
68 lines
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## airshipctl config set-cluster
Manage clusters
### Synopsis
Create or modify a cluster in the airshipctl config files.
Since a cluster can be either "ephemeral" or "target", you must specify
cluster-type when managing clusters.
airshipctl config set-cluster NAME [flags]
### Examples
# Set the server field on the ephemeral exampleCluster
airshipctl config set-cluster exampleCluster \
--cluster-type=ephemeral \
# Embed certificate authority data for the target exampleCluster
airshipctl config set-cluster exampleCluster \
--cluster-type=target \
--client-certificate-authority=$HOME/.airship/ca/ \
# Disable certificate checking for the target exampleCluster
airshipctl config set-cluster exampleCluster
--cluster-type=target \
# Configure client certificate for the target exampleCluster
airshipctl config set-cluster exampleCluster \
--cluster-type=target \
--embed-certs \
### Options
--certificate-authority string path to a certificate authority
--cluster-type string the type of the cluster to add or modify
--embed-certs if set, embed the client certificate/key into the cluster
-h, --help help for set-cluster
--insecure-skip-tls-verify if set, disable certificate checking (default true)
--server string server to use for the cluster
### Options inherited from parent commands
--airshipconf string Path to file for airshipctl configuration. (default "$HOME/.airship/config")
--debug enable verbose output
--kubeconfig string Path to kubeconfig associated with airshipctl configuration. (default "$HOME/.airship/kubeconfig")
* [airshipctl config]( - Manage the airshipctl config file