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Multiple Ansible versions


This is not authoritative documentation. These features are not currently available in Zuul. They may change significantly before final implementation, or may never be fully completed.

Currently zuul only supports one specific ansible version at once. This complicates upgrading ansible because ansible often breaks backwards compatibility and so we need to synchronize the upgrade on the complete deployment which is often not possible.

Instead we want to support multiple ansible versions at once so we can handle the lifecycle of ansible versions by adding new versions and deprecating old ones.


We want jobs to be able to pick a specific ansible version to run. However as we have lots of stuff that overrides things in ansible we will let the job only select a minor version (e.g. 2.6) in a list of supported versions. This is also necessary from a security point of view so the user cannot pick a specific bugfix version that is known to contain certain security flaws. Zuul needs to support a list of specific minor versions from where it will pick the latest bugfix version or a pinned version if we need to.

We need virtual environments for ansible which are not relocatable. Because of this we must install ansible after the installation. Further we need to support sdist based installations as well as wheel based installations. However wheel based installations don't have any possibility for post install hooks. Thus to stay consistent we will require to manually run a post installation script to install the ansible versions. This script will work standalone as well as within the executor process context. This will make it possible to let the executor optionally install ansible at startup time if there is interest. This can be useful for the quick start. However the recommended way will be the manual run.

We also need a configuration that specifies additional packages that need to be installed along with ansible. This is required because different deployers use different ansible connections or modules that have additional optional dependencies (e.g. winrm).

Job configuration

There will be a new job attribute ansible-version that will instruct zuul to take the specified version. This attribute will be validated against a list of supported ansible versions that zuul currently can handle. Zuul will throw a configuration error if a job selects an unsupported or unparsable version. If no ansible-version is defined zuul will pick up the ansible version marked as default. We will also need a mechanism to deprecate ansible versions to prepare removing old versions. We could add labels to the supported versions. To express that. The supported versions we will start with will be:

  • 2.5 (deprecated)
  • 2.6
  • 2.7 (default)

The default ansible version will be configurable on global and tenant level. This way updating the default to newer versions can be made much less disruptive. Being able to specify the default version on tenant level makes it easy to canary release ansible updates in a larger multi tenant environment.

We will also need to be able to pin a version to a specific bugfix version in case the latest one is known to be broken. This will also be handled by the installation mechanisms described below.

Installing ansible

We currently pull in ansible via the requirements.txt. This will no longer be sufficient. Instead zuul itself needs to take care of installing the supported versions into a pre-defined directory structure using the venv module. The executor will have two new config options:

  • ansible-root: The root path where ansible installations will be found. The default will be <exec-root>/lib/zuul/executor-ansible. All supported ansible installations will live inside a venv in the path ansible-root/<minor-version>.

  • manage-ansible: A boolean flag that tells the executor manage the installed ansible versions itself. The default will be true.

    If set to true the executor will install and upgrade all supported ansible versions on startup.

    If set to false the executor will validate the presence of all supported ansible versions on startup and throw an error on missing installations.

The management of the ansible installations will be performed by a script installed along the zuul binaries. This will install and update every supported version of ansible into a specified ansible-root directory.

This script can then be used by the executor or externally depending on the configuration.

Dockerized deployment

In a dockerized deployment it is preferable to pre-install ansible during the image build. This can be done by calling the installation script during the image build. The official images will contain all supported versions.

Ansible module overrides

We currently have many ansible module overrides. These may or may not be targeted to a specific ansible version. Currently they are organized into the folder zuul/ansible. In order to support multiple ansible versions without needing to fork everything there this will be reorganized into:

  • zuul/ansible/generic: Overrides and modules valid for all supported

    ansible versions.

  • zuul/ansible/<version>: Overrides and modules valid for a specific version.

If there are overrides that are valid for a range of ansible versions we can define it in the lowest version and make use of symlinking to the other versions in order to minimize additional maintenance overhead by not forking an override where possible. Generally we should strive for having as much as possible in the generic part to minimize the maintenance effort of these.

Deprecation policy

We should handle deprecating and removing supported ansible versions similar to the deprecation policy described in zuul-jobs: https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul-jobs/policy.html

Further we should make sure that whenever we release a new version of zuul we should make sure that the list of supported ansible versions is a subset of what is supported by ansible at that time. The list of supported ansible versions can be found here: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/release_and_maintenance.html#release-status

We also should notify the users when they use deprecated ansible versions. This can be done in two ways. First the executor will emit a warning to the logs when it encounters a job that uses a deprecated ansible version. The executor already can return warnings together with the build result. These will be added directly to the reporting to the code review system. This can be used to warn about deprecated ansible versions at a prominent location instead of burying it somewhere in megabytes of logs.


We also have a set of tests that validate the security overrides. We need to test them for all supported ansible versions. Where needed we also need to fork or add additional version specific tests.