).encode('utf-8') + b'\n'
outln = b'%s | %s' % (ts, ln)
def follow(fd, log_uuid):
newline_warning = False
with Console(log_uuid) as console:
while True:
line = fd.readline()
if not line:
if not line.endswith(b'\n'):
line += b'\n'
newline_warning = True
if newline_warning:
console.addLine('[Zuul] No trailing newline\n')
# Taken from ansible/module_utils/basic.py ... forking the method for now
# so that we can dive in and figure out how to make appropriate hook points
def zuul_run_command(self, args, zuul_log_id, check_rc=False, close_fds=True, executable=None, data=None, binary_data=False, path_prefix=None, cwd=None,
use_unsafe_shell=False, prompt_regex=None, environ_update=None, umask=None, encoding='utf-8', errors='surrogate_or_strict'):
Execute a command, returns rc, stdout, and stderr.
:arg args: is the command to run
* If args is a list, the command will be run with shell=False.
* If args is a string and use_unsafe_shell=False it will split args to a list and run with shell=False
* If args is a string and use_unsafe_shell=True it runs with shell=True.
:kw check_rc: Whether to call fail_json in case of non zero RC.
Default False
:kw close_fds: See documentation for subprocess.Popen(). Default True
:kw executable: See documentation for subprocess.Popen(). Default None
:kw data: If given, information to write to the stdin of the command
:kw binary_data: If False, append a newline to the data. Default False
:kw path_prefix: If given, additional path to find the command in.
This adds to the PATH environment vairable so helper commands in
the same directory can also be found
:kw cwd: If given, working directory to run the command inside
:kw use_unsafe_shell: See `args` parameter. Default False
:kw prompt_regex: Regex string (not a compiled regex) which can be
used to detect prompts in the stdout which would otherwise cause
the execution to hang (especially if no input data is specified)
:kw environ_update: dictionary to *update* os.environ with
:kw umask: Umask to be used when running the command. Default None
:kw encoding: Since we return native strings, on python3 we need to
know the encoding to use to transform from bytes to text. If you
want to always get bytes back, use encoding=None. The default is
"utf-8". This does not affect transformation of strings given as
:kw errors: Since we return native strings, on python3 we need to
transform stdout and stderr from bytes to text. If the bytes are
undecodable in the ``encoding`` specified, then use this error
handler to deal with them. The default is ``surrogate_or_strict``
which means that the bytes will be decoded using the
surrogateescape error handler if available (available on all
python3 versions we support) otherwise a UnicodeError traceback
will be raised. This does not affect transformations of strings
given as args.
:returns: A 3-tuple of return code (integer), stdout (native string),
and stderr (native string). On python2, stdout and stderr are both
byte strings. On python3, stdout and stderr are text strings converted
according to the encoding and errors parameters. If you want byte
strings on python3, use encoding=None to turn decoding to text off.
if not isinstance(args, (list, binary_type, text_type)):
msg = "Argument 'args' to run_command must be list or string"
self.fail_json(rc=257, cmd=args, msg=msg)
shell = False
if use_unsafe_shell:
# stringify args for unsafe/direct shell usage
if isinstance(args, list):
args = " ".join([shlex_quote(x) for x in args])
# not set explicitly, check if set by controller
if executable:
args = [executable, '-c', args]
elif self._shell not in (None, '/bin/sh'):
args = [self._shell, '-c', args]
shell = True
# ensure args are a list
if isinstance(args, (binary_type, text_type)):
# On python2.6 and below, shlex has problems with text type
# On python3, shlex needs a text type.
if PY2:
args = to_bytes(args, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
elif PY3:
args = to_text(args, errors='surrogateescape')
args = shlex.split(args)
# expand shellisms
args = [os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(x)) for x in args if x is not None]
prompt_re = None
if prompt_regex:
if isinstance(prompt_regex, text_type):
if PY3:
prompt_regex = to_bytes(prompt_regex, errors='surrogateescape')
elif PY2:
prompt_regex = to_bytes(prompt_regex, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
prompt_re = re.compile(prompt_regex, re.MULTILINE)
except re.error:
self.fail_json(msg="invalid prompt regular expression given to run_command")
rc = 0
msg = None
st_in = None
# Manipulate the environ we'll send to the new process
old_env_vals = {}
# We can set this from both an attribute and per call
for key, val in self.run_command_environ_update.items():
old_env_vals[key] = os.environ.get(key, None)
os.environ[key] = val
if environ_update:
for key, val in environ_update.items():
old_env_vals[key] = os.environ.get(key, None)
os.environ[key] = val
if path_prefix:
old_env_vals['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH']
os.environ['PATH'] = "%s:%s" % (path_prefix, os.environ['PATH'])
# If using test-module and explode, the remote lib path will resemble ...
# /tmp/test_module_scratch/debug_dir/ansible/module_utils/basic.py
# If using ansible or ansible-playbook with a remote system ...
# /tmp/ansible_vmweLQ/ansible_modlib.zip/ansible/module_utils/basic.py
# Clean out python paths set by ansiballz
if 'PYTHONPATH' in os.environ:
pypaths = os.environ['PYTHONPATH'].split(':')
pypaths = [x for x in pypaths
if not x.endswith('/ansible_modlib.zip') and
not x.endswith('/debug_dir')]
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = ':'.join(pypaths)
if not os.environ['PYTHONPATH']:
del os.environ['PYTHONPATH']
# create a printable version of the command for use
# in reporting later, which strips out things like
# passwords from the args list
to_clean_args = args
if PY2:
if isinstance(args, text_type):
to_clean_args = to_bytes(args)
if isinstance(args, binary_type):
to_clean_args = to_text(args)
if isinstance(args, (text_type, binary_type)):
to_clean_args = shlex.split(to_clean_args)
clean_args = []
is_passwd = False
for arg in (to_native(a) for a in to_clean_args):
if is_passwd:
is_passwd = False
if PASSWD_ARG_RE.match(arg):
sep_idx = arg.find('=')
if sep_idx > -1:
clean_args.append('%s=********' % arg[:sep_idx])
is_passwd = True
arg = heuristic_log_sanitize(arg, self.no_log_values)
clean_args = ' '.join(shlex_quote(arg) for arg in clean_args)
if data:
st_in = subprocess.PIPE
# ZUUL: changed stderr to follow stdout
kwargs = dict(
# store the pwd
prev_dir = os.getcwd()
# make sure we're in the right working directory
if cwd and os.path.isdir(cwd):
cwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(cwd))
kwargs['cwd'] = cwd
except (OSError, IOError) as e:
self.fail_json(rc=e.errno, msg="Could not open %s, %s" % (cwd, to_native(e)),
old_umask = None
if umask:
old_umask = os.umask(umask)
t = None
fail_json_kwargs = None
if self._debug:
self.log('Executing: ' + clean_args)
# ZUUL: Replaced the execution loop with the zuul_runner run function
cmd = subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs)
if self.no_log:
t = None
t = threading.Thread(target=follow, args=(cmd.stdout, zuul_log_id))
t.daemon = True
# ZUUL: Our log thread will catch the output so don't do that here.
# # the communication logic here is essentially taken from that
# # of the _communicate() function in ssh.py
# stdout = b('')
# stderr = b('')
# # ZUUL: stderr follows stdout
# rpipes = [cmd.stdout]
if data:
if not binary_data:
data += '\n'
if isinstance(data, text_type):
data = to_bytes(data)
# while True:
# rfds, wfds, efds = select.select(rpipes, [], rpipes, 1)
# stdout += self._read_from_pipes(rpipes, rfds, cmd.stdout)
# # ZUUL: stderr follows stdout
# # stderr += self._read_from_pipes(rpipes, rfds, cmd.stderr)
# # if we're checking for prompts, do it now
# if prompt_re:
# if prompt_re.search(stdout) and not data:
# if encoding:
# stdout = to_native(stdout, encoding=encoding, errors=errors)
# else:
# stdout = stdout
# return (257, stdout, "A prompt was encountered while running a command, but no input data was specified")
# # only break out if no pipes are left to read or
# # the pipes are completely read and
# # the process is terminated
# if (not rpipes or not rfds) and cmd.poll() is not None:
# break
# # No pipes are left to read but process is not yet terminated
# # Only then it is safe to wait for the process to be finished
# # NOTE: Actually cmd.poll() is always None here if rpipes is empty
# elif not rpipes and cmd.poll() is None:
# cmd.wait()
# # The process is terminated. Since no pipes to read from are
# # left, there is no need to call select() again.
# break
# ZUUL: If the console log follow thread *is* stuck in readline,
# we can't close stdout (attempting to do so raises an
# exception) , so this is disabled.
# cmd.stdout.close()
# cmd.stderr.close()
rc = cmd.wait()
# Give the thread that is writing the console log up to 10 seconds
# to catch up and exit. If it hasn't done so by then, it is very
# likely stuck in readline() because it spawed a child that is
# holding stdout or stderr open.
if t:
with Console(zuul_log_id) as console:
if t.is_alive():
console.addLine("[Zuul] standard output/error still open "
"after child exited")
# ZUUL: stdout and stderr are in the console log file
# ZUUL: return the saved log lines so we can ship them back
stdout = b('').join(_log_lines)
stdout = b('')
stderr = b('')
except (OSError, IOError) as e:
self.log("Error Executing CMD:%s Exception:%s" % (clean_args, to_native(e)))
# ZUUL: store fail_json_kwargs and fail later in finally
fail_json_kwargs = dict(rc=e.errno, msg=to_native(e), cmd=clean_args)
except Exception as e:
self.log("Error Executing CMD:%s Exception:%s" % (clean_args, to_native(traceback.format_exc())))
# ZUUL: store fail_json_kwargs and fail later in finally
fail_json_kwargs = dict(rc=257, msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc(), cmd=clean_args)
if t:
with Console(zuul_log_id) as console:
if t.is_alive():
console.addLine("[Zuul] standard output/error still open "
"after child exited")
if fail_json_kwargs:
# we hit an exception and need to use the rc from
# fail_json_kwargs
rc = fail_json_kwargs['rc']
console.addLine("[Zuul] Task exit code: %s\n" % rc)
if fail_json_kwargs:
# Restore env settings
for key, val in old_env_vals.items():
if val is None:
del os.environ[key]
os.environ[key] = val
if old_umask:
if rc != 0 and check_rc:
msg = heuristic_log_sanitize(stderr.rstrip(), self.no_log_values)
self.fail_json(cmd=clean_args, rc=rc, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, msg=msg)
# reset the pwd
if encoding is not None:
return (rc, to_native(stdout, encoding=encoding, errors=errors),
to_native(stderr, encoding=encoding, errors=errors))
return (rc, stdout, stderr)
def check_command(module, commandline):
arguments = {'chown': 'owner', 'chmod': 'mode', 'chgrp': 'group',
'ln': 'state=link', 'mkdir': 'state=directory',
'rmdir': 'state=absent', 'rm': 'state=absent', 'touch': 'state=touch'}
commands = {'curl': 'get_url or uri', 'wget': 'get_url or uri',
'svn': 'subversion', 'service': 'service',
'mount': 'mount', 'rpm': 'yum, dnf or zypper', 'yum': 'yum', 'apt-get': 'apt',
'tar': 'unarchive', 'unzip': 'unarchive', 'sed': 'replace, lineinfile or template',
'dnf': 'dnf', 'zypper': 'zypper'}
become = ['sudo', 'su', 'pbrun', 'pfexec', 'runas', 'pmrun', 'machinectl']
if isinstance(commandline, list):
command = commandline[0]
command = commandline.split()[0]
command = os.path.basename(command)
disable_suffix = "If you need to use command because {mod} is insufficient you can add" \
" warn=False to this command task or set command_warnings=False in" \
" ansible.cfg to get rid of this message."
substitutions = {'mod': None, 'cmd': command}
if command in arguments:
msg = "Consider using the {mod} module with {subcmd} rather than running {cmd}. " + disable_suffix
substitutions['mod'] = 'file'
substitutions['subcmd'] = arguments[command]
if command in commands:
msg = "Consider using the {mod} module rather than running {cmd}. " + disable_suffix
substitutions['mod'] = commands[command]
if command in become:
module.warn("Consider using 'become', 'become_method', and 'become_user' rather than running %s" % (command,))
def main():
# the command module is the one ansible module that does not take key=value args
# hence don't copy this one if you are looking to build others!
module = AnsibleModule(
_uses_shell=dict(type='bool', default=False),
# The default for this really comes from the action plugin
warn=dict(type='bool', default=True),
shell = module.params['_uses_shell']
chdir = module.params['chdir']
executable = module.params['executable']
args = module.params['_raw_params']
argv = module.params['argv']
creates = module.params['creates']
removes = module.params['removes']
warn = module.params['warn']
stdin = module.params['stdin']
zuul_log_id = module.params['zuul_log_id']
if not shell and executable:
module.warn("As of Ansible 2.4, the parameter 'executable' is no longer supported with the 'command' module. Not using '%s'." % executable)
executable = None
if not zuul_log_id:
module.fail_json(rc=256, msg="zuul_log_id missing: %s" % module.params)
if (not args or args.strip() == '') and not argv:
module.fail_json(rc=256, msg="no command given")
if args and argv:
module.fail_json(rc=256, msg="only command or argv can be given, not both")
if not shell and args:
args = shlex.split(args)
args = args or argv
if chdir:
chdir = os.path.abspath(chdir)
if creates:
# do not run the command if the line contains creates=filename
# and the filename already exists. This allows idempotence
# of command executions.
if glob.glob(creates):
stdout="skipped, since %s exists" % creates,
if removes:
# do not run the command if the line contains removes=filename
# and the filename does not exist. This allows idempotence
# of command executions.
if not glob.glob(removes):
stdout="skipped, since %s does not exist" % removes,
if warn:
check_command(module, args)
startd = datetime.datetime.now()
rc, out, err = zuul_run_command(module, args, zuul_log_id, executable=executable, use_unsafe_shell=shell, encoding=None, data=stdin)
endd = datetime.datetime.now()
delta = endd - startd
result = dict(
if rc != 0:
module.fail_json(msg='non-zero return code', **result)
if __name__ == '__main__':