
404 lines
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# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Copyright 2013-2014 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import git
import os
import logging
import zuul.model
def reset_repo_to_head(repo):
# This lets us reset the repo even if there is a file in the root
# directory named 'HEAD'. Currently, GitPython does not allow us
# to instruct it to always include the '--' to disambiguate. This
# should no longer be necessary if this PR merges:
# https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython/pull/319
repo.git.reset('--hard', 'HEAD', '--')
except git.GitCommandError as e:
# git nowadays may use 1 as status to indicate there are still unstaged
# modifications after the reset
if e.status != 1:
class ZuulReference(git.Reference):
_common_path_default = "refs/zuul"
_points_to_commits_only = True
class Repo(object):
log = logging.getLogger("zuul.Repo")
def __init__(self, remote, local, email, username):
self.remote_url = remote
self.local_path = local
self.email = email
self.username = username
self._initialized = False
self.log.exception("Unable to initialize repo for %s" % remote)
def _ensure_cloned(self):
repo_is_cloned = os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.local_path, '.git'))
if self._initialized and repo_is_cloned:
# If the repo does not exist, clone the repo.
if not repo_is_cloned:
self.log.debug("Cloning from %s to %s" % (self.remote_url,
git.Repo.clone_from(self.remote_url, self.local_path)
repo = git.Repo(self.local_path)
with repo.config_writer() as config_writer:
if self.email:
config_writer.set_value('user', 'email', self.email)
if self.username:
config_writer.set_value('user', 'name', self.username)
self._initialized = True
def isInitialized(self):
return self._initialized
def createRepoObject(self):
repo = git.Repo(self.local_path)
return repo
def reset(self):
self.log.debug("Resetting repository %s" % self.local_path)
repo = self.createRepoObject()
origin = repo.remotes.origin
for ref in origin.refs:
if ref.remote_head == 'HEAD':
repo.create_head(ref.remote_head, ref, force=True)
# try reset to remote HEAD (usually origin/master)
# If it fails, pick the first reference
repo.head.reference = origin.refs['HEAD']
except IndexError:
repo.head.reference = origin.refs[0]
repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d')
def prune(self):
repo = self.createRepoObject()
origin = repo.remotes.origin
stale_refs = origin.stale_refs
if stale_refs:
self.log.debug("Pruning stale refs: %s", stale_refs)
git.refs.RemoteReference.delete(repo, *stale_refs)
def getBranchHead(self, branch):
repo = self.createRepoObject()
branch_head = repo.heads[branch]
return branch_head.commit
def hasBranch(self, branch):
repo = self.createRepoObject()
origin = repo.remotes.origin
return branch in origin.refs
def getCommitFromRef(self, refname):
repo = self.createRepoObject()
if refname not in repo.refs:
return None
ref = repo.refs[refname]
return ref.commit
def checkout(self, ref):
repo = self.createRepoObject()
self.log.debug("Checking out %s" % ref)
repo.head.reference = ref
return repo.head.commit
def cherryPick(self, ref):
repo = self.createRepoObject()
self.log.debug("Cherry-picking %s" % ref)
return repo.head.commit
def merge(self, ref, strategy=None):
repo = self.createRepoObject()
args = []
if strategy:
args += ['-s', strategy]
self.log.debug("Merging %s with args %s" % (ref, args))
return repo.head.commit
def fetch(self, ref):
repo = self.createRepoObject()
# The git.remote.fetch method may read in git progress info and
# interpret it improperly causing an AssertionError. Because the
# data was fetched properly subsequent fetches don't seem to fail.
# So try again if an AssertionError is caught.
origin = repo.remotes.origin
except AssertionError:
def fetchFrom(self, repository, refspec):
repo = self.createRepoObject()
repo.git.fetch(repository, refspec)
def createZuulRef(self, ref, commit='HEAD'):
repo = self.createRepoObject()
self.log.debug("CreateZuulRef %s at %s on %s" % (ref, commit, repo))
ref = ZuulReference.create(repo, ref, commit)
return ref.commit
def push(self, local, remote):
repo = self.createRepoObject()
self.log.debug("Pushing %s:%s to %s" % (local, remote,
repo.remotes.origin.push('%s:%s' % (local, remote))
def update(self):
repo = self.createRepoObject()
self.log.debug("Updating repository %s" % self.local_path)
origin = repo.remotes.origin
if repo.git.version_info[:2] < (1, 9):
# Before 1.9, 'git fetch --tags' did not include the
# behavior covered by 'git --fetch', so we run both
# commands in that case. Starting with 1.9, 'git fetch
# --tags' is all that is necessary. See
# https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/Documentation/RelNotes/1.9.0.txt#L18-L20
def getFiles(self, files, branch=None, commit=None):
ret = {}
repo = self.createRepoObject()
if branch:
tree = repo.heads[branch].commit.tree
tree = repo.commit(commit).tree
for fn in files:
if fn in tree:
ret[fn] = tree[fn].data_stream.read().decode('utf8')
ret[fn] = None
return ret
class Merger(object):
log = logging.getLogger("zuul.Merger")
def __init__(self, working_root, connections, email, username):
self.repos = {}
self.working_root = working_root
if not os.path.exists(working_root):
self.connections = connections
self.email = email
self.username = username
def _get_ssh_cmd(self, connection_name):
sshkey = self.connections.connections.get(connection_name).\
if sshkey:
return 'ssh -i %s' % sshkey
return None
def _setGitSsh(self, connection_name):
wrapper_name = '.ssh_wrapper_%s' % connection_name
name = os.path.join(self.working_root, wrapper_name)
if os.path.isfile(name):
os.environ['GIT_SSH'] = name
elif 'GIT_SSH' in os.environ:
del os.environ['GIT_SSH']
def _addProject(self, hostname, project_name, url):
repo = None
key = '/'.join([hostname, project_name])
path = os.path.join(self.working_root, hostname, project_name)
repo = Repo(url, path, self.email, self.username)
self.repos[key] = repo
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Unable to add project %s/%s" %
(hostname, project_name))
return repo
def getRepo(self, connection_name, project_name):
source = self.connections.getSource(connection_name)
project = source.getProject(project_name)
hostname = project.canonical_hostname
url = source.getGitUrl(project)
key = '/'.join([hostname, project_name])
if key in self.repos:
return self.repos[key]
if not url:
raise Exception("Unable to set up repo for project %s/%s"
" without a url" %
(connection_name, project_name,))
return self._addProject(hostname, project_name, url)
def updateRepo(self, connection_name, project_name):
# TODOv3(jhesketh): Reimplement
# da90a50b794f18f74de0e2c7ec3210abf79dda24 after merge..
# Likely we'll handle connection context per projects differently.
# self._setGitSsh()
repo = self.getRepo(connection_name, project_name)
self.log.info("Updating local repository %s/%s",
connection_name, project_name)
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Unable to update %s/%s",
connection_name, project_name)
def checkoutBranch(self, connection_name, project_name, branch):
repo = self.getRepo(connection_name, project_name)
if repo.hasBranch(branch):
self.log.info("Checking out branch %s of %s/%s" %
(branch, connection_name, project_name))
head = repo.getBranchHead(branch)
raise Exception("Project %s/%s does not have branch %s" %
(connection_name, project_name, branch))
def _mergeChange(self, item, ref):
repo = self.getRepo(item['connection'], item['project'])
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Unable to checkout %s" % ref)
return None
mode = item['merge_mode']
if mode == zuul.model.MERGER_MERGE:
commit = repo.merge(item['refspec'])
elif mode == zuul.model.MERGER_MERGE_RESOLVE:
commit = repo.merge(item['refspec'], 'resolve')
elif mode == zuul.model.MERGER_CHERRY_PICK:
commit = repo.cherryPick(item['refspec'])
raise Exception("Unsupported merge mode: %s" % mode)
except git.GitCommandError:
# Log git exceptions at debug level because they are
# usually benign merge conflicts
self.log.debug("Unable to merge %s" % item, exc_info=True)
return None
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Exception while merging a change:")
return None
return commit
def _mergeItem(self, item, recent):
self.log.debug("Processing refspec %s for project %s/%s / %s ref %s" %
(item['refspec'], item['connection'],
item['project'], item['branch'], item['ref']))
repo = self.getRepo(item['connection'], item['project'])
key = (item['connection'], item['project'], item['branch'])
# See if we have a commit for this change already in this repo
zuul_ref = item['branch'] + '/' + item['ref']
with repo.createRepoObject().git.custom_environment(
commit = repo.getCommitFromRef(zuul_ref)
if commit:
"Found commit %s for ref %s" % (commit, zuul_ref))
# Store this as the most recent commit for this
# project-branch
recent[key] = commit
return commit
self.log.debug("Unable to find commit for ref %s" % (zuul_ref,))
# We need to merge the change
# Get the most recent commit for this project-branch
base = recent.get(key)
if not base:
# There is none, so use the branch tip
# we need to reset here in order to call getBranchHead
self.log.debug("No base commit found for %s" % (key,))
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Unable to reset repo %s" % repo)
return None
base = repo.getBranchHead(item['branch'])
self.log.debug("Found base commit %s for %s" % (base, key,))
# Merge the change
with repo.createRepoObject().git.custom_environment(
commit = self._mergeChange(item, base)
if not commit:
return None
# Store this commit as the most recent for this project-branch
recent[key] = commit
# Set the Zuul ref for this item to point to the most recent
# commits of each project-branch
for key, mrc in recent.items():
connection, project, branch = key
repo = self.getRepo(connection, project)
zuul_ref = branch + '/' + item['ref']
repo.createZuulRef(zuul_ref, mrc)
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Unable to set zuul ref %s for "
"item %s" % (zuul_ref, item))
return None
return commit
def mergeChanges(self, items, files=None):
recent = {}
commit = None
read_files = []
for item in items:
if item.get("number") and item.get("patchset"):
self.log.debug("Merging for change %s,%s." %
(item["number"], item["patchset"]))
elif item.get("newrev") and item.get("oldrev"):
self.log.debug("Merging for rev %s with oldrev %s." %
(item["newrev"], item["oldrev"]))
commit = self._mergeItem(item, recent)
if not commit:
return None
if files:
repo = self.getRepo(item['connection'], item['project'])
repo_files = repo.getFiles(files, commit=commit)
if files:
return commit.hexsha, read_files
return commit.hexsha
def getFiles(self, connection_name, project_name, branch, files):
repo = self.getRepo(connection_name, project_name)
return repo.getFiles(files, branch=branch)